Research ethics and integrity: 3 core themes of course Research skills, methodological preparation and professional skills. Ethics are a code of conduct that govern what people do. Concerned with actions and behaviours. For this module, the focus will be on ethical dilemmas and integrity in scientific research. Ethics is the moral distinction between right and wrong, not necessarily everything that’s legal is ethical and vice-versa. Ethical standards in research are set by various institutions and professional associations. 4 pillars of ethics professional self regulation, government oversight rules and legislation, instsitutional policy universities own policeis, personal responsibility What is research misconduct? - Disrespecting human subjects pressure to participate/inability to withdraw, not respecting anonomoity, abuse of vulnerable, no informed consent Fabrication- data/results or reporting Falsification- manipulating/omitting results so research not accurately represented by report Plagiarism- appropriation of another persons ideas/words without giving credit 5 principles of research integrity 1. 2. 3. 4. Honesty- no fabrication/falsification. Clear link between results and data Scrupulousness- use methods that are accepted in field + clear what methods and why used Transparency- clear what data is/ what it is based on should use open data, Independence- no commercial or political interest, report findings fairly + honestly 5. Responsibility- doesn’t operate in isolation + must take others into account FEB research ethics committee 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Potential adverse effect on human participants Violtaions of privacy Voluntary nature of research participation Use of underage participants Provide sufficient information to participants Citi knowledge It’s a universal training programme based in the USA, it will sensitise and qualify you, not make you into philosphers! 4 modules: Plagiarism, privacy, data management, misconduct