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A Son is Given Script

A Son is Given
Judge Hammond – Austere, Kind-hearted Judge
Rob Covey – Covey Confident, cocky prosecutor
Sara Novak – Novice defense attorney
Craig Friedman – Brooding defendant haunted by his past
Scene 1
[Scene opens to a courtroom with the judge presiding and a
prosecutor standing at a desk. A defendant sits at a different desk
hiding his face from the judge.]
Judge: We come now to our final case of the day. If everyone will bear with
us a little while longer, we will try to get you home for the holiday just as
soon as possible. Mr. Covey, who do we have next?
Rob: Next, we have a Defendant charged with a DUI and with fleeing the
scene of the accident.
[Sara Enters hurriedly and walks up next to the defendant.]
Sara: (flustered) Your honor if I could just ask a quick favor.
Judge: Hello, Sara. Merry Christmas to you!
Sara: Merry Christmas, Your Honor.
Judge: I thought this was going to be a quick case, but here stands a noble
public defender to change that thought.
Sara: I’m sorry your Honor, but could you please grant me a brief extension
to speak with my client? We haven’t quite had enough time to prepare.
Rob: Come on Sara. Don’t drag this out any longer. It’s an open and shut
case. Why are we stalling?
A Son is Given
Sara: This is anything but “open and shut” Rob.
Judge: Ms. Novak, I could give you a very brief continuance, but any longer
than an hour or so and your client will have to spend Christmas back in his
Sara: It will just take a few minutes your Honor.
Judge: (sigh) Confer with your client, Ms. Novak, and we’ll see you back
here in 45 minutes. {BANGS GAVEL}
Sara: Thank you your Honor! [ Sara & Craig Exit]
Scene 2
[Scene opens in a different room from the courtroom with 2 chairs
and a table. Craig sits at a chair while Sara paces nervously.]
Sara: In case you weren’t aware, slouching in the corner and hiding your
face from the judge is very suspicious behavior.
Craig: …I can’t face him again….
Sara: Who? Judge Hammond? Do you know him?
Craig: …I can’t face him again…
Sara: Why? Are you worried you can’t get a fair trial? We can get a
different judge or ask him to recuse himself.
Craig: It doesn’t matter [Craig put his head down and turns away from
Sara: I can’t help you if you won’t work with me.
Craig: Fine.
Sara: Look, I don’t have a lot of time here. Just tell me what happened!
A Son is Given
Craig: It’s like I told you on the phone, I fell asleep at the wheel…simple as
that. It was an accident.
Sara: And you weren’t under the influence of alcohol?
Craig: No! I told the cop that and the other attorney. I don’t know why you
keep asking me that.
Sara: Probably because of your past DUI.
Craig: (defensively ) That was almost TWENTY years ago! -- Wait, so
that’s what this is really about. Finally gonna stick it to me? I knew I
shouldn’t have come back here.
Sara: Come back? You don’t live here?
Craig: No, I got out of this town as soon as I could and haven’t been back
Sara: Why were you coming back last night?
Craig: I came to see my mom. She has cancer. I needed to come back.
Sara: …I’m sorry…
Craig: (shrugs) …it happens…
Sara: Just to clarify, you were driving to your mother’s house at 2 am?
Craig: Yes. I had worked all day and left late. I drove straight through the
night to get here. When I came off the exit, I must have started drifting off. I
didn’t realize how tired I was. I was almost there when, I think—I just
nodded for a second.
Sara: And that’s when you struck the parked car and the Courthouse sign?
Craig: (defensively) What’s the point of this?
A Son is Given
Sara: Maybe you should take this a little more seriously. This would be your
second DUI. The prosecutor will want to lock you up for 30 days minimum.
Craig: That’s ridiculous! I wasn’t drinking! I’ve been sober for two years!
Sara: Then how do you explain fleeing the scene?
Craig: I didn’t flee the scene!
Sara: Yes, you did.
Craig: No, I was cold and tired. I had hit my head, and I thought if I just
could get home, then I would report it.
Sara: You still fled the scene of an accident.
Craig: All I hit was a parked car.
Sara: That doesn’t matter.
Craig: Well, it should. I didn’t do anything wrong. You got nothing on me.
Sara: Mr. Friedman, I am your attorney. I’m trying to defend you, and you
are not making life any easier for either of us by being belligerent.
Craig: It doesn’t matter. He’s going to throw the book at me anyway.
Sara: The judge? Craig, if you have something to tell me, you need to say
Craig: ….It doesn’t matter…it’s hopeless…
Scene 3
[ Scene opens to reveal Robn and the judge waiting in the
courtroom. Rob either sits on his desk or lunges in a chair
with his feet propped up.]
Judge: Sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Covey.
A Son is Given
Rob: No problem, Judge. They sure are taking their, sweet time. I’m just
sorry to see the Public Defender’s office abuse your kindness again.
Judge: It’s fine. We want to ensure that everyone receives fair
Rob: Trust me your Honor, at this stage they’re always guilty. Otherwise,
they wouldn’t be in this situation.
Judge: I should remind you that you are talking about a human being.
Rob: Yes, and it’s basic human nature. A criminal needs to be punished., If
you let him off, he only falls right back into his old ways. People don’t
Judge: I appreciate your strong sense of justice, Mr. Covey, but you seem
to be forgetting the place of mercy and forgiveness and rehabilitation, not to
mention that whole pesky concept of “innocent until proven guilty”.
Rob: Ah, you’re changing the subject.
Judge: No, I would simply remind you that no one is perfect. And but for the
grace of God, any of us could fall into all sorts of evil.
Rob: Alright, Judge, I know you teach Sunday school, but this ain’t a
Sunday school lesson. And this isn’t a little sin problem or a minor
indiscretion. I get that you should forgive mistakes, but not really bad
actions—not when they cause harm.
Judge: Mr. Covey, we are all sinners. “All we like sheep have gone astray.”
We are all deserving of judgement.
Rob: (laughing) Now who’s the jaded pessimist? That’s an awfully bleak
outlook for Christmas Eve!
Judge: It would be in that were the end of the story, but it’s only the
beginning. Christmas reminds the sinner that fear, and despair can give
way to joy!
A Son is Given
Scene 4
Sara: (to craig) Just remember to be respectful and honest. I can tell you
from past experience, that you are luck it’s Judge Hammond in today and
not Judge Judy!
Judge: Ms. Novak, are you and your client ready?
Sara: Yes your Honor! Thank you for you patience. You too Rob.
Rob: May we proceed?
Judge: Yes, we will now here the case of (shuffling papers) Mr…uh….Mr—
Now where did my papers go?
[Shuffling of papers]…
Rob: Here your Honor.
Judge: Thank you. Yes, the case of Mr. Craig---(stops and looks up at the
defendant with a blank, yet shocked stare).
Sara: Your Honor?
Craig: I told you….it’s hopeless
Judge: (long pause) Mr.—Mr. Craig Friedman. It’s like a ghost from the
past. (pause). I must alert counsel that I am intimately familiar with this
Defendant. Due to our past history, I think it necessary that he stand before
a different judge.
Sara: Your honor, I am aware that there is some history between the two of
you; however, my client is desperate to have this case heard. He came
here for the holidays to see his mother who is (pauses…looks down)
dying….Dying of—
Judge: Caner. Yes, I’m aware.
A Son is Given
Sara: To wait for another judge would potentially leave my client in custody
over these precious few days. Additionally, it would be difficult for him to
make bail. He has requested that you please hear his case.
Judge: And how does the Defendant plead to the charges of driving under
the influence and leaving the scene of an accident?
Sara: He pleads “Not Guilty” to the DUI—but “guilty” to leaving the scene of
the accident. And I should add that he would like to waive his right to a trial
by jury.
Rob: For the record your Honor, the State has no objection to waiving a
jury trial.
Judge: Mr. Friedman.
Sara: (whispering to Craig) Craig, at least look at him.
Craig: (Looks at the judge)
Judge: Mr. Friedman, is it true you want to stand trial before me and waive
your right to a jury trial?
Craig: (Voice breaking) Yes.
Judge: Court will take a brief recess. [Bangs gavel and departs]
Rob: Your Honor? [Follows the Judge off stage]
Sara: Ok Craig, spill. What’s going on? How in the world to you know
Judge Hammond?
Craig: I caused his son’s death.
Sara: And you just threw yourself on his mercy!? What have you?
Scene 5
A Son is Given
Craig: I was a stupid kid. It was my 17th birthday. I went to a party with
some friends. Someone showed up with alcohol. Everyone pressured me
to drink because it was my birthday after all.
Sara: You don’t have to explain it to me.
Craig: You’re my counselor, right? My advocates? Might as well know who
you’re advocating for.
Sara: Craig—
Craig: I don’t know how many drinks I had. It didn’t even seem like that
many. Suddenly, I realized how late it was and didn’t want my mom to be
suspicious. I grabbed my keys and left. Somebody tried to stop me, but I
thought I was fine. I drove home. I knew I was drunk, but I also knew I
could do it. I was fine. I was always fine… I don’t even remember exactly
how it happened, but I swerved. I didn’t see him! He was out jogging—
practicing for a track meet. I didn’t see him! It was an accident.
Sara: Of course it was.
Craig: It wasn’t my fault! No, what am I saying? Of course, it was my fault.
Sara: I’m so sorry….
Craig: I’m sorry too. My life ended that night.
Sara: Craig, I don’t begin to assume that I know what you have been
through, but didn’t you already pay the penalty for that mistake? Didn’t you
serve a sentence?
Craig: Manslaughter. DUI Manslaughter. Isn’t it an awful word?
Manslaughter.. I was convicted and sentenced to two years, then released
early for good behavior—probably because of my age.
Sara: Then you can find solace that justice was served.
Craig: Whose justice? Travis is still dead. I still killed him. Sure, I was
punished, but it didn’t bring him back. It didn’t wipe away my guilt, did it?
Today, I couldn’t even look the judge in the face, not one time.
A Son is Given
Sara: You have to move on and at least try to live a normal life.
Craig: When you cause someone else’s death, you don’t get to live a
normal life. I can’t move on. It’s a debt I can’t repay.
[Judge Hammond enters behind Craig out of sight]
Sara: Have you tried talking to a doctor or a counselor? Or maybe
someone at Church?
Craig: (shamefully laughs) Nobody wants me in church. Come on, nobody
wants me in Heaven! I don’t deserve Heaven, and you we all know.
Judge: I don’t think any of us get to decide who deserves Heaven.
Sara: I’m sorry your Honor. We’re ready.
Judge: It’s no problem. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. I wasn’t expecting to
hear a discussion on Heaven—but I guess what with the season and all.
Craig: I don’t understand.
Sara: I think he means Christmas.
Judge: Precisely, Sara. You do know that Christmas is the time when
Jesus came down to Earth to open Heaven for all mankind.
Craig: No.
Sara: You would know Sir as the resident Sunday School Teacher. Sorry
again for taking so long. We are ready to proceed.
Judge: Very well. [Judge exits]
Craig: Opened Heaven to man? How would he do that?
Scene 6
[The scene occurs back in the courtroom]
A Son is Given
Sara: (Excitedly) Furthermore, my client did not “stagfger and stumble
around” nor did he “slink off into the shadows” as my esteemed colleague
so vividly imagined.
Rob: Watch the video
Sara: IN fact, I would assert that my client did not intend to flee the scene
at all. He was disoriented, tired, and seeking shelter from the cold. He was
also to see his mother as he was under the belief that she could die at any
moment. He didn’t think he had done anything wrong. My client fell asleep
at the wheel, and there is no evidence that he was under the influence of
any substance.
Rob: Your Honor, as I stated previously, there is plenty of evidence this
was a DUI. Go back to the flight. Just go back to the flight.
Sara: You’re like a broken record!
Rob: --the skid marks, the extent of the damage, the lateness of the hour—
0and most importantly the fact that he fled the scene. Why else would he
flee the scene?
Sara: Your Honor!
Rob: Because he was drunk, and he didn’t want to get caught. You can’t
take a breathalyzer when you are nowhere to be found—it’s so convenient!
Sara: Your Honor, I have so many objections, I don’t even know where to
Judge: If both of you are quite finished with theatrical performances, I
believe we can bring this case to a close. [Rob and sara step back and take
their seats] At this point I have heard from both of you, as well as from the
defendant himself, and we seem to be descending in to a cycle of
squabbling. I’ve heard your closings, and I’m ready to rule.
Sara: (to Craig) Look—whatever happens, we can appeal.
A Son is Given
Craig: No, fate brought me here. I deserve what’s coming to me. Why
Judge: Will the Defendant, Craig Friedman, please rise?
Craig: (rises)
Judge: After hearing all of the arguments, weighing the facts, viewing the
CCTV footage, and hearing your testimony, I find as follows: to the charge
of Driving Under the Influence I find the Defendant—
Craig: …guilty..
Judge: Not Guilty
Rob: What!?
Sara: Oh, Craig!
Judge: And to the charge of fleeing the scene of an accident, I find the
Defendant, guilty. In determining the sentence for this crime, it is noted that
the Defendant has a criminal record, including a previous DUI
manslaughter, of which I am painfully familiar. Due to the extent of the
damages caused to the Courhouse property, and the suspicious
circumstances of your flight, I sentence you to the maximum fine allowable,
$4,000 dollars [Bangs gavel]
[The judge stands up, takes off his robe, and carries a check over to Rob]
Sara: It’s ok Craig. It’s a big win. Surely, we can come up with that amount
Craig: What’s the judge doing?
Judge: Mr. Covey, here is the amount that Craig owes, paid in full. And if
there are any other damages that his insurance will not cover, I will pay for
those as well.
Rob: But your Honor!!
A Son is Given
Judge: Take it to the Clerk and tell her to get the paperwork in order. I
would appreciate it.
Craig: Judge Hammond, wait! You can’t to this!?
Judge: Go home Craig, and be with your mother. You’re free.
Craig: But how could you do this?
Judge: I forgive you Craig, and it’s about time you accept my forgiveness.
But much more than that, you need to accept God’s forgiveness. I know
you have heard this before at Church and from your mother, but you need
to accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour.
Craig: I tried once, but how can you really forgive me? After all the pain I’ve
caused and the life I’ve wasted? You of all people know why I can’t be
Judge: You’re wrong Craig. He died for you. He loves you. Only He can
truly forgive you. And He’s waiting for you!
Craig: Can it really be true?
Scene 7
Judge: The Bible says, “That if thou shalt confess with they mouth the Lord
Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the
dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto
righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
Craig: I do believe that Jesus die on the cross and shed his blood for my
sins, and rose from the grave 3 days later. I do confess that He is my Lord
and Saviour! I don’t want to go to Hell when I die! ….Please save me God!
Judge: Amen son! There’s a new name written down in glory!
A Son is Given
Craig: Thank you Judge. Thank you for forgiving me. I know it doesn’t help,
but I want you to know that my whole life, I’ve felt guilty for what happened.
I have suffered every day since that awful night.
Judge: Do you know what I wanted so much more than your suffering?
Your redemption.
Craig: How could you feel that way toward me, of all people!?
Judge: Only God.
Craig: I feel so strange. Like this HUGE weight of guilt is liftin off. I feel—I
finally feel—
Judge: Justified.
Craig: Huh?
Judge: Justified. It means “made right” or “declared righteous”.
Craig: I can never be “righteous”. I know that.
Judge: No, not with any righteousness of our own. But now that Christ is
your Saviour, you take his perfect righteousness. We can never earn
salvation or wash out our many sins. But by faith in the atoning work of
Jesus Christ, we are cleansed. The penalty for our sins is paid, the
righteous wrath of God toward our sins is appeased, and God declares that
from now and forever more we are justified!
Scene 8
Rob: Your Honor, can we speak for a minute? That scene in there was truly
touching. But I hope you don’t hold it against me for saying I don’t
understand how you could forgive him so quickly, so easily.
Judge: It was not quick or easy.
A Son is Given
Rob: Sir, that was your perfect chance to avenge your son’s death. He
didn’t even serve his full sentence! I don’t understand that kind of
forgiveness. It seems to me like you would want justice.
Judge: JUSTICE? Mr. Covey, I love justice. I seek justice. My hope is
eternal justice. But not my justice and not yours.
Rob: I apologize. I see where you’re going your Honor. You mean God’s
Judge: Exactly. What is justice without mercy? And what is mercy without
Rob: But your son…?
Judge: Yes, I lost my son, my only child. I doubt that pain will ever go away.
But today, I couldn’t stop thinking about how another Father lost his only
Son. And that perfect innocent Son died for the very men who caused His
pain. I’m one of those guilty men Mr. Covey, and so are you. You asked me
how I could forgive him so quickly? Simple, really. I can forgive because I’m
forgiven. I’m must forgive because I’m forgiven, and through forgiveness
comes freedom, peace, and joy inexpressible.