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Eloisa A. Irasga
LPC/RTC Mariveles Instructor
Lesson 1
Communication Modes
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to
1. identify the various communication modes and its functions in expressing
communicative intent;
2. show the importance of the forms of communication in targeting different types of
audiences in local and global setting;
3. determine the differences between and among the communication modes; and
4. use the communication modes appropriately depending on the context of the
communication situation.
How do you think has communication mode
changed or improved overtime?
What modes are now being utilized and
which were not present before?
What are the advantage and disadvantages of
each mode?
After learning the communication types in the previous lesson, this chapter focuses on
communication mode. The lesson will allow you to achieve good communication skills.
Communication Modes
The channel through which one expresses his/her communicative intent is called
Communication Mode. It is also the medium through which one expresses his/her thoughts.
There are forms of communication modes namely face-to-face interaction, video,
audio-based, and text-based.
1. Face-to-face interaction – this is the most
common of all these modes. It is an informal or
casual conversation between to or more people.
Usually, its aim is to establish or maintain
relationship among people. It is also a way to gain
acquaintances and friends. How to speak, what to
speak, when to speak and to who one is speaking
are all important considerations in building
2. Video – web cameras are used so that two or more
people who cannot interact face-to-face can
communicate. If there are no technical glitches
encountered, this could be a very effective mode of
communication especially for those who are
separated by distance.
3.Audio – audio means transmitted sound. Thus, in this
mode of communication, only the voice of the speaker is
heard. Ordinarily, someone’s voice is heard through the
telephone or answering machine when the other party is not
able to answer a call. The audio communication mode is
quite difficult especially if you are listening to people with
different accents.
4. Text-based Communication – this is the fourth and
last mode of communication. It could be email,
facsimile, text messaging, and instant messaging.
Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram offer text-based interaction. While textbased communication mode does not originally provide
video and audio benefits, it has a wider reach and can
disseminate information to a bigger audience
Task 2.1.1 Face-to-face Interaction
Form yourselves into groups of three members. Role-play any of the following
situations and show how you can initiate a conversation with the stranger or strangers.
1. You are about to have a job interview. When you arrive at the place, there’s a long file
of applicants. You want to talk to the other applicants to arrest your fear and boredom.
How will you start your conversation?
2. It is your first time to fly to a foreign country and the trip takes about eight hours. You
want to know how to get to your destination airport. You are fortunate to be seated
beside a foreign national. He is not so proficient in English and you have difficulty
understanding his accent. How will you start your conversation with him?
Task 2.1.2 Video as a Mode of Communication
View a video conference from the YouTube titled “A video conference call in real life” by
Tripp and Tyler (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMOOG7rWTPg). Then answer, the
following questions.
1. What was the topic of the video conference?
2. Who were the participants? Where were they from?
3. How was the flow of the video conference?
Did they experience technical glitches? How did they resolve it?
5. After watching the video conference, what are the limitation of this mode of
Task 2.1.3 Audio
Listen to the recorded conversation your teacher will play. Identify who is the caller and the
callee and analyze the context of the conversation. Provide the details of the conversation by
filling in the table below
Variety of
English Used
English Used
Task 2.1.4 Text-Based Communication (Individual Task)
Identify the text-based communication mode that best suits the following situations. Explain
why it is your answer.
1. Disseminating information about the change in examination schedule
2. Providing information about the latest school policy on conducting interviews of
university officials.
3. Explaining why the student failed in the test.
4. Expressing apology for a grave shortcoming.
5. Inviting someone to attend your lecture forum
6. Explaining why you failed to attend class activity.
7. Inviting classmates to join the community service program for Aetas in Kinaragan.
8. Informing schoolmates about the cancellation of classes due to a typhoon.
9. Announcing the award granted by an international organization to a teacher.
10. Reprimanding a male student for keeping an adult magazine.
1. What are the different types of communication mode and how do they differ from each
2. What are the other forms or mode of communication that have not been discussed and
which have recently become a part of virtual communication technology?
3. Explain Diana Wheatley’s quote and give one illustration:
“Meaning is made in conversation,
Reality is created in communication,
And knowledge is generated through social interaction…
Language is the vehicle through which we create our understanding
of the world.
4. As a speaker of English as a second language, what can you say about the difficulty of
other speakers in understanding the Philippine English variety that you use?
5. With the advent of computer-mediated communication (CMC), how can you be more
responsible with what you post in your account as a way of conveying messages to the
Lesson 2
Communication and Technology
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. identify the positive and negative dimension of the use of technology in
2. demonstrate your knowledge about the use of social media in Asia and in the rest of
the world; and
3. convey an idea or deliver a message for aa variety of audiences using the most
appropriate technological tool.
Study the pictures above. In group discuss the following questions:
1. What ideas about technology do the pictures present?
2. From the pictures, present your idea about the positive and negative effect of
Allow the students to present their ideas in the class.
Pinoys top social media users, according to study
By Miguel R. Camus (2017)
(1) Filipinos spend more time on social media sites than anyone else in the world, going
online roughly four hours and 17 minutes a day, according to a report released on
(2) Filipinos spend most of their online time on sites such as Facebook, Snapchat and
Twitter, said the report, called Digital in 2007, and prepared by social media platform
Hootsuite and United Kingdom-based consultancy We Are Social Ltd.
(3) Brazilians and Argentinians followed closely behind, spending three hours and 43
minutes and three hours and 32 minutes on social media, respectively, the report said.
(4) The United States, where many of these social media players were founded, is among
the bottom half, with Americans spending an average of just two hours and six
seconds per day. The least active were the Japanese, who log on an average of just 40
minutes daily.
(5) “It’s probably due to the same cultural dynamics that made us the text messaging
capital of the world,” said Ramon Isberto, spokesperson for telecoms giant PLDT and
Smart, referring to mobile phone text messaging in the past decade that is now giving
way to internet-based applications.
(6) “Filipinos like to keep in touch,” Isberto said.
(7) The Philippines’ social media usage was in stark contrast to its internet speed. Fixedbroadband speed here is among the slowest in Asia-Pacific, while mobile connections
are among the fastest, according to the most recent Akamai report.
(8) There appeared to be a relationship between poor fixed-broadband speed and time
spent on social media.
(9) The Philippines, Brazil and Argentina have an average fixed-line broadband speed of
4.2 megabits per second (mbps), 5.5 mbps and 5 mbps, respectively.
The fastest was South Korea, with 26.3 mbps, and its citizens just spend about 1
hour and 11 minutes a day on social media.
According to the report, the Philippines’ internet and social media users grew by
over 25 percent, up 13 million and 12 million over last year, respectively.
Mobile was also a fast-growing platform, accounting for 38 percent of all Web
traffic in the country, up almost a third over 2016.
The Philippines, so far, had a social media penetration rate of 58 percent, higher
than the average of 47 percent in Southeast Asia.
Around the world, internet users grew 10 percent, or an additional 354 million
people, while active social media users jumped 21 percent, or an additional 482
Global active netizens using mobile phones and other devices surged 30
percent, or another 581 million people.
The total internet penetration rate stood at 50 percent, or 3.77 billion people, the
report showed.
“Half of the world’s population is now online, which is a testament to the speed
with which digital connectivity is helping to improve people’s lives,” said Simon
Kemp, a consultant at We Are Social.
“The increase in internet users in developing economies is particularly
encouraging,” Kemp added.
The report compiles data from the world’s largest studies of online behavior,
conducted by organizations including GlobalWebIndex, GSMA Intelligence, Statista,
and Akamai in “a comprehensive state” of social media reference.
The 2016 report has been downloaded 70,000 times and read 2.5 million times
on SlideShare so far.
Comprehension Questions:
1. How much time is spent on social media sites by Filipinos? Japanese? Brazilian?
Americans? Argentinians?
2. What conclusion can you draw from your answer in no. 1
3. How would you compare the Internet speed in the Philippines with that in Brazil?
Argentina? South Korea?
4. What conclusions can you draw from your answer in no. 3?
5. The author claims that global Internet use is on the rise. What facts does the author
provide to support this claim?
Task 2.2.1
Form a group of three to four members. Research and conduct interview that will help
you generate data and information about the various forms of communication, and advantages
and disadvantages of using these forms. The group may be formed are as follows:
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7
Group 8
Telegrams (telegraph messages)
Handwritten letters or messages
Typewritten letters or messages
E-mail messages
Text (or SMS) messages
Facebook post
Instagram post
Report your findings through oral presentation.
Take down notes from the oral presentation of the other groups. Use the table below.
Forms of
letters or
letters or messages
E-mail messages
Text (or SMS)
Primary Use
Facebook post
Instagram post
Deepening Activity
Reflect on your own use of social media. In what ways have you made good use of social
media? In what ways have you done harm to yourself or others through social media? Share
your answers with the class.
Now that you are more informed about the use of technology for communication, rate yourself
on the following practices. Use the table below your self-rating.
Communication practices
Whenever I make a public post on social
media, I first review the content and
language of my post. I will “think before I
In using technology when communicating
a message, I am mindful of the strengths
and weaknesses of the tool I am using.
In using technology when communicating
a message, I vary the language depending
on the tool I use.
Although I value communication
technology, I also spend time for face-toface interaction with people.
In using technology when communicating
a message, I respect the privacy of
individuals concerned in the message.
Not sure
1. With the rapid rise and spread of internet connectivity, the old forms of communication
have given way to new ones that make communication easier and faster.
2. Technology tools in communication such as social networking sites, for example, are
used to connect to distant family and relatives or old friends, to meet new ones, or to
share the most trivial to the most important information or ideas.
3. Each tool has its own strengths and weaknesses. Whatever tool is used, it is important
to always be responsible in conveying ideas or delivering messages.
Camus, Miguel. 2017. Pinoy’s Top Social Media Users, According to Study.
Inquirer. Retrieved from https://technology.inquirer.net/58117/pinoys-top-socialmedia-users-according-study.
Culthro Time. 2014. The Power of Today’s Technology. Retrieved from
https://mendozasinghsolis.blogspot.com/2014/04/the-filipino-family-of-2014-powerof.html. Date Retrieved January 3, 2022.
DeanLong. 2021. Retrieved from https://www.deanlong.io/blog/integrated-marketingcommunication-beginner-guide. Date Retrieved January 3, 2022.
Hassan, Mohamed. nd. Retrieved from
&utm_source=pxhere. Date Retrieved January 3, 2022.
Madrunio, M.R & Martin, I.P. 2018. Purposive Communication Using English in
Multilingual Contexts. C & E Publishing Inc.
Pixabay. nd. Retrieved from https://pixabay.com/illustrations/man-woman-communicationat-white-2750045/. Date Retrieved January 3, 2022.
The Express Tribune. 2019. Protect Children from Negative effects of Technology. Retrieved
Woodford, Chris. 2021. Technology Timeline. Retrieved from
WordPress.com. 2021. Positive and Negative Impact of Technological Development.
Retrieved from https://redikar.wordpress.com/tag/technology/.