The three-generation pedigree is used to map out risks for genetic diseases in families, as well as conditions with modifiable risk factors.. Allergies, asthma, etc MCHAT- modified checklist for autism in toddlers The M-CHAT is a screening tool and is useful for detecting behaviors that may indicate autism. This instrument has been found to have acceptable sensitivity, specificity, and significant positive predictive value. If these behaviors are detected, the PNP should refer the child to a specialist for further assessment, using more diagnostic tools. The DC: 0-3R refers to the Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood and is useful for developmental problem diagnosis. The “newest vital sign,” or health literacy, can be determined quickly by asking the parent how many children’s books are in the home. Greater than 10 books in the home is an independent positive predictor of adequate parent health literacy. Maternal depression in the first year of life has been associated with poorer language development at 3 years of age. The genogram is an approach to developing a family database to provide a graphic representation of family structure, roles, and problems of recurring significance in a family. The CRAFFT tool is used to assess substance abuse in adolescents. The ecomap is used to identify relationships in the family and community that are supportive or harmful. The pedigree is used to identify potential genetic disorders.