Parameter Summary (yellow=things to know) PARAMETER HR BP MAP CO (cardiac output) CI (cardiac index) SV (stroke volume or amount of blood ejected in 1 beat) CONTRACTILITY RAP or CVP (right atrial pressure) PRELOAD PAP (pulmonary artery pressure) PCWP (pulmonary capillary wedge pressure)PRELOAD SVR (systemic vascular resistance)AFTERLOAD PVR (pulmonary vascular resistance)AFTERLOAD CAPP (coronary artery perfusion pressure) EF (ejection fraction) NORMAL 60-100 beats/minute 90/60-140/90 mm Hg FORMULA N/A What to do? Assess EKG N/A 60-80 mm Hg altho some say 60-100 mm Hg is a better measure 4-8 L/min SBP + 2DBP/3 or SBP-DBP/3 + DBP Assess pt. and treat cause Inc.=anti HTN Dec.=vasopressors Assess pt. and treat cause Inc.=anti HTN Dec.=vasopressors 2.5-4L/min/m2 60-100 ml/beat CO/BSA CO/HR x 1000 3-8 mm Hg altho 4-8 is generally the acceptable range 15/4-30/12 N/A Dec=fluid and dysrhythmia control Inc.=diuretics and dilators N/A Dec.=fluid HR x SV/1000 Assess pt. Dec=vasopressors, IABP, VAD Dec.=positive inotropes Inc.=Beta blockers, Ca channel blockers 800-1200 dynes/sec/cm 50-250 Inc.> 30=pulm. edema or heart failure diuretics and dilators N/A Dec.=fluid Inc.>20=pulm edema or heart failuretreat appropriately MAP-CVP/CO x 80 Dec.=pressors, IABP Inc.=dilators, IABP MPAP-PCWP/CO x Dec.=pressors, IABP 80 Inc.=dilators, IABP 60-80 mm Hg DBP- PCWP 67% SV/EDV 6-12 mm Hg altho 215 has been cited SvO2 (mixed venous 60-80% N/A oxygen saturation) SaO2 (arterial oxygen 95-99% on RA N/A saturation) Dilators=NTG, nitroprusside, milrinone, Ca channel blockers Diuretics=furosemide, mannitol Fluids=colloids, crystalloids, blood Positive inotropes=dobutamine, dopamine, milrinone, digoxin Pressors=epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, neosynephrine Assess pt. Dec.=treat cause, ?IABP Assess pt. Dec.=Apply O2