Group I Cations Separation: Lab Activity

College of Pharmacy
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
Laboratory Acti vit y no. 5
Separation of the Basic Constituents into Groups
Group I Cations
Objecti ves:
1. To be able to group the ions that f orm a precipitate with a part icular reagent.
2. Develop a systemat ic method to f acilitat e identif icat ion of ions
3. To Determine the dif f erent chemical r eaction pr inciples present in each
A. Separation of I Group cations ( Ag + , Pb 2 + , Hg
Nitrate forms
) - Ag + , Pb 2 + , Hg
are in the
1 . Take 5 ml of a sample destined f or ident if icat ion and add 10 m l of 2M HCl.
You should obtain white precipitat e ( Precipitate A).
2 . Separ ate the precipitate by the f iltrat ion and wash it t wice with cold
dist illed wat er and discard the washing.
3 . Put clean test tube under the f unnel wit h the precipitate. Then wash the
precipit ate with 10 ml of hot distilled water and collect the supernatant
(Filtrate B). It is ver y important to remove all PbCl 2 f rom the precipit ate
to f ollow f urther analysis of remaining AgCl and Hg 2 Cl 2 which may be
present in the Preci pitate B
4 . Now you can conf irm the presence of Pb 2 + ions. In this pur pose divide the
solution of Filtrate B into three part and add KI, K 2 CrO 4 and H 2 SO 4 to
each test tube respectively. Addition of those chemicals successively will
yield a golden yellow precipitates of PbI 2 (reaction 4) and PbCrO 4
(reaction 5), and white precipitat e of PbSO 4 (reaction 6).
5 . Af ter conf irming the presence of Pb 2 + ions in the solut ion wash the
Precipitate B with addit ional portion of hot water unt il the washing give
no precipitate with K 2 CrO 4 solution.
6 . Pour ammonia solut ion onto the f ilter with Precipitate B and collect
colorless solution in cle an te s t t u be ( Filt rat e C ). O bs e rv e als o t h e f ilte r,
be c a u se t he pr e c ip it a te m a y d is so lv e com pletely or turn black. If the color
will change into black it means th at Hg 2 2 + is present in the init ial sample.
This is the f inal conf irmation of the Hg 2 2 + presence.
The lack of precipitat e indicate the absence of Hg 2 Cl 2 and the lack of Hg 2 2 +
cations in the initial sample. Theref ore, the last step is to f ollow the test
f or Ag + cations which is given below.
7 . Divide the Filtrate C into two parts. To the f irst one add dilute 2M nitric
acid HNO 3 (react ion 9). The f ormation of white precipitate of AgCl prove
the presence of silver. To the second test tube add the solut ion of
potassium iodide KI . Yellowish precipit ate of silver iodide AgI is the
additional conf irmation of the presence of silver ions in the sample
(reaction 10)
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College of Pharmacy
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
8 . As you perf orm the expe riment, collect discard all in the appropriate waste
1. Illustrate the schematic diagram f or group I Cations.
2. Give the chemical reaction f or each of the f ollowing steps.
3. W hat is the other name of group cations?
4. W hat are f lame tests? In what cat ion groups is this test used?
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