Fakulti Ekonomi dan Perniagaan ANALYZING THE INFLUENCE OF SELECTED MACROECONOMIC VARIABLES ON CO2 EMISSIONS IN MALAYSIA Amir Aiman Bin Hamblie @ Awang Jamali 65410 BACHELOR IN ECONOMICS WITH HONOURS (BUSINESS ECONOMICS) 2021 ANALYZING THE INFLUENCE OF SELECTED MACROECONOMIC VARIABLES ON CO2 EMISSIONS IN MALAYSIA AMIR AIMAN BIN HAMBLIE @ AWANG JAMALI This project is submitted in partial fulfilment of The requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Economics with Honours (Business Economics) Faculty of Economics and Business UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SARAWAK 2021 Statement of Originality The work described in this Final Year Project, entitled “ANALYZING THE INFLUENCE OF SELECTED MACROECONOMIC VARIABLES ON CO2 EMISSIONS IN MALAYSIA” Is the best author’s knowledge that of the author except where due to reference is made. 08/07/2021 (Date Submitted) (Student’s Signature) Amir Aiman bin Hamblie @ Awang Jamali 65410 ABSTRACT ANALYZING THE INFLUENCE OF SELECTED MACROECONOMIC VARIABLES ON CO2 EMISSIONS IN MALAYSIA By Amir Aiman bin Hamblie @ Awang Jamali This research was conducted to examine the relationship between renewable energy consumption, foreign direct investment, gross domestic product (GDP) and CO2 emissions in Malaysia. This study used time series data consist of 30 observations which is from 1990 to 2019. Annual dataset is taken from World Bank Data. The data was analysed using E-views software which consist of several method used in this study. The method such as Ordinary Least Square (OLS), Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Test, Johansen and Jeliues Cointegration Test and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) Causality Test were used in this study. The result shows that renewable energy consumption, foreign direct investment, GDP have short-run and long-run relationship with affecting the CO2 emissions in Malaysia. Thus, some recommendations had been listed in this study to reduce the effect on the environment such as empowering the green economy, education on environment and sustainable development, tightening regulation on foreign investment, environmental policy and tax enforcement. Keywords: Renewable energy consumption, foreign direct investment, CO2 emissions, Malaysia. i ABSTRAK MENGENAL PASTI PENGARUH PEMBOLEH UBAH MAKROEKONOMI TERPILIH TERHADAP PELEPASAN KARBON DIOKSIDA DI MALAYSIA Oleh Amir Aiman bin Hamblie @ Awang Jamali Penyelidikan kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti hubungan antara penggunaan tenaga boleh diperbaharui, pelaburan langsung asing, KDNK dan pelepasan karbon dioksida di Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan data siri masa yang terdiri daripada 30 sampel dari tahun 1990 hingga 2019. Data tahunan diperolehi daripada Bank Dunia. Data akan dianalisis menggunakan aplikasi E-views yang terdiri daripada beberapa kaedah dalam kajian ini. Kaedah seperti analisis Ordinary Least Square (OLS), ujian Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root, ujian Johansen and Julieues, dan Ujian Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) Granger Causality digunakan dalam kajian ini. Keputusan menunjukkan penggunaan tenaga boleh diperbaharui, pelaburan langsung asing, KDNK mempunyai hubungan jangka pendek dan jangka Panjang dalam memberi kesan terhadap pelepasan karbon dioksida di Malaysia. Oleh itu, beberapa cadangan telah disenaraikan dalam kajian ini untuk mengurangi pengaruh terhadap persekitaran seperti memperkasakan ekonomi hijau, pendidikan terhadap persekitaran dan pembangunan lestari, memperketat peraturan terhadap pelaburan asing, polisi berkaitan persekitaran dan penguatkuasaan cukai. Kata kunci: Penggunaan tenaga boleh diperbaharui, pelaburan langsung asing, keluaran dalam negara kasar, pelepasan karbon dioksida, Malaysia. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, praise and thanks to the God, the Almighty, For His shower of blessings throughout my research work to complete the thesis successfully. I would like to thank the Faculty of Business and Economics, University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) for giving me the opportunity to conduct this study which is one of the mandatory subjects in my program. I have gained a useful knowledge and skills throughout the process of completing my thesis. I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my supervisor Miss Audrey Liwan, for giving me a good opportunity to do this thesis and guideline throughout the consultations for this thesis. She has given me a knowledge and ideas that are very important and useful to help me complete my thesis. She also always gives words of encouragement to be more motivated and enthusiastic throughout the completion of my thesis. Without her, I would not be able to complete my thesis on time. I would like to thank my parents for their love, prayer, caring and sacrifices for educating me and preparing for my future and the support that they give throughout the difficult times of my journey to complete my thesis. Lastly, I would like to thank my friends who have helped me throughout the process of completing my thesis. iii TABLES OF CONTENTS Abstract………………………………………………………………………. i Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………. iii List of Table………………………………………………………………….. vii List of Figures………………………………………………………………… viii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction……………………………………………….................. 1 1.1 Background of Studies……………………………………………….. 3 1.2 Problem of Statement……………………………………………....... 8 1.3 Research Question…………………………………………………… 10 1.4 Research Objective…………………………………………………... 11 1.4.1 General Objective…………………………………………… 11 1.4.2 Specific Objective…………………………………………... 11 1.5 Scope of Study……………………………………………………...... 11 1.6 Summary……………………………………………………………... 12 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………... 14 2.1 Theoretical Framework………………………………………………. 14 Environmental Kuznets Curve……………………………… 14 Empirical Study……………………………………………………… 16 2.2.1 Renewable Energy and CO2 emissions……………………... 16 2.2.2 Foreign Direct Investment and CO2 emissions.…………….. 18 2.1.1 2.2 iv 2.2.3 2.3 Economic Growth and CO2 emissions……………………… 19 Research Gap…………………………………………………………. 21 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………... 22 3.1 Data Description……………………………………………………... 22 3.2 Estimation Model…………………………………………………….. 23 3.3 Conceptual Framework………………………………………………. 23 3.4 Research Method…………………………………………………….. 24 3.4.1 Ordinary Least Square (Double Log Model)………………... 24 3.4.2 Unit Root Test……………………………………………….. 25 Augmented Dickey Fuller Test……………………. 25 3.4.3 Johansen and Juselius Cointegration Test………………….... 26 3.4.4 Vector Correction Error Model (VECM) Granger Causality 3.5 Test…………………………………………………………... 27 Summary……………………………………………………………… 28 CHAPTER 4: RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS 4.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………... 29 4.1 Empirical Finding and Discussion……………………………………. 29 4.1.1 Ordinary Least Square (Double Log Model) ………………… 29 4.1.2 Augmented Dickey Fuller Unit Root Test…………………… 31 4.1.3 Johansen and Juselius Cointegration Test…………………… 32 v 4.1.4 Vector Correction Error Model (VECM) Granger Causality Test…………………………………………………………... 34 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 5.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………… 37 5.1 Summary of Study…………………………………………………...... 37 5.2 Policy Implications and Recommendations…………………………... 38 5.3 Limitation of Study…………………………………………………… 42 References Appendix vi LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1 Coefficient of Variation for Each Functional Form……... 30 Table 4.2 The Result for OLS Test…………………………………. 30 Table 4.3 The Result for Augmented Dickey Fuller Test…………... 32 Table 4.4 The Result of Johansen & Juselius Test………………….. 33 Table 4.5 The Result of VECM Normalized Equation Test………... 34 Table 4.6 The Result of VECM Granger Causality Test…………… 35 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Trend of Gross Domestic Product at 2010 price (Billion US Dollar)………………………………………………... 3 Figure 1.2 CO2 emissions (Kiloton) in Malaysia…………………….. 4 Figure 1.3 Foreign Direct Investment in Malaysia (net Billion US Dollar)……………………………………………………... 5 Figure 1.4 Renewable Energy Consumption % of Total Energy Consumption………………………………………………. 6 Figure 2.1 Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC)…………………….. 16 Figure 3.1 Dependent and Independent Variables……………………. 23 Figure 3.2 Frameworks Study of the Influence of Renewable Energy, Foreign Direct……………………………………………... 23 viii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction Climate change, natural disasters and pollution are a growing phenomenon of global warming, as well as increasing human needs to use less and more sustainable natural resources have created challenges and competition in various fields such as business, manufacturing and construction. This has led to high demand among the wider community. Scientifically, this natural change has disrupted the well-being of the people in Malaysia (Rahman, 2014). According to studies conducted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the impact of future climate change will be a challenge in the effort to maintain the country's sustainability (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, 2010) The researchers Destek and Sarkodie (2019) stated that issues related to climate change have in fact become an important topic of debate around the world and have become a global concern as they are extremely dangerous to the environment and sustainable development. Over the past few years, most of the countries in the world has undergone tremendous economic development and growth due to expansion and industrial development. In particular, nations such as Malaysia, Vietnam, India, China, Russia, and South Africa, have seen historic growth in the Gross Domestic Product rate due to rapid industrialization and urbanisation (GDP). (Begum et al., 2015). This rapid development led to a widespread and uncontrolled increase in CO2 emissions. 1 Various countries have taken steps to reduce CO2 emissions including developed countries such as the Japan, United States, England, France and China. There are various policies such as Paris Agreement that have been introduced to aim to measure the level of pollution caused by CO2 emissions and the impact on the economic sector and the well-being of society (UNCC, 2015). Masouko, Kainuma and Morita (1995) stated that the Asia-Pacific Integrated Model (AIM) was introduced with the aim of studying the extent of greenhouse gas emissions and absorption in Japan, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia and countries in the Asian region and identifying the impact of such CO2 emissions on the economy and environment in the member states. The AIM model can assist and contribute in policy making and help to measure the level of global warming. AIM consists of three models namely; the greenhouse gas emissions model (AIM / emissions), the climate change impact model (AIM / impact), and the global climate change model (AIM / climate.). Paris Agreement are one of the most important steps in helping to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions globally. This Agreement is an international agreement on climate change that is legally binding. The agreement was approved by 196 Parties at 21st Conference of the Parties on 12 December 2015 that held in Paris and came into force on November 4, 2016. The implementation of the Paris Agreement aims to obtain cooperation from member states to lower the earth's temperature or global warming by 2 degrees Celsius. Once the target has been reached, then member countries will continue efforts to lower by 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to the level of economic development (UNCC, 2015). To ensure that this goal is achieved, all countries involved have tried to achieve the target in the near future in order to fulfil 2 the long-term temperature target and further preserve the earth and prevent extreme climate change. With rapid economic growth and the expansion of the built environment in Malaysia, reducing energy intensity and CO2 emissions goals have led to a major challenge. Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia among the cities that contribute to the high rate of air pollution with a population of more than 2 million people. Malaysia has introduced various efforts to reduce CO2 emissions caused by rapid development especially in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur. The Malaysian government has worked with other countries internationally to support efforts to address the issue of carbon dioxide emissions extensively. The Paris 2015 Agreement is one of the measures taken by the government to support efforts to reduce the intensity of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 45% by 2030 compared to the emissions intensity of the previous 25 years. 1.1 Background of Study Figure 1.1: Trend of Gross Domestic Product at 2010 price (Billion US Dollar) Source: World Bank Data (2015) 3 Figure 1.1 had summarised the trend of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Malaysia (Billion US Dollar) at 2010 price from the year of 1990 to 2015. From the figure 1.1, there had been a consistent annual growth of GDP. The highest value of GDP recorded was 330.32 billion US dollar in the year 2015. There had always been a strong relationship between the Country’s GDP and CO2 emissions where the rapid development of Malaysia affected the total CO2 emissions in the country. Generally, a country with uncontrolled rapid development will contribute to increasing in CO2 emissions. Figure 1.2: πππ emissions (Kiloton) in Malaysia Source: World Bank Data (2015) For the past 30 years, CO2 emissions in Malaysia had been growing exponentially as demonstrated in Figure 1.2. From the late 1980s, the total of CO2 emissions in Malaysia had been increasing steadily until the 1997. During the period of 1998 and 1999, the total of CO2 emissions had plunged for approximately 8.5% and 13.5% compared to the year of 1997. However, it had risen for about 85.8% in the following year compared to 1999 and continued to grow gradually until year 2015. 4 The lowest recorded CO2 emissions in Malaysia was in year 1990 that was 56,592.811 Kiloton and the highest was in the year 2014 that was 242,671.059 Kiloton. Researchers Fulton, et.al (2017) stated that CO2 emissions are projected by AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation will show an upward trend of up to 300,000 kilotons by 2030 compared to 200,000 kilotons currently. Figure 1.3: Foreign Direct Investment in Malaysia (net Billion US Dollar) Source: World Bank Data (2015) Figure 1.3 had summarised the trend of Foreign Direct Investment in Malaysia (Net Billion US Dollar) from the year of 1990 to 2015. From the figure 1.3, there is a trend of instability on the value of FDI in Malaysia. During 1990 to 2006, FDI flow in Malaysia was below 0 level or experienced a negative value. Malaysia recorded the lowest FDI in 1992 at -5.183 Billion US Dollars during 1990 to 2015. This is due to the declining world economy which causes a slowdown in FDI flow. in 2006, the flow of FDI in malaysia began to recover by recording a value of more than 0 or a positive value. This upsurge factor is due to the global economic recovery which accelerated the flow of FDI in malaysia. FDI in Malaysia recorded the highest value in 2012 at 8 5 Billion US dollars and has increased by around 91.99% compared to the previous year which recorded a total of 2.989 billion US dollars in 2011. there are several studies conducted have linked the relationship between foreign direct investment and CO2 emissions where the two variables have diverse relationships depending on the flow of foreign direct investment of a country. Figure 1.4: Renewable Energy Consumption % of Total Energy Consumption Source: World Bank Data (2015) For the past 30 years, Renewable energy cunsumption shows a declining trend as demonstrated in Figure 1.2. From the year of 1990, the total of renewable energy consumption in Malaysia had been lessening steadily until the 1997. During the period of 1998 and 1999, the total of renewable energy consumption had risen for approximately 6.8% and 9.5% compared to the year of 1997. However, it had plunged for about 46% in the year of 2010 compared to 1999 and continued to grow gradually until year 2015. The lowest recorded renewable energy consumption in Malaysia was in year 2010 that was 3.819% from total renewable energy consumption and the highest was in the year 1990 that was 11.981% from total renewable energy 6 consumption. Renewable energy consumption and CO2 emissions in Malaysia indicated a positive relationship where the decline in renewable energy consumption has led to an increase in CO2 emissions in Malaysia. Renewable several studies have been conducted stating that renewable energy consumption has a relationship with CO2 emissions but the relationship is not very significant. renewable energy consumption and CO2 emissions in Malaysia have a positive relationship where when renewable energy consumption decreases then CO2 emissions increases, and vice versa. Malaysia has pledged to cooperate internationally in global efforts to address climate change caused by widespread CO2 emissions even before the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Malaysia's efforts to address the carbon emissions problem began in 2006, 3 years before the public declaration by Prime Minister Razak. Since then, the country has steadily been redirected to a less carbon-intensive future by a variety of policies and strategic plans. Among the efforts made by the Government is to establish the Sustainable Energy Development Board (SEDA) to encourage energy supplier industries to use renewable energy in energy generation, the addition of palm biodiesel to diesel fuel based on the National Biofuel Industry Act 2007. Furthermore, supporting public transport while restricting the ownership of private vehicles on the basis of the National Land Public Transport Master Plan and encouraging the use of green technology (KeTTHA, 2017) through a programme initiated in 2017 by the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA). Recently, the Green Technology Master Plan for 2017 to 2030 has outlined multi-sectoral initiatives to 7 reduce the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 45% by 2030 and promote green technology-based economic development. 1.2 Problem Statement Environmental issues such as climate change are hot topics being discussed around the world as they can threaten the well-being of human life including nature. Climate change such as global warming is becoming more apparent day by day as a result of uncontrolled economic activity carried out by a handful of groups such as widespread greenhouse gas emissions. There are several implications of global warming among which has caused the rise of sea and earth surface temperatures to cause the polar ice layer to melt, sea level to rise, and cause unstable and extreme weather such as flash floods, landslides or heavy snowfall (Utinia, 2008). One of the major GHGs that contribute significantly to global warming is carbon dioxide. With the rapid economic development in Malaysia, large-scale CO2 emissions from industry through the combustion of fossil fuels will increase air temperatures and cause a worsening effect on the atmosphere (Begum et al, 2020). Based on the record of pollution complaints received by the Department of Environment (DOE), there was an increase in 2019 and 2020 compared to the previous year (Department of Environment, 2015). This indicates an increase in public awareness among the community to be more sensitive to environmental issues. Malaysia is one of the most rapidly developing countries in terms of economic, social, and land-use development (Sharif Ali, 2019). In line with this, there has been an increase in the demand for electricity sources for transportation, industrial, and 8 domestic purposes. The increase was driven by an increase in population as well as an increase in demand, particularly in the industrial, commercial, and residential sectors, which all have an impact on the flow of energy consumption include electricity consumption in Malaysia. While electricity is an important source of development in the country, an increase in electricity consumption has resulted in an increase in electricity flow which has resulted in the release of greenhouse gases. An increase in uncontrolled energy consumption can have a negative impact on Malaysian urban development. Recognizing this, the government has set a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by up to 40% by implementing the concepts of sustainability and energy generation (Susskind et al, 2020). The lack of information on energy consumption, on the other hand, is a barrier to the sustainability and use of electricity in Malaysia. Studies on the relationship of foreign direct investment and renewable energy consumption to CO2 emissions have been conducted by researchers in several countries including ASEAN countries (Lee et al, 2019). However, studies on the relationship between foreign direct investment and renewable energy consumption on CO2 emissions in Malaysia are limited as a small number of researchers has conducted the study on the relationship between these three variables in the context of Malaysia. There are various opinions among researchers in interpreting the relationship between foreign direct investment and CO2 emissions. This is because each country has a different fluctuating trend in foreign direct investment flow which causes differences in the results of studies and conclusions on the relationship between these two variables. Study conducted by Broner, Salah, and Lienkamp 2013 have even argued 9 that there is a possibility that foreign industries opening their factories in Least developed countries (LDCs) will produce cleaner production compared to domestic industries. The study is supported by the theory from Grossman and Krueger (1991), where foreign direct investment into LDCs is likely to result in cleaner production technologies that do not have a high impact on CO2 emissions in the long-run. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is a Global Goal formed as a universal call to action to address the problem of poverty, protect the environment and ensure that all people can achieve prosperity and peace by 2030. This charter has been approved by all UN Member States and came into force on 2015. To achieve the 13th objective of SDGs which is climate action, all countries including Malaysia play an important role in formulating various policies to reduce air pollution including CO2 emissions. Cooperation from various parties including the government, policy makers, citizens, and industry players is needed to preserve the environment and protect the environment so that the 13th goal of the SDGs, namely Climate action can be achieved and create a better world. 1.3 Research Question The research question of this study is how economic variables such as renewable energy, foreign direct investment and economic growth influences the CO2 emissions in Malaysia. To be more specific, the following are the questions? 1. What is the relationship in short run and long run between the renewable energy consumption and CO2 emissions in Malaysia? 10 2. Is there a connection in the short run and long run between foreign direct investment and CO2 emissions in Malaysia? 3. What is the correlation in the short run and long run between economic growth and CO2 emissions in Malaysia? 1.4 Research Objectives 1.4.1 General Objective The general objective of this research is to identify the factors that affecting the CO2 emissions in Malaysia. 1.4.2 Specific Objectives 1. To determine the correlation in the short run and long run between the renewable energy consumption and CO2 emissions in Malaysia; 2. To study the relationship in the short run and long run between foreign direct investment and CO2 emissions in Malaysia; 3. To examine the connection in the short run and long run between economic growth and CO2 emissions in Malaysia. 1.5 Scope of Study The focus of this study was to investigate how renewable energy consumption, foreign direct investment, and economic growth influence the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in Malaysia. The data range used for this study was from year 1987 to year 2016. This paper was divided into five main chapters. Chapter one was about the 11 introduction, background of study, problem statement, research question, objectives and summary. While moving on to chapter two which was literature review, empirical study that emphasized on the previous study and research papers that correspond to our topic and reviewed closely. Other than that, the theoretical framework, empirical testing procedures, and empirical findings was also included in this chapter. We would be discussing a little deeper on the methodological approach used in Chapter 3. Data, models and methods would be specified clearly in regard to our variables. Moving further, in chapter 4, the methodologies that have established in previous chapter then be implemented. This chapter will produce the empirical results for this research and based on these results, it will understandable the estimated scenarios in the case for Malaysia. Last but not the least, in chapter 5, the overall conclusion of this study and recommendation will be given so that policy makers, researchers and governments will have overall ideas how effectively should address the policies towards climate change additional information will be given. 1.9 Summary Alarming climate change is happening and because of climate pattern alteration developing and under developing countries are enduring unexpected natural disaster. As demonstrated an overall scenario of how the environmental degradation impact the economic progress in Malaysia. Meanwhile, general background of the Malaysia economy has elaborated in this chapter and trend of CO2 emissions in Malaysia and the relationship of the selected macroeconomics on CO2 emissions. In 12 addition, the data that has relation with the influence of renewable energy consumption, foreign direct investment, GDP towards CO2 emissions in Malaysia has also been demonstrated as in various figures and tables. The policy implementations by Malaysian government and from climate eras how world’s leaders are striving together to mitigate greenhouse gas emission in future has also been discussed. Moreover, motivation of this study by using CO2 emissions as one of the primary variables lead this research more positive as because CO2 emissions become permanent in atmospheric level and the trend is constantly rising. First six months of 2016 was recorded the hottest year ever globally. Malaysia has no exception from this situation. In fact, in north-eastern region was all time record high in last half a century. Thus, brings immense motivation and inspire to study this topic. 13 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction Chapter two was divided into three section; consisted of an introduction, theoretical framework, empirical study. Section 2.1 would focus on the theoretical framework which were the relevant theories and concepts applied in the study. In section 2.2, the empirical testing method and findings used in the previous studies would be reviewed as well as the theoretical model. 2.1 Theoretical Framework 2.1.1 Environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) Kuznet's hypothesis identifies economic growth as a factor determining changes in income distribution in the long-run. Kuznet believes that income inequality rises with economic growth, but after reaching a certain point the inequality will decrease along with better economic development. Therefore, the relationship between income inequality and GDP per capita forms the Uterbalance curve (Kuznets, 1955). In 1991, Grossman and Krueger developed the concept of Environmental Kuznet Curve (EKC) in which they applied the Kuznet hypothesis to find out the relationship between economic growth and environmental quality. The EKC hypothesis shows the contribution of economic growth to higher emissions but further economic growth is then able to reduce environmental degradation. This is subject to technological progress and a shift to a service-based economy (Grossman & Krueger, 1991). 14 Researcher Shafik (1994) stated in the study that The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) is a link between environmental quality and economic development where this diagram has proven that environmental quality will deteriorate in line with the economic development of a country. According to the EKC theory, it is expected that the economic growth mechanism would inevitably restrict the environmental degradation caused in the early stages of development. The theory of the EKC leads many early 1990s researchers to conclude that each economy should concentrate on its growth, and the economic growth process would ultimately eradicate any environmental problems. EKC theory can be interpreted based on a U-shaped diagram that is the relationship between the quality of the environment and the economic development of a country. Balado-Naves, Baños-Pino, & Mayor (2018) clarified that in Europe, Asia and the world as a whole, there appears to be an inverted U-shaped relationship between per capita income and national per capita emissions, neighbouring energy intensity increases national per capita emissions, and economic growth is expected to accelerate climate change. The EKC asserts that in response to economic growth, environmental quality first decreases and increases only after per capita income reaches a crucial threshold. During the course of economic growth and subsequent progress, this combination of dropping then growing environmental quality results in an inverted "U" shaped curve. Figure 2.1 below shows the stimulation of the EKC graph where there is a U-shape in the graph represented the relationship between environmental degration and economic development of a country. 15 Figure 2.1: Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) 2.2 Empirical Study 2.2.1 Renewable Energy and CO2 emissions Researchers Bigili, Kocak and Bulut (2016) investigated the dynamic impact of renewable energy consumption on CO2 emissions. The data used in this research were taken from 17 countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development over a period of 33 years from 1977 to 2010 using the panel Dynamic Ordinary Least Square and the panel Fully Modified Ordinary Least Square estimations. Studies indicated that there is a long-run negative relationship between these two variables where the renewable energy consumption increases then CO2 emissions decrease, and vice versa. 16 Researchers Dong, Dong, and Jiang (2019) also agree that there is a negative relationship between two variables; Renewable energy consumption and CO2 emissions but the effect between these two variables is not very significant. This study was conducted based on 4 levels of income; low income, lower middle low income, upper middle income and high income from 120 countries over a period of 21 years from 1995 to 2015 and indicated that the increase in economic growth and nonrenewable energy consumption may obscure the mitigation effect. Researchers Azilah Hasnisah, Azlina and Che Mohd Imran Che Taib (2019) indicated that in 13 developing countries in Asia, renewable energy use is negligible in contributing to less pollution with regard to CO2 emissions in long-run. The study suggested that the countries sampled should develop a strategic planning to reduce the rate of global warming and climate change, while at the same time stimulating economic growth and encouraging energy from environmentally sustainable resources, in order to better understand the potential factors influencing CO2 emissions. Moreover, researchers Natnaporn et.el (2020) indicated that there is an inverse relationship between renewable energy and CO2 emissions in Malaysia in long-run. Time series data for the period of 30 years from 1988 to 2017 has been used by the researcher in this study. This study used ARIMA equation to examined the impact of renewable energy on CO2 emissions. In contrast, Researchers Farhani and Shahbaz (2014) found that the renewable and non-renewable energy indicated a positive relationship on CO2 emissions where 17 the increase in the use of renewable and non-renewable energy will increase the CO2 emissions based on studies that have been conducted in the Middle East and North Africa countries over the period of 30 years from 1980 to 2009 using the panel Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares and panel Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares. 2.2.2 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and CO2 emissions. Researchers Blanco, Gonzalez, and Ruiz (2012) discovered that by using a study of 18 Latin American Countries for the period 1980 to 2007, there is no robust proof that FDI induces CO2 emissions. Researchers Haug and Ucal (2019) indicated that changes in FDI had no statistically significant long-term impact on per capita CO2 emissions in Turkey. They used linear and nonlinear ARDL models in their analysis and found important asymmetric effects of exports, imports and FDI on per capita CO2 emissions. FDI, however has no long-run effects that are statistically significant. In the long run, export reductions minimise per capita CO2 emissions, but export increases do not have any statistically significant impact. Import rises drive up CO2 emissions per capita, while import reductions do not have long-term consequences. Researchers Omri, Nguyen and Rault (2014) found that there was bidirectional casuality between FDI inflows and CO2 emissions in 54 countries over a period of 22 years from 1990 to 2011 using dynamic simultaneous-equation panel data models. The researcher Acharyya (2009) found that there is a positive relationship between FDI inflow and CO2 emissions in India for the long term. Time series data for the period of 24 years from 1980 to 2003 has been used by the researcher in this study. This study 18 used co-integration regression and unit root test to examine the impact of FDI on CO2 emissions. In addition, researchers Lee, Ramasamy and Yeung (2005) have studied on the relationship between FDI and pollution by using Granger causality tests on 112 countries over 15-28 years. The findings of the study indicate that there is an alternative causality relationship between FDI and CO2 emissions in long-run depending on how fast a country is developing. Researchers Pao and Tsai (2011) stated that the findings of causality indicate that for the period between 1980 and 2007, except for Russia (1992-2007), there is bidirectional causality in Brazil, Russia, India and China between FDI and emissions using a panel cointegration technique. CO2 emissions tend to be energy consumption elastic and FDI inelastic in long-run balance, and the findings seem to support the hypothesis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC). Moreover, the researchers Linh and Lin (2015) investigated the complex causality correlation between depletion, economic development, FDI and energy consumption in the 12 most populated countries in Asia. The studies indicated that both short-term and long-term causality relationships occur between CO2 emissions, economic development, FDI and energy consumption. 2.2.3 Economic Growth and CO2 emissions. Researchers Arouri, Ben Youssef, M'henni and Rault (2012) indicated that in 12 Middle East and North African Countries (MENA) over the period of 25 years from 1981 to 2005, Real GDP shows a positive relationship with CO2 emissions. This study 19 used co-integration techniques and panel unit root test to examine the impact of real GDP on CO2 emissions in 12 Middle East and North African countries (MENA). The researchers Bengochea-Morancho, Higón-Tamarit, and Martínez-Zarzoso (2001) examined the dynamic relationship in the European Union between economic growth and CO2 emissions. The data of 10 European countries over the period of 15 years from 1981 to 1995 has been used in this study. These findings do not tend to support a uniform emissions control strategy, but countries in Europe can achieve the target of reducing CO2 emissions by considering economic situations and some industrial sectors that contribute significantly to the increase in CO2 emissions in those panel countries. Furthermore, the researchers Behnas Saboori, Jamalludin Sulaiman and Saidatulakmal Mohd (2012) discovered an dynamic relationship between GDP and CO2 emissions in both short and long-run in Malaysia, supporting by the hypothesis of Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) over the time period of 30 years from 1980 to 2009. The analysis of granger causality based on vector error correction model (VECM) has been used in this study. The study indicated that the absence of causality relationship between GDP and CO2 emissions in the short-run while perceived unidirectional causality in the long-run. Researcher Omri (2013) investigated the dynamic relationship between GDP and CO2 emissions over the period of 37 years from late 60s to 1996 using the Pool capacity test for a hundred states. Their findings showed an upward leaning correlation between GDP and CO2 emissions for the one hundred states. Simply stated, the study indicated that the economic growth has a long-run positive relationship with CO2 emissions. 20 2.3 Research Gap This study was conducted based on three selected macroeconomic variables that have the potential to affect carbon dioxide emissions, which include renewable energy consumption, foreign direct investment, and economic growth. There are few previous studies have incorporated all of these variables in their research paper. Therefore, this paper provides an update on studies related to economic degradation in Malaysia for the reference of other researchers who want to conduct similar studies in the future in addition to being used as a reference by policy makers in Malaysia to further strengthen regulations and policies related to the environment. This study is a continuation of previous studies where the data used in this study is the latest data that covers up to 2019. Recommendations on policies and regulations listed in this study are based on the current economic situation and environmental conditions in Malaysia. In addition, this study was conducted to expand the study related to environmental degradation due to the lack of studies related to CO2 emissions in developing countries including Malaysia. This study to some extent will be able to help other researchers to study in more depth so that the results found by researchers in the future are more accurate and the recommendations on the solutions are more effective and beneficial to policy makers in the country. 21 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.0 Introduction This research aimed to study the influence of renewable energy consumption, foreign direct investment, economic growth on the CO2 emissions in Malaysia from the year 1987 until 2016. There is five parts in this chapter, consisting of an introduction, data description, model of estimation, conceptual framework and research method. The data used in this analysis was described in section 3.1, followed by an estimation model in section 3.2. After that, we would discuss about the conceptual framework and the research method for this analysis in section 3.4 was the last part. 3.1 Data Description There is various type of determinants to investigate the factors affection CO2 emissions in Malaysia and to study the relationships between CO2 emissions with the three variables namely; renewable energy consumption, Foreign Direct Investment, and Economic growth in a long run and short run based on the time series data. indicators for the variables used in this study are RE consumption% of total RE consumption, FDI in net US Billion, GDP at 2010 price (US billion dollars), and CO2 emissions (kilotons) in Malaysia. This data was obtained from World Bank data. This research will structure theoretical framework for a comprehensive and potential understanding. The dependent and independent variables are listed as below. 22 Figure 3.1: Dependent and independent variables One dependent variable was used in this study as a measurement tool. The framework study of the influence of renewable energy consumption, foreign direct investment, economic growth on the CO2 emissions in Malaysia and to study the relationship of renewable energy consumption, FDI, and GDP towards the CO2 emissions in Malaysia. 3.2 Estimation Model The function form was express as: πΆπ2 emission= ƒ (RE, FDI, GDP) 3.3 Conceptual Framework Figure 3.2: Frameworks Study of the Influence of Renewable Energy, Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth on the CO2 emissions in Malaysia. 23 3.3 Research Method There are several tests used in the study to identify the relationship between dependent variables namely CO2 emissions and independent variables namely renewable energy consumption, foreign direct investment, and economic growth in short run and long run. Among the tests are Ordinary Least Square (Double log model), Unit root test of Augmented Dickey Fuller, Johansen and Juselius Cointegration test, and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) Granger Causality Test. E-views has been used in this study to help facilitate researcher to process accurate results based on the tests performed. 3.4.1. Ordinary Least Square (Double Log Model) Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) is the most common estimation method for linear models to predict the relationship between the dependent (denote by Y) and independent variable (denotes by X). This method does not base on one’s prediction but applying statistical methods to analyze the relationship between these variables. Usually, OLS is used to make predictions for models with 1 dependent variable and 1 independent variable. However, it is also a common use to predict multiple independent variables and see what are their relationship, whether an increase in X could bring what effect on Y. In this research, we will be using 3 independent variables and 1 dependent variable to do analysis and see what relationship are they, and the model that we are going to use in this research are as follow: Y = α + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3+ εi 24 3.4.2 Unit Root Test Augmented Dickey Fuller Test (ADF) The augmented Dickey Fuller Test (ADF test) very helpful in analysing the stationary of a series, as it is also one of the most commonly used statistical test as present. The ADF test is an upgraded version of Dickey-Fuller test equation. More differencing term and higher-order regression processes have been added, which ultimately makes the test result of ADF test more convincing. The ADF test procedure is derived from the following model: βπ¦π‘ = πΌ + βπ‘ + πΎπ¦π‘−1 +πΏβπ¦π‘−1 + β― + πΏπ−1βπ¦π‘−π+1 + ππ‘ Where, πΌ is a constant term, βπ‘ is the coefficient of variable, p is the log order and ππ‘ , is an error term. The following are null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis: π»0 : Y = 0 π»1 : Y < 0 Where the null hypothesis, y = 1 is not rejected, that means the order 1. This means the series is having a unit root and it is non-stationary or stochastic. But when the alternative hypothesis, y < 1 is not rejected, then it indicates the order is 0, where the series is stationary or there is no unit root in the series 25 3.4.3 Johansen and Juselius Cointegration Test Johansen and juselius Cointegration Test (JJ Test) can help identify the existence multiple cointegration vectors. Under the assumption that all variables are endogenous, when two or more sequences are integrated separately, but some of their linear combination have a lower integration order, the sequence is called cointegration. There are two test that can be proceeded to discover the number of cointegrating vectors exist in the model. Those are Trace Test and Maximum Eigenvalue test (Nkoro & Uko, 2016). Trace test can be expressed as below: ππ‘π = −π ∑ππ=π+1 logβ‘(1 − ππ ) Where, T = the number of observations, ππ β‘= the largest π π‘β estimated eigenvalue The following are null hypothesis an alternative hypothesis for Trace Test: π»0 : π − π0 π»0 : πβ‘ ≥ 1 The regression of the Maximum Eigenvalue test is shown as following: ππππ₯ = β‘ −ππππ(1 − ππ−1 ) Where, T = the number of observation, ππ−1 = the largest estimated eigenvalue at r-1. 26 The following are null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis for Maximum Eigenvalue Test: π»0 : π = π0 π»0 : π = π0 + 1 The null hypothesis for Cointegration test is rejected when the t-statistic greater than the critical value for selected level of significance. Thus, it can be stated that the model exists at most of r Cointegration vector at selected level of significance. According to Johansen and Juselius (1990), the Maximum eigenvalue test is preferable to the Trace Test. 3.4.4 Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) Granger Causality test According to Granger (1998), once Cointegration vector is defined in Johansen-Juselius cointegration test, the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) Granger Causality Granger Causality test id developed to determined short run relationship among surveyed variables to avoid misspecification problem. Besides, Greanger Causality test based VECM can detect the direction of causality between surveyed variables from long run cointegrating vector. The hypothesis of Granger Causality based VECM is specified as follow: π»0 = The independent variable does not granger cause the dependent variable π»1 = The independent variable granger causes the dependent variable. 27 The null hypothesis of Granger Causality test can be successful rejected when the p-value is less than selected level of significance. Thus, it can be concluded as the independent variable granger cause the dependent variable in short run at selected level of significance. Assume the p-value is greater than selected level of significance. Hence, there is insufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, the independent variable does not granger cause the dependent variable in short run at selected level of significance. 3.5 Summary In conclusion, there is numerous studies have conducted related to climate change but there isn’t enough study has done using the exact variables. At the same time, econometrics results may vary one case to another case. However, this study will follow the most widely acceptable and available methods. Therefore, this study combined with the several steps in the research method or known as econometric methods. In this case, the first step is applied with the ordinary least square (OLS) to compute the models between linear, log-linear, linear-log and double log equations. Then, the second step applied with ADF unit root test. This step followed by lag criteria selection to determine the number of lag for continuing the cointegration test. If there is more than one cointegration vector, the model will choose multiple cointegration tests to identify the long run association between one dependent variable to independent variable as stated in this objective of the study. Finally, the last step is to applied VECM based Granger causality test after the existence of a valid cointegration result. The result and interpretation of result continue in next, which is chapter 4 of empirical result and discussion. 28 CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS 1.0 Introduction This chapter will provide an in depth discussion as well as present the outcomes of the data on the renewable energy consumption, foreign direct investment, and GDP on the CO2 emissions in Malaysia from 1987 to 2016. The empirical analysis were used in this study in order to gain insights into unit root test, Cointegration test and vector error correction model (VECM) in granger causality. These tests will be applied to determine the relationship and the influence of renewable energy consumption, foreign direct investment, economic growth on CO2 emissions in Malaysia from year 1990 to 2019. All the analysis was carried out using EViews, version 11. The stationary properties of the data were examined by using the unit root test which is includes the Augmented Dickey Fuller test. The Johansen and Juselius Cointegration Test is for testing the long-run relationship between the variables. Lastly, Granger Causality then be applied to identify the existence of causality of variables. 4.1 Empirical Finding and Discussion 4.1.1 Ordinary Least Square (OLS) The coefficient of variation (CV) is used to calculate the average error of the sample regression function, also known as the standard error of regression (SE) of the regression relative to the mean of Y, the dependent variable. Coefficient of variation helps to compute the models between linear, log-linear, linear-log and double log equations. 29 ππ = β‘ πππππ πππ β‘πππππβ‘ππβ‘ππππππππππβ‘(πΊπ¬) ππππβ‘ππβ‘π πππππ πππβ‘ππππππππ, π Table 4.1: Coefficient of variation for each functional form Function form CV Linear 508.669 Lonear-log 511.374 Log-linear 9.821 Double log 9.816 Based on the result of coefficient of variation from each functional form, Double log model has the smallest Coefficient of variation and thus it will be chosen as the model to continue the test for further analysis. Table 4.2: The result for OLS test Ordinary Least Square (OLS) test Variables Coefficient Standard Error T-statistic Probability LREC 0.866 1.883 0.460 0.650 LFDI 0.148 0.066 2.233 0.034* LGDP 1.473 1.809 0.814 0.423 C 3.009 12.674 0.237 0.814 Note: Asterisks (*) donate statistically significant at 5% Estimation Model: Log(CO2) = 3.009 + 0.866REC + 0.148FDI + 1.473GDP Where, 30 Log(CO2) = CO2 emissions (Kiloton) REC = Renewable Energy Consumption % of Total Energy Consumption FDI = Foreign Direct Investment in Malaysia (net Billion US Dollar) GDP = Gross Domestic Product at 2010 price (Billion US Dollar) The results of the ordinary least square (OLS) test is shown in Table 4.2. The result indicates that there is a positive relationship between renewable energy consumption, FDI, GDP with CO2 emissions. An increase in 1% or renewable energy consumption of total energy consumption will increase 0.87% of environmental degradation (CO2 emissions) in the same direction while the other variables held constant. Secondly, an increase in 1 billion US Dollar of FDI will increase 0.15% of environmental degradation (CO2 emissions) in the same direction while the other variables held constant. GDP at 2010 price has a positive relationship towards CO2 emissions. Lastly, an increase in 1 billion US Dollar of GDP will increase 1.47% of environmental degradation (CO2 emissions) in the same direction while the other variables held constant. 4.1.2 Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test Unit root approaches may be beneficial for discovering and characterizing the cointegration test, as well as applying the VECM method based on empirical results. Many academics utilize the unit root test to measure in empirical analysis the stationarity and non-stationarity of either I(0) or I(1) variables. There are various approaches for determining the unit root among variables. The ADF unit root test will be employed in this regression model to understand the stationarity and nonstationarity 31 of the dependent (CO2 emissions) variable and the independent variables (REC, FDI, GDP). Table 4.3: Result for Augmented Dickey Fuller Test Series Level Intercept First Difference Trend and Intercept Intercept Trend and Intercept LCO2 -4.557(0.001)* -5.324(0.000)* -8.839(0.000)* -8.685(0.000)* LREC -0.453(0.888) -2.363(0.390) -5.165(0.0002)* -5.058(0.002)* LFDI -1.753(0.395) -1.871(0.644) -6.267(0.000)* -6.235(0.000)* LGDP 0.181(0.965) -3.381(0.074) -3.945(0.006)* -4.131(0.016)* Note: * referring to the rejection of null hypothesis at significant level of 5% Table above shows the results of the dependent variable which is CO2 emissions and the independent variables, renewable energy consumption, foreign direct investment and GDP in Malaysia by implementing Augmented Dickey Fuller Test. The results show that the variables are non-stationary at level for renewable energy consumption, foreign direct investment and GDP but all the variables are stationary at first difference level. Thus, all the variables a stationary or does not have unit root test at the first difference which shows the data for this study does not have issue on the “random walk” for the data. 4.1.3 Johansen and Juselius Cointegration Test The co-integration test is used in time series analysis to evaluate the long-run relationship between variables. These variables are RE consumption, FDI, GDP, and 32 CO2 emissions in this study. The cointegration test is used to determine the cointegration relationship among variables in equation (4) over the long run (Johansen & Juselius, 1990). Table 4.4: The Results of Johansen & Juselius Test Null Alternative Trace Max-Eigen Critical Value (5%) Statistic Statistic Trace Max-Eigen r-0 r>1 122.376* 82.760* 47.860 27.584 r<1 r>2 39.616* 24.720* 29.797 21.132 r<2 r>3 14.896 11.941 15.495 14.265 r<3 r>4 2.955 2.955 3.841 3.841 Note: * referring to the rejection of null hypothesis at significant level of 5% π»0 : π = 0 π»1 : πβ‘ ≤ 0 The outcome of the Johansen-Juselius Cointegration test is shown in Table 4.4. The results reveal that at a significance level of 5%, both the Trace test and the MaxEigen test are significant in rejecting the null hypothesis. There are two long run cointegration relationships in the Trace test since the value of the trace statistic is 39.616, which exceeds the 5% threshold value of 29.797. Same goes to The Max-Eigen test where The Max-Eigen test demonstrates two long run cointegration relationships exist because the value of the trace statistic is 24.720, which above the 5% critical value of 21.132. As a result, there is no full rank problem in this result. 33 4.1.4 Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) Granger Causality test Moving forward in the procedure, the J-J test indicates that one cointegration vector exists in the model; thus, this section elaborates the long-run normalized coefficients and indicates the magnitudes of between dependent and explanatory variables generated using VECM. Table 4.5: The result of VECM Normalized Equation test Variables Coefficient Standard Error T-statistic LCO2 1.000 LREC 3.541 0.690 5.129 LFDI -0.182 0.020 -9.046 LGDP 6.424 0.570 11.268 C 27.946 Note: The estimated coefficients were obtained by normalizing the independent variables with respect to their respective dependent variable (LCO2). Table 4.5 presents the result for VECM Normalized Equation test. The relationship between environment degradation and the determinants which are RE consumption, foreign direct investment and GDP can be presented as below: LCO2 = 27.946 = 3.541LREC – (-0.182)LFDI – 6.424 LGDPAs described in above, VECM normalized equation, the negative coefficient of foreign direct investment (FDI), which is -0.182 has observed. The 34 finding indicates that foreign direct investment (LFDI) has a negative relationship with the CO2 emissions at significant level of 10% (3.29), in other way it can be describe, if 1 billion US dollar increase of foreign direct investment will lead to decrease of o.182 of environmental degradation. The other variables significant at 5% significance level because t-statistic values are exceed the critical value at 1.96. It indicates that null hypothesis is rejected and shows that existing a long-run relationship between the dependent variable and independent variables namely; LCO2, LREC and LGDP. The results of long-run relationship are support by Omri (2013); Bigili, Kocak and Bulut (2016); Azilah Hasnisah, Azlina and Che Mohd Imran Che Taib (2019); Natnaporn et.el (2020); Omri, Nguyen and Rault (2014); Lee, Ramasamy and Yeung (2005); Pao and Tsai (2011); Arouri, Ben Youssef, M'henni and Rault (2012); and Behnas Saboori, Jamalludin Sulaiman and Saidatulakmal Mohd (2012). Table 4.6: The result of VECM Granger Causality Test X2- Statistics (p-value) Variables βLCO2 βLREC βLFDI βLGDP Coefficient t-statistic 1.094 0.706 0.258 -0.232 -0.577 (0.579) (0.702) (0.879) 56.773 25.634 4.236 -0.462 -0.876 (0.000)* (0.000)* (0.120) 0.082 6.469 0.004 0.420 βLCO2 βLREC βLFDI βLGDP ECT 7.327 0.560 1.045 (0.026)* (0.756) (0.593) 0.054 0.481 0.908 (0.973) (0.786) (0.635) Note: Asterisks (*) donate statistically significant at 5% 35 Table 8 above shows the existence of short-run and long-run relationship between the variables. Based on the result, the ECT coefficient for LCO2 is negative, less than one and statistically significant at the 5% level. This shows the evidence of a long-run relationship exists. Besides, LFDI and LCO2 does have a short-run relationship with LREC, and the probability of LFDI and LCO2 is 0.000 for both variables which is statistically significant at the 5% level and thus shows that LFDI and LCO2 does granger cause toward LREC. Lastly, LCO2 does have a short-run relationship with LFDI, and the probability of LCO2 are 0.026 which is statistically significant at the 5% level. So, LCO2 does Granger cause LFDI. This granger causality relationship had detected in another study has conducted by Pao and Tsai (2011); Omri, Nguyen and Rault (2014); Linh and Lin (2015); and Lee, Ramasamy and Yeung (2005). LGDP LREC LFDI LCO2 36 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 5.0 Introduction This chapter yet to provide an overall conclusion of this thesis, after being completed the empirical analysis of data in the previous chapter. This chapter contains 3 section which the first sections. Summary of the study, second.section.is policy implications that would be beneficial for policy maker and future researchers to assist them in understanding about how the renewable energy consumption, foreign directi investment and economic growth can influence CO2 emissions in Malaysia as well as recommendations on how this study can be improved in the future. Last but not least, this section will show the limitation of the study. 5.2 Summary of Study Global climate change is toughest challenges faced in the 21st century (Rahman, 2009). Most environmentalist agrees that it happened climate change is one of the impacts from global warming (Ab-Rahim & Teoh, 2016). Although still not fully understood for sure, increase in greenhouse gas concentration especially carbon dioxide (CO2) in the earth atmosphere is believed be the cause of global warning. Global warming happened because the presence of the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gas which is in the earth’s atmosphere can be equated with glass curtains on the farm using a greenhouse. Hot sun which is in the form of incoming shortwave radiation to earth by penetrating the greenhouse. Some of the heat is absorbed by the earth and the rest are reflected back outwards space as longwave radiation. However, the heat is 37 supposed to be reflected back into outer space touching the surface of the Ozon and trapped inside the earth. Without this greenhouse effect then the temperature at the surface of the earth will be lower than that there is now so it is possible the existence of life. This paper examines the relationship between renewable energy consumption, foreign direct investment, economic growth and environmental degradation (CO2 emissions), which is a part of sustainable development. this study offers an alternative approach to achieve, which can lead to Malaysia’s sustainable economic growth. We reviewed applicable theoretical and empirical studies performed by social scientists, based on the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis, in order to produce the most suitable model. This study confirms the inverted-U relationship between the economic growth and environmental condition of the environmental Kuznets hypothesis. Economics development at the early stage increases CO2 emissions, and then reduces CO2 emissions after achieving a certain point. Based on the result shows in chapter 4, it is shows that all variables includes renewable energy consumption, foreign direct investment, GDP and CO2 emissions have short-run and long-run relationship. GDP has positive impact towards CO2 emissions in short-run and also in long-run. 5.2 Policy Implication and Recommendations Effort to reduce CO2 emissions and create a low-carbon society is an effort that needs to be carried out collectively by involving various strata of society includes government, industry, NGO and the community. Industry plays a very important role in reducing CO2 emissions in the country because the sector uses energy on large 38 scale. There are many industries in Malaysia have headed to be sensitive to the important of green energy by making investment in energy efficiency, recycling and reuse of materials, friendly technology nature, internal training of green economy as well as the purchase of less detrimental materials environment. This investment has been driven by concern industries on the impact of their operations and products on the environment. The Malaysian government has developed a framework and environment which is very conducive for all parties to play a role in the effort to reduce the country’s CO2 emissions. Government assistance and guidance to the industrial sector to empower the green economy has helped the sector to run operations and grow in an environmentally friendly manner while reducing CO2 emissions. Relationships and reputations both Malaysia at the international level allows the country’s nongovernmental organizations to creates networks with various international organizations to share information and low-carbon mechanisms from other countries. The progress and the prosperity of the country as well provide the public access to information related to climate change, CO2 emissions, environmentally friendly initiatives in daily life includes steps towards low carbon in the country. Apart from government, Malaysia also has a coalition of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) which plays a role to reduce CO2 emissions includes The Malaysian Climate Change Group (MCGG). MCGG was established on December 1992 and consists of the Environmental Protection Society Malaysia (EPSM), Center for Environment, Technology and Development Malaysia (CETDEM) and Malaysian Nature Society (MNS). Perak Consumers’ Association (PCA) has joined the organization in August 2002. The public in Malaysia is also believed to have the 39 potential to be involved in the effort to reduce CO2 emissions as it is seen to be increasingly concerned about related issues climate change through increased sharing of knowledge about nature environmental as well as encouragement to participate in addressing environmental issues. Knowledge and awareness of the environment and development has been inculcated since scold days through Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) which covers three main pillars includes social, economic, and environmental. Education on environment and sustainable development are also pursued at tertiary level. In addition to the medium of formal education, non-formal education is also actively carried out by various parties includes NGOs and business sector. Malaysia is one of the countries that rely on agricultural production to generate national income. In Malaysia, a National Climate Change Policy has been implemented to provide a framework that can be used as guidance for all government agencies, industries, communities, and other stakeholders in order to face challenges in a climate change scenario (National policy on climate change, 2019). The policy was enacted to ensure climate-resilient development in order to meet the country's aspirations for environmental sustainability. The policy is primarily intended to control climate change through wise resource management and to improve environmental conservation, resulting in increased Malaysian economic competitiveness and improved national life quality (Rameli et al, 2018). As a result, all policymakers must integrate and strengthen policies, plans, and programmes across the country to reinforce resilience development while identifying ways to mitigate any negative effects of climate change. To emphasise, improving institutional and 40 implementation capacity will result in better opportunities to mitigate the negative effects of climate change. Energy consumption inefficiency and dependence on fossil fuels as energy sources have been identified as contributing factors to CO2 emissions in the country. Thus there are practical steps that can be taken by the public as the largest energy consumer, to reduce gas emissions greenhouses include carbon as well as using renewable energy such as solar, hydro and wind energy and biomass for domestic activities; reduce electricity consumption and promote the use of energy-saving equipment for residential and commercial buildings; using sustainable transportation includes non-motorized transport and public transport as well as promote consumption and production energy efficient EEV vehicles such as hybrid cars; as well as practicing consumerism prudent as well as implement the 3R concept in waste management (reduce, reuse, and recycle). In addition, the public can also play a role through nonformal educational approaches such as dissemination information and knowledge on the effects of climate change, steps need to be taken to reduce risk disasters and the promotion of daily activities that can reduce CO2 emissions. In order to further strengthen existing policies related to CO2 emissions, the government can also take the initiative by tightening regulations for foreign investment seeking to carry on their business in the country. Central and local governments should levy an Energy Tax on FDI-invested high-pollution, high-energyconsumption, and high-emission businesses or projects. Corresponding laws and regulations should be strictly enforced, and companies that violate these regulations 41 should face severe penalties. The regulations are intended to control the amount of CO2 emissions in the country while encouraging the industry to use green technology in their companies. The implementation of additional taxes to foreign investors plays an important role in ensuring that the government can further strengthen the green economy sector in the country. Special policies can also be developed that are specific to addressing issues related to foreign investment such as air pollution caused by foreign factories based in Malaysia. This is crucial to ensuring that economic and environmental sustainability can be achieved in line with developed countries such as China. The ongoing development of China's modern economic system requires them to continue to insist on introducing FDI to green technology and to encourage domestic and foreign companies to engage in high quality, deep, and environmentally friendly cooperation (Zhou et al., 2018). Foreign direct investment (FDI) can provide domestic firms with multinational investment experience. At the same time, the technological spillover effects of multinational corporations can boost the productivity of domestic firms. Domestic enterprises can not only achieve “going global” and expand their business scope through the technology spillover effect, but they can also use the reverse technology spillovers of OFDI to upgrade Malaysian industrial structure. 5.3 Limitation of Study Although there plenty of researchers has performed on climate change but majority of them did not use time series regression. On the other hand, most of the researchers used CO2 emissions as dependent variables in response of other 42 independents variables. Overall, there are several obstacle and hindrance faced throughout this research conducted. First and foremost, the problem is regarding the accuracy and availability of secondary data collected in this study due to the different measurements in different sources. The secondary data in the World Bank is only up to 2016. The data can be improved in the future by obtain the latest data and suitable units of data in order to get more accurate empirical results. 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