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Exam 4 Review

Exam 4 Review
Multiple Choice, 50 questions
Med-Surg Competency
Review water reabsorption by kidney (what causes more concentrated urine
or less concentrated urine)
Majority of reabsorption happens in the proximal convoluted tubule then returned
to circulation. Water intake = determines concentration. HIGH= dehydration,
diarrhea, or narrowing od kidney artery. LOW= too much fluid intake, diabetes
insipidus, kidney failure.
Review aspirin overdose in a child or adult CALL POISON CONTROL
CHILD-150mg toxicity s/sx is tinnitus, hyperventilation, vomiting, dehydration,
fever, double vision, feeling faint. Antidote is sodium bicarbonate.
Adult- 200-300mg/kg. same s/sx
The time is important of when people took the medication
Cells- smallest unit that makes up all living things. 3 layers are Nucleus (control
center contains DNA) cytoplasm (contains mitochondria, ribosomes, endoplasmic
reticulum, golgi apparatus, lysosomes, perxiosomes, cytoskeleton, centriole’s.
and plasma membrane (phospholipids- contains lipid proteins)
Elements- any substance that cant be decomposed into simpler substance by
ordinary chemical process.
Ions- Atom or molecule w/ electric charge due to the loss/gain of one or more
Molecules-group of atoms bonded together, smallest unit of a chemical
compound that takes part in chemical reactions.
Electrolytes dissolved in water turn into IONS
Priority assessment prior to medication administration
Check the 6 rights- patient, drug, dose, time, route, documentation. Always verify
the MAR matches with pt ID.
Assessment prior to initiating a diet after a surgery (abdominal)
Auscultate for bowel sounds in all 4 quadrants, bowels must be active before
liquid diet begins.
Review dressing changes (clean and aseptic techniques)
Post spinal anesthesia complications
Most commonly is headache and hypotension and risk of infection.
Interventions to prevent DVT postoperative
AMBULATION, assist patient with getting out of bed and walking.
Anticoagulants, and compression stockings assist
Reasons why surgery would be postponed
Patient does not sign consent form, abnormal labs, fail to comply with pre-op
instructions. Notify MD if patient is really anxious and effecting vitals
Review the definition of shock, types of shock, signs and symptoms, stages of
Shock is the state of cellular and tissue hypoxia due to either reduced oxygen,
high O2 consumption, and or inadequate O2 utilization
4 types of shock- cardiogenic (heart), hypovolemic (bleeding) , anaphylactic
(allergy), septic (infection) , neurogenic (watch for spinal issues)
S/Sx and Stages- Diaphoretic, pale,bluish tinge to lips/fingernails, tachycardic,
hyperventilate, n/v, enlarged pupils, fatigue, and thirst
Refractory shock- slow and shallow .
Signs and symptoms of severe stress
Review normal and abnormal findings of neurologic assessment
Best way to assess is by asking questions ‘LOC”
Babinski reflex
Stroke underside of foot from sole toward the heel. ADULT: foot and toes will
curl inward. INFANT: toes will fan out and big toe will move upward
Review the following diagnostic test: CT, EMG, MRI, EEG
CT: (computerized tomography) series of X-ray images commonly used for
brain to detect stroke.
EMG: (electromypgraphy) measure nerve impulse electrical activity, often used
for carpal tunnel.
MRI: (magnetic resonance imaging) NO PACEMAKER magnetic field and
radio waves to diagnose or monitor conditions. Commonly used for cysts, tumors,
bleeding, swelling.
EEG: (electroencephalogram) test that measures brain activity like epilepsy or
seizure disorder.
Review TIA (assessment, priority immediate interventions, risk factors,
medical management, nursing interventions)
Transient ischemic attack: assessment: difficulty walking, muscle weakness,
problems with coordination, one sided weakness. Facial weakness, difficulty
swallowing, confusion.
Priority intervention: assess neuro status, altered tissue perfusion.
Risk factors: age, FH, males, HBP, DM, heart disease., afib high cholesterol
Medical management: can lead to stroke, take Aspirin.
Nursing intervention- pt education on lifestyle changes, assist with gait, monitor
vitals and review medication management.
Review the following medications (Coumadin, Vasotec, nitroglycerin,
potassium iodide SSKI
Coumadin- (warfarin) blood thinner, prevents new clots forming. Monitor
prothrombin time (PT)/ INR clotting test, range from 2.0-3.0
Vasotec (enalapril)- HBP, and CHF. Monitor BP, check renal function,
creatinine levels.
Nitroglycerine- vasodilator opening blood vessels for blood flow, used when pt
c/o chest pain. Pt takes 1 tab every 5 min prn, up to 15min. no more than 3 pills in
Review Regular insulin, NPH insulin, 70/30 insulin (peak, duration, onset)
Regular insulin- (Humilin R, Novolin R) short acting, assisted with dietary needs
to control high blood sugar; onset: 30min, Peak- 2-3 hours, Duration 3-6 hours;
NPH insulin: intermediate-acting insulin (Humulin N, Novolin N); Onset: 1-3
hours Peak 4-12 hours, duration 12-16 hours
70/30 insulin: (Novolog) mixture of 70% insulin (intermediate) NPH and 30%
rapid (short acting) insulin Peak: 1-4 hours Duration: 24 hours.
Remember Clear to cloudy- draw short/rapid first, then draw cloudy.
Functions of the tonsils and adenoids in children
Tonsils stops germs entering the body thought the mouth and contain lot of
Adenoids- patch of tissue in back of nasal cavity, traps harmful bacteria that can
be breathed or swallowed.
Review physical examination of the nose
Checking patency of each nostril, looking inside with light, otoscope, and note for
symmetry of nose
Review hypertension and how it affects the heart
Damage arteries by making them less elastic, which causes decreased blood flow
and oxygen to the heart.
Review cardioversion and what patient education is needed
Procedure that returns abnormal heartbeat to a normal rhythm. Changes patients
arrhythmia. Patient should not drive, work, not operate machinery, no important
decisions, no alcohol, no legal binding documents. (LOC may change) all for 24
Review therapeutic communication when your patient is anxious
Maintain calm and relaxed posture, active listen, verbal techniques should be
clear and easy to under stand
Review heart murmurs
Whooshing or swishing flow through the heart valves (extra beat)
Review mitral stenosis
Narrowing of the hearts mitral valve, doesn’t open, blocks flow into the main
pumping chamber
Review hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, thyroid storm
Hypothyroidism- underactive thyroid, fatigue, weight gain, puffy face.
Hyperthyroidism- overactive, accelerate body metabolism
Thyroid storm- thyrotoxic crisis- life-threatening hypermetabolic state induced
by excessive release of thyroid hormone.
Review patient instructions for thyroid scan
Radioactive iodine injection is given to patient
Review Graves disease
Goiter, bulging eyes no cure. Live long levothyroxine
Review type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus; levels of hemoglobin A1c
Type 1- no insulin production will take insulin. Pt should stay on normal
routine exercise.
Type 2: insulin resistance with diet, medication such as metformin
A1c: check below 6 percent is normal.
Review Ketoacidosis
Life threatening complication of diabetes most common with type 1. Blurred
vision kidneys cant decrease ketones (too acidic). Pt will hyperventilate.
Signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia
Hypoglycemia: low blood sugar, tachycardic, pale, shaky, anxiety, sweating,
hunger, irrability. Pt teaching normal exercise routine.
Hyperglycemia: High blood Sugar fruity smelling breath, n/v, SOB, dry mouth,
confusion, coma, abd pain