WORK INSTRUCTION FOR INSPECTION OF RAW MATERIAL WORK INSTRUCTION FOR INSPECTION OF RAW MATERIAL Scope : Applicable to Plastic Raw Materials Responsibility: Stores Assistant Assistant \ store keeper keeper Description : 1. Check the quantity of the inward items as per the purchase order. 2. Take the sample size as 5 bags for lot on a randam basis 3. For all raw materials check the material Name ( if applicable) 4. Check whether the items are free from physical damages 5. For raw materials which have specific values ( mentioned in the P.O) P.O) check the th e specification specificat ion 6. Record the status of inspection in the GRN 7. If any rejection (Product NC) is found during this inward it will be be handled handled as as per QSP\ QSP\ 04 The below table may be used for reference to Handle the Inward Inspection Parameter to Inspect Material Name \ Quanti Qua ntity ty \ Fr Free ee From Damage PREPARED BY Specification As per P.O P.O Measuring Techinique Visual Inspection \ Weighing Machine APPROVED BY: Sampling Size 5 Bag Bags s \ Lo Lott WORK INSTRUCTION FOR RAW MATERIAL RECEIPT ,STORAGE & HANDLING WORK INSTRUCTION FOR RAW MATERIAL RECEIPT , STORAGE & HANDLING Raw Material Receipt The Raw material received from supplier should be checked For the following 1. Quantity as per the Invoice \ D.C 2. The Raw Material ment mentioned ioned in the Inv Invoice oice \ D.C and the raw material received 3. Packing condition , There should not be any tear and the material should not spill from the bags 4. The bags should not be damp Incase of discrepancies, talk to the Supplier and take necessary action immediately STORAGE 1. The raw materials should be kept in th the e pallet allocated ffor or the material 2. The distance between on one e material and tthe he other shou should ld be atleastone foot 3. The raw material name should be be clearly displayed displayed 4. The raw material register shou should ld be updated immediately immediately HANDLING 1. Th The e raw material required fo forr product production ion should be taken from th the e stores only after entering in the raw material register. 2. Once the bag is opened and the material is taken, the bag shouild be closed 3. Never keep the bag bags s with raw m material aterial in OPEN C CONDITION ONDITION PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MOULD LOADING WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MOULD LOADING Nkhy;L Vw;Wtjwfhd nray;Kiw Kiw tpsf;fk; fk; Scope : App Applicable licable to Injection moulding section Responsibility: Operat Ope rators ors \ Tr Train ainee ee \ Su Super pervis visor or \ Eng Engine ineer er Description : 1. Check the Mould Properly with all auxillary system is available like locating ring,lifting ring,lifti ng bar, Eye bolt ,cooling Nipples & verify the Mould M ould check list. Nkhy;il il Vw;Wtjwf; Wtjwf;F Kd; Nkhy;L nrf; yp];by; cs;s midj;Jk Jk (NyhNflbq rpq;> ypg;bq bq ghu> I Nghy;l l;;& ypq; ypg;gpy;) cs;sjh vd cWjp nra;J nfhs;sTk. sTk. 2. Select Ejector rod & fix to the related Holes Nkhy;bwF bwF jFe;j Vn[f;lu lu uhL vLj;J nk\pdpy; jFe;j ,lj;jpy; jpy; nghUjjTk. 3. Confirm machine platen is su sufficiently fficiently o open pen and hyd hydraulic raulic ejector is in fully back position nk\pdpd gpNslbid Nkhy;LfF LfF Vw;wthW wthW jpwe;J nfhs;sTk; sTk; kw;Wk; Il;uhypf ; Vn[f;lu KOtJk; gpd;Gwkhf ,Uf;FkhW cWjp nra;J nfhs;sTk; sTk;. 4. Lift the mould using the crane by means of Eyebolt & chain/Rope Nkhy;il il I Nghy;l l;>; Nuhg; kw;Wk; fpNudpd cjtpAld J}f;fTk. 5. Locate the mould in the fixed platen of the machine guiding the locating ring. Nkhy;il il nk\pdpd gpf;] ];L ; gpNsl;ldpy; ldpy; NyhNfl;bqupq cjtpAld nghUjj Ntz;Lk. Lk. 6. All operations should be done in “Mould set up ” mode. midj;J nray;ghLfisAk ghLfisAk nrl;bq bq Nkhby; nra;aTk;. 7. Close the moving side platen slowely till touch the mould %tpq irL bNsllid nkJthf Nkhy;il il njhLktiu FNsh] nra;aTk; aTk;. 8. Ensure the mould position and level is correct by touching injection nozzle. Nkhy;L NyhNfl;bq bq nra;jJ jJ rupahf cs;sjh sjh vd;gij gij ,d;n[f; n[f;\d eh\piy j;J nfhs;sTk; sTk;. itj;J rupghu;j; PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MOULD LOADING WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MOULD LOADING 9. Nkhy; AfterLconfirming mould setup setup, , Actu Actuate ateNkhy; thebwF locking NyhNflbqthe nra; j gpwF> nk\pdpy; Vw;wthW yhf;fpq fpq nfhLf;fTk. fTk. 10. Clamp the mould using clamps, c lamps, spacers, washer, bolts, allen keys, Spanners & pipes ];Ngru; Ngru;> thru> Myd; Nghy;l;> Myd; fP> ];ghdu; ghdu;] & igg; cjtpAld Nkhy;il nghUj;j Ntz;Lk. Lk. 11. Remove lifiting bar & locking plates from the mould Nkhy;bypUe; bypUe;J ypg;bq ghu kw;Wk; Wk; yhf;fpq gpNslil fow;w Ntz;Lk; Lk;. 12. Open the mould slowlly and check inside surface first by cleaning Nkhy;il il nkJthf Xgd nra;J NkYk; Nkhy;il Rj;jk; jk; nra;J cl;Gwk; Gwk; ed;whf cs;sjh vd rupghuf;fTk. fTk. 13. Fix the ejector stro strokes kes depends upon th the e mould constructio construction n NkhybwF Vw;wthW wthW Vn[f;lu lu ];l;Nuhf nrl; nraaTk. 14. Connect the inl inlet et and outlet of the water lines to the mould ,d;yl; yl; kw;Wk; MTl;yl thl;lu lu iyid Nkhy;by; by; ,izf;fTk. 15. Prov Provide ide norma normall \ Chill Chiller er \ MTC as ap applica plicable ble NjitfNfw;g ehu;ky; ky; / rpy;yu yu / vk; b rp nfhLf;f Ntz;Lk. Lk. PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MOULD UNLOADING WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MOULD UNLOADING Nkhy;L ,wf;Ftjwfhd Ftjwfhd nray;Kiw Kiw tpsf;fk. fk. Scope : Applicable Applica ble to Injection moulding moulding section Responsibility: Opera Ope rator tors s \ Traine Trainee e \ Super Supervis visor or \ Engine Engineer er Description : 1. Clean the mould & apply rust preventive spray to the core and and cavity Nkhy;il JiljJ ; Juggbf; g ; bf;fhky; fhky; ,Ug;gjw;Fupa ]gpNu g ; pNuia ia Nfhu Nfhu;; kw;Wk; Nftpl;b irby; mbf;fTk; fTk;. 2. Remove water line and clean clean the water channels with blowing air. thl;l lu;u; iy iyd; d;fis f is Row; Row;wp thl;l lu;u; Nrdypy; GNshapq; Vu; %yk; fpsPd; nra;a NtzLk; L ; k;. 3. Ensure that hydraulic hydraulic ejector ejector (M/C’s) is in backward backward Il;uhypf; uhypf; vn[f;rd; KOtJk; g gpd pd;; Gwkhf wkhf ,Uf; ,Uf;FkhW cWjp nra;J nfhssTk; s ; Tk;. 4. Using the safety safety mode, mode, close the mould slowely nk\pdpy Nrg;l l;;b Nkhby; itj;J Nkhyi ; l nkJthf FNsh]; nra;aTk;. 5. Fix the lifting bar \ locking plate plate to the mould Nkhy;by; by; ypg;bq; ghu; kw;Wk; yhf;fpq; gpNsl;il ,izffTk; f ; Tk;. 6. Suspend the mould with crane crane by menas menas of eyebolt eyebolt & chain Nkhy;il I N Ng g h yl l; ; ; kw;Wk; ];by;Nuhg; Nuhg; %yk; fpNudpy; gpbf;fTk;. 7. Remove all the clamps from the platens. Midj;J fpshkGfisAk; G ; fisAk; gpNsl;ldpy; ,Ue;J fowwTk; w ; Tk;. 8. Open the platen slowely till is required to lift the mould from machine gpNsl;lid nkJthf Xg;gd; gd; nr nra; a;J Nkhy Nkhy;il ; nk\p nk\pdpy dpy ,Ue; ,Ue;J ntspNa vLffTk; f ; Tk;. 9. Place the mould in its position Nkhy;il mjw;Fupa ,ljjpy; j ; py; itf;fTk;. 10. Clean the machine area nk\ nk \pid pid Rw; Rww ; p J il f f ; NtzLk; L ; k; PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR HOPPER CLEANING & BARREL BARR EL CLEANING PROCEDURE WORK INSTRUCTION FOR HOPPER CLEANING Scope : Applicable to Injection moulding section Responsibility: Opera Op erator tors s \ Trainee rainee \ Superv Superviso isorr \ En Engin ginee eerr Description : 1. Empty the present material from the hopper 2. clean the mesh , magnet and hopper inside 3. Ensure that no foreign material or colour granules present in the hopper 4. Keep the Hopper Lid closed always after cleaning and after loading the material 5. Hopper cleaning should be carried out while processing and different material and master batch PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR HOPPER CLEANING & BARREL BARR EL CLEANING PROCEDURE WORK INSTRUCTION FOR BARREL CLEANING FOR THE SAME MA MATERIAL TERIAL WITH DIFFERENT DIFFER ENT COLOUR 1. Purge all the material in the barrel in small size 2. Load the required material to the feed throat of the barrel and purge with High Back Pressure and High screw speed 3.Purging tobe done till the required colour is achived FOR USING DIFFERENT MATERIAL MATERIAL 1. Purge Purge all the material in the barrel in small size 2. Then use natural colour PP granuales to purge till the original colour of PP comes. 3. Set the required temperature temperature for the material tobe processed 4. Load the required material into the hopper 5. Wait till the set temperature is reached 6. Purge the material till the required colour is achieved PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR HOPPER CLEANING & BARREL BA RREL CLEANING PROCEDURE WORK INSTRUCTION FOR BARREL CLEANING Scope : Applicable to Injection moulding section Responsibility: Opera Op erator tors s \ Trainee rainee \ Superv Superviso isorr \ En Engin ginee eerr Description : 1. Fill the throat throat of the injectio injection n barrel barrel with the mate material rial tobe purged 2. Set the temperature temperature o off Barrel to the melting temperature of the resin 3. Set the machine to manual mode 4. Adjust the plasticising stroke to the maximum limit of the machine 5. Press the screw – –retracting retracting button till the screw retracts to the maximum limit 6. Purge the material in small size till screw position reaches reaches to zero mm. PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE ST S TART U UP P Scope : WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STARTUP nk\pid Jtf;Ftjwfhd Ftjwfhd nray;Kiw Kiw tpsf;fk; fk;. Applicable to Injection moulding section Responsibility: Opera Op erato tors rs \ Trai rainee nee \ Sup Superv erviso isorr \ Eng Engine ineer er Description : 1. Oil level,oil temperature temperature are within specified lim limits its of the machine machine Mapy; nyty;> Mapy; temp – k; nk\pdpwF Vw;w msT (30 c) cs;sjh sjh vd ghuf;fTk; fTk;. 2. Machine, hopper hopper and barrel are cleaned as per the requirement Njitf;F Vw;whw; whw; Nghy; nk\pdp fhg;gu kw;Wk; Wk; / Nguy; Rj;jk; nra;a Ntz;Lk; Lk;. 3. The mould mould is loaded as per mould lo loading ading instructio instruction n Nkhy;il il Nkhy;L Nyhbq; nray; Kiw tpsf;fj;jpy; jpy; Fwpg;gpl;Lss Lss gb VwwNtz;Lk;. 4. The material is pre dried (if required) required) and free from contamination and is loaded to the hopper nkl;bupaYf; bupaYf;F Njitggl;lhy; lhy; preheat – nra;J J}R ,y;yhky; yhky; Hopper – I nfhl;l Ntz;Lk; Lk;. 5. The hopper is closed Hopper - I %l Ntz;Lk; Lk; 6. The MTC or Cooling Cooling water line is con connected nected to th the e mould as per requirement (with out Leakage) jhwNghy; nrhUf Mould cooling water line (or) M.T M.T.C. .C. line. - I mjw;F jFe;jhwNghy; Ntz;Lk; Lk;. (ntspapy; rpe;jhky;) PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE ST S TART U UP P WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STARTUP nk\pid Jtf;Ftjwfhd Ftjwfhd nray;Kiw Kiw tpsf;fk; fk;. 7. Set the Processing parameters for the machine using the standard process parameter for the component and wait w ait till the temperature are reached to the set level M/C - y; standard process parameter - I gad;gLj; gLj;jp jp process setting nra;a Ntz;Lk; Lk; gpwF me;j component - f;Fupa Fupa temp milAk; tiu fhj;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk; Lk; 8. Switch on to safety safety mode iin n the machine an and d close the moving platen till it reaches 0.0 mm (This can be seen in the mould closing page of the machine Rtpl;ir ir Md; nra;J nrl;bq; bq; nkhby; itj;J %tpq; gpNsl;lid “0-0 mm” tUk; tiu close nra;aTk aTk (,ij PLC - y; mould closing page - y; ghu;f f;fTk; f ; Tk;) 9. Switch on to manu manual al mode , set tthe he mould closing & Opening speed according to the mould nk\pid manual nrl;bq; bq;fpy; fpy; itj;J> mould closing & opening speed Nkhy;bwF bwF Vw;wthW wthW nrl; nra;aTk;. 10. Now the m machine achine is read ready y for o operation peration ,g;nghOJ nghOJ cw;gj; gj;jpia jpia Jtf;FtjwF FtjwF nk\pd; jahuhf cs;sJ. sJ. 11. Set the machine counter to Zero M/c - y; counter - I Zero nrl; nra;aTk; 12. Start the production ,Once the components components are made as per the requirements get the production production clearance from from Quality & continue the production. cw;gj; gj;jpia jpia Jtf;fTk; fTk;> juk; tha;e;j cw;gj; gj;jp jp Jtq;fpaTld; fpaTld; juf; fl;Lg; Lg;ghl; ghl;blk; blk; Production clearance ngw;wTld> wTld> cw;gj; gj;jpia jpia njhluTk;. PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPP STOPPAGE AGE WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPPAGE Scope : Applicable to Injection moulding section Responsibility: Opera Op erator tors s \ Trainee rainee \ Superv Superviso isorr \ En Engin ginee eerr Description : 1. Close the Hopper 2. Run the machine till Hopper material is empty 3. Take out the injection unit back 4. Remove the material from hopper 5. Clean the hopper with Air or Cloth 6. Purge out the remaining Hopper material in Small Size 7. Use PP or PS granules and do further purging to ensure no traces of PA, PC,POM & PBT resin is left out in the barrel which will affects the barrel. 8. Disconnect the mould water w ater circulating lines 9. Unload the mould as per the Mould Unloading procedure PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION INSTRUCT ION FOR PRE DESPATCH DESPATCH AUDIT AND DESPATCH PROCEDURE WORK INSTRUCTION FOR PRE DESP DESPA ATCH AUDIT & DESPATCH PROCEDURE nghUl;fs fs mDg;Gtjw; Gtjw;F Kd;G gpd;gw; gw;w Ntz;ba ba topKiwfs 1. All All comp compone onents nts b befo efore re des despat patch ch s shou hould ld be in inspe specte cted d fo forr the co comp mplia liance nce of al alll the parameters as per control plan followed by us. nghUl;fs fs mDg;GtjwF GtjwF Kd;G juf;flLghL flLghL jpl;lj; lj;jpdfP jpdfPo mjw;Fupa Fupa fUtpfis nfhz;L Ma;T nra;j gpd;G mDg;gLfpwJ. gLfpwJ. 2. The sam sampli pling ng of of co comp mpone onent nts s sh shoul ould d be mad made ea as s per per ou ourr sam sampli pling ng pla plan n nghUl;fs fs sampling plan mbg;gilapy; gilapy; gupNrhjpf;fg;gl; gl;LfpwJ. LfpwJ. 3. Packing Packing sli slips ps sho should uld be pas pasted ted to the the b bins ins giving giving all the det detail ails s llike ike componenet name, Qty, Customer name , colour , date , etc – jahupj;j nghUl;fs fs mlq;fpa fpa Bin apd; Nkw;gFjpapy; gFjpapy; mjDila ngau;> vz;zpf;if if thbf;ifahsu ifahsu ngau;> epwk;> Njjp kw;Wk; Wk; gpw tpguq;fs xl;lg; lg;gl; gl;bUf;Fk. Fk. 4. In Inca case se if th the e par param amet eter er ar are e not not co comp mply lyin ing g wit with h tthe he req requi uire reme ment nts, s, inform customer about the same and arrange to get deviation for the lot if required most u urgent rgent mtrufhyjjpy; nghUl;fs fs gupkhdj;jpy; jpy; VjhtJ Fiw ,Ug;gpd; gpd; mij thbf;ifahsufSf; ifahsufSf;F njuptpj;J Fwpggpl;l vz;zpf;iffF iffF mDkjp ngw;W mDg;gLfpwJ. gLfpwJ. 5. Inform invoicing supersvisor for making the Invoice by filling “Despatch Requisition” mDg;Gk; Gk; nghUl;fspd tpguj;ij ij tpiyggl;bay; Nkw;ghuitahsUf;F gl;bay; bay; ,lg;gLfpwJ. gLfpwJ. 6. Send the material to the customer along with the Invoice thbf;ifahsufSf; ifahsufSf;F nghUl;fs fs cld; tpiyggl;bay; mDg;gLfpwJ. 7. If tthe he m materi aterial al is b being eing send thro through ugh the tran transpor sporter ter,, e ensur nsure e th that at tthe he ttransp ransporte orters rs Lorry Receipt is completely filled and keep necessary copies with us for future reference and followup nghUl;fis fis thfdj;jpy; jpy; mDg;Gk; nghOJ thfdk; kw;Wk; nghUl;fspd tpguk; gw;wpa efy; G+u;j;jp jp nra;ag; ag;gl; gl;L Nfhg;gpy; gpy;p itf;fggLfpwJ. fggLfpwJ. PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR IDENTIFICATION AND TRACEABILITY PROCEDURE WORK INSTRUCTION FOR IDENDIFICATION & TRACEABILITY milahskpLjy;> gpd;njhlUjy; njhlUjy; gw;wpa Ntiy topKiwfs. AT RECEIPT STAGE All the inward items should be kept in an idendified area,Bas area,Based ed on GRN Status , Vendor Product card (Accepted, (Accepted, Rejected, Waiting for Inspection ) shall be put and disposition of the items shall be taken accordingly. accordingly. cs;tUk; tUk; nghUl;fs midj;Jk; Jk; milahsk; kw;Wk; xg;Gjy; ngw;w gpd;G mjw;Fupa ,lj;jpy; jpy; itf;fg; fg;gLk; gLk;. AT INPROCESS STAGE During Inprocess stage all the items shall be accompany with the Production slip giving the details of operations done and the operations tobe done jahupg;G Kw;W ngw;w epiyapy; mjDila epiyia gw;wpa tpguq;fs fs xl;lg; lg;gLk; gLk;. AT FINAL STAGE After pre despatch Inspection the packing slips should be pasted to the bins giving all the details like component name, Qty, Customer name,Colour, date etc., jahupj;j nghUl;fs fs Ma;T nra;j gpd;G> G> nghUl;fs; fs; mlq;fpa fpa Bin - apd; Nkw;gFjpapy; nghUl;fspd ngau;> vz;zpf; zpf;if> if> thbf;ifahsu; ifahsu; ngau;> epwk; kw;w tpguq;fs; fs; xl;lg; lg;gl; gl;bUf; bUf;Fk; Fk;. USEAGE OF STATUS CARD The production slip shall accompany the item if the items is accepted and can proceed for further operations. nghUl;fs xg;Gjy; Gjy; ngw;w gpd;G> mL;j j;;j epiyf;F mDg;gg; gg;gLfpwJ. gLfpwJ. The Hold card shall accompany the items of their if their disposition is not decided or they have to be reworked and they will be kept in the non conformance area. area. jahupg;gpy gpy juf;FiwT FiwT fhuzkhf epWj;jp jp itf;fg; fg;gl; gl;l nghUl;fs; fs; rupgLj;jNth my;yJ yJ Nkw;nfhz; nfhz;L KbT nra;tjw; tjw;fhf fhf cWjp nra;ag; ag;glhj glhj ,lj;jpw; jpw;F khw;wp itf;fg; fg;gLk; gLk;. The rejected card shall accompany the items, which are not acceptable for further processing or despatch and shall be kept separately in an identified area or sent for granulation. juf;Fiwthd Fiwthd nghUl;fSf; fSf;F jdp milahs ml;il il xl;lg; lg;gl; gl;L miuf;Fk; ,lj;jpw;F mDg;gLfpwJ. gLfpwJ. PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MATERIAL PRE HEATING WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MATERIAL PRE HEATING Scope : Applicable to Injection moulding & Plastic Raw material section Responsibility: Operat Ope rators ors \ Trainee rainee \ Superv Superviso isorr \ Engin Enginee eerr INSTRUCTION: 1. Iden Idendi dify fy the the mat mater eria iall ttob obe eu use sed d 2. Take ake the the mate materi rial al fr from om the the b bag ag 3. Wei eigh gh the the m mat ater eria iall a and nd put put iin n the the trey trey 4. Put the oven in “OFF” condition, before opening the door 5. Set the the temp tempera eratur ture e as as recom recomme mend nded ed in the instru instructi ction on she sheet et and also time duration 6. Switch “on” the motor after closing the door’ 7. Switch “on” the heater also 8. Tempe empera ratu ture re wil willl be be s set et as give given nb bel ello low w MATERIAL ABS NYLON 6,66 POM PTFE (TEFLON) PC PBT PMMA PREPARED BY PREDRYING TEMP ( DEG CENT) 8080- 90 C 95 -110 C 75 - 85 C 70 - 80 C 100 -120 C 100 -120 C 90 - 100 100 C APPROVED BY: DURATION DURA TION ( HRS) 2 TO 3 2 TO 3 2 TO 3 1.5 TO 2.5 3 TO 4 2 TO 3 2 TO 3 WORK INSTRUCTION FOR FILL HOSE HO SE ASSEM ASSEMBL BLY Y WORK INSTRUCTION FOR FILL HOSE ASSY (NEW FAUCET) Scope : Applicable to Fill hose Assy section Responsibility: Operato Ope rators rs \ Trainee rainee \ Supervis Supervisor or Description : 1. Dipping of Fill Hose in Hot bath at both ends 2. Inserting Cup & Coupler Faucet at one end of Fill hose and L Connector M/C End on other side of Fill Hose 3. Crimping of Cup Fitted Fill Hose at Both ends 4. Pull of force checking 50 kg (With stand) (S) 5. Pressure Checking 10 Bar (With stand) (S) 6. 100% Leak Testing esti ng 7. Cleaning of Fill Fill hose hose for water after le leak ak testing 8. Assembly of Adaptor Faucet Sub assy with Coupler Faucet (fitted at one end of the Hose) 9. Final Inspecion 10. Packing and Despatch PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR FILL HOSE HO SE ASSEM ASSEMBL BLY Y Shree Mother Group DOC NO: DOC NO: SMG SMG \ P \ WI \ 02 REV NO : 01 DATE : 10.03.07 PAGE : 1 OF 2 WORK INSTRUCTION FOR FILL HOSE ASSY (NEW FAUCET) Scope : Applicable to Fill hose Assy section Responsibility: Operato Ope rators rs \ Trainee rainee \ Supervis Supervisor or Description : 1. Dipping of Fill Hose in Hot bath at both ends 2. Inserting Cup & Coupler Faucet at one end of Fill hose and L Connector M/C End on other side of Fill Hose 3. Crimping of Cup Fitted Fill Hose at Both ends 4. Pull of force checking 50 kg (With stand) (S) 5. Pressure Checking 10 Bar (With stand) (S) 6. 100% Leak Testing esti ng 7. Cleaning of Fill Fill hose hose for water after le leak ak testing 8. Assembly of Adaptor Faucet Sub assy with Coupler Faucet (fitted at one end of the Hose) 9. Final Inspecion 10. Packing and Despatch PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR ADAPTOR FAUCET SUB ASSY Shree Mother Group DOC NO: DOC NO: SMG SMG \ P \ WI \ 02 REV NO : 01 DATE : 10.03.07 PAGE : 1 OF 2 WORK INSTRUCTION CHANDINI SUB ASSY Scope : Applicable to Fill Hose assy section Responsibility: Opera Op erator tors s \ Trainee rainee \ Superv Superviso isorr \ En Engin ginee eerr Description : 1. PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPP STOPPAGE AGE WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPPAGE Scope : Applicable to Injection moulding section Responsibility: Opera Op erator tors s \ Trainee rainee \ Superv Superviso isorr \ En Engin ginee eerr Description : 1. Close the Hopper 2. Run the machine till Hopper material is empty 3. Take out the injection unit back 4. Remove the material from hopper 5. Clean the hopper with Air or Cloth 6. Purge out the remaining Hopper material in Small Size 7. Use PP or PS granules and do further purging to ensure no traces of PA, PC,POM & PBT resin is left out in the barrel which will affects the barrel. 8. Disconnect the mould water w ater circulating lines 9. Unload the mould as per the Mould Unloading procedure PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPP STOPPAGE AGE WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPPAGE Scope : Applicable to Injection moulding section Responsibility: Opera Op erator tors s \ Trainee rainee \ Superv Superviso isorr \ En Engin ginee eerr Description : 1. Close the Hopper 2. Run the machine till Hopper material is empty 3. Take out the injection unit back 4. Remove the material from hopper 5. Clean the hopper with Air or Cloth 6. Purge out the remaining Hopper material in Small Size 7. Use PP or PS granules and do further purging to ensure no traces of PA, PC,POM & PBT resin is left out in the barrel which will affects the barrel. 8. Disconnect the mould water w ater circulating lines 9. Unload the mould as per the Mould Unloading procedure PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPP STOPPAGE AGE WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPPAGE Scope : Applicable to Injection moulding section Responsibility: Opera Op erator tors s \ Trainee rainee \ Superv Superviso isorr \ En Engin ginee eerr Description : 1. Close the Hopper 2. Run the machine till Hopper material is empty 3. Take out the injection unit back 4. Remove the material from hopper 5. Clean the hopper with Air or Cloth 6. Purge out the remaining Hopper material in Small Size 7. Use PP or PS granules and do further purging to ensure no traces of PA, PC,POM & PBT resin is left out in the barrel which will affects the barrel. 8. Disconnect the mould water w ater circulating lines 9. Unload the mould as per the Mould Unloading procedure PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPP STOPPAGE AGE WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPPAGE Scope : Applicable to Injection moulding section Responsibility: Opera Op erator tors s \ Trainee rainee \ Superv Superviso isorr \ En Engin ginee eerr Description : 1. Close the Hopper 2. Run the machine till Hopper material is empty 3. Take out the injection unit back 4. Remove the material from hopper 5. Clean the hopper with Air or Cloth 6. Purge out the remaining Hopper material in Small Size 7. Use PP or PS granules and do further purging to ensure no traces of PA, PC,POM & PBT resin is left out in the barrel which will affects the barrel. 8. Disconnect the mould water w ater circulating lines 9. Unload the mould as per the Mould Unloading procedure PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPP STOPPAGE AGE WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPPAGE Scope : Applicable to Injection moulding section Responsibility: Opera Op erator tors s \ Trainee rainee \ Superv Superviso isorr \ En Engin ginee eerr Description : 1. Close the Hopper 2. Run the machine till Hopper material is empty 3. Take out the injection unit back 4. Remove the material from hopper 5. Clean the hopper with Air or Cloth 6. Purge out the remaining Hopper material in Small Size 7. Use PP or PS granules and do further purging to ensure no traces of PA, PC,POM & PBT resin is left out in the barrel which will affects the barrel. 8. Disconnect the mould water w ater circulating lines 9. Unload the mould as per the Mould Unloading procedure PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPP STOPPAGE AGE WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPPAGE Scope : Applicable to Injection moulding section Responsibility: Opera Op erator tors s \ Trainee rainee \ Superv Superviso isorr \ En Engin ginee eerr Description : 1. Close the Hopper 2. Run the machine till Hopper material is empty 3. Take out the injection unit back 4. Remove the material from hopper 5. Clean the hopper with Air or Cloth 6. Purge out the remaining Hopper material in Small Size 7. Use PP or PS granules and do further purging to ensure no traces of PA, PC,POM & PBT resin is left out in the barrel which will affects the barrel. 8. Disconnect the mould water w ater circulating lines 9. Unload the mould as per the Mould Unloading procedure PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPP STOPPAGE AGE WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPPAGE Scope : Applicable Applica ble to Injection moulding section Responsibility: Opera Ope rator tors s \ Traine Trainee e \ Super Supervis visor or \ Engine Engineer er Description : 1. Close the Hopper 2. Run the machine till Hopper material material is empty 3. Take out the injection unit back 4. Remove the material from hopper 5. Clean the hopper with Air or Cloth 6. Purge out the remaining Hopper material in Small Size 7. Use PP or PS granules and do further purging to ensure no traces of PA, PA, PC,POM & PBT resin is left out in the barrel which will affects affects the barrel. 8. Disconnect the mould water circulating lines 9. Unload the mould as per the Mould Unloading procedure PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPP STOPPAGE AGE WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPPAGE Scope : Applicable to Injection moulding section Responsibility: Opera Op erator tors s \ Trainee rainee \ Superv Superviso isorr \ En Engin ginee eerr Description : 1. Close the Hopper 2. Run the machine till Hopper material is empty 3. Take out the injection unit back 4. Remove the material from hopper 5. Clean the hopper with Air or Cloth 6. Purge out the remaining Hopper material in Small Size 7. Use PP or PS granules and do further purging to ensure no traces of PA, PC,POM & PBT resin is left out in the barrel which will affects the barrel. 8. Disconnect the mould water w ater circulating lines 9. Unload the mould as per the Mould Unloading procedure PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPP STOPPAGE AGE WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPPAGE Scope : Applicable to Injection moulding section Responsibility: Opera Op erator tors s \ Trainee rainee \ Superv Superviso isorr \ En Engin ginee eerr Description : 1. Close the Hopper 2. Run the machine till Hopper material is empty 3. Take out the injection unit back 4. Remove the material from hopper 5. Clean the hopper with Air or Cloth 6. Purge out the remaining Hopper material in Small Size 7. Use PP or PS granules and do further purging to ensure no traces of PA, PC,POM & PBT resin is left out in the barrel which will affects the barrel. 8. Disconnect the mould water w ater circulating lines 9. Unload the mould as per the Mould Unloading procedure PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPP STOPPAGE AGE Scope : WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPPAGE STOPPAGE nk\pid epWj;Jtjwfhd Jtjwfhd nray;Kiw Kiw tpsf;fk fk;. Applicable Applica ble to Injection moulding section Responsibility: Opera Ope rator tors s \ Traine Trainee e \ Super Supervis visor or \ Engine Engineer er Description : 1. Close the Hopper Hopper - I %lTk;. 2. Run the machine till Hopper material material is empty nkl;bupay; bupay; midj;Jk; fhypahFk; tiu cw;gj;jpia njhluTk;. 3. Take out the injection unit back \d; Adpl;il ntspNa vLf;fTk; fTk;. M/c - d; ,d;n[f;\d; 4. Remove the material from hopper fhg;gupypUeJ gupypUeJ nkl;bupaiy bupaiy ,wf;fTk; fTk;. 5. Clean the hopper with Air or Cloth fhg;giu giu mKj;jfhw; jfhw;W my;yJ yJ Jilg;ghd; ghd; cjtpAld; Rj;jk; nra;aTk;. 6. Purge out the remaining Hopper material in Small Size fhg;gupYss gupYss nkl;bupaiy bupaiy rpwpa mstpyhd Purging - fhf vLf;fTk; fTk;. 7. traces Use PPof orPA, PS granules&and doresin further purging ensure PA , PC,POM PBT is left out into the barrelno which will affects affects the barrel. PA, PC, POM & PBT kw;Wk; Wk; ,ju Engeering MaterialcgNahfg;gLj; gLj;jpapUejhy; jpapUejhy; PP my;yJ yJ PS nkl;bupaiy bupaiy cgNahfpj;J Nkw; upa nkl;bupay vJTk; Nguypy ,y;yhjthW yhjthW gu;[pq; [pq; nra;a Ntz;Lk; Lk;. 8. Disconnect the mould water circulating lines Nkhy;by; by; ,izf;fg;lLs;s Water Line - fis fow;wNtz; wNtz;Lk; Lk;. 9. Unload the mould as per the Mould Unloading procedure Nkhy;il il Nkhy;L ,wf;Ftjw; Ftjw;fhd fhd nray; Kiw tpsf;fj;jpy; jpy; Fwpg;gpl;Ls; Ls;s gb ,wf;fTk; fTk;. PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: WORK INSTRUCTION FOR MACHINE STOPP STOPPAGE AGE Scope : Responsibility: Opera Op erator tors s \ Trainee rainee \ Superv Superviso isorr \ En Engin ginee eerr Description : 1. Close the Hopper 2. Run the machine till Hopper material is empty 3. Take out the injection unit back 4. Remove the material from hopper 5. Clean the hopper with Air or Cloth 6. Purge out the remaining Hopper material in Small Size 7. Use PP or PS granules and do further purging to ensure no traces of PA, PC,POM & PBT resin is left out in the barrel which will affects the barrel. 8. Disconnect the mould water w ater circulating lines 9. Unload the mould as per the Mould Unloading procedure PREPARED BY APPROVED BY: