1 Jordan Hazelwood Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing NUR 3316: Population and Global Health Dr. Angel Daniels, DNP, MSN Rani Sangha, DNP, MSN .ed, MBA, RN March 8th, 2021 “I pledge that I uphold the Honor Code System and policies of Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing” 2 Project Description For this proposal, I wanted to present a grant that would provide affordable insulin medication and diabetic supplies for individuals that are affected by this disease. I am currently a type 1 diabetic and I know how expensive both the medication and supplies can be. Currently, there are over 34.2 million people affected by this disease in the united states and 422 million people worldwide. (Bonner,2018) In today’s society, if an individual doesn’t have good health insurance, paying for diabetic medication can be a nightmare. According to several studies, it has been observed that 1 in 4 patients cannot afford insulin because of the lack of health insurance. (Bonner,2018) . Many individuals have died due to serious complications arising from the lack of insulin coverage with this disease. Therefore, I want to propose a plan that can make medication and supplies more affordable to decrease the mortality rate of diabetes. This will also improve the quality of life of individuals living with this disease because they will always have the materials needed to keep their diabetes under control. Statement Needed: The current disparity that is associated with diabetes deals with the problem of further health complications and control. As an individual gets older while having diabetes, the disease can also get worse depending on how well the individual manages it. Therefore, as the disease gets worse, the need for insulin increases as well due to the body becoming more resistant to insulin as it ages. With that being said, not being able to afford insulin makes the management of this disease a lot harder than it should be. The target population for this proposal is individuals that lack the proper health insurance to cover their insulin costs and supplies. Furthermore, 3 individuals who fall under poverty and don’t produce enough income will be aided by this proposal. Community Partners As for stakeholders, I would like to work with the American Diabetes Association (ADA) to provide aid with this proposal. The ADA is a well-known organization that has a mission to prevent and cure diabetes. Working with this association will provide me will the necessary knowledge I need in order for this proposal to work. Currently, the ADA strongly supports the idea of reduces insulin prices because they agree that insulin is way too expensive in today’s society. In 2016, the ADA was able to release a resolution to all companies that supply insulin to promote transparency in insulin pricing which ensures that no one living with diabetes would be denied affordable insulin. (Day,2019). Therefore, working with them will allow me to produce my proposal to important companies that need this information. Focused Area I think my proposal falls under the category of wanting to attain a higher quality and longer life with healthy people 2020. By ensuring this population with diabetes has enough insulin required with supplies as well, will make controlling this disease easier. As stated previously, without insulin it’s impossible to live with diabetes. Therefore, the goal of this proposal is to promote a longer and healthier life with diabetes. As someone who lives with diabetes currently, I’ve been wishing for more affordable insulin because there have been many times where I didn’t know if I could afford my medication. In conclusion, it’s important that our society becomes aware of this insulin pricing crisis so we can take the necessary steps in order to fix this problem. 4 Work Cited: American Diabetes Association. (2019). The American Diabetes Association® Applauds the Insulin Price Reduction Act, Introduced Today by the Senate Diabetes Caucus. Retrieved from (https://www.diabetes.org/newsroom/press-releases/2019/insulin-pricereduction-act) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2020. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services; 2020.