ASSIGNMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY Submitted to: Mam Amina Ways to improve fluid intelligence A popular quote says: “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it’s stupid.” There are different kinds of intelligences, and we talk about it all the time. Some people are book smart, others are street smart; some are people smart, and others are emotional smart. Fluid Intelligence definition: “Fluid intelligence is the capacity to think logically and solve problems in novel situations, independent of acquired knowledge. Fluid intelligence involves the ability to identify patterns and relationships that underpin novel problems and to extrapolate these findings using logic.” 4 ways to improve fluid intelligence (1) Think Creatively What better way to make your brain more creative than by thinking creatively? You have to think of your brain as a muscle, and like every other muscle in the body, it needs to be used and exercised before it rots away. (2) Find New Things As an adult, it’s so easy to fall into a routine. Before you know it, your New Year’s resolutions are once again brushed off for the next year. (3) Socialize As we fall into our routines, we also fall into the same social patterns. Our interactions generally become more and more limited as time goes on—our social circle naturally becomes smaller as we leave university, get married, and get a full-time job. 4) Keep the Challenges Coming Regulars at the gym know the mantra: No pain, no gain. Every week they increase their weights, do harder workouts, and admire the improvements happening all over their body. e. How to calculate IQ? IQ , if you have given mental age and chronical age then there is a theoretical formula on the basis of which we can calculate IQ of a person.ld? (Mental age/chronological age) *100=IQ Factors Affecting Intelligence: 1) Heredity and Environment: Heredity provided the physical body to be developed with certain inherent capabilities while environment provides for the maturation and training of the organism. 2) Age: A person who bright or dull in childhood tends to remain bright or dull throughout his life. Growth I intelligence can continue through the early twenties; person achieves his maximum 10 at about 20 years are and remain stable till 10 years and decreases after that. Some abilities remain constant while others decline rapidly due to decline in physical efficiency. It is observed that the more intelligent person has more rapid of mental growth and continues to develop longer than does the mentally less able. 3) Race and Nationality: There is no prominent evidence to show that race in a factor for determining intellectual level. Difference exist between families are due to environment. The differences in races are also due to opportunity for training in early years. 4) Culture: Answer in intelligent test question is highly cultural. Cultural will determine the degree of a person’s attitude and abilities. 5) Health and Physical Development: Physical and mental health is related to one’s ability to gain desired achievement. A mental activity with delicate health, one may not possess enough energy to engage in mental activity to the extent that he achieves success. Physical defects such as in complete maturation of brain cells sensory and physical handicaps many interfere with observable intelligent behavior. Science-Based Ways to Raise Your IQ Adults can increase their IQ throughout life, but increasing overall intelligence may be even more valuable. 1. GET PHYSICAL EXERCISE Physical exercise promotes the flow of oxygen, glucose, and nutrients to your brain. It’s also one of the best ways to stimulate neuroplasticity (brain plasticity), the brain’s ability to alter its structure and function. 2. PLAY DUAL N-BACK Dual n-back is the first brain exercise proven to raise a player’s general level of intelligence. By increasing working memory capacity, it can boost your IQ. 3. PLAY CHESS. Chess increases concentration, problem-solving skills, and stimulates both sides of the brain. It gives your working memory a good workout and can increase IQ. 4. CONTINUE LIFELONG EDUCATION If you are a teen or young adult, stay in school. Students who stay in school longer have higher IQs. 5. HAVE A MENTALLY CHALLENGING CAREER Having a career that involves complex relationships, elaborate systems, or solving difficult problems will help keep you mentally sharp. 6. MEDITATE Practicing meditation increases learning ability, memory, and problem-solving skills. Meditation makes you more efficient at processing information, so it should come as no surprise that it also can boost IQ. 7. TRY NEUROFEEDBACK Biofeedback is a technique that teaches you to manage functions such as heart rate and brainwave activity that are normally not under your control. 8. TAKE FISH OIL There are many supplements that have a positive effect on brain health and function, but only one so far has been shown to raise IQ in adults — fish oil. Five Components of Emotional Intelligence 1)Self-awareness When we’re self-aware, we know our strengths and weaknesses, as well as how we react to situations and people. 2)Self-regulation Because they are self-aware, emotionally intelligent people can regulate their emotions and keep them in check as necessary. 3)Motivation People with high emotional intelligence tend to be highly motivated as well, which makes them more resilient and optimistic. 4)Empathy People with empathy and compassion are simply better at connecting with other people. 5)Social Skills The social skills of emotionally intelligent people show they genuinely care for and respect others and they get along well with them. A few reasons why emotional intelligence is important in the workplace include helping you to: Understand nonverbal communication: You have the chance to fix a situation before it becomes a problem. For example, if you notice a coworker displaying some nonverbal signs of sadness, you might take them aside to offer empathy. Be self-aware of personal emotions: You can use this skill to adjust your behavior before it becomes an issue for a client or coworker. For example, if you know you had a rough night, you might attempt to change your behavior the following workday by shifting your focus toward more positive feelings.