Uploaded by Aaron Salazar

ECEN 460 Power System Operation & Control Course Overview

ECEN 460
Power System Operation & Control
About me
 BS and MS from S. Korea and PhD from UIUC in 2017
 Post doctoral researcher/instructor at TAMU in 2018/2019
 Full time lecturer from 2019
 Research area in electric power systems
o Power system modeling and analysis
o Equivalent power systems
o Evaluation power system inertia
o Power system restoration
o Renewable energy
 Lectures in ETB 1037
o MWF 10:20 am – 11:10 am
o https://tamu.zoom.us/j/97542233917 for those who cannot join in-person
o Recorded lectures will be available on Canvas
 Labs in ZACH 230
Sec 501
Sec 502
Sec 503
Sec 504
Sec 505
Sec 506
W 08:00 am – 09:50 am
F 11:30 am – 01:20 pm
F 01:30 pm – 03:20 pm
F 04:10 pm – 06:00 pm
T 11:10 am – 01:00 pm
T 08:00 am – 09:50 am
Instruction team
 Instructor
o Dr. Won Jang <wjang777@tamu.edu>
o Office hours: W 12:30 – 2:30 pm in WEB 3010MD or email-arranged appointment
 TAs
o Pooria Dehghanian <pooria.dehghanian@tamu.edu>
 Sec 503, 504 & 505
 Office hours: R 03:00 pm – 05:00 pm in WEB 308A
o Yousef Abu-Khalifa <yousefak7@tamu.edu>
 Sec 501, 502 & 506
 Office hours: R 02:30 pm – 04:30 pm in WEB 308J
o In charge of hosting labs and grading lab reports
 Grader
o Deepanshu Dewangan <ddewangan@tamu.edu>
o In charge of HWs and quizzes
About the Course
 Complementary with ECEN 459 but more focus on steady state operation
of the grid
 Topics
o Three phase circuits
o Modelling of transmission lines, transformers, generators and loads
o Per unit system
o Power flow
o Economic dispatch
o Power system stability
o Power system control
Jan. 19
Intro, Phasors, and Complex power (Ch.1,2)
Jan. 24
Three-phase system (Ch.2)
Jan. 31
Modeling of transmission lines/transformers
PU system (Ch.3,4,5)
Lab #1
Feb. 07
Modeling of generators/loads (Ch.6)
Lab #2
Feb. 14
Bus admittance matrix
Power flow formulation (Ch.6)
Lab #3
Feb. 21
Mid 1: Feb. 25th (Fri)
Feb. 28
Power flow solution methods (Ch.6)
Lab #4
Mar. 07
Large system studies (Ch.6)
Lab #5
Mar. 14
Spring Break
Mar. 21
Economic dispatch (Ch.6)
Lab #6
Mar. 28
Optimal power flow
Security-constraint optimal power flow (Ch.6)
Lab #7
Apr. 04
Mid 2: Apr. 8th (Fri)
Apr. 11
Power system stability (Ch.11)
Reading day: Apr. 15th (Fri)
Lab #8
Apr. 18
Power system stability (Ch.11)
Lab #9
Apr. 25
Power system control (Ch.12)
Lab #10
May. 02
Emerging topics
Redefined day: May. 3rd (Tue)
Final: May. 9th (Mon) 8:00 am – 10:00 am
Textbook and/or Resource Material
 Required
o Glover, Overbye & Sarma, Power Systems Analysis and Design, 6th Edition, Cengage
Learning, 2016
 Optional
o A. Bergen and V. Vittal, Power System Analysis, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1999
Grading Policies
 Homework 15%
o Will be posted on Fri/Sat and due by the following week Fri. for 100%, Sat. for 80%
and Sun. for 60%
 Quizzes 5%
o About a week before each exam
 Lab reports 20%
o Will be given about a week to turn it in
 Midterm exams 40% (20% each)
 Comprehensive final exam 20%
 Grades will be available on Canvas
 Scale
o A = 90-100; B = 80-89; C = 70-79; D = 60-69; F <60
 Attendance 2% for those who attend in-person
o From 2nd week of the semester
o 10:20 am – 10:35 am for 100%
o 10:35 am – 10:50 am for 80%
 Mini presentation about your work experience in power/energy area
o 5~6 min of presentation with 1~2 min of Q&A
o Lowest lab will be dropped
 Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC) 2022
o Feb. 28th ~ Mar. 1st
o Attend a paper session or a plenary session and submit a summary (w/ selfie)
o Lowest HW will be dropped
 Software
o PowerWorld Simulator (edu. version and book example cases)
 Available on lab computers
 Free to down at https://www.powerworld.com/gloveroverbyesarma
o Matlab
 Available on lab computers
 Free to download from Software Center at https://software.tamu.edu/
 Safety and lab operation
o No food and drinks in the labs
o All lab users are required to have standard attire and bring their own PPE,
which include long pants that cover shoes openings, sleeved shirts, closed shoes,
safety glasses (in designated areas) and lab coats (if handling chemicals).
 TAs will make iLab reservation
Student Introductions
 Fill out the Intro form
o Link to the form is under Assignment on Canvas
o https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10nHu88Q4vb0lnoFBYBha6kBcIfnHZ1nRv6lx
o Name
o Major/areas of interest
o Any power courses taken
o Work experience in power/energy area? If so which company?
Keys to Success
 Come to class on time
 Actively engage with the instructor and classmates
 Start homework early so you have time to ask questions and get help
 Form a study group or work together
 Get a good night’s sleep
 Don’t be afraid to speak up if you don’t understand something (you’re often
in good company)
 Make use of Canvas discussion boards and study groups
 Meet the students next to you now