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Human Growth & Development Lesson 6 Assignment Worksheet- 70 points
Key Terms
coercion- one partner forces an involuntary act by the use of intimidation, threats, force or other forms
of pressure
emotional abuse- systematic attempt to destroy a person’s self-worth through the use of name-calling
and putdowns. It can also include the silent treatment, withholding affection, and humiliation
(internet) exploitation/predation- form of emotional and verbal abuse that takes place on the Internet
Intimidation- form of verbal and emotional abuse that includes putting the other person in fear by looks,
actions, gestures, using profanity, a loud voice, or by breaking or throwing things
Isolation- form of emotional abuse that includes the use of various means by one person to control and
decrease the other’s contact and relationships with friends or family. This is often described as
possessiveness, smothering, or jealousy
physical abuse- physical violence of all kinds, including slapping, hitting, beating or the use of weapons
rape- forced sexual intercourse
sexual abuse- unwanted sexual activity
sexual assault- any sexual contact that is forced upon a person without his or her consent or that an
unwilling person is forced to perform on someone else
sexual consent- voluntary and clear permission to engage in sexual activity
sexual harassment- any unwanted sexual advances, which may include intimidation, threats, economic
abuse, and physical touch, that occurs in the workplace or education setting
teen sex trafficking- the manipulation or forcing of anyone under the age of 18 to participate in
commercial sex
verbal abuse- the use of language to manipulate, control, ridicule, insult, humiliate, belittle, vilify, and
show disrespect and disdain to another
1. What is your reaction to learning that 10.6% of students have been the victims
of dating violence?
2. Give an example for each type of abuse below:
economic abuse
f) coercion/coercive behaviors/control
g) physical abuse
h) sexual abuse
i) internet exploitation/predation
j) sexual assault
k) sexual harassment
l) rape
Human Growth & Development Lesson 6 Assignment Worksheet- 70 points
m) stealthing
3. What is dating violence?
(12 Sexual Consent
4. Clearly agree to engage in sexual activity with another person – Says
5. Cannot be the result of
6. Consent to one type of activity or to previous activity _______________ mean
consent for other or future sexual activity
7. Not ok to initiate sexual activity with a person who
8. _________________ does not mean consent
9. _________________ does not mean consent
(12 Preventing Teen Sex Traffickingpoints)
10.According to the video, what is the personal characteristic that is the biggest
protective factor against becoming a victim of sex trafficking?
11.What is self-esteem?
12.How do you know that someone has high self-esteem?
13.How do you know that someone has low self-esteem?
14.How does having high self-esteem help a person to remain safe?
15.How would an abuser know someone has low self-esteem?
16.In the video segment on self-esteem, the former trafficker says, “You get to
where you need to be off your morals, your principles, and your values and
knowing who you are inside.” Think about what your morals, principles, and
values are. Write or illustrate who you are inside and how knowing yourself
can help protect you from abusive situations.
Human Growth & Development Lesson 6 Assignment Worksheet- 70 points
17.What can teenagers and young adults do to promote healthy and safe
relationships with their peers?