Competency (VIII.P.1; VIII.P.2) Instructions: Review the content on the patient registration form on page 59 of your workbook, and complete the insurance verification form below using the information found on the patient registration form and the insurance card found on the bottom of page 59 in your workbook. This is a competency assessment. Accuracy: Student must achieve 80% or higher. Please refer to the competency assessment sheet for further instruction. Insurance Eligibility Verification Patient’s Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial: ______________________________________________________ Patient’s DOB: _________________________________________ Gender: ________ Female ________Male Insurance Specialist or Office Manager’s Name: ____________________________________________ (Your Name) Date Verified: ____________________________ Provider Name: _____________________________________ Health Insurance Plan Name: ______________________________________________ Group No: __________________________________________ Health Insurance Policy Number: ___________________________________________ Health Insurance Plan Effective Date: ________________________________________ Insurance Status: ________________________________ Health Insurance Plan Termination Date: _______________________________________ Plan Type (Cycle One): PPO HMO POS Group MC Capitated WC $________Deductible Amount $________ Amount not Satisfied $____________Copayment Amount _________Yes __________No (Pre-existing Clause) Percentage of Reimbursement: _____________________________% Coinsurance What is plan coverage? ___________ Medical/Prescriptions __________________________ What are the plan requirements? ____________________________________________________________ Explain in detail how you can verify insurance and documentation for a patient?