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Professional Education Exam

Professional Education
1. Which of the following is true of the teaching profession?
a. Noblest Profession
b. Highest paid profession
c. Most lucrative profession
d. Highest level of public service
2. It is responsibility of every teacher to undergo annual medical check-up in the interest of
the _______.
School and community
a. III only
c. I and II only
b. I only
d. I,II and III
3. Teacher Bianca told her students” look class, you were made in such a way that your
ear is above your heart.” Which statements logically follows?
a. Your emotions should be controlled by your reason.
b. Your head should govern you heart
c. Your head should rule your heart
d. Suppress your feelings and emotions
4. Teacher Elena stopped giving group work after she observed group members leave the
work to group leaders. What specific principle of learning should urge teacher Elena to
revive and guide students on group activities?
a. Learning is a discovery of ideas
b. Learning is an active process
c. Learning is a collaborative process
d. Learning starts with clear expectations and outcomes
5. Which instructional activities may serve to reflect the teacher’s philosophy in teaching?
Setting of learning outcomes
Choices of teaching methods
Engaging in routine activities
a. I only
c. I and II
b. II and III
d. I and III
6. Which of the following planned routine activity can teacher Jean effectively apply in order
to enrich her literature lesson on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet?
a. Going on field trip
c. Posting Facebook page
b. Viewing a related film
d. Writing essays
7. Which of the following best implements research-based learning?
a. Information data gathering
c. Intensive seat work
b. Powerpoint instruction
d. Whole class lecture
8. These are issues discussed in a Global Classroom, but NOT to include _______.
a. Climate changes
b. National heroes
c. Cultural diversity
d. Sustainable development goals
9. Who is excluded in the definition of professional teacher in the Code of Ethics?
a. The Librarian
b. The Principal
c. The School Division Superintendent
d. The Master Teacher
10. In the problem solving method of teaching. Which is the primary role of the teacher?
a. Lecturer
c. Director
b. Clarifier
d. Judge
11. Which is understood by an eye wink, simple nodding of a head, or wave of a hand?
a. To monitor one’s own behavior
b. To keep an open mind
c. To engage in socio-civic projects
d. To be tolerant of others
12. In what situations may as teacher NOT repeated a question
a. When a teacher is dictating a question
b. When a teacher is in a large room with poor acoustics
c. When the question is multi-faceted
d. When an inattentive student fails to get the question
13. How are books, magazines, journals and manuals classified?
a. Print materials
b. Supplementary media
c. Audio-visuals
d. Atlas
14. Which of the following is an acceptable initiative conducive to the teacher’s making a
difference in the achievement of new generations of the country’s youth?
a. Greatest prestige in the community
b. Wearing of distinctive teacher’s uniform
c. Highest pay in the country
d. Quality teacher preparation
15. In introducing a new lesson, what is important to consider by way of lesson continuity.
a. Relate new ideas to past lesson
b. Have a pre-test for new lesson
c. Introduce new lesson
d. Prepare new audio visuals.
16. For meaningful teaching, boundaries among disciplines should be lesser and so a topic
must be a target from multi-perspective, which among teaching approach should be
used then?
a. Integration
c. Reflection
b. Constructive
d. Collaboration
17. A teacher discovers that a product of a certain bottling company brings about damage
teeth. Much as he wants to share the product of his research, he could not because of
harassment from all sides. Which teacher’s right is violated?
a. Academic freedom
c. Right to property
b. Right to one’s honor
d. Right to make livelihood
18. When teachers are convinced that it is best to teach students the skill to adapt to change
since change is the only thing permanent in this world, they subscribed to the philosophy
of _______.
a. Existentialism
c. Idealism
b. Pragmatism
d. Realism
19. Education in human rights starts with ______.
a. Loving the other
b. Respect towards the other
c. Liking the other
d. Caring for the other
20. Owing to issues in friendship, family ties, gender rights, etc.________ is a valuerichsubject that provides a wide opportunity for value formation of learners.
a. Islamic studies
c. Social science
b. English
d. Filipino
21. In doing research, what will support a conclusion of a study so that it can be valid and
a. Factual evidence
c. Implications
b. Hypothesis
d. Assumptions
22. One cognitive advancement in adolescence is metacognition, what does metacognition
a. Ability to identify one’s own thinking process and strategies
b. Ability to recall and explain
c. Ability to analyze and synthesize
d. Ability to do problem solving
23. Teacher Mari wants to evaluate an issue by having the group act out of jury trial . which
techniques will she employ?
a. Majority-rule decision making
b. Simulation
c. Critiquing
d. Panel
24. Teacher Karen delegates some of her responsibilities to the whole class. She assigns
separate student monitors for attendance, classroom cleaning, and distribution of
learning materials, in which aspect is she good?
a. Instructional planning
b. Value development
c. Classroom management
d. Classroom teaching
25. Which is NOT a characteristic behavior of teachers who equate true authority with
a. The provoke others
b. They dominate others
c. They antagonize others
d. They develop self-respect in the individual
26. Which literacy is referred as a core skill in the 21st century essential in developing the
ability to work well with others by tapping on each other talents and skills?
a. Critical thinking
b. Creativity
c. Collaboration
d. Citizenship
27. “What I hear, I forgot. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand. “this means that
pupils learn best when they ______.
a. Learn independently
b. Watch television
c. Work with groups
d. Take active part in the learning process
28. What special learning program aids students who can’t read?
a. Phonetics program
b. Literacy program
c. Language program
d. Reading program
29. Teacher Rina was assigned by her peer teacher to make a power-point presentation to a
large combined class for a research paper of the drug use menace in schools. The
________ seating pattern can be adopted effectively.
a. Horseshoe pattern
b. Rectangular pattern
c. Circular pattern
d. Traditional formal pattern
30. Which country issues a teacher’s license through the professional regulation
a. Philippines
b. Indonesia
c. Thailand
d. Singapore
31. Through what are the vision-mission-goals of schools concretized in the day-to-day life
in the school?
a. Instructional materials
c. Modes of assessments
b. Instructional activities
d. Support services
32. Which of the ASEAN member countries, gives highest teacher salary?
a. Singapore
c. Brunei
b. Philippines
d. Malaysia
33. According to the Global Teacher Status Index, from country have the teachers the
greatest respect from students?
a. China
c. Greece
b. Finland
d. New Zealand
34. What does a philosophy of education provide for the school agenda and those benefit
from educational work?
a. Values
c. Goals
b. Vision
d. Curriculum
35. The concept of globalization came about in recent years because the world has become
borderless primarily due to __________.
a. Advance in technology
b. Teacher exchange programs
c. Use of English as a medium of teaching
d. ASEAN integration
36. Teacher Dada’s lesson was on “what can do to arrest climate change”. She made
students do the talking, the arguing, the synthesizing. She gave her lecturette after
students have participated in the lively discussion. Which teaching approach did Teacher
Dada employ?
a. Activity-centered approach
b. Learner-centered approach
c. Teacher-centered approach
d. Subject matter-centered approach
37. You are required to formulate your own philosophy of education in the course, the
Teaching Profession. Based on Blooms revised taxonomy, in which level of cognitive
processing are you?
a. Applying
c. Creating
b. Evaluating
d. Analyzing
38. Teacher Beth avoids giving out-of-context drills. Instead she makes use of real-world
problems for her students to solve. Doing so makes Teacher Beth_______.
a. Reflective
b. Constructivist
c. Developmentally appropriate
d. Inquiry- based
39. For meaningful teaching and learning, it is best to connect the lesson to the life of
students by integrating a relevant value in the lesson. Which principle is applied?
a. Lesson objectives/ intended learning outcomes must integrate 2 or 3 domains
cognitive, skill and affective or cognitive and affective or skill and affective.
b. Write SMART lesson objectives/ intended learning outcomes.
c. Begins with end in mind
d. Share lesson objectives/ intended learning outcomes with students.
40. It is less interactive and requires relatively shorter period of time cover content. Which
teaching method is described?
a. Both inductive and deductive
b. Inductive
c. Both but more deductive
d. Deductive
41. If a child was raised by authoritative parents, how will most likely will he/she behave in
a. Has low level of independence
b. Relates well to classmates
c. Is suspicious of others
d. Quarries often with classmates
42. A question is raised by one student. You don’t answer it but throw back the question to
the class. Which is this reacting behavior?
a. Providing corrective feedback
b. Redirecting the question
c. Soliciting students’ question
d. Asking follow up question
43. Teacher Rose believes that students need not know the intended learning outcome of
her lesson. She proceeds to her learning activities at once without letting them know
what they are supposed to learn for the day. Which principle of learning does Teacher
Rose negate?
a. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process.
b. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas
c. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes.
d. Learning is an active process.
44. The subject matter is the ASEAN Qualification Framework (AQRF). The Asian History
teacher teams up with the Economics teacher, the Professional Education teacher for a
through discussion of AQRF from the perspective of other disciplines. Which describes
the Asian History teacher’s pedagogical approach?
a. Integrated
b. Reflective
c. Constructivist
d. Inquiry-based
45. In order for the students to clearly understand the structure and content of the teacher’s
presentation, the teacher should have_________.
a. A short conclusion
b. A short preview
c. A summary
d. Several years of experience as presenter
46. As a future teacher, one should be mindful that the learners in the 21st century are
characterized by__________.
a. Initiative and self-direction
b. Rigidity of thinking
c. Control and single mindedness
d. Individualism
47. In order to have an effective teaching and learning, there must be an adequate utilization
of learning materials. What type curriculum is this?
a. Curriculum development is a cooperative group activity.
b. Curriculum changes made earlier can exist concurrently with newer curriculum
c. Curriculum development starts from where the curriculum is.
d. Curriculum design should always be SMART.
48. Which of the Pillars of learning is being described by the phrase” unity in diversity”?
a. Learning to live together
b. Learning to do
c. Learning to know
d. Learning to be
49. Teacher Abi demonstrates how to work with a math app that provides practice in adding
mixed fractions. The students then work independently with the app to provide them
sufficient practice in adding mixed fraction. This shows technology integration which
sufficient practice in adding mixed fraction. This shows technology integration which is
a. Transformation- active
b. Entry-active
c. Adoption-active
d. Infusion-active
50. Ordinary people consider curriculum as __________.
A list of subjects
Courses to complete
Subjects to undertake
a. I,II and III
c. III only
b. I only
d. II only