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Creative Nonfiction Worksheet

This type of creative nonfiction focuses on travel: foods eaten along the way and maybe even snapshots of places.
This type of creative nonfiction may be a full-length version of a personal narrative, in that there is a focus on a
particular topic.
-True Narratives
Reporting is the act of delivering the news.
Reportage deals with news about famous political people.
Some reporters who remain in the studios do not apply this to their work.
Literary reportage is becoming more common these days.
This is another word for the act of reporting news.
Internal dialogues are reliable in creative nonfiction. (see paragraph 6)
Personal essays do not have to have a distinct plot but may still express an underlying story.
Reportage is the act of reporting the news.
Whose voice commands the reportage?
Literary journalism and literary reportage are basically the same thing.
People write this to record their innermost thoughts. Anne Frank was famous after death because of hers.
This type of creative nonfiction may be long or short, depending on how the writer recorded his thoughts in a scrap
book manner.
- Diaries and Notebooks
Literary reportage, to remain within the bounds of journalism, must steer away from sensationalism.
The paragraphs can be jumbled except for paragraph 1 and the last one and the story could still make sense.
Literary reportage is simply poetic and subjective reporting.
Literary reportage explores facts and applies not opinion, but a POV.
Blogs can earn as much as hundreds of thousands of US dollars a month.
Literary reportage has one source - the reporter itself.
To appreciate a work of creative nonfiction, you may seek out some supplementary readings.
According to her, she does not need to turn this off because she won't even be tempted to make use of it.
-Cellular phone
There are days when she does not feel creative.
Symbolism in creative nonfiction may make use of tangible objects to represent deeper, intangible concepts.
True crime is not creative nonfiction.
You should read creative nonfiction only once.
You will read the New Yorker article to answer questions 11 to 15:
The writer believes in chaotic creativity.
You should always be straightforward, thus not needing any symbolisms.
You must have a quote as your first sentence to catch the attention of readers.
Critics should always provide recommendations on how to improve the literary work.
A critic should be harsh to reflect the harsh realities of publication.
This is what you call your writing style, if readers can recognize your work even if your name is not found on the
Workshops are the best venues for critiquing beginners.
A personal essay can contain opinions.
These should populate the work, just like in a fictional work:
-Writing process
This part of a personal essay contains the whole point of the essay.
Double checking facts is a must.
The writer is a typical millennial in that she likes to use social media while writing.
All testimonials are paid.
Creative nonfiction is synonymous to true stories.
You should reflect on your reading afterwards.
Any type of peer exchange in critiquing is welcome.
Spelling and grammar may be checked by a word processor, but typos are identified by you yourself.
Any author's comparison with somebody else indirectly characterizes her - the author.
The thesis statement is found in the conclusion.
This type of creative nonfiction is full-length (cradle to the grave and is written by the subject itself.
-personal essay
The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion is a memoir.
Literary reportage is subjective, and can be poetic.
The Diary of Anne Frankis an essay.
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros is a memoir.
An argumentative essay is different in the sense that it is more focused on convincing the readers.
This type of creative nonfiction is a shorter piece of work that explores a topic that is dear to the writer.
-Personal essay
This is what you call the news when it is played via television or radio.
When she asked herself, "What would Carolina Herrera wear?" she is directly characterizing Carolina Herrera.
Decades ago, this type is hidden in secret, a treat between friends or lovers, even relatives.
Literary journalism is a form of creative nonfiction.
A personal essay is the only type of essay out there.
Any flash nonfiction is an essay.
All essays contain opinions.
A report on World War II is an essay.
Internal dialogues are always reliable in creative nonfiction.
Ticket to the Fair by David Foster Wallace is a literary journalistic work.
Literary journalism and literary reportage are synonymous.
A suitor's written discourse on his love, addressed to the beloved is a memoir.
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is, well, an autobiography.
Literary journalism makes use of these devices.
Both reportage and literary journalism rely on these, but go beyond what is said in the news.
Literary reportage explores the news through the immersion of a grounds reporter.
The reporter is able to draw this after collecting all the available data.
The last paragraph should wrap up the piece in a personal essay. A nonfiction memoir can deviate from the more
rigid style of wrapping up.
Poetic devices can provide rhythm to any literary piece.
An argumentative essay is a type of personal essay.
The first sentence provides a strong idea as to what the whole essay is about.
Reportage deals with news about famous celebrities.
Literary journalism can take the form of a whole book.
The prose poem belongs to this type of creative nonfiction.
-Lyric essay
Ernest Hemingway by Mary Dearborn is a biography.
Marrakech by George Orwell is a form of literary journalism.
Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow is a memoir.
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote is an example of literary journalism.
A treatise on health is a literary journalistic work.
The author's comparison with her mother indirectly characterizes her - the author.
Literary reportage takes one simple angle and explores it.
The last paragraph shows a triumphant main character.
This personal essay is a means of dissecting what the writer has just seen, heard, read, or experienced.
This part of a personal essay contains the thesis statement.
Reportage is synonymous to literary journalism.
"I tried to fit myself, as one cuts the cloth to a pattern" makes use of a metaphor.
This is the sentence in the first paragraph that contains the soul of the personal essay.
When an opinion is used in a creative nonfiction piece, it does not need to be backed up by facts.
She likes taking long walks in the afternoon.
What kind of plot should you avoid?
When you check the work on just how factual it is, you check its_____________
This verb is usually used in a religious context, but it is also used in distinguishing and determining good works:
You may discuss the work with somebody else who has read it already.
Only facts may be found in a creative nonfiction piece.
A true narrative is written using literary devices.
All true crime stories are not creative nonfiction.
Critics should provide comments on various aspects of the work.
These contents of your personal essay will keep your work accurate.
In nonfiction, you should always be straightforward, thus not needing any symbolisms.
This part of a personal essay contains the arguments and researched material.
Professional writers may benefit from expert critiquing.
An author showcases his opinions, not just facts, when describing other characters in his/her autobiography/memoir.
A true narrative may be written to entertain.
The second sentence usually directly supports the first sentence.
Testimonials may be faked.
This is a simple, no-nonsense word for recent events.
A personal essay can contain opinions.
The body of an essay can be the longest part.
These people should be highlighted in literary reportage.
A personal essay is always about yourself.
In nonfiction, the actions of the author can also characterize him/her.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid is an autobiography.
A whole paragraph may be used as an expository indirect characterization.
This type of creative nonfiction makes use of two juxtaposed words that are not normally used together.
The Death of a Moth by Virginia Woolf is an essay.
All nonfiction stories may contain minor subplots.
Reportage is often taught under this field of studies.
Some nonfiction works do not have dialogues at all.
Ticket to the Fair by David Foster Wallace is a form of literary journalism.
This personal essay promotes a product, service, or person.
This device can make the work feel deeper and more insightful.
This aspect of creative nonfiction is very difficult to recreate, and must be checked for authenticity of dialect, for
You enjoy the reading during your _______ round.