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A-Z Science Worksheet: Explore Key Concepts

The A-Z of science
What a …
Are You, Me, your pencil, your table,
the stars and everything else in the
entire universe made up of?
What B …
Is the name given to single celled
organisms that double in
number every 20 minutes
What C …
Is the name give to
this piece of
scientific equipment
What D …
Is the name given
to the system in
the body that
breaks down the
food you eat
What E …
Was the theory proposed by
Charles Darwin?
In What F
Would you find a producer, primary
consumer, secondary consumer
and tertiary consumer?
Is the name given to a
substance that has
gone past its boiling
What h …
Is the most
abundant element
in the universe
What I …
Are a class of living organism within the arthropods
that have a three part body and three pairs of
jointed legs
What J …
Is the name given to
the largest planet
in our solar system
What K …
Is the name of the temperature scale developed
in the mid 1800’s and is often referred to by
scientists as the “absolute temperature scale”
What L …
Is a horizontal circle on the Earth north or south of the
Equator, measured from the centre of the Earth as
an angular distance in degrees?
What M …
Is measured in Kilograms and
is often confused with weight
What N …
Is found in every one of your cells
and is home to all of your DNA
What O …
Is the gas used in the process
of cellular respiration
What P …
Is the effect given when a force
is applied onto a surface or
What Q …
Is the name given to a part of an atom,
that physicists believe to be even smaller
than a proton or neutron
(it also happens to be the name of the ferengi bar tender in
deep space 9)
What R …
Is the name given when light rays
bounce back from a mirror
What S …
Is the name given to a massive, exploding star
Is the science name for the larger of
the two bones found below your knee
(often called your shin bone)
What U …
Is the name given to the part of the electromagnetic
waves that are emitted by the sun and can burn
your skin
What V …
Is the amount of
space occupied by a
solid, liquid or gas
(it can be measured using a
measuring cylinder)
What W …
Is the unit of power
What X …
Is the name given to the wave that can be found
between Gamma and ultraviolet in the
electromagnetic spectrum
What Y …
Is the name given to the
microorganism that is used in
brewing beer
What Z …
Is the branch of biology that
deals with the study of animals
• Atom
• Bacteria
• Conical flask
• Digestive system
• Evolution
• Food chain
• Gas
• Hydrogen
• Insect
• Jupiter
• Kelvin scale