Criminal Justice Career Exploration: FBI, GBI, Sheriff

Criminal Justice Essentials
Career Exploration Activity
EQ: What are the differences in law enforcement agencies?
I. Students can use technology and access the Federal Bureau of Investigation website at www.fbi.gov.
A. From the home page students should browse the site and answer the following questions:
1. What is Jason Brown wanted for and out of what state? murder and armed robbery in Arizona
2. What does UCR stand for? Uniform Crime Report
3. List items that the FBI investigates. terrorism, counterintelligance, cyber crime, public corruption, civil rights,
organized crime, white-collar crime, violent crime, WMD
4. What is WMD? Explain. Weapons of Mass Destruction is a weapon that is designed to cause death or
serious injury through toxic or poisonous chemicals
5. What happened on July 29, 2020? (Hint Pittsburgh) Explain. woman plead guilty to Narcotics Trafficking
6. According to UCR, How many officers were killed in Georgia? (Hint got to tab under latest releases...use table) 4
in the line of duty
7. How many FBI field offices are there? 56
8. What is CJIS? What is its function? How does it work? Criminal Justice Information Service is a high-tech hub
in the hills of West Virginia that provides a range of state-of-the-art tools and services to law enforcement,
national security and intelligence community partners, and the general public.
9. Besides a special agent, how many other jobs/careers does the FBI offer? IT Careers, Forensic Accountant,
Attorney, Victime Specialist, etc
10. Locate the “FBI Job” tab…list the nine elements that will automatically disqualify job candidates for employment
with the FBI. Non-U.S. citizenship, Conviction of a felony, Violation of the FBI Employment Drug Policy,
Default on a student loan insured by the U.S. Government, Failure of an FBI-administered urinalysis drug
test, Failure to register with the Selective Service System, Knowingly or willfully engaged in acts or activities
designed to overthrow the U.S. government by force, Failure to pay court ordered child support, Failure to
file federal, state, or local income tax returns
II. Students can use technology and access the Federal Bureau of Investigation website at www.gbi.georgia.gov
1. How many divisions are in the GBI? 6
2. GBI has many cases they work (unidentified remains), what happened in the field/river near Harris County, GA?
Fisherman found a body in the river and police found it to be a homicide and may have taken place as early
as mid-April 2002.
3. Who has been missing since May 13, 1984? Explain. Helen Ann Morgan; Her car was discovered at Atlanta
Hartsfield International Airport apparently abandoned in the south terminal parking lot.
4. Find the tab labeled “Unsolved Homicide”. What is the most recent case? Explain? The most recent case is
Sheetya Elaine Herrin. She was at a concert where unexpectadly gunshots were fired and Sheetya was hit.
5. Someone robbed Sunrise Food store…Explain. Two unidentified accomplices robbed the cashier at gun-point
of an undisclosed amount of cash. The county sheriff’s office is offering a $500 reward.
6. List the five determinations of death in Georgia. (Hint under divisions) natural, accidental, homicide, suicide,
7. Locate the employment tab. Pick two current vacant jobs through the GBI. List out on your paper job name,
location of job and salary.
Clerical Services Worker, MILLEDGEVILLE & MGRDEO, GA, Part-time $12.82 hourly
Crime Lab Scientist, various loctions in Ga, Full-Time $44,000.00 Annually
8. Go to press release tab and locate one article that interests you and summarize the article to include the
5 W’s and 1 H. The GBI investigated a homicide and an aggravated assault in Seminole County on August
11, 2021. The Seminole County deputies arrested a man named Floyd James Harris, age 29, for aggravated
assault and murder. They believe that Harris was responsible for shooting a woman and man after separate
confrontations with both.
III. Students can use technology and access the Federal Bureau of Investigation website at www.fayettesheriff.org
1. Who is the current Sheriff of Fayette County? Sheriff Barry H. Babb
2. What year was the first Sheriff elected to Fayette County? How long did he serve? 1822, for 1 year
3. Who has been the longest tenured Sheriff to date? (Name and years in office) Randall Johnson, 31 years
4. How many patrol zones does Fayette County Sheriff’s Department have? Which one is WHS in? 5; 5
5. What was interesting about March 6, 2019? Explain An officer sexually assaulted a female inmate and she
reported it. He turned himself in on March 6, 2019 to the Fayette County Jail and posted a bond of $25,000.
6. Currently, what jobs are available within the Sheriff’s Department? Salaries?
Deputy Sheriff (POST Certified) $42,117.13, Detention Officer (Entry-Level) $38,156.04, and Civilian Court
Bailiff $75.00/per day
IV. Create a venn diagram to explain the similarities and difference between the three agencies. At a minimum you
should have three entries in each spot of your venn diagram.
- security service of the US
- requires employment of
- focus everywhere
- is an indepent , statewide
- focuses on the state of Ga
- 5 divisions/
- protect their
- require law
Fayette County
- focuses only in the county