2021 VENDOR GUIDE HR, PAYROLL AND TALENT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Enterprise Software Solutions for Australian and New Zealand Companies 100% INDEPENDENT DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION EXPERTS AND ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE CONSULTANTS © Solution Minds Consulting Pty Ltd 2021 HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE This guide is designed to provide an overall introduction to the top HR, Payroll and Talent Management Software Vendors in Australia and New Zealand, to help you narrow down the shortlist of Vendors that may be best suited to your company. You may also wish to complete our Software Shortlist to get a more detailed Vendor list from our 100% Independent Consultants. UNDERSTANDING YOUR VENDOR OPTIONS Many of the Vendors listed in this guide offer a suite of HR solutions or modules to tailor a solution to your company’s objectives. Because of this, it is usually worthwhile to conduct a rapid business process mapping and improvement project prior to selecting a new solution or platform. This will help to ensure you buy a solution that aligns with how you want to operate, best meets you current and future requirements and provides maximum benefits to your organisation. ‘As organisations adopt cloud-first and post-modern ERP enterprise software strategies (ie, no longer relying on a single integrated solution but platforms with best of breed solutions), SaaS and subscription-based cloud consumption models will continue their rise, with licence-based software consumption plummeting in years to come. Making the right choices has never been more important.’ - Jamon Johnston, Solution Minds Consulting CEO and Founder. SOLUTION MINDS CONSULTING - 100% INDEPENDENT ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE EXPERTS © Solution Minds Consulting Pty Ltd 2021 2 HR AND YOUR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION JOURNEY HR IS AN ESSENTIAL COMPONENT OF REMAINING COMPETITIVE AND RETAINING TALENT IN A POST COVID-19 WORLD Digital transformation is the process of creating new business and operating models by building a foundation to implement and integrate digital technologies. The goal is to gain new data insights and organisational capabilities by transforming operational processes and the user experience. Continually finding new ways to leverage digital technologies to improve ways of working, and improve the user experience, is essential for remaining competitive and an unavoidable reality for all organisations. This is because digital transformation is no longer being driven by the organisations themselves but by customers and this includes employees as customers. Today, employees expect relevant content anytime, anywhere and in the format and on the device of their choosing. They are more informed than ever before and put more emphasis on trust, engagement and ease of transactions. Organisations who do not adapt and leverage digital technologies to improve the employee experience are becoming less productive and finding talent retention a competitive market. Even the Australian government and department of health have gone through rapid digital transformations in recent times with the COVID-19 pandemic, introducing chat bots in WhatsApp and the newly launched tracking app. In a world that has become even more dispersed and socially distant there is an increasing need to stay digitally connected. Organisations that do not do this in the current environment will not be able to compete. With reductions in face to face interactions, digital communication is the new normal. Only the organisations that acknowledge this and leverage new ways of working to improve their employees digital experience will thrive over the next few years. This is where HR solutions are needed to assist in that transformation journey. SOLUTION MINDS CONSULTING - 100% INDEPENDENT ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE EXPERTS © Solution Minds Consulting Pty Ltd 2021 3 FINDING THE RIGHT HR SOLUTION Human resource (HR) software, also referred to as human resources information system (HRIS) or human resources management system (HRMS), helps businesses manage employee data related to contact details, attendance, payroll, training, and benefits. Most HRMS systems integrate with recruiting/applicant tracking and payroll software. In addition, a number offer workforce management capability allowing businesses with the rostering of personnel and the tracking of time and materials to jobs/projects. This guide will focus on integrated HR solutions. For a best of breed rostering and workforce shortlist please download our Rostering Guide. Below is an overview of the key functionality offered in leading integrated HR platforms, best-of-breed solutions offer one or more of these functions. Core HR Workforce Management Recruitment & On-boarding Recruitment Payroll Time & Attendance Performance Management Employee Self Service Mobility ESS Mobility Learning Management Talent Management Rostering/ Schedule Workforce Career Development & Succession Planning Compensation & Benefits Allocation SOLUTION MINDS CONSULTING - 100% INDEPENDENT ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE EXPERTS © Solution Minds Consulting Pty Ltd 2021 4 CONSIDERATIONS IN PURCHASING A HR SOLUTION EXTENT OF HR CAPABILITY REQUIRED HR solutions are loaded with a number of features, which can complicate the purchasing process as to what is required as core features from optional ones. Key HR solution areas can be categorised as follows: ✓ Human Resource Management (HRM) ✓ Core HR ✓ Recruiting ✓ Learning Management ✓ Performance Management ✓ Talent Management ✓ Career Development and Succession Planning ✓ Compensation and Benefits Allocation ✓ Payroll ✓ Workforce Management (WFM) Buyers should carefully identify the types of HR software relevant to their businesses and make purchase decisions accordingly. INTEGRATED SOLUTION VS BEST OF BREED This may very much depend on the above buying decision as to the scope of the HR solutions required for the business, and the associated complexity of requirements. This may then lend itself to a more integrated solution or taking a Best of Breed approach. This decision is not typically made until the key business requirements are understood and then a market scan can be done to confirm possible solution candidates. DATA ANALYTICS Apart from helping human resource staff in their day-to-day activities, human resource systems also help in formulating hiring and employee management strategies by providing analytics-driven reports. For example, reports on employee performance across multiple areas can help management assess the skill gaps and help training management to plan trainings accordingly. Where the HR requirements extend into WFM, the reporting on utilisation rates, forecast demand etc, are key for future hiring decisions to support pipeline work. SOLUTION MINDS CONSULTING - 100% INDEPENDENT ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE EXPERTS © Solution Minds Consulting Pty Ltd 2021 5 HR SOLUTIONS FOR ANZ There has been a strong trend from HR solution providers towards Software as a Service and for a greater focus on integrating specialist HR functions with core HR and payroll functionality, especially talent management and WFM. This guide is an introduction to the best integrated HR, payroll and talent management solutions in Australia and New Zealand. MARKET SCAN HR SOLUTIONS FOR AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND MARKET SCAN - ERP SOLUTIONS FOR AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND ENTERPRISE TIER 1 >$500M Rev 1000+ Employees Multiple Entities High Complexity MID-MARKET UPPER TIER 2 $250M - $500M Rev 500-1000 Employees Multiple Business Units & Industries Some Complexity SMALL MID-MARKET LOWER TIER 2 $20M - $250M Rev 50-500 Employees Single entity & Industry SMALL TIER 3 <$15M Rev <50 Employees Accounting Package or Basic ERP © Solution Minds Consulting SOLUTION MINDS CONSULTING - 100% INDEPENDENT ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE EXPERTS © Solution Minds Consulting Pty Ltd 2021 6 HR, PAYROLL AND TALENT MANAGEMENT COMPARISON LEGEND Fully Supported Partially Supported Not Supported INTEGRATED BUYERS GUIDE We have compared the top integrated HR solutions and collated this information into the following comprehensive buyers guide comparison table. © Solution Minds Consulting SOLUTION MINDS CONSULTING - 100% INDEPENDENT ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE EXPERTS © Solution Minds Consulting Pty Ltd 2021 7 COMPARISON LEGEND Fully Supported Partially Supported Not Supported © Solution Minds Consulting SOLUTION MINDS CONSULTING - 100% INDEPENDENT ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE EXPERTS © Solution Minds Consulting Pty Ltd 2021 8 The SMC team brought a wealth of knowledge to our decision making and implementation, which has saved us significant time, energy and expense. - Keith Smith | Executive Sponsor - Activ Foundation CHOOSING YOUR IMPLEMENTATION PARTNER In our experience as independent consultants, engaging the right implementation partner for your digital transformation journey or Enterprise Software project is critical to success. Conversely, select the wrong implementation partner and your initiative could be destined to fail from the outset. If you have done some research you are likely to be confused about the implementation partner ecosystem in the Australia and New Zealand market for the vendors in this Guide. Software vendors may not provide the best guidance either. Often they encourage you to assess all the different companies out there as best you can and make your own decision. As a result of helping companies day in, day out with selections of Enterprise Software solutions and implementation partners, we have built up a knowledge base of the capabilities and experience of the vast majority. SMC can help you make the right decisions! SOLUTION MINDS CONSULTING - 100% INDEPENDENT ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE EXPERTS © Solution Minds Consulting Pty Ltd 2021 9 CASE STUDIES HOW SMC HELPED THESE CLIENTS Swick is one of the world’s largest mineral drilling contractors with 2000+ staff. How we helped – Business Process Mapping, Requirements and System Selection focused on HR, Payroll and Rostering/Scheduling. Since 1951, Activ has grown to become WA’s largest NFP disability service providers. How we helped – Selection of a best-of-breed Rostering solution. Have also provided Independent Trusted Advisory and Consulting services for end-to-end enterprise wide systems refresh program. Silver Chain is a care organisation delivering community health and care services across Australia. How we helped – Delivered a major business change program for a NFP organisation with complex integrations across core ERP and HR/ Payroll systems. Independence Group is a large WA based diversified miner. How we helped – Requirements definition and HR/Payroll/Time and Attendance system selection. Mid West Port Authority manages Geraldton’s ports. How we helped – BPI, requirements and HR/Payroll system selection and implementation. Ausdrill is a diversified mining services company which employs over 5,000 staff worldwide. How we helped – HR, Payroll and T&A process improvement and requirements analysis. SOLUTION MINDS CONSULTING - 100% INDEPENDENT ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE EXPERTS © Solution Minds Consulting Pty Ltd 2021 10 ABOUT THE AUTHORS Jamon Johnston – SMC CEO and Founder Business Consultant with 25 years of experience helping mid-market and multinational companies across the world deliver successful ERP and digital optimisation outcomes and achieve the benefits of new technology and improved business processes. After 11 years with global consulting organisations Andersen and then Deloitte Consulting as a Director in Perth and London, Jamon realised the need for an independent consulting firm that provided big four services for the mid-market but more specialised and better value. Cameron Elliott – SMC Director of Operations Business Consultant with 18 years of experience working on engagements across a range of industries. Cameron is highly regarded for his broad and deep enterprise systems advisory and consulting skills. He worked for Deloitte Consulting for seven years where he was a Director before joining SMC in 2010 to focus on ERP strategy, selection, business process improvement and implementation. Mile Dimkovski – SMC Director Business Consultant focused on process improvement, ERP research and selections and ERP implementations for 12 years. Mile has worked with an extensive list of organisations through all stages of the ERP lifecycle, including working with a mining ERP vendor prior to joining SMC SOLUTION MINDS CONSULTING - 100% INDEPENDENT ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE EXPERTS 11 SMC's SELECTION RESOURCES AND SERVICES We have an offering to suit everyone's need with each one progressively reducing your effort and risk. Business Requirements to save you time and effort YOUR EFFORT AND RISK Our business requirements have been refined over hundreds of projects for Australian and New Zealand organisations. It's easy to prioritise them and send to vendors for you to conduct a functional fit analysis YOUR EFFORT AND RISK Software Comparison Report will identify product weaknesses to you instantly YOUR EFFORT AND RISK Our report contains business requirements and vendor responses from our unique software evaluation platform for instant functional fit analysis. This will save you weeks of effort. SMC Selection Accelerator Pack for you to run an efficient and professional project YOUR EFFORT AND RISK This includes SMC's proven Selection Methodology with instructions. A shortlist of three vendors; Business Requirements for your scope; Software Comparison Report; Quality go-to-market documents (RFP and RFQ), Demo scenarios; Advice to get the best commercial deal. SMC Led Selection providing you with a Best of Breed Solution YOUR EFFORT AND RISK For organisations who need a solution and a technology partner and want help from an independent expert to make the best decisions and get optimal commercial outcomes. What selection package is right for you? SOLUTION MINDS CONSULTING - 100% INDEPENDENT ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE EXPERTS © Solution Minds Consulting Pty Ltd 2021 12 Thank you for taking the time to read our guide. If you have any questions about enterprise software selection and implementation we invite you to get in touch. RAPIDLY EVALUATE ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE AND IMPLEMENTATION PARTNERS We help companies become more streamlined, modern and competitive for the digital era through improved business processes and modern enterprise platforms. 1800 SMC ANZ (1800 762 269) www.solutionmindsconsulting.com.au © Solution Minds Consulting Pty Ltd 2021