Bao Ngo November 14, 2021 Volleyball Practice Plan Date - Practice start time 9:00 am Practice Objectives 1 Bump and Pass balls 2 Setting 3 Receiving a spike or overhead spike 4 Serving 5 Approach and spiking 6 Equipment 1 Volleyballs 2 Net? -This can be done without a net 3 4 5 6 Length of practice 1 Hour 15 Minutes Practice Activities Time 9:00 9:05 Name of activity Description Key teaching points Go over objectives Dynamic warmup Athletes in line or U Make sure you have athletes eye contact Remind athlete to move at comfortable level(warm-up) Partner Pepper 9:15 Serving 9:22 9:35 If time allows Receive serve or spike Approach/spiking (Hitting Lines) Athletes line up in middle of court line. Light jog to the mid line and back line Sides shuffle swinging arms front and back while shuffling High Knees Lunges Side leans Knees to chest – 10s Quad Stretch – 10s: pull one leg behind Partners of 2 or 3, practice bumping, passing, and setting. Groups of 3s form a triangle and pass between each other Athletes line up at back line and overhead serve across court Split athletes evenly on opposite sides of court. One team receives, while the other serves. Can also split more athletes in a line opposite of each other, and practice spiking without approach Split athletes into 3 lines of the half court. Practice 3-step approach, and spike swing Proper hand form, and stance Keep the ball straight in front of you when tossing, and swing shoulders. Keep hand flat or open High 5. Focus on legs and stance Watch the ball and communicate between athletes to avoid collisions. Keep watch of stance, and form. Swing arms like the wings of a bird while committing to the approach, squat down at the last step and use momentum to propel straight up. Watch the ball and time the approach to reach the apex of the ball’s trajectory and hit it with momentum of shoulders.