EXTRINSIC MUSCLES - Origin: ribs; ventral surface of thoracic, lumbar, and/or sacral vertebrae - Insertion: hip bones and/or femur - Function: fixate and flex vertebral column; rise the pelvis; bring trunk backwards - Arteries: a. aorta, a. iliaca externa, a. iliaca interna, a. sacralis mediana Muscle Origin Insertion Function Innervation Notes M. PSOAS MINOR -last three thoracic vertebrae -1st-4th lumbar vertebrae -tuberculum m. psoas minor (arcuate line of ilium) -fixate lumbar vertebral column -flex lumbar vertebral column -Dog: ventral branches of 4th-5th lumbar nerves -Horse: intercostal nerves, ventral branches of lumbar nerves, genitofemoral nerve, femoral nerve -strong and fleshy in carnivores, tendon of insertion fused to fascia iliaca -multiple tendinous intersections in ruminants/horse -most ventral - trochanter minor of femur -flex hip joint -draw hindlimb forwards - trochanter minor of femur -flex hip joint -draw hindlimb forwards M. ILIOPSOAS → PSOAS MAJOR -last two thoracic vertebrae -ribs -lumbar vertebrae -strongest muscle of pelvic girdle -divided in all domestic mammals EXCEPT carnivores -under m. psoas minor -Dog: ventral branches of 4th-5th lumbar nerves -Horse: intercostal nerves, femoral nerves -ventral to m. quadratus lumborum, dorsal to m. psoas minor Picture → M. ILIACUS -ala and corpus ossis ilii -fascia iliaca - trochanter minor of femur -flex hip joint -draw hindlimb forwards -lumbar nerves -genitofemoral nerve -femoral nerve -ruminants, horse: strong and fleshy -2 heads, one from ala ilii, one from corpus ilii, enclosing m. psoas major M. QUADRATUS LUMBORUM -ventral surfaces of transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae -proximal ends of ribs -wing of sacrum -wing of ilium -transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae -fixate lumbar vertebral column -Dog: ventral branches of 4th-5th lumbar nerves -Horse: intercostal nerves, ventral branches of lumbar nerves, genitofemoral nerve, femoral nerve -stronger in carnivores -thin, tendinous in horses/ruminant s RUMP (Gluteal group) - Origin: Sacrum and/or ilium - Insertion: proximal part of femur (except m. tensor fasciae latae) - Function: extension of hip joint; rotation of hip joint; abduction of hindlimb - Arteries: a. iliaca interna – a. glutea cranialis, a. glutea caudalis, a. obturatoria, a. iliolumbalis M. TENSOR FASCIAE LATAE -tuber coxae -carnivores: fascia lata, continues to patella -ruminants/horse: combines with fascia lata, indirectly inserts onto patella, with a caudodorsal detachment going onto trochanter major when it joins with gluteus superficialis -tense fascia lata -draw limb forwards -extend stifle joint -flex hip joint -cranial gluteal nerve -most cranial of rump muscles -between m. sartorius and m. gluteus medius M. GLUTEUS SUPERFICIALIS (M. GLUTEOBICEPS OX AND PIG) -gluteal fascia -sacrum -trochanter tertius (horse) -trochanter major -extend hip joint -flex hip joint -caudal gluteal nerve -Carnivores: only as an isolated muscle -Small ruminants: partly fused with biceps muscle in small ruminants -Ox and pig: completely fused with biceps muscle, forming gluteobiceps muscle -Horse: covers gluteus medius M. GLUTEOFEMORAL IS (cat only) -2nd-4th caudal vertebrae -fascia lata -patella -retract (backwards) and abduct (outwards) hindlimb -draw tail to the side -caudal gluteal nerve -only in the cat -narrow muscle band between superficial gluteal muscle and biceps muscle of thigh M. GLUTEUS MEDIUS -iliac wing -sacrum -1st lumbar vertebra (horse and pig) -superficial portion: inserts on trochanter major -deep portion: AKA accessory gluteal muscle, one tendon to trochanter major, another tendon distal/medial to it in ox, into crista intertrochanterica in horse -extend hip joint -retract (backwards) and abduct (outwards) hindlimb -cranial gluteal nerve -largest rump muscle except in ox -most powerful extensor of hip joint -ruminants: fuses caudally with m. piriformis -Plays major role when horse rears up No picture found M. PIRIFORMIS -last sacral vertebra -sacrotuberous ligament -trochanter major -extend hip joint -retract (backwards) and abduct (outwards) hindlimb -cranial gluteal nerve -fused to m. gluteus medius in all species except carnivores -lies caudal/medial to m. gluteus medius, covered by superficial gluteal muscle -fused proximally in horse, has separate tendon of insertion onto caudal aspect of femur M. GLUTEUS PROFUNDUS -ischiatic spine -trochanter major -retract (backwards) and abduct (outwards) hindlimb -cranial gluteal nerve -under gluteus medius CAUDAL THIGH - Origin: ischium (caput pelvinum), sacrum, caudal vertebrae (caput vertebrale) - Insertion: tibia, calcaneus - Function: extension of hip joint; extension and flexion of stifle joint; extension of tarsal joint; abduction of hindlimb - Arteries: a. femoralis — a. circumflexa femoris lateralis, aa. caudalis femoris, a. profunda femoris M. BICEPS FEMORIS (M. GLUTEOBICEPS OX AND PIG) -Pelvic head (caudal): os ischii -Vertebral head: sacrum -patella -fascia cruris -common calcaneal tendon -extend hip joint -extend tarsal joint -flex stifle joint -abduct hindlimb -caudal gluteal nerve -tibial nerve -large, superficial, lateral -2 heads, less defined in ruminants/pig(f used gluteo biceps muscle), most defined in horses -part of tendo calcaneus communis M. SEMITENDINOSUS -Pelvic head: tuber ischiadicum -margo cranialis tibiae -common calcaneal tendon -extend hip joint -extend tarsal joint -flex stifle joint -caudal gluteal nerve -tibial nerve -part of tendo calcaneus communis -medial condyles of both tibia and femur -extend hip joint -extend stifle joint -adduct hindlimb -caudal gluteal nerve tibial nerve -pars cranialis -pars caudalis -crural fascia -abduct hindlimb -fibular nerve -strap-like -under caudal edge of biceps -Vertebral head (in Horse/Pig): sacrum; first caudal vertebra M. -Pelvic head: ventral SEMIMEMBRANOS aspect of tuber US ischiadicum -Vertebral head (in horse): from broad sacrotuberous ligament and first caudal vertebra M. ABDUCTOR CRURIS CAUDALIS (carnivores only) -sacrotuberous ligament MEDIAL THIGH - Origin: ventral parts of hip bones - Insertion: femur or tibia - Function: adduction of hindlimb - Arteries: a. profunda femoris – a. circumflexa femoris medialis, aa. caudalis femoris M. GRACILIS -aponeurosis of tendo symphysialis -fascia cruris -crista tibiae -adduct hindlimb -obturator nerve -broad muscular sheet covering caudo-medial surface of thigh M. PECTINEUS -pecten pubica -eminentia iliopubica -medial border of femur -flex hip joint -adduct hindlimb -obturator nerve femoral nerve -small, fusiform -cranial to greater adductor muscle in dog MM.ADDUCTORES -m. adductor magnus:symphysis pelvina -m.adductor brevis: pubic tubercle -m. adductor longus: pecten ossis pubis -m.adductor -adduct hindlimb magnus/brevis: labium laterale of femur -m. adductor longus: labium mediale of femur -obturator nerve -Carnivores: all present, but longus and brevis fused in dog -Pig: magnus and brevis fused -Horse: only have brevis and magnus M. SARTORIUS -tuber coxae -corpus ossis ilii -fascia iliaca -tendon of m. psoas minor -fascia cruris -crista tibiae -tuberositas tibiae -flex hip joint -adduct hindlimb -draw hindlimb forwards -femoral nerve -narrow, straplike, superficial, medial -Ruminants: divided into 2 at origin to allow passage of femoral vessels -pars caudalis -pars cranialis CRANIAL THIGH (acting primarily on stifle joint) - Origin: femur - Insertion: patella, tibia - Function: extension and flexion of stifle joint - Arteries (of stifle joint): a. genus descendens, a. poplitea – a. tibialis caudalis, a. tibialis cranialis, a. femoralis – a. circumflexa femoris lateralis , a. profunda femoris QUADRICEPS FEMORIS → M. RECTUS FEMORIS -corpus of ilium -tuberositas tibiae -patella -extend stifle joint -femoral nerve -4 parts converge to form a single tendon containing the patella -division less distinct in dog -tuberositas tibiae -patella -extend stifle joint -also flex hip joint -femoral nerve -between m. vastus medialis/laterali s -large in horse -shiny → M. VASTUS LATERALIS -lateral aspect of -tuberositas tibiae proximal end of femur -patella -extend stifle joint -femoral nerve -craniolateral side of femur → M. VASTUS MEDIALIS -medial aspect of -tuberositas tibiae proximal end of femur -patella -extend stifle joint -femoral nerve -craniomedial side of femur → M. VASTUS INTERMEDIUS -cranial surface of femur -extend stifle joint -femoral nerve -weakest of quadriceps -deep to other heads (lateralis) -abduct hindlimb -sciatic nerve -Tendon lies on top of gemelli -covers foramen obturatum internally -tuberositas tibiae -patella DEEP HIP MUSCLES - Origin: hip bones - Insertion: fossa trochanterica ossis femoris - Function: assist in flexion of hip joint - Arteries: a. iliaca interna M. -inner surface of OBTURATORIUS obturator foramen INTERNUS (only in carnivores and horse) -fossa trochanterica M. OBTURATORIUS EXTERNUS -outer surface of obturator foramen -fossa trochanterica -abduct hindlimb -obturator nerve MM. GEMELLI -spina ischiadica -fossa trochanterica -abduct hindlimb -sciatic nerve M. QUADRATUS FEMORIS -ventral aspect of ischium -fossa trochanterica -abduct hindlimb -sciatic nerve -no information found -tense joint capsule -no information found M. ARTICULARIS -hip joint capsule COXAE (only in carnivores and horse) CRANIOLATERAL LEG - Origin: distal part of femur; or proximal part of tibia or fibula - Insertion: metatarsal bones or phalanx - Function: flexion of tarsal joint; extension of digits - Arteries: a. saphena cranialis, a. poplitea – a. tibialis cranialis, a. dorsalis pedis *fibularis sometimes called peroneus -2 muscle bellies only remain separate in cats 1M. TIBIALIS CRANIALIS -condylus lateralis of tibia -medial tarsus -1st and 2nd metatarsal in carnivores -flex tarsal joint -fibular nerve -most medial muscle of cranial aspect -superficial in carnivores, covered by m. fibularis tertius and m. extensor digitorum longus 3M. FIBULARIS LONGUS -condylus lateralis of tibia -fibula -1st metatarsal -1st tarsal bone -flex tarsal joint -adduct hindlimb -fibular nerve -weak, lateral -absent in horse 4M. FIBULARIS BREVIS (carnivores only) -fibula -5th metatarsal -flex tarsal joint -fibular nerves -deepest muscle of fibular group, covered by longus -kind of on the bone 4M. FIBULARIS TERTIUS (all except carnivores, most visible in horses) -fossa extensoria of femur -tarsal bones -metatarsal bones -flex tarsal joint -extend stifle joint -fibular nerve -tendinous in horse, fleshy in ruminants -important in horse 2M. EXTENSOR DIGITORUM LONGUS -fossa extensoria of femur -extensor process of each functional distal phalanx -flex tarsal joint -extend stifle joint -extend digits -fibular nerve -in carnivores: lies superficially between cranial tibial and long fibular muscle -covered by cranial tibial muscle in ruminants 5M. EXTENSOR DIGITORUM LATERALIS -condylus lateralis of tibia -fibula -middle phalanx of 4th -extend digits or 5th digit -Horse: extensor process of distal phalanx -fibular nerve -deep to fibularis longus in carnivores, superficial in other mammals M. EXTENSOR HALLUCIS LONGUS -fibula -2nd digit -fibular nerve -extend 2nd digit No picture found CAUDAL LEG - Origin: distal part of femur; or proximal part of tibia or fibula - Insertion: calcaneus or phalanx - Function: extension of tarsal joint; flexion of digits - Arteries: a. saphena caudalis, a. poplitea – a. tibialis caudalis, aa. metatarseae plantares, M. GASTROCNEMIUS -distal on femur -tuber calcanei via tendo gastrocnemius Achilles -extend tarsal joint -flex stifle joint -tibial nerve -strong -part of tendo calcaneus communis -fibula -tendo gastrocnemius Achilles -extend tarsal joint -tibial nerve -weak → CAPUT LATERALE → CAPUT MEDIALE M. SOLEUS (all except carnivores) M. FLEXOR DIGITORUM SUPERFICIALIS -fossa supracondylaris -phalanx proximalis of femur -phalax media -tendo plantaris -extend tarsal joint -flex digits -flex stifle joint M. FLEXOR DIGITORUM PROFUNDUS -tibial nerve -part of tendo calcaneus communis -tibial nerve -Almost entirely No picture found tendinous in horse → M. FLEXOR DIGITORUM LATERALIS -fibula -tibia -deep digital flexor tendon -phalanx distalis -flex digits -extend tarsal joint -tibial nerve → M. FLEXOR DIGITORUM MEDIALIS -tibia -deep digital flexor tendon -phalanx distalis -flex digits -extend tarsal joint -tibial nerve → M. FLEXOR DIGITORUM CAUDALIS/TIBIA LIS CAUDALIS -fibula -tibia -deep digital flexor tendon -phalanx distalis -flex digits -extend tarsal joint -tibial nerve -does not form part of deep digital flexor tendon in carnivores M. POPLITEUS -condylus lateralis of femur (fossa m. poplitei) -caudal/medial/proximal surface of tibia -flex stifle joint -adduct hindlimb -tibial nerve -lies directly on caudal aspect of stifle joint -tendon of origin contains a sesamoid bone in carnivores - The Achilles’ tendon or common calcaneal tendon (tendo calcaneus communis) is made up of multiple tendons from several different muscles of the hindlimb - the superficial digital flexor muscle and tendon - the gastrocnemius tendon - the combined tendon of the gracilis (maybe only in dog), semitendinosus and biceps femoris muscles - Sacrotuberous ligament