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DNA Project Worksheet: Replication, Transcription, Translation

DNA Project
Follow the directions for each question. You will receive 5pts for submitting the
assignment by the designated due date.
1. Develop 3 individual DNA strands that includes all 4 bases and is 40 bases long (include
directionality). (6pts)
2. From those 3 developed strands determine and list the consensus sequence (include
directionality). (2pts)
3. The consensus sequence is now your DNA strand that will use for the rest of this activity.
4. Determine the complementary strand with correct base pairing and include directionality
for both strands. (Label strands: template & complementary) (8pts)
5. Show the first 6bp of your DNA going through 1 round of semi-conservative replication.
(Use different colors to represent parent and new strands) (6pts)
1. List the 3 stages of Transcription. (3pts)
2. Transcribe your template strand into an RNA strand with correct base pairing and
directionality. (Keep in mind the direction in which DNA is transcribed) (6pts)
3. Process your RNA strand by removing 2 introns (totaling 20bp), joining the exons, and
adding a Poly-A tail. (10pts)
4. What RNA strand did you just make? (2pts)
1. What are the 3 main molecules needed for translation to take place? (3pts)
2. Find and highlight the start codon in your RNA sequence. If no start codon is present, add
it to the beginning of your RNA strand. (2pts)
3. Translate your RNA strand into a protein with dashes between each amino acid. (Use the
3 letter abbreviation) If you have a stop codon along your strand, make sure you stop
translating. If no stop codon is present, translate your entire strand. If you have another
start codon, continue translating again. (10pts)
4. List the stop codons. (3pts)
5. What bond is joining the amino acids and how is it created? (4pts)
6. Draw a ribosome with the 3 sites labeled in the correct order. What happens at each site?
7. List where DNA replication, transcription, RNA processing & Translation take place.