Legal, Ethical Nursing Legal ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Not the same as ethical - can go to harassment which then turns legal Laws (NPA) vs. guidelines (code of ethics) Duty Breach of duty Injury - emotional Causation - is there a connection between breach of duty and injury Duty, breach of duty and injury all have to be present in a lawsuit NPA (legally binded) vs code of ethics - not legally binded SOC - standard of care Never tell a pt you have liability insurance If there is an error made, never write in the chart ○ You chart the facts only, the explanation goes on the incidence report - not in pts chart, follow hospital protocols, notify physician/take care of patient, notify supervisor/manager - then hospital risk manager ● Liability - smart to get liability insurance (2 types) ● Civil law - person vs person ● Criminal - person vs sate ● Administrative - BON ● Megace or small dose of insulin can stimulate appetite ● Good samaritan law ○ Nurses role out of hospital is limited ○ When EMS arrives they are in charge, does not matter how much experience the nurse has, if EMS says they have it covered- move out of the way ○ Nurses do not have to stop at a wreck, but once you stop you have to stay until you turn patient care over to EMS ○ Provide care at the level within your scope of practice - covered ○ Without your scope of practice you are not covered ○ EMS cannot do anything in the ED unless asked or emergency Most frequent problems ● Abandonment - refused to care for patient ● Floating - acceptable for hospitals, make sure they know what you don’t know ● Short of staff ● Respondeat superior - keep informed ○ Your superior also has to answer for your actions ● Failure to communicate ● Actions on license ○ Negligence - you omitted to do something you should have done ○ Malpractice - within the area of nursing and do something that is not correct ○ Informed consent - drs. Responsibility if surgery, all the nurse does is witness signature ○ Failure to communicate Ethical ● Reasoning ● Advocate - make sure patient voice is heard weather you agree or not ● right/wrong ● Not legally binding ● To prevent being in a lawsuit (can't prevent it) ● Before you can sue, you must have to attempted to settle with hospital lawyer first Special populations ● People of color (racial and ethical minorities) ● Uninsured ● Living in poverty ● homeless/foster homes ● Those with chronic diseases ● Immigrants ● Refugees ● Limited english proficiency ● Persons incarcerated ● LGQBT Influence for nurses ● Elicit client’s perspective based on cultural preferences ● Group share dominant characteristics ● Avoid stereotyping ● Minority will become majority in US ● More health care disparities in minorities ● Ethic minorities report hesitancy because of language barrier ● Lack of communication with HCP can affect safety and follow up African Americans ● 50% have chronic conditions ● Obesity, diabetes ● Some without insurance or regular source of health care ● 35% hae chronic conditions ● Obesity, DM, end stage renal disease LGQBT ● Wide variety of age, race, socioeconomic status and identity ● Stigma and discrimination is reason for being called special populations ● Lack of awareness and understanding among HCP causes less access to health care compared to other populations ● Less likely to have family member support ● Less benefits such as spousal death benefits ● Use opened ended questions and do not judge Homeless ● Non Judgemental, non-threatening approach ● Focus on symptoms first (will encourage follow up) ● Care to include management social problems, mental health as well as determining emergency contact ● Risk of poor nutrition, sleep deprivation, violence, trauma (physical/emotional) and exposure to toxic agents ● Poor hygiene, prolonged standing/working, sun exposure Prisoners ● Environment predisposes to different health conditions such as TB, HIV, STIs, and other conditions ● Rape is common ● Risks are asthma, DM, HTN, heart disease, mental disease Verteras ● Mental health/ behavioral adjustment disorders ● Substance use disorders ● PTSD - may or may not be treated ● TBI ● Disfigurements and amputation Religion ● 5 main ones ○ Christianity - no restrictions, personal preferences ■ Amish, catholic, mormons, protestent, baptist ○ Islam ■ Ramadan - fast during daytime (exempt in hospital if ordered by doctor) ■ Pork, birds of prey, alcohol and meats not religiously slaughtered is prohibited ■ Can be forgiven if dr says to eat it ○ Judaism ■ Kosher laws (religiously slaughtered) ■ Don’t circumcised in hospital ■ Meats from animals that eat veg, cloven - hoofed animals and religiously slaughtered ■ No combination of meat and milk ■ No fish and milk on same tray ○ Hinduism ○ Buddhism Asians ● Increase BP ● Thalassemia ● Lactose imbalance ● Cancer ● Heart disease Hispanics ● Parasites ● Obesity ● DM ● HTC ● Lactose imbalance Nurse Interaction ● Treat with respect ● Be aware of different beliefs about health, illness, and treatment ● Ex - some believe illness is necessary in order to pay for sin and go to heaven Unique practices r/t health ● AA may engage in PICA when pregnant ● Amish - don't usually have health insurance ● Asains - don’t touch others while talking and eye contact is disrespectful ● Hispanics - expressing negative feeling is disrespectful ● NA - massage on newborns to promote bonding and they honor elders ● White - man is usually dominant figure Jehovah witness ● No blood products, will accept organ donation but has to be drained from all blood