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Micro-Seismic Railway Monitoring System - ALSTOM

Micro-Seismic Railway
Monitoring System
ALSTOM’s Micro-Seismic
Railway Monitoring System
(MRMS) is an innovative solution that augments existing
slide fence technology. MRMS
utilizes seismic sensors to detect
when a rock or other debris falls
into the track area. The size of
the object can be determined
by the signature signal generated by the seismic sensor. If the
object is of sufficient size, the
Seismic Monitor sends a digital
output to the local signaling
ALSTOM Signaling has developed the MRMS as a reliable,
accurate, cost-efficient way to
seismically detect rockslides and
other obstructions falling on the
right of way. The Micro-Seismic
Railway Monitoring System can
interface with existing signaling systems and automatically
reset itself, improving safety and
reducing train delays. MRMS
greatly reduces false detections
and will reduce operating and
maintenance expenses.
• Capable of interfacing with an existing Signaling System
• Automatic Reset Feature Reduces Train Delays
• Equipped to operate 24/7/365, through all climate conditions
• Remote and Self-Monitoring Capability to Improve Safety
• Cost Efficient to Install and Maintain
• Self Contained, No Reliance on External Systems
Micro-Seismic Railway Monitoring System. © -2007. ALSTOM, the ALSTOM logo and any alternative version thereof are trademarks and service marks
of ALSTOM. The other names mentioned, registered or not, are the property of their respective companies. The technical and other data contained in
this document is provided for information only. Neither ALSTOM, its officers and employees accept responsibility for or should be taken as making any
representation or warranty (whether express or implied) as to the accuracy or completeness of such data or the achievement of any projected performance criteria where these are indicated. ALSTOM reserves the right to revise or change this data at any time without further notice.
Micro-Seismic Railway Monitoring System
The MRMS consists of the following:
• Seismic Sensors detect ground motion caused by rocks and other debris.
• Seismic recorder determines if the ground motion is caused by a rock or rock slide. These recorders also maintain a
local storage record of monitored ground movement.
• Local signaling system interfaces with the seismic recorder
signal to approaching trains.
• Remote monitoring system.
• Local monitoring system.
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ALSTOM Signaling Inc. - 1025 John Street - West Henrietta, NY 14586
Customer Service: 1-800-717-4477 - www.alstomsignalingsolutions.com - Rev. 05/07