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Accounting Information Systems: Trends & Issues Mind Map

Many traditional banks are supporte
rs and adopters of fintech, because i
t is easier to give digitally-minded cu
stomers what they want, while also
moving the industry forward and sta
ying relevant.
refers to any business that uses te
chnology to enhance or automate
financial services and processes.
utilizing machine learning algorithms, blockchain and
data science to do everything from process credit risk
s to run hedge funds.
How does it works?
1. Axiata Digital
2. TNG Digitsl
3. BigPay
4. CoinGecko
5. iPay88
Top 20 Malaysia Fintech
differs from a typical database in the way it stores
information; blockchains store data in blocks that
are then chained together
It is a specific type of database.
Many of the techniques and processes of data analytics have been automated into
mechanical processes and algorithms that work over raw data for human consumpti
on.Data analytics techniques can reveal trends and metrics that would otherwise be l
ost in the mass of information. This information can then be used to optimize proces
ses to increase the overall efficiency of a business or system.
1. MobiDev
2. eLuminous Technologies Pvt Ltd
3. NeelOpal Inc.
4. Talentica Software
5. UnicSoft
AI-based accounting software has already eased acc
ountants and financial professionals’ workload by equ
ipping them with intelligent tools to manage every acc
ounting task. AI helps analyze huge volumes of data
and generate more accurate analytics in quick time a
nd at a reduced cost.
Business leaders are now set free fro
m managing the IT infra. ‘U ptime, scal
ability, and security’ are the additional l
oads that obstructed their businesses.
Now the cloud is a real assurance and
opportunity for them.
Easy document sharing, real-time analytical data to aid bus
iness decisions, comprehensive reporting are important be
nefits that make a business to choose cloud-based accoun
ting software over its counterpart
As new data comes in it is entered into a fresh block. Onc
e the block is filled with data it is chained onto the previou
s block, which makes the data chained together in chronol
ogical order.
It's a concept that not only has th
e potential to impact how we live
but also how we work.
Increased cloud migration
Top Big Data Analytics Companies in Malaysia
Enhanced reliance on artificial intelligence
Automation and Artificial intelligence
Cloud accounting has saved businesses from substantial upf
ront costs for traditional in-house software. Accountants and
other professionals have instant access to their accounting d
ata creating a real-time workflow with increased efficiency sa
ving valuable time.
Predictions for Accounting Information Systems in 2020
and Beyond
Cloud Accounting
Data analytics’ impact on the accounting sector will b
e huge, and the demand for data specialists will rocke
teer. As data analytics helps identify operational ineffi
ciencies and manage risks better, more businesses w
ill invest in data analytics and help themselves with d
ata-backed decision-making capabilities.
Greater utilization of the internet
Growth in blockchain
accounting information systems may increasingly rely on vide
o conferencing to enhance transparency, productivity, and pro
vide clientele with a more interpersonal relationship with their
accountants, albeit virtually.
Better security protections
AIS software developers are poised to continue
to leverage the latest cybersecurity measures so
sensitive financial data stays out of the wrong h
This includes everything from cellphones, coffe
e makers, washing machines, headphones, lam
ps, wearable devices and almost anything else
you can think of.
A 2019 report from RightScale found 84% of enter
prises in America had a multi-cloud strategy. Cloud
adoption is this widespread because it makes it ea
sier to access data from virtually anywhere and se
AI-enhanced accounting information systems wi
ll likely become more commonplace, largely bec
ause of their ease of usage and accuracy, accor
ding to Forbes.
Because accounting work processes often invo
lve many different players all looking at the sa
me data, blockchain technology enables multip
le users to see figures all at once, including wh
en changes are made via manual entry or delet
ion. All of this is done in real time.
Different types of information can be stored on
a blockchain but the most common use so far h
as been as a ledger for transactions.
this is the concept of basically connecting any
device with an on and off switch to the Internet
(and/or to each other).
Numerous polls, including surveys from IBM and
McAfee, corroborate just how vast cloud computin
g has become, with the majority of enterprises no
w in the cloud.
Cloud-based accounting software has redefined t
he accountant’s flexibilities to work remotely and i
n real-time and continuously strive to automate ro
utines like data entry, invoice and vendor manage
ment, bank reconciliation, payroll, and much mor
e. This will eliminate human errors and save valua
ble time for business the invest on other fronts.
Integration with all the other business management app
lications is the crucial factor technology has added to th
e bookkeeping process. With a mobile phone, you can f
etch financial reports, manage invoices, pay your vendo
r bills, and still track them in your accounting books. Clo
ud accounting not only gives mobility but also provides
seamless integration that eliminates all the workflow pr
What is it?
Accountants seem to share this view, as 58% of a
ccountants strongly agreed with the notion that AI
will be a net positive for their company moving for
ward, according to a 2019 report on the accountin
g industry, conducted by Sage.
Unlike banking, which is increasingly done onli
ne with no direct interaction, accounting clients
often prefer conducting business face-to-face,
where they can actually see the people they’r e
dealing with.
AIS software will likely continue to take advantage of blockchain technology because
of the convenience it provides to users all while improving due diligence. In other wo
rds, since only those with access can see when data is adjusted or transactions are r
ecorded, no one has to make assumptions as to whether information is in the AIS pi
peline or is missing. This reduces guesswork and makes reconciliation more streamli
These efforts and features may include virus d
etection, firewalls, and tutorials that teach acco
untants basic best practices when inputting or
storing data.
It is the open international standard for digital business repor
ting, managed by a global not for profit consortium, XBRL Int
Data Analytics and Integration
XBRL provides a language in which reporting terms can be author
itatively defined. Those terms can then be used to uniquely repres
ent the contents of financial statements or other kinds of complian
ce, performance and business reports. XBRL lets reporting inform
ation move between organisations rapidly, accurately and digitall
Often termed “bar codes for reporting”, XBRL makes report
ing more accurate and more efficient. It allows unique tags
to be associated with reported facts, allowing
The change from paper, PDF and HTML based reports to XB
RL ones is a little bit like the change from film photography to
digital photography, or from paper maps to digital maps.
people publishing reports to do so with
confidence that the information contain
ed in them can be consumed and anal
ysed accurately
The new format allows you to do all the things that used to b
e possible, but also opens up a range of new capabilities bec
ause the information is clearly defined, platform-independent,
testable and digital. Just like digital maps, digital business re
ports, in XBRL format, simplify the way that people can use,
share, analyse and add value to the data.
people consuming reports to test them again
st a set of business and logical rules, in orde
r to capture and avoid mistakes at their sourc
AIS software providers that leverage video conf
erencing software can help to increase custom
er engagement and overall satisfaction.