Uploaded by Tabeta Yonama

Liquefaction of Natural Gas Report

Suez university faculty of petroleum , mining, and
Report: Liquefaction of natural gas.
Prepared by: tabeta taban yonama
Sec: 1
Dep: refinary
Dr: hamdy a elkady.
Liquefaction of gases
By definition its the process by which gaseous substances are
converted from gases to liquids.
Liquefaction of gases is carried out by various methods and processes
and with the help of low temperatures, and by cryogenic techniques.
Methods of liquefaction:
By cold water, freezing mixture method
Joule_Thomson effect ( joule Thomson porous plug experiment)
Compression of gas below its critical temperatures.
By the application of pressure, such as adiabatic expansion,
evaporation of liquid.
Examples of liquefaction of gases:
Liquid sulphur dioxide , liquid chlorine , ammonia in liquid form, liquid
form of oxygen, hydrogen, helium, etc .
All these gases including air can undergo liquefaction by various
Processes of liquefaction:
Some of the processes include:
 Hampson Linde cycle (the Linde’s process).
 The cascade method or the pictet process.
 Claude’s process.
Principals of liquefaction of gases:
 In which when gas is compressed, by a sufficient amount of
pressure, below its critical temperature, as a result liquefaction
 When we reduce the pressure, and the gas or liquid is allowed to
evaporate, then due to evaporation, it causes cooling.
 On the basis of Joules Thomson effect(porous plug experiment).
Conditions for liquefaction of gases:
 The required condition for liquefaction in terms of pressure ,
volume , and temperatures are critical temperature ,as well as high
or low pressures
Inversion temperatures, the isothermal process (which is uses in
Thomas Andrew's experiment) and the adiabatic process etc.
 Thomas Andrew (1862) performed an experiment on carbon
dioxide at different temperatures . he investigates the change of
states of matter from gas to liquid form. In this experiment on
carbon dioxide gas, Thomas Andrew investigates the relation
between pressure , temperature and volume.
He performed this experiment at different constant temperatures with
change in pressure and temperature