This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination. IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS 1 A Novel Compact Butler Matrix Without Phase Shifter Ge Tian, Jin-Ping Yang, and Wen Wu Abstract—A novel compact 4 4 Butler matrix using only microstrip couplers and a crossover is proposed in this letter. Compared with the conventional Butler matrix, the proposed one avoids the interconnecting mismatch loss and imbalanced amplitude introduced by the phase shifter. The measurements show accurate with an ampliphase differences of and tude imbalance less than 0.4 dB. The 10 dB return loss bandwidth is 20.1%. Index Terms—Butler matrix, coupler, phase shifter. I. INTRODUCTION M ULTIPLE-BEAM antenna technology is an attractive candidate for mobile and satellite communication systems [1]. The Butler matrix is used as beam-forming network for a multiple-beam antenna system due to its simplicity and low power loss [2]–[5]. A lumped-element unit cell is used to realize a compact Butler matrix with a strong size reduction in [2]. In [3], a Butler matrix is proposed using slotline technology and lumped elements. However, the phase and amplitude performance of these Butler matrices are influenced by the effect of the lumped elements. In [4], a classical branch-line coupler and a Schiffman phase shifter are used to build a Butler matrix. A composite right/left handed transmission line is applied to engineer a Butler matrix in [5]. This novel transmission line is composed of a Wunderlich-shaped dentiform capacitor and a meandered-line short-circuited stub inductor. However, phase shifters and lumped elements in the above Butler matrices usually degrade the performance. In order to get a better performance, a novel 4 4 Butler matrix employing only microstrip couplers and a crossover is proposed in this letter. With the help of a phase difference coupler, the phase shifter is not needed in this Butler matrix. Cross-slot patch couplers are used because they have advantages of miniaturized size and lower radiation loss [6]. This Butler matrix is designed, fabricated, and measured for verification. Further more, it is connected to a patch array antenna to demonstrate its performance as a beam-forming network. Manuscript received October 22, 2013; accepted February 01, 2014. G. Tian and W. Wu are with the Ministerial Key Laboratory of JGMT, School of Electronic Engineering and Optoelectronic Technology, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China. J.-P. Yang is with the Key Lab of Radio Astronomy, Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS, Nanjing, China. Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LMWC.2014.2306898 Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed Butler matrix. TABLE I PHASE RELATIONS OF COUPLERS WITH AND PHASE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN OUTPUTS II. DESIGN OF NOVEL BUTLER MATRIX The 4 4 Butler matrix has four input ports and four output ports. As different input ports are excited, the Butler matrix provides four output signals with equal amplitude and phase differences of 45 , , 135 , and , respectively. As a consequence, four beams with different directions are obtained, one for each input. The proposed Butler matrix is shown in Fig. 1. It contains couplers with and phase difference and a crossover. The phase relations of the couplers are listed in Table I. It is noted that, this novel Butler matrix employs a coupler replacing the combination of quadrature coupler and phase shifter in the conventional Butler matrix. When the signal is excited on Port1, it goes through the path of A-B-C-D to Port5 with 135 phase shift. Similarly, a phase shift of 90 is realized between Port1 and Port6, when the signal goes through the path of A-F-G-H. Also the signal goes through the path of A-B-C-E to support a phase shift of 45 between Port1 and Port7. The phase shift between Port1 and Port8 is 0 , when the signal goes through the path of 1531-1309 © 2014 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/ redistribution requies IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination. 2 IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS TABLE II THE PHASE RELATIONS OF THE BUTLER MATRIX Fig. 2. (a) Structure of coupler with phase difference between outputs. phase difference between outputs. (b) Structure of coupler with TABLE III PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OF COUPLERS WITH AND PHASE DIFFERENCES A-F-G-I. Thus the phase difference between the output ports is 45 . When the signal is excited on other input ports, the phase shifts between the input ports and output ports can be calculated in the similar way. The phase relations of the proposed Butler matrix are listed in Table II. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Fig. 3. Simulated and measured S-magnitudes of the proposed Butler matrix. The Butler matrix is fabricated on Rogers RO4003 substrate with a dielectric constant of 3.55 and a thickness of 0.813 mm. Simulations are carried out with CST Microwave Studio and the target frequency is 6 GHz. A cross-slot patch coupler and a crossover in [7] are used to compose this Butler matrix. As shown in Fig. 2(a), the structure of the coupler takes the form of a chamfer patch, which is etched by a pair of dumb-bell slots. A square patch with crossed slots for the coupler is shown in Fig. 2(b). Their physical dimensions are listed in Table III. As shown in Fig. 1, the input Port3 and Port2 are symmetric, and so are input Port4 and Port1. Thus, only the characteristics for exciting Port1 and Port2 are shown in this letter. Fig. 3 shows the simulated and measured S-magnitudes of the Butler matrix. When Port1 is excited, the transmission characteristics are , , and at the target frequency. When Port2 is excited, the transmission characteristics are , , and . The return loss is greater than 24.1 dB and isolation is greater than 21.4 dB at the target frequency. The This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination. TIAN et al.: A NOVEL COMPACT BUTLER MATRIX WITHOUT PHASE SHIFTER 3 Fig. 6. Radiation pattern of the proposed Butler matrix connected to a patch array antenna. Fig. 4. Simulated and measured phase differences of the Butler matrix. TABLE IV COMPARISON OF PERFORMANCE OF BUTLER MATRICES Table IV compares the performance of the proposed Butler matrix with several previous Butler matrices. The proposed one has the widest 10 dB return loss bandwidth among the Butler matrices, with minimum phase error and amplitude imbalance. Fig. 5 shows the photograph of the fabricated Butler matrix. The proposed Butler matrix is connected to a patch array antenna to demonstrate its performance as a beam-forming network. Four patches of the array antenna are placed with a distance of ( is wavelength at ). The simulated and measured radiation patterns are shown in Fig. 6. The measured beam directions are at , , 43.8 , (theoretical beam directions are 14.5 , , 48.6 , ). IV. CONCLUSION In this letter, a novel 4 4 Butler matrix is proposed by employing couplers with and phase differences. A phase shifter is not needed in this Butler matrix as in conventional ones. As expected, this novel Butler matrix allows for significant improvement of phase and amplitude performance in a compact topology. REFERENCES Fig. 5. Photograph of the fabricated Butler matrix. 10 dB return loss bandwidth is 20.1% and the 3 dB transmission bandwidth is 24.4% (bandwidth with transmission characteristic between 6 dB and 9 dB). Fig. 4 shows the simulated and measured phase differences of the Butler matrix. By feeding signal at Port1 and Port2, the measured phase differences of and are obtained with an amplitude imbalance of less than 0.4 dB. Thus, the overall phase error is less than 0.9 at the target frequency. [1] S. Egami and M. Kawai, “An adaptive multiple beam system concept,” IEEE J. Select. Areas Comm., vol. 5, pp. 630–636, May 1987. [2] E. Gandini, M. Ettorre, R. Sauleau, and A. Grbic, “A lumped-element unit cell for beam-forming networks and its application to a miniaturized Butler matrix,” IEEE Trans. Microw. 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