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Synchronous Machines: Generators & Circuits

Synchronous Machines
Synchronous Generators
Construction of synchronous machines
In a synchronous generator, a DC current is
applied to the rotor winding producing a rotor
magnetic field. The rotor is then turned by
external means producing a rotating magnetic
field, which induces a 3-phase voltage within
the stator winding.
• Field windings are the windings
producing the main magnetic field
(rotor windings)
• armature windings are the windings
where the main voltage is induced
(stator windings)
Construction of synchronous machines
Construction of synchronous machines
The rotor of a synchronous machine is a large electromagnet. The
magnetic poles can be either salient (sticking out of rotor surface) or nonsalient construction.
Non-salient-pole rotor: usually two- and four-pole rotors.
Salient-pole rotor: four
and more poles.
Rotors are made laminated to reduce eddy current losses.
Construction of synchronous machines
Two common approaches are used to supply a DC current to the field
circuits on the rotating rotor:
1. Supply the DC power from an
external DC source to the rotor by
means of slip rings and brushes;
2. Supply the DC power from a
special DC power source mounted
directly on the shaft of the
Slip rings are metal rings completely encircling the shaft of a machine but
insulated from it. Graphite-like carbon brushes connected to DC terminals
ride on each slip ring supplying DC voltage to field windings.
Construction of synchronous machines
On large generators and motors, brushless exciters are used.
A brushless exciter is a small AC generator whose field circuits
are mounted on the stator and armature circuits are mounted on
the rotor shaft.
The exciter generator’s 3-phase output is rectified to DC by a 3phase rectifier (mounted on the shaft) and fed into the main DC
field circuit.
It is possible to adjust the field current on the main machine by
controlling the small DC field current of the exciter generator
(located on the stator).
Construction of synchronous machines
A brushless exciter: a
low 3-phase current is
rectified and used to
supply the field circuit
of the exciter (located
on the stator).
The output of the
exciter’s armature
circuit (on the rotor) is
rectified and used as
the field current of the
main machine.
Construction of synchronous machines
To make the excitation of
a generator completely
independent of any
external power source, a
small pilot exciter is
often added to the circuit.
The pilot exciter is an AC
generator with a
permanent magnet
mounted on the rotor
shaft and a 3-phase
winding on the stator
producing the power for
the field circuit of the
Construction of synchronous machines
A rotor of large
machine with a
brushless exciter
mounted on the
same shaft.
Construction of synchronous machines
Salient poles.
Rotation speed of synchronous generator
By the definition, synchronous generators produce electricity
whose frequency is synchronized with the mechanical rotational
fe =
Where fe is the electrical frequency, Hz;
nm is the rotor speed of the machine, rpm;
p is the number of poles.
• Steam turbines are most efficient when rotating at high speed;
therefore, to generate 60 Hz, they are usually rotating at 3600
rpm (2-pole).
• Water turbines are most efficient when rotating at low speeds
(200-300 rpm); therefore, they usually turn generators with many
The induced voltage in a 3-phase set of coils
In three coils, each of NC turns, placed around the rotor magnetic field,
the induced in each coil will have the same magnitude and phases
differing by 1200:
eaa ' (t ) = NCm cos mt
ebb ' (t ) = NCm cos (mt −120 )
ecc ' (t) = NCm cos (mt − 240 )
Peak voltage:
Emax = NCm
RMS voltage:
Emax = 2 NC f
Internal generated voltage of a synchronous
The magnitude of internal generated voltage induced in a given stator is
where K is a constant representing the construction of the machine,  is flux in it
and  is its rotation speed.
Since flux in the
machine depends
on the field current
through it, the
internal generated
voltage is a
function of the
rotor field current.
Magnetization curve (open-circuit characteristic) of a
synchronous machine
Equivalent circuit of a synchronous generator
The internally generated voltage in a single phase of a
synchronous machine EA is not usually the voltage
appearing at its terminals. It equals to the output voltage V
only when there is no armature current in the machine. The
reasons that the armature voltage EA is not equal to the
output voltage V are:
1. Distortion of the air-gap magnetic field caused by the
current flowing in the stator (armature reaction);
2. Self-inductance of the armature coils;
3. Resistance of the armature coils;
Equivalent circuit of a synchronous generator
• When the rotor of a
synchronous generator is
spinning, a voltage EA is
induced in its stator.
• When a load is connected,
a current starts flowing
creating a magnetic field in
machine’s stator.
• This stator magnetic field BS
adds to the rotor (main)
magnetic field BR affecting
the total magnetic field and,
therefore, the phase
Equivalent circuit of a synchronous generator
The load current IA will create a stator magnetic field BS, which will
produce the armature reaction voltage Estat. Therefore, the phase voltage
will be
V = EA + Estat
The net magnetic flux will be
Bnet = BR + BS
Rotor field
Stator field
Equivalent circuit of a synchronous generator
Since the armature reaction voltage lags the
current by 90 degrees, it can be modeled by
Estat = − jXI A
The phase voltage is then
V = EA − jXI A
However, in addition to armature reactance effect, the stator coil
has a self-inductance LA (XA is the corresponding reactance) and
the stator has resistance RA. The phase voltage is thus
V = EA − jXI A − jX A I A − RI A
Equivalent circuit of a synchronous generator
Often, armature reactance and selfinductance are combined into the
synchronous reactance of the machine
XS = X + XA
Therefore, the phase voltage is
V = EA − jX S I A − RI A
The equivalent circuit of a 3-phase
synchronous generator is shown.
The adjustable resistor Radj controls
the field current and, therefore, the
rotor magnetic field.
Equivalent circuit of a synchronous generator
A synchronous generator can be Y- or -connected:
The terminal voltage will be
Equivalent circuit of a synchronous generator
Since – for balanced loads – the three phases of a synchronous
generator are identical except for phase angles, per-phase
equivalent circuits are often used.
Phasor diagram of a synchronous generator
(similar to that of a transformer)
Since the voltages in a synchronous generator are AC voltages, they are
usually expressed as phasors. A vector plot of voltages and currents within
one phase is called a phasor diagram.
A phasor diagram of a synchronous
generator with a unity power factor
(resistive load)
Lagging power factor (inductive load): a
larger than for leading PF internal
generated voltage EA is needed to form
the same phase voltage.
Leading power factor (capacitive load).
Measuring parameters of synchronous
generator model
The three quantities must be determined in order to describe
the generator model:
1. The relationship between field current and flux (and
therefore between the field current IF and the internal
generated voltage EA);
2. The synchronous reactance;
3. The armature resistance.
Open circuit Test
The generator is rotated at the rated
• all the terminals are disconnected
from loads,
• the field current is set to zero first.
• Next, the field current is increased
in steps and the phase voltage
(whish is equal to the internal
generated voltage EA since the
armature current is zero) is
Since the unsaturated core of the machine has a reluctance
thousands times lower than the reluctance of the air-gap, the
resulting flux increases linearly first. When the saturation is
reached, the core reluctance greatly increases causing the flux
to increase much slower with the increase of the mmf.
Short Circuit Test
In here,
• the generator is rotated at the rated speed, with the field
current is set to zero first, and all the terminals are shortcircuited through ammeters.
• Next, the field current is increased in steps and the armature
current IA is measured as the field current is increased.
The plot of armature current (or line current) vs. the field current
is the short-circuit characteristic (SCC) of the generator.
Short Circuit Test
The SCC is a straight line since, for the
short-circuited terminals, the magnitude
of the armature current is
The equivalent generator’s circuit
during SC
The resulting
phasor diagram
Short circuit test
An approximate method to determine the synchronous reactance XS at a
given field current:
1. Get the internal generated voltage EA from the OCC at that field
2. Get the short-circuit current IA,SC at that field current from the SCC.
3. Find XS from
Since the internal machine impedance is
A drawback of this method is that the internal generated voltage EA is
measured during the OCC, where the machine can be saturated for large
field currents, while the armature current is measured in SCC, where the
core is unsaturated. Therefore, this approach is accurate for unsaturated
cores only.
The approximate value of
synchronous reactance varies with
the degree of saturation of the
OCC. Therefore, the value of the
synchronous reactance for a given
problem should be estimated at the
approximate load of the machine.
The winding’s resistance can be
approximated by applying a DC
voltage to a stationary machine’s
winding and measuring the current.
However, AC resistance is slightly
larger than DC resistance (skin effect).
Example 7.1: A 200 kVA, 480 V, 50 Hz, Y-connected synchronous generator with a
rated field current of 5 A was tested and the following data were obtained:
1. VT,OC = 540 V at the rated IF.
2. IL,SC = 300 A at the rated IF.
3. When a DC voltage of 10 V was applied to two of the terminals, a current of 25 A
was measured.
Find the generator’s model at the rated conditions (i.e., the armature resistance and
the approximate synchronous reactance).
Since the generator is Y-connected, a DC
voltage was applied between its two
phases. Therefore:
Example (cont.)
The internal generated voltage at the rated field current is
The synchronous reactance at the rated field current is precisely
We observe that if XS was estimated via the approximate formula, the result would
Which is close to the previous result.
The error ignoring RA is much smaller
than the error due to core saturation.
The Synchronous generator operating alone
The behavior of a synchronous generator varies greatly
under load depending on the power factor of the load and on
whether the generator is working alone or in parallel with other
synchronous generators.
Although most of the synchronous generators in the world
operate as parts of large power systems, we start our
discussion assuming that the synchronous generator works
Unless otherwise stated, the speed of the generator is
assumed constant.
The Synchronous generator operating alone
A increase in the load is an
increase in the real and/or
reactive power drawn from the
Since the field resistor is unaffected, the field current is constant and, therefore, the
flux  is constant too. Since the speed is assumed as constant, the magnitude of
the internal generated voltage is constant also.
Assuming the same power factor of the load, change in load will change the
magnitude of the armature current IA. However, the angle will be the same (for a
constant PF). Thus, the armature reaction voltage jXSIA will be larger for the
increased load. Since the magnitude of the internal generated voltage is constant
EA = V + jX S I A
Armature reaction voltage vector will “move parallel” to its initial position.
The Synchronous generator operating alone
Increase load effect on generators with
Lagging PF
For lagging (inductive)
loads, the phase (and
terminal) voltage
decreases significantly.
The Synchronous generator operating alone
Increase load effect on generators with Unity PF
For unity power factor
(purely resistive) loads,
the phase (and terminal)
voltage decreases
The Synchronous generator operating alone
Increase load effect on generators with Leading PF
For leading
(capacitive) loads, the
phase (and terminal)
voltage rises
The Synchronous generator operating alone
Generally, when a load on a synchronous generator is added, the following
changes can be observed:
1. For lagging (inductive) loads, the phase (and terminal) voltage
decreases significantly.
2. For unity power factor (purely resistive) loads, the phase (and
terminal) voltage decreases slightly.
3. For leading (capacitive) loads, the phase (and terminal) voltage rises.
Effects of adding loads can be described by the voltage regulation:
Where Vnl is the no-load voltage of the generator and Vfl is its full-load voltage.
The Synchronous generator operating alone
A synchronous generator operating at a lagging power factor has a fairly
large positive voltaje regulation.
A synchronous generator operating at a unity power factor has a small
positive voltage regulation.
A synchronous generator operating at a leading power factor has a
small negative voltage regulation.
The Synchronous generator operating alone
Normally, a constant terminal voltage supplied by a generator is desired.
Since the armature reactance cannot be controlled, an obvious approach to adjust
the terminal voltage is by controlling the internal generated voltage EA = K. This
may be done by changing flux in the machine while varying the value of the field
resistance RF, which is summarized:
Decreasing the field resistance increases the field current in the generator.
An increase in the field current increases the flux in the machine.
An increased flux leads to the increase in the internal generated voltage.
An increase in the internal generated voltage increases the terminal
voltage of the generator.
Power and torque in synchronous generators
A synchronous generator needs to be connected to a prime mover whose speed is
reasonably constant (to ensure constant frequency of the generated voltage) for
various loads.
Pin =  appm
The applied mechanical power
is partially converted to electricity
Where  is the angle between
EA and IA.
The power-flow diagram of a
synchronous generator.
Pconv =  ind m = 3EA I A cos 
Power and torque in synchronous generators
The real output power of the synchronous generator is
The reactive output power of the synchronous generator is
Recall that the power factor angle  is the angle between V and IA
In real synchronous machines of any size, the
armature resistance RA << XS and, therefore,
the armature resistance can be ignored. Thus,
a simplified phasor diagram indicates that
I A cos  =
EA sin 
Power and torque in synchronous generators
Then the real output power of the synchronous generator can be approximated as
3VEA sin 
Pout 
We observe that electrical losses are assumed to be zero since the resistance is
neglected. Therefore:
Pconv  Pout
Here  is the torque angle of the machine – the angle between V and EA.
The maximum power can be supplied by the generator when  = 900:
Power and torque in synchronous generators
The maximum power specified is called the static stability limit of the
generator. Normally, real generators do not approach this limit: full-load
torque angles are usually between 150 and 200.
The induced torque is
 ind = kBR  BS = kBR  Bnet = kBR Bnet sin 
Notice that the torque angle  is also the angle between the rotor magnetic field
BR and the net magnetic field Bnet.
Alternatively, the induced torque is
Synchronous motors are widely used in the industry for
high-precision applications. This motor runs at
constant speed and it does not depend on the torque
acting on it.
So, it has a constant-speed torque characteristic.
The efficiency of synchronous motor is around 90%–
Synchronous motor is a doubly fed motor;
three-phase power is given to the stator
while the rotor is fed from a DC source for
excitation of the field winding.
There is no constructional difference
between synchronous motor and
synchronous generator
•The stator has a laminated core with slots
to hold the three-phase windings.
• Rotor holds the field winding. The rotor
can be of salient-pole type or cylindrical
• Synchronous motor is likely to hunt, and
so damper windings are also provided in
the rotor poles.
•When a three phase-supply is given to the
stator of the synchronous motor, it produces
a rotating magnetic flux of magnitude,
rotating at synchronous Constant speed.
•DC supply on the rotor will also
produce a flux of constant magnitude.
Brushless exciter
Static exciter
• If the rotor of the synchronous motor is
rotated by some external means at the start,
there will be a continuous force of attraction
between the stator and the rotor.
• This is called magnetic locking.
• Once is this stage is reached, the rotor pole
is dragged by the revolving stator field and thus
the rotor will continue to rotate.
The different methods that are generally
followed to start the synchronous motor are
By using a pony motor (Small motor)
Motor Starting by Reducing the supply
iii) By using a damper winding
iv) Starting as an induction motor
By using a pony motor (Small induction
In this method, the rotor of the synchronous
motor is brought to its synchronous speed with
the help of an external induction motor. This
external motor is called the pony motor.
By using DC motor
In this method of starting, the synchronous
motor is brought to its synchronous speed
with the help of a DC motor coupled to it. Once
the rotor of the synchronous motor attains
synchronous speed, the DC excitation to
the rotor is switched off.
By using a motor
This method is usually followed in the
laboratory- the synchronous machine is started
as a generator and is then connected to the
supply mains by following the
synchronization or paralleling procedure. Then
the power supply to the prime mover is
disconnected so that the synchronous machine
will continue to operate as a motor.
By using a damper winding
The damper windings are provided on
the pole face slots in the fields.
These windings are short-circuited at both ends
with the help of end rings, thus forming a
squirrel-cage system.
By using a damper winding
Now, when a three-phase supply is given to the
stator of a synchronous motor, it will start as a
three-phase induction motor.
Starting as an induction motor
The synchronous motor is started as a squirrelcage induction motor.
When the synchronous motor is started as a
slip-ring induction motor, the three ends of the
windings are connected to an external
resistance in series through slip-rings.
by Reducing the supply Frequency
If the rotating magnetic field of the stator in a
synchronous motor rotates at a low
enough speed, there will be no problem for the
rotor to accelerate and to lock in with the
stator’s magnetic field. The speed of the stator
magnetic field can then be increased to its
rated operating speed by gradually increasing
the supply frequency f up to its normal value.
Inverted V-Curve
Application of Synchronous Motor
Synchronous motor having no load connected to its shaft is
used for power factor improvement.
Synchronous motor finds application where operating
speed is less, and high power is required. such as rolling
mills, chippers, mixers, pumps, compressors etc.
Application of Synchronous Motor
As synchronous motor is capable of operating under either
leading or lagging power factor, it can be used for
power factor improvement.
A synchronous motor under no-load with leading power
factor is connected in a power system where static
capacitors cannot be used.
Why Use Synchronous Motors?
Power factor correction
Synchronous motors can help to reduce energy costs and improve the power
system efficiency by correcting the power factor of the power line where they are
installed. In a few years, the power savings can match the amount invested in the
Constant speed
Synchronous motors maintain a constant speed under overload conditions and also
during moments of voltage variations, observing the limits of maximum torque (pullout). variations.
Why Use Synchronous Motors?
High efficiency
Synchronous motors are more efficient in the conversion of electric into mechanical
energy, resulting in greater energy savings.
Synchronous motors are designed to operate with high efficiency over a wide speed
range and provide a better use of energy for a wide variety of loads.
High torque capacity
Synchronous motors are designed with high torque on duty, keeping the speed
constant even in applications with great load variations.
Why Use Synchronous Motors?
Greater stability in the operation with frequency inverters
It can operate in a wide speed range, while maintaining stability regardless load
variation (e.g.: rolling mills, plastic extruders, etc.).
Principle of Operation
1) From the external source, the field winding is supplied with a DC current
(excitation current) that generates a DC flux.
2) Rotor (field) windings are mechanically turned (rotated) at synchronous
3) The rotating magnetic field produced by the field current induces
voltages in the outer stator (armature) windings. The frequency of these
voltages is in synchronism with the rotor speed.
Principle of Operation
fs : electrical frequency, in Hz
Ns : mechanical speed of magnetic field,
in rpm (equals speed of rotor for
synchronous machines)
P : number of poles
Principle of Operation
The Equivalent Circuit of Synchronous Machine
𝐸𝐴 = 4.44𝑁s 𝜙f
𝑋𝑠= 𝑋𝑎𝑙+ 𝑋𝑚
The full equivalent circuit of
synchronous machine per phase
Principle of Operation
The Equivalent Circuit of Synchronous Machine
𝐸𝐴 = 4.44𝑁s 𝜙f
Va : armature rms terminal
Ia: armature current/phase.
Ra: armature resistance.
Xal: armature leakage reactance.
Xm: armature magnetizing reactance
𝑉𝑎= 𝐼𝑎(𝑅𝑎+ 𝑗𝑋𝑎𝑙)+ 𝐸𝑠𝑎+ 𝐸A
𝑍𝑠= 𝑅𝑎+ 𝑗𝑋𝑎𝑙+ 𝑗𝑋𝑚= 𝑅𝑎+ 𝑗𝑋𝑠
Zs : synchronous impedance.
Principle of Operation
δ=positive: generator.
δ =negative: motor.
δ =zero: compensator.
The Equivalent Circuit of Synchronous Machine
For Synchronous Motor
𝑬𝑨 ∠𝜹 = Va∠0− Ia∠Φa × Zs∠𝜶
Pin : input power/phase.
𝑃𝑖n = 𝑉𝑎 𝐼𝑎 cos Φ 𝑎 =
𝑋s sin𝛿
Tg = 3 Pg/ωs
Tload : load torque.
Tloa𝑑 =
η: efficiency.
Pm: mechanical Power
3𝑃in + 𝑉f I f
𝑉f 𝐼f = 𝐼²f R f
𝑃g = 𝐸𝐴 𝐼𝑎 cos(Φ𝑎 − 𝛿 )
Tg : air gap torque.
Pg : air gap power/phase.
The Equivalent Circuit of Synchronous Machine
For Synchronous Motor
SR : speed regulation.
Nnl: no load speed.
Nfl: full load speed.
Input Power
𝑃𝑖n = 𝑉𝑎 𝐼𝑎 cos 𝜙𝑎
Armature Cu
Iron, Excitation
and Friction
Dr Firas Obeidat
Air Gap Power
𝑃g = 𝐸 𝐴 𝐼𝑎 cos(𝜙𝑎− δ)
Power (Pm)
The Effect of Load Changes on Synchronous Motor
Phasor diagram of synchronous
motor operating at a leading
power factor.
∝ 1
The effect of an
increase in load
on the operation
of a synchronous
The Effect of Field Current Changes on a Synchronous Motor
What effect does a change in field current have on a synchronous motor?
An increase in field current increases the magnitude of EA but does not
affect the real power supplied by the motor. The power supplied by the
motor changes only when the shaft load torque changes. Since a change in
If does not affect the shaft speed Ns and since the load attached to the shaft
is unchanged, the real power is unchanged. Va is also constant, since it is
kept constant by the power source supplying the motor.
A synchronous motor operating
at a lagging power factor.
The effect of an
increase in field
current on the
operation of the
Un generador síncrono de seis polos de 480 V, 50 Hz y conexión en Y tiene una reactancia
síncrona por fase de 1,0 Ω. Su corriente de armadura de plena carga es 60A a 0.8 PF en
retraso. Este generador tiene pérdidas de fricción y rozamiento con el viento de 1,5-kW y
pérdidas de núcleo de 1,0 kW a 50 Hz a plena carga. Puesto que la resistencia de la
armadura está siendo ignorada, se asume que las pérdidas I²R son insignificantes. La
corriente de campo se ha ajustado de modo que la tensión terminal sea de 480V sin
(a) ¿Cuál es la velocidad de rotación de este generador?
(b) ¿Cuál es la tensión terminal de este generador si se cumple lo siguiente?
1. Se carga con la corriente nominal en 0.8 PF en retraso.
2. Se carga con la corriente nominal a 1.0 PF.
3. Se carga con la corriente nominal a 0.8 PF adelanto.
c) ¿Cuál es la eficiencia de este generador (ignorando las pérdidas en el cobre) cuando
está operando a la corriente nominal y 0.8 PF en retraso?
(d) ¿Cuánto par de eje debe aplicar el motor principal a plena carga?
¿Cuánto es el par en el entrehierro?
(e) ¿Cuál es la regulación de voltaje de este generador a 0.8 PF retraso? ¿A 1.0 PF? ¿A
0,8 PF adelanto?
Principle of Operation
Una máquina síncrona de 208 V, 45 hp, 0,8-PF en adelanto conectada en triángulo, a 60
Hz tiene una reactancia síncrona de 2,5Ω y una resistencia de armadura insignificante.
Sus pérdidas de fricción y rozamiento son de 1,5 kW, y sus pérdidas de núcleo son de 1,0
kW. Inicialmente, el eje está suministrando a una carga de 15 hp, y el factor de potencia
del motor es 0.80 en adelanto
(a) Esbozar el diagrama fasorial de este motor, y encontrar los valores de IA, IL y EA.
(b) Supongamos que la carga del eje ahora se ha aumentado a 30 hp. dibujar el
comportamiento del diagrama fasorial en respuesta a este cambio.
(c) Encontrar IA, IL y EA después del cambio de carga. ¿Cuál es el nuevo factor de
potencia del motor?
Principle of Operation
Una máquina síncrona de 208 V, 45 hp, 0,8-pf en adelanto, conectada en triángulo a 60
Hz tiene una reactancia síncrona de 2,5 Ω y una resistencia de armadura insignificante.
Sus pérdidas de fricción y rozamiento son de 1,5 kW, y sus pérdidas de núcleo son de
1,0 kW. Inicialmente, el eje está suministrando una carga de 15 hp con factor de
potencia de 0,85 en retraso. La corriente de campo If en estas condiciones es 4.0 A.
(a) Dibuje el diagrama fasorial de este motor y encuentre los valores de Ia y Ea
(b) Si el flujo del motor aumenta en un 25 por ciento, esboce el nuevo diagrama fasorial
del motor. Cuáles son ahora IA, EA y el factor de potencia del motor?