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MGEB12 Quantitative Methods in Economics-II Syllabus

Quantitative Methods in Economics-II
Fall 2021
Instructor Contact Information:
Name: Dr. Ata Mazaheri
Office: IC288
Office hours: On Zoom (Tuesdays 12-2PM, Wednesday 9-11AM)
Email: ata.mazaheri@utoronto.ca
Telephone: 416-287-7348
Course website: http: portal.utoronto.ca
Course Delivery
MGEB12 will be delivered completely online so a reliable internet access is imperative.
The lectures will be recorded using “Snagit” and posted on a weekly basis on Quercus. For each
lecture, you are expected to complete the readings, watch the videos, and practice the problem sets.
There are also weekly tutorials that will run synchronously during class time, those will also be
recorded and can be played at a later date. To help you further, there will be TA “online” office hours
as well as on “Quercus” discussion boards
Time-zones: All times posted will be in EST, i.e. local Toronto time. If you are in a different
time zone, please make sure you correctly identify what EST converts to where you are. Errors in
calculations are not an acceptable reason to miss deadlines.
Course Description:
This is the second course in probability and statistics as used in economic analysis. The course material
will cover statistical hypothesis testing, simple and multiple regression. The course attempts to provide
students with a comprehensive introduction to the application of statistical methods to the fields of
business and economics.
Prerequisite: [MGEB11H3/(ECMB11H3) or [STAB52H3 and STAB57H3]] and [MATA32H3 and
MATA33H3] (or equivalents)
Exclusion: (ECMB12H3), ECO220Y, ECO227Y, STAB27H3, STAC67H3.
Management, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON, M1C 1A4, Canada
Textbook/Required Course Materials:
Anderson, Sweeney and Williams, Statistics for Business and Economics 13ed, Second UTSC edition,
Thomson/South-Western (2017). ISBN- 0176631577
Note: You may also use the regular 11ed. You can use the 10ed or first UTSC edition but some exercises will be
Lecture Notes and Other Announcements:
• Lecture notes are posted on the portal several days ahead of the lecture. It is important to read them
before attending each lecture. It is necessary to try the assigned problems after each lecture before
attending the next lecture.
• Supplemental sample problems will be posted on the website. Some of those questions will be
taken during the tutorials. Practice the questions before attending the scheduled review sessions.
Evaluation and Grading:
Term Test-1
Term Test-2
Due Date
TBA (On Quercus)
TBA (On Quercus)
TBA (On Quercus)
TBA (On Quercus)
• Test-1: Material covered from Week-1 to Week-3.
• Test-2: Material covered from Week-4 to Week-8.
• Final Exam: is cumulative and covers the entire course.
Aids Allowed for Term Tests and Final Exam
• The term tests as well as the final are open book assessments.
• By taking the assessments you are making the following pledge:
• "The University of Toronto's Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters applies to all
University of Toronto students. The Code prohibits all forms of academic dishonesty
including, but not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, and the use of unauthorized aids. Students
Management, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON, M1C 1A4, Canada
violating the Code may be subject to penalties up to and including suspension or expulsion
from the University.
In submitting the assessments in Quercus under my name, I confirm that my conduct during
this assessment adheres to the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters. I confirm that I did
NOT act in such a way that would constitute cheating, misrepresentation, or unfairness,
including but not limited to, using unauthorized aids and assistance, collaborating with another
person, impersonating another person, and committing plagiarism."
Policy on Missed Assignments/Examinations:
There will be no makeup test. If you miss a term test for any reason (No documentation required), the
final exam will be re-adjusted for the total of 65%. If you miss both term tests, the second miss will be
automatically zero.
Excel Component
The required Excel component will start soon; you will have a chance to sign up for training held in the
computer lab. While seated at a computer, you will learn how to do statistical analyses using an
augmented version of Excel. These help you prepare for the Excel Test to be scheduled at the end of the
term that you take in the computer lab.
Policy on Re-Grading
If, after looking over your term tests, and reviewing you answers and comparing it with the posted
solutions, you feel that there has been a material error or omission in the marking of your term test, you
must observe the following procedures:
1. Create a typed note containing the following: (i) Your names, (ii) Your Student Number, (iii) Your email address, so I can communicate with you (iv) The criterion (criteria) against which you believe you
have been graded incorrectly, or an explanation of why the marker has overlooked or misunderstood
your answer's merits, or has re-acted too severely to your answer's short-comings. Hand written
submissions will not be considered.
2. Deliver your re-grading requests to me in class one week after the test is handed back. No re-grading
requests will be considered either before or after that time.
3. Re-grading will be based only on what you submit in writing, not what you might say in person. Marks
are not the subject of "discussion" or negotiation.
Management, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON, M1C 1A4, Canada
4. Your test will be re-considered, based on your written comments and clarifications. Re-grading
means that your answer(s) will be re-evaluated and a new grade may be assigned. This means that it is
possible to lose marks as well as to gain marks through re-grading. Therefore, please do not submit
your materials for re-grading unless you are confident that a grading error occurred. Keep in mind that
the re-grade is meant for mistakes in grading. It is not a forum for arguing about the criteria used, or
the points allocated to the criteria.
5. Addition Errors or minor petition: If there is an error in totaling up your mark or that you have a
minor petition on a single part of the Test (say only part (a) of Q2), then you may write this on the
cover of your Test paper material and hand it to me on the due date. No written petition is required.
Academic Support
The Department of Management, in collaboration with the UTSC library, will be providing academic
research support in the IC Building. To refine your research skills or to learn more about various
scholarly resources, please contact the Librarian for Management and Economics students.
Lola Rudin, Subject Librarian, Management and Economics
Room IC375
Office hours: Monday & Thursday, 1:00 – 3:00pm or by appointment
Email: lrudin@utsc.utoronto.ca
Web: http://guides.library.utoronto.ca/utsc_mgmt
The English Language Development Centre (ELDC) helps students develop the critical thinking,
vocabulary and academic communication skills essential for achieving academic and professional
success. Personalized support includes: RWE (for academic writing); Communication Cafés (oral);
Discussion Skill-Building Cafés; Vocabulary Cafés; seminars/workshops; personal ELD consultations;
drop-in sessions. http://ctl.utsc.utoronto.ca/eld/
The Writing Centre (TWC) offers invaluable services to students (learn to become a better writer!) and
offers many different kinds of help: drop-in sessions, individual consultations, workshops, clinics, and
online writing handouts. http://ctl.utsc.utoronto.ca/twc/
Academic Misconduct
Students should note that copying, plagiarizing, or other forms of academic misconduct will not be
tolerated. Any student caught engaging in such activities will be subject to academic discipline
ranging from a mark of zero on the assignment, test or examination to dismissal from the university as
outlined in the academic handbook. Any student abetting or otherwise assisting in such misconduct
will also be subject to academic penalties.
Management, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON, M1C 1A4, Canada
Finally: What you should do?
MGEB12 is the quantitative component of all other Economic/Business courses. It teaches you
how you apply the theory that you learn in other courses. Therefore, if at times it appears dry,
that should not prevent you from seeing the big picture.
When you attend a lecture, I expect you to have studied the prior lecture as well the textbook. I
also expect you to have solved the weekly problem sets before attending a lecture. I also expect
you to have had at least a quick look at the current lecture before attending.
If you require any assistance, feel free to ask me in class, during office hours, or if you are more
comfortable you can ask my TAs during their weekly office hours.
I will post sample assessments but you should not limit yourself to those samples.
E-mail Policy
Email should NOT be seen as an alternative to meeting with the instructor (or the TA) during office
hours. Nor should email be used as a mechanism to receive private tutorials (especially prior to tests) or
to explain material that was covered in lectures you missed. Therefore, I will not respond to email
inquiries unless it is an emergency. I will take up 'generic' questions that could be of interest to all
students at the beginning of the next class.
Management, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON, M1C 1A4, Canada
Detailed Course Outline:
Problem Set-0
Introduction; Hypothesis Testing of Mean
(Variance Known)
9.1, 9.2, 9.3
Problem Set-1
Confidence Interval
Hypothesis Testing of Mean (Variance
Type II Error;
Confidence Interval/Hypothesis Test of
9.5,9.7, 9.8
Problem Set-2
Confidence Interval/Hypothesis Testing about
Two Means
10.1, 10.2
Problem Set-3
10.3, 10.4
Problem Set-3
Problem Set-1
Test-1 (Outside Class)
Match Sample Design;
Hypothesis Testing about Two Proportions
Hypothesis Testing of Variances
11.1, 11.2
Problem Set-4
Simple Linear Regression-I
Problem Set-5
Simple Linear Regression-II
Multiple Regression-I
Problem Set-6
Test-2 (Outside Class)
Multiple Regression-II
Model Building
Case Study: How to Choose Variables
See Notes
Note: References are to Anderson’s textbook.
Management, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON, M1C 1A4, Canada