European Declaration of Independence: Drivers Driver 1: Lost sense of Community Driver 2: Loss of Self Driver 3: Loss of Stability Quote Driver 1 The future of all minorities in Europe will depend on where X their loyalty is and will NOT be based on their skin colour or ethnic origin. (p. 1) All members of minority groups will over the next few years X have to make a choice. I just hope they make the right one. (p. 1) Isolated ‘sex and the city lifestyle’ is reliably harmless, but if you glorify it and ram it down the throat of mainstream society like we see today, it becomes a lethal and destructive societal force as we are witnessing which eventually leads to a complete, breakdown of moral /ethics, the nuclear family model and a sustainably fertility rate which again is leading us to the extinction of Europeans. (p. 2-3) These liberal zones must be completely ideologically cut off X from the rest of society to avoid cultural contamination. By focusing on this middle way we are respecting the wishes of the conservatives and the liberals. (p. 3) Broadly speaking, sexual ethics relates to community and personal standards relating to the conduct of interpersonal relations, and deals with issues of consent, sexual relations before marriage and/or while being married, including issues of marital fidelity and premarital and non marital sex, issues related to security, questions about how gender and power are expressed through sexual behaviour, questions about how individuals relate to society, and questions about how individual behaviour impacts public health concerns. (p. 3) Ethical dilemmas which involve sex can often appear in situations where there is a significant power difference or where there is a pre existing professional relationship between participants, or where consent is partial or uncertain (p. 3) The degree of breakdown in sexual ethics or sexual morality is manifested through the young woman’s susceptibility to have one-night stands, pre-marital sex and the average amount of sexual patterns for women during a lifetime (p. 3) An alarming number of young girls in Oslo, Norway start giving oral sex from the age of 11 to 12. This might happen at an even younger age if sexual education is liberalised further. This development must be reversed to avoid complete collapse in out traditional social structure. (p. 4) A majority of them have been infected with one or X more sexually transmitted diseases - so called STDs such as herpes, chlamydia etc. A promiscuous lifestyle Driver 2 Driver 3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X is glorified by the media through series such as Sex and the City and artists such as Madonna, Lady Gaga, Christina Aguilera and a multitude of other much nastier artists. The boundaries are gradually deteriorating as this development is allowed to continue. (p. 4) I have been under the influence of this lifestyle as a majority of my friends and even my own family members. I used to be proud of my "achievements". However, due to a change of mentality, all I feel is shame whenever I think about where this is going. I feel shame on behalf of my city, my country and my civilisation. I loathe the post war conservatives for not being able to halt the Marxist Cultural Revolution manifested through the 68 generation. And I am now committed to contribute to end this diseased culture, lead by the cultural relativists/cultural Marxist regime. (p. 5) . I have limited information and it is likely that a larger portion of my network have sufferedsignificant negative issues as a result of "destructive conduct". (p. 5) It's just terribly sad that my country have been the victim of severe Marxist infiltration leading to the political doctrines which have been allowed to destroy all moral and norms, resulting in the complete breakdown of our once great ethical standards (p. 5) Tore, who was a captain in the Norwegian Army, had more than 500 sexual partners and my mother knew this but suffered from lack of good judgement and moral due to several factors (media - glorification of certain stereotypes being one) (p. 5). Her STD has not only cause her much hardships, but it has also cost her and the state up to 1 million Euro. (p. 6). Both my sister and my mother have not only shamed me but they have shamed themselves and our family. A family that was broken in the first place due to secondary effects of the feministic/sexual revolution (p. 6). This mentality is clearly not sustainable and if we are to have any desire to salvage ourcivilisation we must ensure that we implement political doctrines to prevent AND reverse the current development. (p. 6) The European civilisation will not survive if we continue to allow the breakdown of sexualmoral as this will cause all social structures to completely deteriorate. (p. 6) X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X So instead of justifying and propagating "traditional male moral" to both genders, we should instead implement new sexual ethics for all (primarily through the strict regulation of media after we seize political and military power within 20-70 years) (p. 6). The magnitude of the STD epidemics is a direct cause of the breakdown in sexual ethics in Western Europe and is also related to liberal third world immigration. Several Western European countries (Norway included) refuse to test African immigrants of HIV (due to humanistic principles) even though up to 30% of the citizens of some African countries are infected (p. 6) Some people experience negative feelings related to the condition following diagnosis, particularly if they have acquired the genital form of the disease. Feelings can include depression, fear of rejection, feelings of isolation, fear of being found out and self­ destructive feelings leading to suicide in extreme cases. (p. 7) A perceived reaction is sometimes taken into account before making a decision about whether to inform new partners and at what point in the relationship (p. 7) Costs related to STDs will have a devastating impact on Western European countries in the future unless we, the cultural conservatives, manage to seize political and military control and drastically reverse the ongoing cultural suicide of Europe (p. 8) Included are indirect costs, which represent the lost productivity of women who are incapacitated by or die prematurely from PID, lost wages, lost value of household management not performed because of illness and indirect costs associated with earlydeaths related to PID. (p. 8) Suicides, costs and loss of time relating to psychological impacts related to infection of the various STDs are not included. If they were, the costs would probably be doubled. (p. 9) An anti-promiscuousity mentality should be included in a future secular social reform agenda and should be spearheaded through the restriction of media rights (restriction in the availability of pro- promiscuous material) and the reform of school curriculums (p. 9) Excessive promiscuousity (sexuality) is the cause of many of the problems in our society. We shouldn't necessarily adapt an anti-sexual stance but at least an anti- promiscuous stance. (p. 9) Promiscuousity should be demonised by the media, but instead they encourage promiscuous lifestyles (p. 9) X x X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X Sexual desire can cause people to place primitive instinct ahead of intellect (people across the world continue to have unsafe casual sex despite their awareness of the dangers of STDs, for example) (p. 10) Sexual desire can cause people to lie and cheat in the pursuit of sexual relationships (p. 10) There is not necessarily a difference between consent and coercion, sex can therefore be a means of oppression (p. 10) A marriage must be forged as an institution for theraising of children. (p. 10) The irrational emotions known as desire are often mistaken as love. Irrational desire must never be the fundament of marriage, however love may eventually come, and it is something that is built over time (p. 10) As formarriages, a man has to realise that marriage is not an institution for unlimited sex, but an institution for raising children (p. 10) Lookism is discrimination against or prejudice towards others based on their appearance. ( p. 11) Erotic capital is power possessed by an individual as a result of his or her sexual attractiveness to others. It is one among other species of capital, including social capital, symbolic capital, and cultural capital (p. 11) This highly underestimated factor has contributed to the creation and rise of the matriarchal systems which are now dominating Western European countries. European women, in light of the feminist revolution, are now considerably more influential than men due to the sum of all forms of capital (p. 11) Ignore these sensible feminist policies, and instead focus on the destructive policies (p. 11) The primary trait and value that a majority of women propagate is "compassion". While compassion is not always a negative thing it can severely cripple fields/committees who rely on a minimum degree of cynicism such as the following fields (p. 12) In allother areas of contract law those who break a contract are expected to compensate their partner, but under a system of 'no fault' divorce, this essential element of contract law is abrogated." (p. 12) It introduced the novel concept that one could be deemed guilty of violating an agreement that one had, in fact, not violated (p. 12) Many husbands and wives who did not seek or want divorce were stunned to learn that they were equally 'at fault' in the dissolution of their marriages. (p. 12) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X The standard rationalisation is that to control divorce we must first change the culture. (p. 12) To truly reverse the decline of the family, the momentum must be carried forward to confront the current destructive matriarchal policies that have institutionalised "broken family" policies. Our current system produces broken families and prevents traditionalnorms based on discipline. (p. 13) The father/patriarch must be given considerably more influence as this is the only way to ensure the survival of the nuclear family as it will enhance family integrity. The matriarchal supremacy within the modern households must seize to exist. (p. 13) The system must be reformed so that the father will be awarded custody rights by default. (p. 13) Sexual education in schools should be limited to that of 1950/60 Western Europe. (p. 13) Qualifications must be the only requirement and nothing else. (p. 13) Western European cultural Marxist/multiculturalist elites are arguing that we need immigration to compensate for our population decline and the dangerously low birth rates of European women (p. 14) However, they fail to admit and acknowledge that they themselves, and their policies, are the reason for the decline (p. 14) A future cultural conservative regime would be able to ensure sustainable fertility rates without the need for mass immigration from Muslim countries (p. 14) The goal for Europe should be to reach and stabilise on an average fertility rate of 2,1 but we may have to compensate for historical losses by aiming for 2,5 initially and for periods if necessary. (p. 14) In order for women to be truly liberated, according to hardcore feminists, she must be free from the pressure of carrying offspring. But that is not really possibly or at least acceptable as humanity would be extinct within a generation (p. 14) Ensuring sustainable fertility rates does however not necessarily mean that we have to strip away women their rights as there are alternatives (p. 14) Discourage the use of and prevent liberal distribution of contraceptive pills or equivalent prevention methods (p. 15) Sex should only be encouraged within the boundaries of marriage. (p. 15) A re-introduction of the ban on abortion should result in an increased fertility rate of approximately 0,1-0,2 points but would strip women of basic rights (p. 15) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Males on the other hand should obviously continue to be encouraged to take higher education - bachelor, master and PhD (p. 15) Discourage women in general to strive for "sex and the city/Madonna" lifestyles (p. 15) As such, the non­ restrictions of the mass media is the main cause for our unsustainable fertility rate of 1,5. (p. 15) No longer should women be pressured to have equal success regarding their career as males. (p. 15) Womens "new role" should be actively illustrated and glorified through series, movies and commercials. This will involve significant restrictions in media freedoms and rights (p. 15) An alternative which would prevent the need to restrict women's rights and media rights would be to allow the state to play an essential role in national reproduction (p. 16) This would mean allowing European Federation women to continue their current path toward liberating themselves from the pressure of carrying offspring. (p. 16) This would involve the creation of a network of surrogacy facilities in low cost countries and basically "outsource breeding". (p. 16) The only alternative would be that the state, or state funded institutions take on the role for fostering these children. (p. 16) However, the above "reproduction industry" will ensure that the country has a sustainable fertility rate of 2,1 which can be adjusted should the women of that country decide to be a little more like Madonna or the women in "sex and the city". (p. 18) This number may be adjusted based on distribution area. All donors will be compensated financially for their expenses, time, risk, and inconvenience associated with the process. (p. 18) A guardian parent cannot simply leave his 6 children after 5 years as this would be a catastrophe to the children (p. 19) At least one parliament seat should be reserved for a "Cultural and Scientific Overseer" which will have the right to veto any new bills presented by parliament which violates the nations primary doctrines (preferably only used in extremely rare cases and only when the primary values are threatened). (p. 22) As long as we have implemented permanent mechanics in relation to cultural areas (culture, procreation, defence-security, immigration) we can afford to X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X continue to guarantee balanced political representation on a majority of other areas (p. 22) A century ago, 80 percent of people married within their ethnic group. Blue eyes were routinely passed down, especially among people of Western and Northern European ancestry. (p. 23) A century ago, 80 percent of people married within their ethnic group, Grant said. Blue eyes, a genetically recessive trait, were routinely passed down, especially among peopleof English, Irish, and Northern European ancestry. (p. 23) By mid-century, a person's level of education -- and not ethnicity -- became the primary factor in selecting a spouse. As intermarriage between ethnic groups became the norm, blue eyes began to disappear, replaced by brown. (p. 23) America adopted those biases early on, and Hollywood reinforced them by anointing a long line of blue-eyed blondes such as Marilyn Monroe as the nation's sex symbols. (p. 23) In the 1930s, eugenicists used the disappearance of blue eyes as a rallying cry to support immigration restrictions. (p. 23) Nevertheless, it is common today for Westerners to abort if it is proved that the fetus has Down's syndrome, severe disfigurements (lacking or additional limbs) or other severe physical handicaps like dwarfism. (p. 24) Forced sterilisation and forceful experimentation of human test subjects are factors used at that time which should never have occurred. (p. 24) In any case, we need to get over this taboo as soon as possible because it is estimated that the Nordic genotypes will be extinct completely within 200 years. (p. 24) One solution will be by introducing negative eugenics programs combined with ethnic segregation somewhat similar to some policies of the Third Reich. Segregating Nordics and non-Nordic genotypes at this point would be almost impossible even if you had military and political carte blanche. Even in Norway and Sweden the number of individuals with the Nordic genotype is reduced annually at a drastic rate due to EU open borders program, mass-Asian/African immigration and significantly higher Asian/African (especially Muslim) birthrates. (p. 24) Eastern European countries will have a slower extinction rate due to more conservative immigration policies. (p. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 25) Anyone who suggests a program like this would immediately be labeled a Nazi and racist which subsequently would end anyone's career (character assassination).(p. 25) The mentality just underlines that multiculturalism is in fact an anti-European hate ideology created to exterminate everything European. (p. 26) The commercialisation and state/media encouragement of reprogenetics favoring the Nordic genotype- See "reprogenetics and the future" for more information. (p. 26) The usage of large scale surrogacy facilities as a secondary reproduction option for countries to compensate for non-sustainable fertility rates. The donors of eggs and spermwill then exclusively carry the Nordic genotypes. See "National reproduction policies" formore information. (p. 26) Reprofenetics is a term referring to the merging of reproductive and genetic technologies expected to happen in the near future as techniques like germinal hoice technology become more available and more powerful (p. 26-27). , is that those parents who can afford it will be able to pick out the genetic characteristics of their own children, which Silver says will trigger a number of social changes in the decades after its implementation. (p. 27) According to Silver, the main differences between reprogenetics and eugenics, the "science" of improving the gene pool which in the first half of the 20th century became infamous for the brutal policies it inspired, is that most eugenics programs were compulsory programs imposed upon citizens by governments trying to enact an ultimate goal. (p. 27) …this form of genetic purity, insofar as it is meaningful, is effectively inbreeding and results in poor health and infertility while the end result of reprogenetics on the gene pool would be reduced incidence of genetic disease and potentially increased genetic IQ. (p. 27) Creating a World Bank of Genotypes would be an anti-racist solidarity project which would contribute to prevent conflict and war. (p. 27) As mentioned several times, the ongoing European civil war is not a class war, and as such it is not a war between socialism and capitalism. (p. 29) It is a cultural war between cultural conservatives and cultural Marxists (nationalism vs. internationalism). (p. 29) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X There must always be potent incentives for individuals who create work places. A socialist or even a planned economy must be avoided at all costs. (p. 29) Many economical protective measures must be in place securing the economical sustainability of our cultural conservative economic zone (European Federation). (p. 29) These significant cuts will have a huge impact on many Western European public structures that currently have massive and super-inflated public sectors. However, millions of new work places will be in-sourced as a result of our future plan to implement significant toll barriers for non-European Federation economical zones. (p. 29) The future Western European public sector vs. private sector models re-introduces the concept that a state should serve its citizens, not the other way around. The future state which has undergone a significant diet will be better suited to spearhead the focus of the furthering of civilisational goals. (p. 29) Maintaining a sustainable solid welfare system depends on hard working individuals and social cohesion/a monocultural society. Welfare expenditure should not take precedent over the 20% fixed sum dedicated to science/technology, research and development. The furthering of long term European interests and securing the long term sustainability of our European civilisation must always take precedent over short term excessive welfare expenditure (greed). (p. 29) Furthermore, we can't really compete with countries like China etc. (p. 30) Outsourcing of jobs outside this zone should not occur. Alternatively, we could create certain isolated areas inside these zones that works like a hub (where 2nd/3 rd worlders are allowed to work for a maximum of 12 months (12 month contracts). (p. 30) Several international (globalist) companies have too much influence at the moment and we are witnessing that they are pushing for more immigration, even Turkey EU membership. (p. 30) One of the primary arguments for modern mass immigration is to justify the demand for labour, jobs the indigenous Europeans are unwilling to take. Now, who will take these jobs when we have halted immigration completely and deported all the Muslims? (p. 30) During their stay they will work 12 hours a day for the duration of their contracts (6 or 12 months) and are X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X then flown back to their homelands. There should be at least a 6 month quarantine period between every 12 month contract to prevent the individuals from becoming too culturally attached. (p. 31) These individuals will live in segregated communities in pre-defined areas of each major city and must be provided free medical services, free housing in restricted barrack towns and subsidised food /essentials and subsidised transportation costs. (p. 31) This might sound cynical to especially females (this is not slavery as slavery is taking away peoples freedom) but it is in fact much more generous than what currently Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, Dubai, UAE etc.) (p. 31) Throughout history, society has gone through many phases dealing with societal norms in the areas of education, culture, religion and morals. Sometimes these phases are cyclical, which can be a good or bad thing. (p. 32) The bottom line is the same: Separate the girls from the boys. (p. 32) There are many factors influencing success. For instance, whenever the distraction of boys is taken away from girls or vice versa, students no longer have to worry about howthey dress, who they have to impress or who their friends are. Instead, they are able to concentrate more on academics. (p. 32) To a point, these schools help reinforce gender stereotypes rather than breaking them down. (p. 32) If these schools are as successful as people perceive them to be, one must hope that eventually colleges will continue the trend. The single-sex education trend should not be mistaken for some passing fad. Separating the sexes has positive, long-term impacts that universities around Europe should consider. (pp. 32-33). All private and government schools should have a compulsory uniformpolicy for primary, secondary and high school. (p. 33) Focus on excellence instead of mediocrity (p. 33) This will not only save the environment; it will completely devastate many Muslim countries economically which will weaken the ongoing Islamic imperialism. (p. 33) Developing a brain-computer interface (BCI) which provides a direct path of communication from an external device to the brain. (p. 33) The Nazis destroyed the reputation of "eugenics" by combining it to scientific racism and mass X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X extermination. But seeking biological perfection is still a logical concept and I don't see why we should abandon it. We just have to make sure that we offer it as a voluntaryoption to everyone or at least start by legalising it (promotional voluntary reprogenetics or private reprogenetics). We should legalise reproductive technologies that will allow parents to create off spring with biological improvement (reprogenetics). This must be anon-coercive form of biological improvement which will be predominantly motivated by individual competitiveness and the desire to create the best opportunities for children. (p. 34) Overconsumption, pollution and overpopulation are the three problems that threaten the future of life on Earth. The three problems intersect and are interactive, but they are also separate and distinct. (p. 34) The carrying capacity is the number of individuals an environment can support without significant negative impacts to the given organism and its environment. (p. 35) In other words, in 2005 we were overdrawing the bioresource account by about 29% per annum. (p. 35) According to the UN's most-likely, medium growth scenario (UN 2004), by 2050 the population of the World is projected to have increased to at least 9.1 billions, although it is understood this figure is likely to be revised upwards. Some would suggest the 2050 population will be nearer 9.5-10 billions. (p. 35) Overpopulation is not a "natural" process: It is the outcome of 2nd but especially 3rd world human behaviour. They caused the problem, they must solve it. Unfortunately, it is inherent in the collective mindset of our species that most people avoid even thinking about the problem, let alone acting to try to solve it. A European cultural Marxist/multiculturalist/suicidal humanist/capitalist globalist elite created this problem and thus cannot solve anything. (p. 36) Even if the second and third world countries ignores the call of this "hegemony", nature will correct their suicidal tendencies as they are unable to feed their populations. (p. 36) We must offer them guidance and assistance in order for them to take radical steps to reduce their populations. (p. 36) Furthermore, they are allowing the current development to continue because we, the rich west, serve as a dumping ground for excessive 3rd world X X X X X X X X X X X X X populations. Instead of fixing the broken pipe, they are acting as a soak for the water pouring out. This approach completely defies logic and is not sustainable. (p. 36) The guidelines should be based on a combination of the availability of resources and other factors in an attempt to limit overpopulation. (p. 36) The primary principle must be quality over quantity. (p. 36) All countries must take responsibility based on their own historic track record in relation to population growth and must commit to reducing their respective populations to a 1950 population level. (pp. 36-37) Foreign aid has harmed Africa and should be phased out. (p. 37) Aid works as a lethal injection which protects corrupt leaders, mismanagement, and corruption in general and flawed politics. (p. 38) Many countries are completely soaked in corruption which is a result of the legacy resulting from the imperialistic nation building efforts (or rather nation division) combined with five decades of failed cultural Marxist aid policies. These policies have caused millions of deaths and has pushed even more people in to poverty. We must discontinue the current oppressive, racist and genocidal aid policy propagated by the cultural Marxists EU/US elites which has been in effect the last 50 years. (p. 38) We will stop the transfer of funds to corrupt third world leaders and instead ensure that Africans are given a real chance for self determination. (p. 38) Doing nothing is preferable to doing something that makes you feel good, but exacerbates the problem. (p. 39) Military campaigns will be launched with full force to break and obliterate the Albanian and Rom criminal networks (and other large European criminal networks). (p. 39) New European cultural conservative Independence Day should be celebrated on September 11th or 1 2th marking the successful defence of Western Europe by the Holy League. (p. 39) And let's face it; a future European Federation (consisting of Europe and Russia) will have all the territory/resources we will ever need to satisfy our future demands. (p. 39) A future European Federation should be inward looking and implement isolationist/protectionist principles with certain exceptions (see other chapter). (p. 40) x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Destructive role models who directly or indirectly propagate anti-social and anti­ authority views (anarchistic views). (p. 40) Destructive role models who propagate and glorify drug use, primarily hashish and marijuana. (p. 40) Destructive role models who propagate and glorify anti-authority/ revolutionary/anarchistic attitudes through the graffiti movement (which is a central part of hip-hop). (p. 41) Destructive role models who propagate and glorify violence and gang mentality. (p. 41) Destructive role models who are allowed to indirectly contribute to undermine positive norms and instead are allowed to negatively influence, propagate and transfer a negative primitive pride and destructive norms. (p. 41) Based on my personal impression, those individuals who are mostly susceptible to the negative and destructive influences of hiphop, comes from broken families where there is a complete lack of "positive male role models with authority" (authority figures) (p. 42) The old ambassadors of "positive lifestyles" have been replaced with destructive role models propagating negative and unhealthy lifestyles. (p. 42) Just outright banning the diversity/ethnic industry isn't necessarily the way to go as it would cause too much short term outcry and discontent. (p. 43) Taking direct steps through banning/censoring will only contribute to give the Marxists massive ammunition and recruits. (p. 43) The liberal zones are perceived as zones where liberalistic anarchy reigns and more people will understand and value the positive aspects of political conservatism and people will gradually migrate "voluntarily" from the liberal zones to the conservative territories. (p. 43) Cultural contamination from a liberal zone to a conservative zone will however not be accepted so there must be separate broadcasting networks, news reporting, commercials, entertainment for the two separate societies. (p. 43) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X