Uploaded by erinsavelarn

Cellular Transport Lab: Celery & Raisin Experiment

Cellular Transport Experiment
Lab Members: ______________________________________________________________________
1 piece of celery
10 Raisins
1 tablespoon of Salt placed in Dixie cup
1 jars
2 pieces of masking tape to label jars with your group names
1 glucose test strip
Day 1
1. Separately weigh the piece of celery and the 10 raisins. Record the weights below.
Celery: _____________
Raisins: _____________
2. Fill the jar ½ way with water. Add 1 Tablespoon of salt and stir well. Place the piece of celery into
the jar and set aside. (No need for a lid)
3. Fill the Dixie cup ½ way with water. Add the 10 raisins. Dip the test strip into the jar and record
your results below.
Glucose strip results: ________________________
Anticipatory Questions:
With reference to cellular transport, what do you expect to happen to each of the food substances?
Explain the reasons for your suspected outcomes.
Celery: ____________________________________________________________________________
Raisins: ____________________________________________________________________________
Day 2
1. Weigh your food substances.
Celery: _________________________
Raisins: _________________________
2. Dip a glucose strip into the solution with the raisins. Record the results: _____________________
3. Conclusions: Describe the changes in the food substances and the solutions. Were your
suspected outcomes correct? Why or why not? What type of cellular transport occurred?
Celery: ___________________________________________________________________________
Raisins: ___________________________________________________________________________