RUBICON OFFSHORE INTERNATIONAL PTE. LTD. 1 Harbour Front Avenue Keppel Bay Tower # 14-05,Singapore 098632 Phone: + 65 6309-2888 Project: CORPORATE Document Title: SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING Document No. Rev. No. ROI-001-M-00-SA-000003 1 1 Approved for Use 16-May-13 JGI AM AM Rev. Status Date Originator Checked Approved THIS DOCUMENT AND ITS CONTENTS IS THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF RUBICON OFFSHORE INTERNATIONAL PTE. LTD. AND IS FURNISHED ON A CONFIDENTIAL BASIS, AND WITH THE EXPRESS AGREEMENT THAT IT WILL NEITHER BE USED, SOLD, TRANSFERRED, COPIED, TRACED, PHOTOGRAPHED, NOR REPRODUCED IN ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER IN WHOLE OR IN PART, NOR ANY ITEM HEREIN BE SOLD, MANUFACTURED OR ASSEMBLED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AGREEMENT OF RUBICON OFFSHORE INTERNATIONAL. THE RECIPIENT AGREES NOT TO DISCLOSE TO ANY OTHER PARTY INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN, OR NOT TO USE SUCH INFORMATION, EXCEPT FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE INTENDED AT THE TIME OF RELEASE OF THIS DOCUMENT. PAINTING SPECIFICATION REVISION RECORD Rev. No. Date Revision Details A 01-Apr-13 Issued for IDC 0 03-May-13 Approved for Use 1 16-May-13 Updated – Re-issued for Use ROI-001-M-00-SA-000003– REV 0 03-May-13 Page 2 of 6 PAINTING SPECIFICATION Table of Contents 1. SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................. 4 2. GENERAL PAINTING REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................ 4 3. 4. 2.1. General ............................................................................................................................... 4 2.2. Planning .............................................................................................................................. 4 2.3. Unpainted Surfaces............................................................................................................. 4 2.4. Handling and Shipping of Coated Items ............................................................................. 4 SURFACE PREPARATION ............................................................................................................. 4 3.1. General ............................................................................................................................... 4 3.2. Inspection and Testing Prior to Blasting Application........................................................... 4 3.3. Inspection and Testing After to Blasting Application........................................................... 5 PAINTING / COATING APPLICATION ............................................................................................ 5 4.1. General ............................................................................................................................... 5 4.2. Inspection and Testing Prior to Painting Application .......................................................... 5 Check ambient and surface temperature. ........................................................................... 5 4.3. 5. Inspection and Testing after Painting Application ............................................................... 5 PAINTING SYSTEM SCHEDULE FOR EXTERNAL APPLICATION .............................................. 6 5.1. Carbon Steel Design Temperature <110oC Non-insulated in Offshore Atmospheric Zone .................................................................................................................................... 6 5.2. Carbon Steel Design Temperature >110oC Non-insulated in Offshore Atmospheric Zone (Steam Heater Vessels and Associated Piping) ........................................................ 6 5.3. Color Scheme ..................................................................................................................... 6 ROI-001-M-00-SA-000003– REV 0 03-May-13 Page 3 of 6 PAINTING SPECIFICATION 1. SCOPE This specification covers the requirements for the selection of coating materials, surface preparation, application procedures and inspection for protective coatings to be applied during construction and installation of offshore installations and associated facilities. 2. GENERAL PAINTING REQUIREMENTS 2.1. General Selection of coating systems and application procedures shall be made with due consideration to conditions during fabrication, installation and service of the installation. 2.2. Planning All activities shall be fully incorporated in the fabrication plan. Details of management, inspectors, operators, facilities, equipment and qualified procedures shall be established and documented before commencing works. Steel surfaces shall be blast cleaned and coated prior to installation. 2.3. Unpainted Surfaces The following items shall not be coated unless otherwise specified: Aluminum, titanium, uninsulated stainless steel, insulated stainless steel heating/ventilation/air-conditioning ducts, chrome plated, nickel plated, copper, brass, lead, plastic or similar; Galvanized surfaces except for safety color coding Jacketing materials on insulated surfaces If stainless steel is connected to carbon steel, the stainless steel part shall be coated 50mm beyond the weld zone onto the stainless steel. For piping and pressure vessels, the coating for the stainless steel part shall not contain metallic zinc. 2.4. Handling and Shipping of Coated Items Coated items shall be carefully handled to avoid damage to coated surfaces. No handling shall be performed before the coating system is cured to an acceptable level. Packing, handling and storage facilities shall be of non-metallic type. 3. SURFACE PREPARATION 3.1. General All surfaces to be abrasive blasted (using garnets or copper slags) shall be cleaned with an appropriate detergent and/or solvent as necessary to remove all oil, grease, dirt or other foreign material. All sharp edges, weld areas shall be grinded or chipped as necessary to remove weld spatter, flux, etc. When the relative humidity is greater than 85% or when the metal temperature is less than 3oC above dew point, no blasting shall be performed. 3.2. Inspection and Testing Prior to Blasting Application Check welded areas are free from undercuts, spatter, flux and other foreign material. ROI-001-M-00-SA-000003– REV 0 03-May-13 Page 4 of 6 PAINTING SPECIFICATION Check environment condition, use bacharach sling psychrometer for measurement of relative humidity and dew point temperature and digital temperature gauge for measurement of surface metal temperature. Compressor shall be checked every 4 hours so that the compressed air is free from water and oil using a white cloth for 60 seconds. If oil or water appears on the cloth, blow down the traps and separators. Repeat until no further water and oil appear on cloth. Air at blasting nozzle shall not be less than 6.2 barg. Check quality of abrasive material, i.e. size and mesh, free from oil and water. Chloride content shall not exceed 100 ppm. For internal coating of vessels, all welds shall be ground off to a rounded smooth contour. Stripe coating (using roller) of all welds and other irregular or hardly coated area is required. All sharp edges/corners shall be removed or ground off to a 3mm smooth radius unless noted otherwise. 3.3. Inspection and Testing After Blasting Application Check surface preparation visually, the surface cleanliness shall be in accordance with the specified specification. ISO 8501-1 shall be used as pictorial comparator. Check anchor pattern using surface profile comparator Elcometer 125 as per ISO 8503. Inspection shall be carried out to check any incomplete blasting and surface cleanliness. Paint shall be applied in the same day after inspection of surface preparation (maximum 4 hours). 4. PAINTING / COATING APPLICATION 4.1. General Surface shall be clean, dust free and dry before coating application. All outdoor coating shall be finished one hour prior to sundown or when metal surface temperatures are at least 3oC above the dew point. Paint shall not be applied when the relative humidity is greater than 85% or when surface temperature is lower than 5oC. All painting material shall be furnished from original manufacturer’s unopened container, shall be kept covered and protected. Batch number and identification shall be part of painting record. The paint material exceed the paint manufacturer’s shelf life shall be rejected. For internal coating of vessel, all welds and other irregular or hardly coated area shall be painted first using brush application. All painting application shall be done strictly in recommendation. 4.2. accordance with paint manufacturer’s Inspection and Testing Prior to Painting Application Check ambient and surface temperature. Surface preparation cleanliness and anchor pattern shall be checked using surface comparator. Check relative humidity and dew point. 4.3. Inspection and Testing after Painting Application Check DFT using Elcometer digital coating thickness gauge and number of locations as per SSPC. Check paint surface are smooth continuous unbroken coating and free from sags, runs, spots, or other defect. ROI-001-M-00-SA-000003– REV 0 03-May-13 Page 5 of 6 PAINTING SPECIFICATION 5. PAINTING SYSTEM SCHEDULE FOR EXTERNAL APPLICATION 5.1. Carbon Steel Design Temperature <110oC Non-insulated in Offshore Atmospheric Zone Coating System No. 1A Surface Preparation: Blast Cleaning to SSPC-SP10 or SA 2.5 1st Coat 2nd Coat 3rd Coat Coating System Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer Hi-build Solid Epoxy Polyurethane Total 5.2. DFT 50 to 75 m 150 to 200 m 50 to 75 m 250 to 350 m Carbon Steel Design Temperature >110oC Non-insulated in Offshore Atmospheric Zone (Steam Heater Vessels and Associated Piping) Coating System No. 2A Surface Preparation: Blast Cleaning to SSPC-SP10 or SA 2.5 st 1 Coat 2nd Coat Coating System Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer High Temperature Paint Total 5.3. 1 DFT 75 m 25 m 100 m Color Scheme No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Material Item Structural Skid Members Vessel and Process Piping Engine Room Piping and Valves Deluge Piping Main Deck Piping Handrails and Ladders Colour Light Aircraft Grey White White Bold Red International Orange Bold Yellow Colour Code BS 381C No.627 BS 4800 BS 4800 BS 381C No.564 BS 381C No.592 BS 381C No.363 Notes: 1 1. All piping shall be banded as per ISO 14726 standard. 2. Escape routes shall be well marked, including signs. Escape routes on decks shall be provided with a non-skid, oil resistant coating in the “safety yellow colour” RAL 1023. On deck grating, two parallel 100mm wide yellow lines shall be painted indicating the width of the escape route. Marking shall show the preferred direction of escape. Escape route painting shall also comply with DNV-OS-A101. ROI-001-M-00-SA-000003– REV 0 03-May-13 Page 6 of 6