SJKT BANDAR SPRINGHILL MATHEMATICS HOTs QUESTIONS DATA HANDLING / SHAPE AND SPACE 1 Diagram shows a container with some water. பபபப 1 பபப பபபபபபபபபப பபபப பபபபபப பபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபப. h cm 8 cm The base of the container is a square. The volume of water in the container is 1024 cm³. Find the value, in cm, of h. பபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப பபபப பபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபப. பபபபபப பபபப பபபபபப பபபபபபபப 1024 cm³. h-பபப பபபபபபப பபபப? A 16 cm B 26 cm C 36 cm D 46 cm 2 3 A piece of cake with a shape of a cube which has length 6 cm. Radif ate 25% of the cake. What is the volume, in cm³, of the cake left ? பபப பபபபபப பபபபபபபப பபபபபபபப பபபபபபபப பபபபப 6 cm. பபபபப 25% பபபபபபபப பபபபபபப. பபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபப cm³-பபப பபபபபபப? A 362 cm³ B 62 cm³ C 262 cm³ D 162 cm³ The diagram consists of several squares. பபபப 2 பபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப. The area of the shaded region is 54 cm². Find the area of the whole diagram. பபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபப 54 cm². பபபப பபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப. A 80 cm² B 180 cm² C 280 cm² 4 D 380 cm² Diagram 1 Diagram 7 is a bar chart showing the number of girls in three groups. The number of girls in Tekun group is not shown. பபபபப பபபபபபபபப பபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப. பபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபபப. The total number of girls and boys in the four groups is 2 800. of them are girls. Calculate the number of girls 5 in Tekun group. பபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபப பபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப பபபபப 2 பபபபபபபபப 800. பபபபப பபபபபபபபபப 5 பபபபபபப. பபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப. A 145 C 175 5 B 320 D 480 Diagram 2 Diagram 2 is a pictograph showing the number of magazines printed by Famous Book store. பபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபப பபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப. 50பபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபப. One magazine gives RM8 profit. How much is the profit in the two early months in year 2001? பபப பபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபப பபப8. 2001பபப பபபபபப பபபபபப பபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபபப பபபபபபபபப. A RM2600 C RM4600 B RM1600 D RM3600 SJKT BANDAR SPRINGHILL MATHEMATICS HOTs QUESTIONS DATA HANDLING / SHAPE AND SPACE 1 The diagram consists of equaliteral triangles of equal size. À¼õ ºÁ «ÇÅ¢Ä¡É Ó째¡½í¸¨Çì ¸¡ðθ¢ýÈÐ. 15 cm Find the perimeter, in cm, of the shaded region. ¸Õ¨Á¡ì¸ôÀð¼ À̾¢Â¢ý ÍüÈÇ× ±ýÉ? ANSWER : 55cm 2 The diagram consists of several squares of equal size. À¼õ ´§Ã «ÇÅ¢Ä¡É ºÐÃò¨¾ ¸¡ðθ¢ýÈÐ. What is the area, in cm², of the shaded part if the width of the square is 3 cm ? ºÐÃò¾¢ý «¸Äõ 3 ¦º.Á£ ±É¢ý À¼ò¾¢ø ¸Õ¨Á¡ì¸ôÀð¼ À̾¢Â¢ý ÀÃôÀÇ× ±ýÉ? ANSWER :36 cm² 3 Diagram 5 is a pictograph showing the number of cars that were sold by 5 agents in the past 4 months. À¼ìÌȢŨÃ×, 4 Á¡¾í¸Ç¢ø 5 ¿¢ÚÅÉí¸Ç¡ø Å¢ü¸ôÀð¼ Á¸¢Øó¾¢ý ±ñ½¢ì¨¸¨Âì ¸¡ðθ¢ÈÐ. 20 Á¸¢Øóи¨Çô À¢Ã¾¢¿¢¾¢ì¸¢ÈÐ. 3 of the cars were sold by one of the agents. What is 5 the average of cars sold by the rest of the agents? 3/5 À̾¢ Á¸¢Øóиû ´Õ ¿¢ÚÅÉò¾¡ø Å¢ü¸ôÀð¼É. ÁüÈ ¿¢ÚÅÉí¸Ç¡ø Å¢ü¸ôÀ𼠺áºÃ¢ Á¸¢Øó¾¢ý ±ñ½¢ì¨¸ ¡Ð? ANSWER :48 4 Diagram 4 is a pie chart showing the favouritecolours of 200 students who were surveyed. Åð¼ìÌȢŨÃ× µ÷ ¬öÅ¢ø 200 Á¡½Å÷¸ÙìÌô À¢Êò¾Á¡É Å÷½ò¨¾ì ¸¡ðθ¢ÈÐ. How many students like other colours? ±ò¾¨É Á¡½Å÷¸ÙìÌ ÁüÈ Å÷½í¸û À¢ÊìÌõ? ANSWER : 10 5 Diagram 9 is a pictograph showing the number of points obtained by four sports houses À¼ìÌȢŨÃ× 4 þøÄí¸û ÀûÇ¢ Å¢¨Ç¡ðÎô §À¡ðÊ¢ø ¦ÀüÈ Á¾¢ô¦Àñ¸¨Çì ¸¡ðθ¢ÈÐ. 20 Á¾¢ô¦Àñ¸¨Çô À¢Ã¾¢¿¢¾¢ì¸¢ÈÐ. Red House has the highest number of points, they are not recorded. Red House has 20 points more than the house with the second highest points. What is the number of for Red House? º¢ÅôÒ þøÄõ «¾¢¸Á¡É Á¾¢ô¦Àñ¸¨Çô ¦ÀüÚûÇÐ.¬É¡ø,À¾¢× ¦ºöÂôÀ¼Å¢ø¨Ä. º¢ÅôÒ þøÄõ, þÃñ¼¡ÅÐ «¾¢¸Á¡É Á¾¢ô¦Àñ¸¨Çô ¦ÀüÈ þøÄòмý 20 Á¾¢ô¦Àñ¸û «¾¢¸õ ±ÎòÐûÇÐ. º¢ÅôÒ þøÄõ ¦ÀüÈ Á¾¢ô¦Àñ¸û ±ò¾¨É? ANSWER :6