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French Revolution Timeline: 1789-1799 Key Events

May 5: Meeting of the Estates-General
June 17: National Assembly declared
June 20: Tennis Court Oath
July 14: Storming of the Bastille
August 4: Surrender of feudal rights
August 27: Declaration of the Rights of Man
October 5-6: Outbreak of the Paris mob; Liberal monarchical constitution
July 14: Constitution accepted by the king;
July--: Growing power of the clubs;
July--: Reorganization of Paris
September: Fall of Necker
April 2: Death of Mirabeau
June 20-25: Flight of the King
September 30: Dissolution of Constituent Assembly
October 1: Legislative Assembly meets
August 27: Declaration of Pillnitz (William II and Lepold II)
February 7: Alliance of Austria and Prussia
April 20: French declare war against Austria
August 10: Storming of the Tuileries
September 2-7: The September Massacres
September 20: Battle of Valmy
September 21: National Convention meets; Abolition of the monarchy
December: Trial of Louis XVI before the Convention
January 21: Execution of Louis XVI
February 1: War declared against Britain, Holland, Spain
March --: Royalist revolt in the Vendée
April --: Power centered in two committees; Committee of Public Security
June 2: Arrest of 31 Girondist deputies
July 13: Assassination of Marat
August 23: Levy of entire male population
September 17: Establishment of the maximum price
October 16: Execution of Marie Antoinette
October 31: Execution of Girondists
November 10: Abolition of the worship of god: cult
of Reason
December --: Retreat of the allies across the Rhine
March 24 : Execution of Hébertists
April 6 : Execution of Dantonists
June 8 : Festival of the Supreme Being
June 10 : Law of 22 Prairial (power to revolutionary tribunal)
June 26 : Battle of Fleurus (French victory in Belgium)
July 27 : Fall of Robespierre (9 Thermidor)
December 24 : Repeal of maximum
March 5 : Treaty of Basel (Prussia withdraws from war)
April 1 : Bread riots in Paris
June 8 : Death of the dauphin (Louis XVII)
August 22 : Constitution of 1795
October 5 : Napoleon's "whiff of grape-shot"
October 26 : Convention dissolved
March 5 : War against the empire
March 9 Marriage of Bonaparte and Josephine
May 10 Battle of Lodi (Napoleon in Italy)
July Siege of Mantua
April 18 Preliminary Peace of Leoben
July 8 : Cisalpine Republic established
September 4 : Coup d'Etat at Paris (republicans over reactionaries)
October 17 : Treaty of Campo Formio
February --: Roman Republic proclaimed
April --: Helvetian Republic proclaimed
July 21 : Battle of the Pyramids
August 1 : Battle of the Nile
December 24 : Alliance between Russia and Britain
June 17-19 : Battle of the Trebia (Suvorov defeats French)
August 24 : Napoleon leaves Egypt
October 22 : Russians withdraw from coalition
November 9 : The Coup d'Etat of Brumaire (18 Brumaire)
December 24 : Constitution of the Year VIII: Dictatorship of Napoleon established