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English Language Report: Online Communication & Netiquette

Pertemuan Ke – 8
Disusun Oleh :
: 203110026
: Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Aplikasi
: D3
8th Meet
1. Quiz 1: What are the differences between talking to your friends or family over the
Internet and talking to them in person?
Talking to them in person is done with close direct contact and face to face while
communication via the internet is done without direct contact, this requires an intermediary to
communicate via the internet with a smartphone or computer device. Another difference lies
in the order in which the language is used because if direct communication is supported by the
context of the situation between the speaker and the interlocutor face to face, so that facial
expressions and so on are supportive so that the language used can be more relaxed.
2. Quiz 2: What could Erika have done to avoid this situation?
Erika should have remembered that it was humans who were being chatted with via the internet.
People who read comments are humans who have feelings, it can be offended or hurt. Internet
communication ethical standards are the same as communication ethics in the real world, such
as ethics, respecting the opinions of others, and breaking the law is bad Netiquette.
3. Quiz 3: What could Alan have done to avoid this situation?
Alan has to check grammar and spelling (grammar) when reading what people tell him. don't
misunderstand what people say and make sure it makes sense. Don't be easy to think negatively
and get angry. Respond politely to what people say if Alan doesn't like it.
4. Please tell about your experience in dealing with bad words or bad attitudes in
cyberspace (at least 8 sentences).
I have commented on an Instagram post entitled "The United States Destroys Islam". My
comment states that I disagree with that. However, my comment was attacked by someone who
disagreed with me. He thought I hated Islam, but that is not true. I just reminded that it was just
a wrong argument and would break the unity of the religious community. Then I reminded him
that not to make posts irrelevant to ethnicity, race, class, and religion.
5. Read the article (Social and Emotional Learning: Online Manners Matter by Leila
Weir) Make a summary of that article. The summary should be written in one
paragraph consists of 8-10 sentences.
Understanding how to interact online safely and effectively is, and will be, increasingly
important. Educators are increasingly, and sometimes uncomfortable, realizing that students
need education not only in Internet devices but also in Internet behavior. forward-thinking
educators work to teach all about netiquette. Some are written in legal language that children
cannot follow, and perhaps none of the children actually read. But some schools make
information accessible students - for the protection of children as well as for themselves. Good
online communication is essential in virtual schools, where most interactions take place
digitally. But with the Internet, a large part of the lives of most students, brick-and-mortar
schools from Longmont, Colorado, to Modesto, California, started teaching netiquette too.
Tomorrow, let's say the school should better incorporate netiquette into everyday education.
Living up to that ideal will take time and training as teachers themselves get more comfortable
with digital tools. But whatever it takes in the near future, training netiquette will - and should
– develop.