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Enlightenment Philosopher Smackdown Project

Enlightenment Philosopher Smackdown
Few things in the world impact all of posterity, but one of those things was the European process called
the Enlightenment. Sure, one could study the Enlightenment by reading a couple of documents and taking
notes, but then one would not truly experience the process of Enlightenment. Plus, it’s much more fun to do a
smackdown! This group project will allow you (along with a couple of good friends) to do a deep dive into the
brain of one of history’s most famous men(or women?), and to apply his (or her) thought process to both past
and present.
Part 1: The Fanbase
Any good smackdown needs a fan base...that’s part 1. As a group, you are going to create a “business
model” to best represent your philosopher. This will require the following:
1. A slogan/motto -- make it memorable and reflective of your philosopher
2. A mission statement -- what is it that your philosopher wants people to take away? The
mission statement for your business model should be clean, concise, and professional, clearly
articulating the key, central lesson your philosopher tried to teach.
3. A visual advertisement -- you need to get your message out to the people! This needs to
include attractive visual representation(s) to help people understand your philosopher’s
message, as well as key ideas with which people who “buy in” would agree.
4. The Message -- Boil it down for us. Identify 4-5 main points in your philosopher’s argument.
For each point, include a direct quote, an explanation of the idea, and a world history
connection (where do we see the idea reflected - or where do we see something that led the
philosopher to his beliefs?) One of these quotes should be an example of your philosopher’s
writing - a 100-200 word excerpt of one of his/her works, accompanied by an analysis from
you. The analysis should identify the historical context of the work (what was going on at the
time that prompted him/her to write?), intended audience (who was he/she writing for/to?) a
summary of the argument in your own words, and an explanation of why you chose THIS as
THE example of his/her writing. All quotes should be well developed, clearly articulated in your
own words (other than the quote) and obviously edited for proper spelling, grammar and
mechanics. (After all, this is “The Message”)
5. Presentation -- However you choose to put this together, you need to prove that YOU are the
best fan base for any philosopher. All the above content needs to be put together to persuade
your teacher to join your fanbase...but more importantly, to convince everyone else to abandon
their own philosopher and come join you in supporting the best of the best! However you want
to do that -- posters? Sure! T-shirts? Great! Snapchat Filters? Awesome! Be creative, be
original, be convincing!
Part 2: The Smackdown
It’s time to RUMBLE!!! Memorizing facts is one thing, BECOMING an Enlightenment Philosopher is
quite another. On December 14, WE SMACKDOWN.
● We will start by exploring the different philosopher presentations, allowing your classmates to
learn about your philosopher.
● Each fanbase should choose one individual to embody the philosopher. This individual needs
to completely take on the mind and soul of the philosopher to represent him/her in the
A series of smackdown rounds will take place to identify the Smackdown champion. In each
smackdown round, a question will be shared, philosophers will be allowed 2 minutes per
question to talk to their fanbase and compose their response before sharing it with the class.
Responses will be judged based on the following:
○ Accurate interpretation/understanding of philosopher’s belief.
○ Support using philosopher’s ideas
○ Participation of Fanbase
○ Characterization/humor/engagement of audience
By the end of class on December 14 we will crown the Ultimate Enlightenment Philosopher
Philosophers Participating:
John Locke
Baron de Montesquieu
Jean Jacque Rousseau
Mary Wollstonecraft
Immanuel Kant
Thomas Hobbes
This assignment will count as two formatives. You will receive a grade for the preparation for this
assignment and a formative for your presentation to the class. This assignment is designed to evaluate
student understanding and application of the role of Enlightenment thought in World History, assessing
understanding of Topic 5.1 of the AP World HistoryFramework.
Enlightenment Philosopher Smackdown-Rubric
incomplete or
unavailable will
receive a 50
Beginning 65
Developing 75
Near Mastery
Mastery 95
Exceptional 100
(includes ad,
Presentation fails to
meet minimal
Understanding of
philosophy is unclear,
or indicates a lack of
ding. Some required
portions are missing
or significantly
Presentation meets or
falls just short of
minimal standards;
conveys some
Presentation is
generally acceptable;
conveys some
understanding of
Presentation is
acceptable; conveys
understanding of
Presentation is
exceptional; clearly
understanding of the
understanding of
philosophy, but may
indicate gaps or lacks
of knowledge. Most/all
required portions are
present, but may be
philosophy and briefly
complexity. All
required portions are
present, but creativity
is minimal.
philosophy and some
recognition of
complexity. Some
creativity and
internalization of the
content is present
multifaceted nature
and complexity of
philosophy and shows
creativity and
internalization of the
Does not indicate
understanding of
philosopher’s ideas or
message. May
message or ideas.
Lacks any attempt at
synthesis or
development or fails
to attempt portions of
cal errors are
significant and distract
from content.
Development of
message is vague or
unclear. Conveys
surface understanding
of philosopher’s
ideas or
ideas. Lacks
synthesis or
development, may be
missing original
portions of writing.
cal errors are
significant and distract
from content.
Development of
message is generally
acceptable; conveys
some understanding
of philosopher’s
ideas. Relies heavily
on summary with little
use of synthesis or
cal errors are
noticeable but do not
significantly distract
from content.
Development of
message is
acceptable; conveys
understanding of
philosopher’s ideas
and indicates some
ability to synthesize
concepts and support
with quotes. May
have minor
cal errors that do not
distract from content.
Development of
message is
exceptional; clearly
conveys depth of
understanding of the
complexity of
philosopher’s ideas
and indicates ability to
synthesize concepts
and support with
quotes. Well edited
with few/no errors.
Participation in
Smackdown is
minimal or
nonexistent. Does not
convey understanding
of philosopher.
Contributions to the
Smackdown are
minimal, negative, or
nonexistent. Is
generally often off
topic, distracted, or
refusing to engage.
Requires frequent
redirection due to
repeated off-topic
distraction by peers,
other work, or
Participation in
Smackdown is limited.
Conveys minimal
understanding of
philosopher through
portrayal or provision
of supporting content.
Contributions to the
Smackdown are
minimal and limited.
Is somewhat engaged
in presentation, but
often off topic or
distracted, requiring
frequent redirection
due to repeated
off-topic distraction by
peers, other work, or
Participation in
Smackdown is
generally acceptable.
Conveys some
understanding of
philosopher through
portrayal or provision
of supporting content.
Is somewhat involved
in the Smackdown
process as either
philosopher or fan,
generally engaged in
activity and actively
listening to other
groups. Creativity,
content mastery and
engagement are
minimal. May be
distracted by other
work or devices, but is
easily redirected.
Participation in
Smackdown is
acceptable; clearly
understanding of
philosopher through
portrayal or provision
of supporting content.
Is mostly involved in
the Smackdown
process as either
philosopher or fan,
generally engaged in
activity and actively
listening to other
groups. Creativity,
content mastery and
engagement are
Participation in
Smackdown is
exceptional; clearly
conveys complex
understanding of
philosopher through
portrayal or provision
of supporting
content. Is actively
involved in the
Smackdown process
as either philosopher
or fan, engaged in
activity and actively
listening to other
groups. Creativity,
content mastery and
engagement are
motto, and