Potential of SKW Natural Gas Field as Blue Hydrogen Producer with SMRCCUS Mufair Team Pertamina University 1 Potential of SKW Natural Gas Field as Blue Hydrogen Producer with SMR-CCUS Mufair Team A Muhammad Athallah Naufal , Harith Maulana2, Nicholas Epsilon Nurcholis3 Pertamina University1,2,3 athanaufala@gmail.com1 1 Abstract The energy diversification principle is to increase the competitive supply of users by prioritizing the sustainability aspects. Thus, the strategy that can be done in maintaining the existence of oil and gas amid an energy transition is to utilize the by-product of carbon dioxide into green energy, such as blue hydrogen. The advantage of blue hydrogen production has a cheaper price compared to fossil fuel that can increase consumer demands. Meanwhile, blue hydrogen can reduce GHG emissions, which could play a significant role in the energy transition. The technology of CCUS in the petroleum industry can be used for decarbonized hydrogen by Steam Methane Reforming (SMR). Nevertheless, it has the risk that the ratio of viability-per-cost is low, but has potential as fuel electricity through a Hydrogen Fuel Cell (HFC). HFC technology is an alternative solution for future clean energy systems, which are characterized by a continuous supply of reactants at the electrodes installed. In this report, we introduce BHFC (Blue Hydrogen Based Fuel Cell) technology as a strategy to maintain oil and gas production. In addition, we also improve the cumulative of gas production by using BCS (Booster Compressor Station). We explain in detail the potential uses from various perspectives and urgency and conduct a case study in the SKW Field to review its potential usefulness as a longterm energy asset. We also discuss from the perspective of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and support future development projects. Keywords: Booster Compressor Station, Blue Hydrogen, Hydrogen Fuel Cell, SMR-CCUS Introduction Energy is an essential need for all human beings in carrying out daily activities. Currently, global energy sources are still dominated by the conventional energy sector, including oil and natural gas. The oil and gas industry plays an important role in the world economy. Statistical results from the BP Statistical Review of World Energy (2021) show, in 2020 the total consumption of the oil and natural gas in the fuel sector reached 173.73 Exajoules and 137.62 Exajoules, respectively, both of which accounted for a total of 55.9% of the total energy consumption in the fuel sector. Energy diversification campaigns, especially increasing the scalability of renewable energy consumption, continue to be encouraged, but spontaneous transitions have not been able to shift the dominance of the oil and natural gas sectors. Mainly petroleum, this happens because it is affordable in meeting the needs of the community. The advantages offered by petroleum are that it has a liquid phase so that it is easily accommodated and distributed, has a high calorific value as a fuel source, has potential in the petrochemical industry, and other advantages. 2 Fig 1. Natural Gas Production and Consumption (BP, 2021) BP Statistical World Energy (2021) shows that the natural gas sector is still one of the most sought-after global energy sectors, particularly in North America, CIS, and the Middle East. The natural gas market in the Asian Region has also experienced a significant increase, including Indonesia. Indonesia is richly endowed with natural resources. Its vast oil and gas reserves have made it a significant player in the international oil and gas industry. Reserves, however, continue to deplete as the scale of oil and gas exploration is small and the success rate of exploration is low. DEN (2019) states, oil, and gas (oil and gas) is still the largest energy source consumed in Indonesia. For oil, it is about 49 percent, while gas is about 20 percent of the portion of the national energy mix. The remaining 24.5 percent is met by coal and the rest is new and renewable energy. Currently, energy diversification has become an echo in reducing the rate of oil and gas production and increasing the renewable energy sector. However, the challenge going forward is how to maintain the existence of natural gas production while prioritizing the proportion of competitive energy diversification, so that the energy industry ecosystem remains dynamic and healthy. The solution is taken, of course, needs to review various aspects, including ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and economic feasibility in order to run optimally. Theoritical Framework 1) The Current Condition of Energy in Indonesia The COVID-19 (Corona Diseases Virus) Pandemic is still ongoing today. In an effort to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, one of them is by limiting economic activity which significantly impacts the disruption of economic development and global energy demand which results in a global economic recession. Currently, the energy sector is still dominated by conventional energy such as oil and gas. The impact of the pandemic even had time to make oil prices plummet to a negative level in past 2020. However, the forecasting shows that the is increasing on global oil price which is shown in the following graph. Fig. 2 Forecasting Graph of Gas Price (EIA, 2021) 3 However, the threat of a global economic recession still follows, and certainly affects the price of crude oil. Quoted from Widyastuti (2020), the cause of the drastic drop in petroleum prices was due to decreased demand and excess supply, where the production process must continue even though the oil price has decreased. 2) Increasing CO2 and GHG in Indonesia Intergoverment Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has commitment to limit the increasing the global temperature less than 1.5 degree of Celcius before 2100, and reduce CO2 emission to net-zero to avoid global warming. Indonesia's contribution is very important in reducing greenhouse gas emissions because Indonesia was one of the 10 largest greenhouse gas emitting countries in 2018 with emissions increasing by up to 140% between 1990 and 2017 (Ritchie, 2020). According to the Climate Transparency Report (2020), Indonesia must reduce emissions to 662 MtCO2e in 2030 and 51 MtCO2e in 2050 as a mitigation effort to fulfill the Paris Agreement. Fig 3. Indonesia’s Commitment on Decarbonization (Climate Action Tracker, 2020) In fact, the Indonesian government's climate targets are not in line with 1.5 degree of celcius pathway and it is projected that greenhouse gas emissions will increase by 2 times from 2012 to 2030. According to Climate Transparency (2018), carbon emissions in the energy sector in 2018 reached 50tCO2e/TJ, carbon intensity in 2018 is still below the G20 average of 59tCO2e/TJ, but over the last 5 years from 2013 to 2018 it has increased by +9%. In 2019, the contribution of greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector was 638,452 Gigagram (Gg) CO2e, an increase of 7.13% from the previous year and an average increase of 4.32% per year. The Energy Producing Industry contributed emissions of 279,863 g CO2e from 3 subcategories, namely power plants, oil refineries, and coal processing. The transportation category produces emissions of 157,326 Gg CO2e with an increase of 7.17% per year. Meanwhile, other sectors, such as the commercial and office and residential sub-groups, contributed 26,382 Gg CO2e of emissions with an average increase of 0.02% per year. (Pusat Data dan Teknologi Informasi ESDM, 2020). 3) The Future of Oil and Gas Energy in The Diversification Issues Inside the industrial generation, after going through three decades, Oil and fuel faced challenges in the issue of diversification and related to CO2 emissions as a result of fossil fuels because the effects from the Oil and fuel industry that deliver attention through the community to the ambitions that net-zero Emission (Johnston, 2020). in the meantime, figure 3 obtained 4 that the demand for Oil and gas within the network is getting higher consistent with the growth every year (EIA, 2021). Fig 4. Forecasting of Crude Oil Production vs Oil Consumption (EIA,2021) To play a role in this issue according to (Beck, 2020, p. 3), the Oil and Gas Industry have to as a minimum be able to have a target to achieve goal, and the target could make the demand for oil and gas supply not fall to extremes given the growing fuel demand and It is proven in Figure 5 that every year the demand has increased. Meanwhile, according to (Caineng, 2016) Oil will continue to be stable until its height production in 2040. This can be one of the sustainable resources in the future amid the energy mix with attention to clean energy. Fig 5. World Liquid Fuels Consumption and components of annual change (EIA, 2021) 4) Maximize The Gas Production using Booster Compressor Station Fig 6. Booster Compressor Station (BSC) for Improving Gas Production (Poushev, 2017) Usually during the natural pressure drive period about half of the total gas reserve is withdrawn, while field development using artificial lift allows to recover an additional 20% or more of the total reserve. This is a significant amount that makes the booster compressor station one of the most important elements of gas production. In its utilization, compressor drive and compressor type were chosen for reasons of cost efficiency on the basis of the cost of energy sources as well as considering equipment pooling, i.e. the presence of equipment of similar 5 capacity owned by the company is considered if the operating experience is positive, reliability and maintenance are confirmed. Potential of Blue Hydrogen for Natural Gas Field in Indonesia The authors recommend building a BHFC (Blue Hydrogen Based Hydrogen Fuel Cell) Technology: a new breakthrough for oil and gas resilience. This is because blue hydrogen has a lower cost than other hydrogens. In addition, blue hydrogen is produced from CO2 and CH4 produced from the oil and gas field which is related to the challenges faced. This is also supported by the fact that the use of blue hydrogen as a fuel cell is an environmentally friendly technology and can fulfill the mission of the Paris Agreement (IEA, 2019). Fig 7. Process Flow Diagram of Blue Hydrogen with CCUS (IEA, 2019) In the process flow diagram above, to convert natural gas into hydrogen using the Steam Methane Reforming method, several steps are carried out, including purification of natural gas raw materials, pre-reforming, steam reforming, shift reaction/syngas heat recovery, raw hydrogen purification. (IEAGHG, 2017). In the feedstock purification process, there are 2 steps that are carried out to remove the content in natural gas such as methane, chloride, sulfur compounds, namely the hydrogenation of organic sulfur and organic chloride compounds and remove the content of H2S and HCl. In this pre-reforming stage, an adiabatic catalyst is used to convert ethane and other heavy hydrocarbons, after which it is successful to produce a mixture of gases such as methane, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide, followed by the SMR stage. At this stage the mixture of steam and methane will react with a catalyst to produce crude synthetic gas (syngas). The gas produced in the primary reformer process contains hydrogen gas with a mixture of CO2. So, in the shift reaction process to get pure hydrogen gas, CO2 must be transferred and captured with CCUS. The next stage is Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) which can produce 99.9% high purity blue hydrogen. (IEAGHG, 2017). 6 Business Simulation for Blue Hydrogen Production in Indonesia: Case Study in SKW Field Fig 8. SKW Field Map (Google Earth) In describing the implementation of BHFC (Blue Hydrogen Based Fuel Cell) technology, we conducted a development simulation at the SKW Field located in Central Java Province, Indonesia. The SKW onshore field is classified as a carbonate-type reservoir. This can be seen from the oil and gas production from the Lower Miocene and Upper Oligocene reefs which have very good porosity with permeable skeletal wackestone and skeletal packstone. The depth of the reservoir owned by this field reaches 6300 ft TVDSS and has an initial reservoir pressure of 2800 psi. The peak of hydrocarbon production from the SKW Field occurred in 2011, with gas production of 7.5 MMSCF and 11,000 BOPD. One thing that must be considered from the SKW Field is that the reservoir fluid was found to have CO2 of 20-25% of the total equivalent mass, which was transferred to the Mudi Central Processing Area (CPA) for venting processing. As one of the most productive fields, the recovery factor of this field is currently 36% with an average reservoir pressure of 700 psi, and use Booster Compressor Station (BCS) to improve the gas cumulative production. The additional assumptions are: ▪ Production Time : 10 Years ▪ Total Reserves : 35 BCF ▪ Production : 7.5 MMSCFD ▪ Current Well Pressure : 700 psia ▪ Target of Well Pressure : 1500 psia Along with the increase in production, there is also a significant increase in CO2 emissions. Thus, an integrated solution is needed, considering the vision of increasing oil and gas production in Indonesia must be directly correlated with increasing CO2 emission production. Currently, the management of CO2 emissions is still limited to CO2-EOR injection, which is an effort to increase oil and gas production by using CO2 injection. However, as previously explained, the current market for hydrogen energy is high, considering that the electrification needs of the community are also increasing. To carry out this simulation, we first compare the type of hydrogen fuel to other types of conventional fuel to determine the right solution. To simplify the work, the following assumptions are made on table 1. 7 Table 1. Base Parameter for SMR-CCUS w/o Calculation in SKW Field Assumption. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 Parameter Natural Gas Production in SKW Field Total Volume of CO2e from Production Blue Hydrogen Price (USD/Kg H2) for SMRCCS CAPEX for SMR-CCS OPEX for SMR-CCS Kilograms of CO2 per Unit of Natural Gas Volume Hydrogen Equivalent Total year for SMRCCS Installation Total Blue Hydrogen Production Year NPV CAPEX of Booster Compressor Station OPEX of Booster Compressor Station Information 15 MMSCFD Source ADB Technical Assistant's Consultant Report, 2019 25% x 15 MMSCFD = 3 MMSCFD ADB Technical Assistant's Consultant Report, 2019 USD 2.9 for Medium Gas Price IEA, 2020 0.4 USD/Kg H2 Global CCS Institute, 2020 0.2 USD/Kg H2 Global CCS Institute, 2020 55.03 kg CO2/SCF EIA, 2021 1 Kg of H2 = 423.3 SCG Gas NREL, 2001 1 Year - 10 Year - 10% - 20 Million USD Kurz, 2019 200,000 USD Kurz, 2019 Thus, the input parameters used for economic calculations are obtained as follows on table 2. Table 2. The Input Parameter for Economic Calculation Input. Parameter 1 Hydrogen Production Per Day Total CAPEX for SMR-CCS for 10 Years Analysis OPEX for SMR-CCS for 1 Year Analysis Total OPEX for SMR-CCS for 10 Years Analysis Revenue Per Day 2 3 4 5 Calculation Results 35,435.86 Kg/Day 51,736,357.19 USD 2,586,817.86 USD 25,868,178.6 USD 102,763.99 USD Unit 8 And the results obtained are: Cash Flow Profile of SKW Field NPV Cumulative (USD) 40000000 20000000 0 -20000000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -40000000 -60000000 -80000000 Title With BCS Without BCS Fig 9. Cash Flow Profile for SMR from Natural Gas The NPV value obtained from SKW field production after the installation of the Booster Compressor Station is 480,187,273.1 USD for 10 years. The IRR obtained from the calculation results is 32%. Meanwhile, without the installation of a Booster Compressor Station, we got 233,457,265 USD with an IRR of 16%. By using Booster Compressor Station, there is a cumulative increase in NPV of 51.38% IRR an increase of 16%. Then, the next step is to calculate the economic simulation of the development of BHFC (Blue Hydrogen Based Fuel Cell) technology based on the results of production in the SKW field. The use of hydrogen fuel is a non-emissions fuel for generating electricity with oxygen through a unit called a hydrogen fuel cell. The way BHFC technology works is similar to a battery, where there is a positive pole (cathode) and a negative pole (anode). As with the previous mechanism, blue hydrogen will flow towards the anode pole so that it will split the hydrogen molecule into electrons and hydrogen ions. The flow of electrons contained in the external circuit will produce electricity. Meanwhile, hydrogen ions will react with oxygen (O2) and produce water vapor (H2O). Hydrogen fuel products are classified as clean because the byproduct of the process is only water vapor. Fig 10. Fuel Cell System for BHFC Based (Deloitte, 2019) The calculation results to determine the capital cost based on the input information obtained are as follows. 9 Table 3. The Results of CAPEX Calculation for Each Fuel Cell System Input Parameter 1 2 3 4 PEMFC PAFC MCFC SOFC Calculation Result Cost Cost Cost-Fuel Storage Electrolyzer Cell (USD) (USD/kWh) (USD/kWh) 121,810,772.5 198,200.58 360,230 133,991,849.8 198,200.58 505,707.5 131,555,634.3 198,200.58 505,707.5 114,502,126.2 198,200.58 297,882.5 Total Cost USD 122,369,203.1 134,695,757.8 132,259,542.4 114,998,209.2 As for the annual operating expenditure (OPEX), the following information is used for input. Table 4. The input used for OPEX Calculation for Each Fuel Cell System Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 Input of Blue Hydrogen Production for Calculation of OPEX ny - system lifetime (Years) ir - The Annual Interest Rate (%) CAPEX of BHFC Technology PEMFC (USD) PAFC (USD) MCFC (USD) SOFC (USD) CRF (Capital Recovery Factor) Hydrogen Fuel Price (USD/kWh) Total of Amount 10 10 122,369,203.1 134,695,757.8 132,259,542.4 114,998,209.2 0.199252 0.135 And the total of annualized cost (OPEX) are: Table 5. The Results of OPEX Calculation for Each Fuel Cell System Input Parameter 1 2 3 4 PEMFC PAFC MCFC SOFC Calculation Result Annualized Cost O&M (USD/Year) (USD/Year) 24,382,316.1 45,000 26,838,407.56 45,000 26,352,986.61 45,000 22,913,630.38 45,000 Total OPEX USD/Year 24,437,316.1 26,893,407.56 26,407,986.61 22,968,630.38 Thus, the total Net Present Value (NPV) obtained for a production period of 10 years with an interest rate of 10% is as follows. 10 Table 6. The Results Economical Analysis for BHFC Technology Input 1 2 3 4 Parameter PEMFC PAFC MCFC SOFC Summary of Calculation NPV (USD) @Interest Rate = 10% 136,600,322.4 110,040,197.1 116,168,562.9 159,589,913 IRR 16% 12% 12% 19% Then, the carbon dioxide absorbed by the CCUS will be used as an oil and gas field injection material through the CO2-EOR mechanism The results of the literature study show an increase in cumulative production of oil and gas with the CO2-EOR scheme which is presented in the following graph. Fig 11. The relevance of CO2-EOR injection to increase Gas production (ADB, 2019) Conclusion The resilience of the oil and gas sector is important in the midst of energy transition issues, particularly related to carbon emissions. As a result of that, the authors recommend building a BHFC (Blue Hydrogen Based Hydrogen Fuel Cell) Technology: a new breakthrough for oil and gas resilience. This is because blue hydrogen has a lower cost than other hydrogens. The strategy for using BHFC technology with CCUS integration is able to convert blue hydrogen from carbon dioxide emissions in oil and gas production into electrical energy with large capacity and prioritize the principle of sustainability. Beside of that, by using Booster Compressor Station (BCS) technology, there is a cumulative increase in NPV of 51.38% IRR an increase of 16%. Suggestion for Future Improvement In determining the future improvement solutions from the blue hydrogen fuel cell technology that developed, using the PESTLE analysis, as shown on the figure below. In determining the future improvement solutions from the blue hydrogen fuel cell technology that developed, using the PESTLE analysis, as the political aspect, in this case by making a transition to a low-carbon transition from IPCC regulations, namely efforts to keep global temperatures below 1.5° C. 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32922041.11 24734816.76 10135886.28 4586817.86 4586817.86 4586817.86 4586817.86 4586817.86 4586817.86 4586817.86 12934089.3 12934089.3 12934089.3 12934089.3 12934089.3 12934089.3 12934089.3 37508858.97 37508858.97 37508858.97 37508858.97 37508858.97 37508858.97 37508858.97 32922041.11 32922041.11 32922041.11 32922041.11 32922041.11 32922041.11 32922041.11 22486197.05 20441997.32 18583633.93 16894212.66 15358375.15 13962159.22 12692872.02 32622083.33 53064080.65 71647714.58 88541927.24 103900302.4 117862461.6 130555333.6 -71736357.19 -41807228.92 15 APPENDIX B Hydrogen Production with SMR-CCUS from Natural Gas Field without using Booster Compressor Station (BCS) Year Production Year CAPEX OPEX (USD) 61736357.19 (USD) PRODUCTION PER YEAR (Kg/Year) 2586818 9053863 REVENUE CASH FLOW NPV (USD) 26256201 (USD) -61736357.19 23669383.42 (USD) -61736357.19 21517621.29 PV Cumulative Cash Flow (USD) -61736357.19 -40218735.91 2021 2022 0 1 2023 2 2586818 9053863 26256201 23669383.42 19561473.9 -20657262.01 2024 3 2586818 9053863 26256201 23669383.42 17783158.09 -2874103.92 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2586818 2586818 2586818 2586818 2586818 2586818 2586818 9053863 9053863 9053863 9053863 9053863 9053863 9053863 26256201 26256201 26256201 26256201 26256201 26256201 26256201 23669383.42 23669383.42 23669383.42 23669383.42 23669383.42 23669383.42 23669383.42 16166507.35 14696824.87 13360749.88 12146136.25 11041942.05 10038129.14 9125571.941 13292403.43 27989228.3 41349978.18 53496114.43 64538056.48 74576185.62 83701757.56 16 APPENDIX C Cash Flow of Protom Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) Year 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Production Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAPEX OPEX (USD) 122369203.1 (USD) PRODUCTION PER YEAR (kWh/Year) 24427316 24427316 24427316 24427316 24427316 24427316 24427316 24427316 24427316 24427316 426824946.8 426824946.8 426824946.8 426824946.8 426824946.8 426824946.8 426824946.8 426824946.8 426824946.8 426824946.8 REVENUE CASH FLOW NPV @10% (USD) (USD) -122369203.1 34047701.62 34047701.62 34047701.62 34047701.62 34047701.62 34047701.62 34047701.62 34047701.62 34047701.62 34047701.62 (USD) -122369203.1 30952456.01 28138596.38 25580542.16 23255038.33 21140943.93 19219039.94 17471854.49 15883504.08 14439549.17 13126862.88 58475017.72 58475017.72 58475017.72 58475017.72 58475017.72 58475017.72 58475017.72 58475017.72 58475017.72 58475017.72 PV Cumulative Cash Flow (USD) -122369203.1 -91416747.07 -63278150.69 -37697608.53 -14442570.2 6698373.732 25917413.67 43389268.16 59272772.25 73712321.41 86839184.29 17 APPENDIX D Cash Flow of Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC) Year 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Production Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAPEX OPEX (USD) 134695757.8 (USD) PRODUCTION PER YEAR (kWh/Year) 26883408 26883408 26883408 26883408 26883408 26883408 26883408 26883408 26883408 26883408 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 REVENUE CASH FLOW NPV @10% (USD) (USD) -134695757.8 32176360.33 32176360.33 32176360.33 32176360.33 32176360.33 32176360.33 32176360.33 32176360.33 32176360.33 32176360.33 (USD) -134695757.8 29251236.67 26592033.33 24174575.76 21976887.05 19978988.23 18162716.57 16511560.52 15010509.56 13645917.79 12405379.81 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 PV Cumulative Cash Flow (USD) -134695757.8 -105444521.2 -78852487.83 -54677912.07 -32701025.02 -12722036.79 5440679.788 21952240.31 36962749.87 50608667.66 63014047.46 18 APPENDIX E Cash Flow of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) Year 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Production Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAPEX OPEX (USD) 132259542.4 (USD) PRODUCTION PER YEAR (kWh/Year) 26397987 26397987 26397987 26397987 26397987 26397987 26397987 26397987 26397987 26397987 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 REVENUE CASH FLOW NPV @10% (USD) (USD) -132259542.4 32661781.29 32661781.29 32661781.29 32661781.29 32661781.29 32661781.29 32661781.29 32661781.29 32661781.29 32661781.29 (USD) -132259542.4 29692528.44 26993207.68 24539279.71 22308436.1 20280396.45 18436724.05 16760658.22 15236962.02 13851783.66 12592530.6 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 PV Cumulative Cash Flow (USD) -132259542.4 -102567013.9 -75573806.26 -51034526.56 -28726090.46 -8445694.009 9991030.038 26751688.26 41988650.28 55840433.94 68432964.54 19 APPENDIX F Cash Flow of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Year 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Production Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAPEX OPEX (USD) 114998209.2 (USD) PRODUCTION PER YEAR (kWh/Year) 22958630 22958630 22958630 22958630 22958630 22958630 22958630 22958630 22958630 22958630 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 431093196.3 REVENUE CASH FLOW NPV @10% PV Cumulative Cash Flow (USD) (USD) -114998209.2 36101137.52 36101137.52 36101137.52 36101137.52 36101137.52 36101137.52 36101137.52 36101137.52 36101137.52 36101137.52 (USD) -114998209.2 32819215.93 29835650.84 27123318.95 24657562.68 22415966.07 20378150.98 18525591.8 16841447.09 15310406.44 13918551.31 (USD) -114998209.2 -82178993.3 -52343342.46 -25220023.51 -562460.8319 21853505.24 42231656.22 60757248.01 77598695.1 92909101.54 106827652.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9 59059767.9