VENDOR CREATION/MODIFICATION FORM * Fields marked with * and bold red are mandatory fields. (To be filled in BLOCK letters) 1 Status*(tick one) 2 Vendor name* Individual Sole Proprietor Partnership Company LLP Others: (First name) (Middle name) (Last name) 3 Contact person 1* Contact person 2 Mobile-1* + 9 1 Mobile-2 + 9 1 5 Landline S T D 6 Email ID 1* 4 co de Email ID 2 7 ID Proof type* PAN card Voter ID card Passport Driving Licence Aadhar Card Others Aadhar Card Voter ID card Passport GST Certificate Others 8 ID Proof number of ID card ticked above* 9 Address Proof type* Incorporation Certificate GST Certificate If Others, please specify:* Driving Licence Incorporation Certificate If Others, please specify:* 10 Address Proof number of Address ID card ticked above* 11 Address* (for communication) H O U S E S T R E E N T O N A M E Landmark City POSTAL CODE State COUNTRY 12 PAN* 13 GST registration type* PAN in the name of the vendor?: Unregistered Registered Composite dealer 14 GSTIN* 15 Whether covered under MSME provisions?* Yes No 16 MSME Registration No.* 17 MSME - Industry type* Micro Small Medium 18 AADHAR number 19 Relationship with the company:* Customer Vendor Both 20 Is there an existing business relationship with the company? If yes, please provide details below (Name/details of related party): Page 1 of 2 Yes No 21 Bank Account details* Name as per the bank account Name same as in point. 2? Yes No Name (if answer is no above) Name of the bank Account number IFSC/SWIFT code Branch name Account type 22 Whether import vendor?* Savings Account Yes Current Account No Others, please mention here - If Yes, IEC as per certificate* Country of citizenship, incorporation, or formation: [Note: Mandatory fields (12) to (17) not applicable for import vendors] I/We hereby confirm and certify that the information and attachments given herein true and accurate, any subsequent changes would be duly communicated to IB group by submission of a fresh form along with relevant supportings. Signature of the Vendor/Supplier FOR OFFICE USE ONLY To be filled by respective teams at IB dealing with the vendor IB SPOC 1 Name: E-mail ID: IB legal entity name:* Payment Terms:* Mobile Number: IB SPOC 2 Related vendor code (if any): Name: E-mail ID: Related customer code (if any): Mobile Number: Exception w.r.t. any details required in form:* If Yes, Exception's remarks:* Yes No Form reviewed by:* Reviewer's signature:* To be filled by Master Data Management Team at IB Vendor code*: Account group:* Form reviewed by:* Approval from Master data Manager for exception (if any): Reviewer's signature: Date of review Date of approval: Guidelines for supporting documents/details to be provided by vendors Field name Reference 6 Email ID Supportings for validation Test e‐mail from vendor. [PAN Card,Voter ID Card, Passport, Driving License, Aadhaar card, Incorporation certificate of entity, GST Certificate, any other valid ID 7&8 ID Proof Type proof recognized by GOI] [Voter ID Card, Passport, Driving License, NREGA Job Card & Others, Letter issued by National Population Register containing details of 9, 10 & 11 Address ID Type name, Aadhaar card, Incorporation certificate of entity, GST Certificate, any other valid address proof recognized by GOI] PAN Card 12 PAN GST Certificate/Recently filed returns 13 & 14 GSTIN 15, 16 & 17 Whether MSME MSME certificate 20 Bank account details A cancelled cheque. Import vendor IEC certificate, Incorporation Certificate, any othervalid ID and address proof providing sufficient evidence of details furnished 22 details Page 2 of 2