CHEMISTRY IIOTE.TAKIHG GUIDE name:fs5ff1trn Unit 6, SEGMENT B Dare, M']ts 1/BlA\p Awgadra's numb* ts bottt mass aad wlume sf a *ubstance, use dimensional anatysia to sfitye Erule conversions. To rela& lo itl{:l.i:l ilurtng the video Wment, ase twrds, Bhra*s or dnwlngs ta take nstes. Atrbubt6* f\r,'rrol,r- tuv!tu bpltr\rhs \n 0\ (\Ri\i, n{.u(* xo qf n &rrn",s, G,U}d \n$tc fY\s.Sr- l\rurvrUst{ 0rurpbtkin(r, H*\ryq Yb\trvr6- i}.-,ry bn,6, {r{-$ yhdr urr,r{. tr,ute- o[-0a; }rrrrl{s r}&wy\trursWe" Wu" UOtu.-r h-* && bkl,-llurh tr=b LA e. $cffr\,\ u*Qtrnrut\* u\rirU$fttr \1gc sp €rurrn (ntrn-r S,+*"a\*ftwrc$\ S(n!-"r\U fhq\eLr\L o{ Altw watching tlrc video You segmant, write at ldast thrce *ntences explaining what yau leamad. ean ask yaurself: "lf I was gaing to explain this ta sameane e/sq Mmf would I say?" r_t *ut,:}&ry€, CHEMISTFlY OUESTIONS TO COI{SIDER: Unit 6, SEGMENT B Name: l^*.t*\hl"f. uate: lf fi,/&a)* After watching the video and performing any associated labs and/or experiments, you should he ahle to answer the follotring: 1, ,,Avogadro's.Number" was na$Sd in honor of Amedeo Avogadro. What is Avogadro's number? zt'$; ilffi L;q.?,Ik $,in'i, 3. k;W3r*Jr#Jr-,r-is e mor e or aroms? convercion chart for this question: Hcw many molecutes cl water are there in 0.360 moles ol water? &]k}fl 4. Shorrrr the dimensional analpis conuersion mohcutes ol uuater chart tor this queslion: How many moles of Mg are in 1.25 x 1{18 Mg atoms? OO.t 5. How many gram$ of carbon are found in 1 mole of carbon atoms? 6. Definermolar mass. mot Mg \? qsu.\ns \Vesrust I r\r Kg\ns1 es qryua\" u{ At this point in frte lessan, u-r. tq.},rbklr}(e the teacher should pass around lle elassroam some containe* {illed with ane mole of some well-known substances {iron, alaminum, zinc, *alt, water, etc.} 7. Show the dimensionat analysis conyersicn chart for this queslion: Houu many grams are in f.i[5 moles of I'lr0u? ,.l I 8. t.3 grams Hr0, $how the dimensional analysis conyersion chart for this question: Horu many moles are in 92.2 g Fer0r? 6'8."lS mar Fe,o, sure yau complete the ltteighing Motes Lab betore yau continue to tfie nert vWea. This activity tuill clarify tfie dimensional analysis used in mole conversions. Make