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Global Challenges & Integrated Responses Essay

Global Challenges and Integrated Responses
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Table of Contents
Introduction: A Contextual overview of Global Challenges to health and social care ................... 3
A short rationale for the selection of specific global challenges .................................................... 4
A critical evaluation of literature relating to the selected global challenges .................................. 4
A critical appraisal of the response given by international coalitions regarding the selected
challenges ........................................................................................................................................ 8
A critical appraisal of the response given by two nations regarding the selected challenges ...... 10
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 12
References ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Introduction: A Contextual overview of Global Challenges to health and
social care
There is a progressively more important role Global wellbeing plays in international safety and
the American population. As whole world and the economy become more and more global, we
need to consider physical conditions worldwide, including a wide range of international travel
and trade relations. Everywhere in the world, it rarely takes a short time without a title for the
occurrence or recurrence of a transmittable disease or other vigor threat. Internationally, the
number of death from non-contagious cause, for example, weakness of heart, fondle and injury,
are increasing (Dubey and Pandey, 2020). Simultaneously, the figure of death from catching
diseases like tuberculosis, vaccine-avertable diseases and malaria are declining. Today,
numerous upward country face a "double burden of illness." Communicable disease prevention
and control must persist while inscribing NCDs' health threat and environmental hygiene risks.
As rising countries' societal and financial conditions modify and their health system and
surveillance advance, more attention is paid to non-communicable disease, mental health, and
gist abuse, particularly injuries (deliberately, also unintentionally). Several countries got started
the set up program to specify all those problems. There is a path protection also aggression
avoidance program for Kenya. Increasing worldwide trading creates fresh fitness hazards
(Moudatsou et al., 2020). A complicated worldwide distribution network had resulted in the
possibility of transnational epidemics caused by foodborne diseases, low-quality medications,
and tainted consumer items. The international community is devising new approaches to dealing
with severe health problems.
As nations and economy throughout the humankind become increasingly interconnected, global
physical condition challenges will turn into more relevant in future years. Increasing prosperity
and commerce have the order to enhance people's health significantly, however there will be new
risks. Secondary infection illnesses and tenacious chronic ailments will provide problems for lots
of generations to follow, but physician and scientist will also collaborate internationally. They
commit their careers to promoting world health by cooperating collaboratively. Various
organizations have created modern health services that will be both economical and accessible to
every people.
A short rationale for the selection of specific global challenges
Pandemics and widespread epidemics can kill millions of people, destabilize communities, and
ruin economies. The Health Emergencies Programme (WHE) of WHO collaborates with member
nations to prepare for a huge outbreak and pandemic (Schenker and Costa, 2019). Pandemic
measures are most effective based on common principles that lead to a response plan for each
acute general health threat. To the greatest degree practicable, Pandemic preparation should
enhance current systems rather than establish new ones, particularly components of seasonal
diseases prevention and control programs. Pandemic readiness, response, and assessment should
be based on general crisis and urgent management platforms, structures, procedures, and
strategies. During the inter-pandemic phase, new mechanisms that must be applied during a
pandemic should be evaluated. All pandemic vigilance and retort components must be
adequately resourced (Woo, 2018). The procedure of creating, executing, testing, and amending
the arrangement in sort for prime stakeholders to become acquainted with the challenges at hand
should be more significant than the epidemic strategy itself (Heise et al., 2019).
The disinfecting of everything is born the concept that the COVID19 viruses can live on various
surfaces. The virus lives on outside the swarm with objects on inanimate surfaces for a variable
time. Anyone can broadcast to vulnerable hosts If they contact them on a contaminated surface.
How much is this minor route infection contributing to increasing the disease? It is difficult to
decide, but the thoughts and practices of people worldwide? Therefore, techniques like sanitize
walkthroughs are widely adopted without bearing in mind the gate Infection, disinfection,
decontamination and preservatives (Greenberg et al., 2020).
A critical evaluation of literature relating to the selected global challenges
Global challenges are of a cross-border nature and are resolved across organizations.
Governments and agencies alone cannot deal with it. They involve government, international
organizations, businesses, universities, NGOs and inspired individuals. Meanwhile, it was
described by Kirsten Gelsdorf; global challenges can be distinct as major trends, shocks, or
developments that can have a serious global impact. These challenges need to be considered in a
networked way. It cannot be predicted by distinguishing them. Globalization is, in fact, a natural
situation for humans. People profit from the benefits provided by the planet.
Nonetheless, such pragmatic endeavors may generate certain issues for humanity (Kar et al.,
2020). At that moment, it is more necessary to evaluate the negative implications of globalization
than the favorable benefits. Our fears about the near future determine our present. Moreover,
climate change can certainly lead to irreversible change in climate living conditions if collective
behavior cannot be changed. This is a measure of the solemn susceptibility of individual society
in the features of this problem. And it's effortless to see that there is no easy way out of the
problem. Factors lashing modify in health and public care include increasing demand for services
and treatment cost, the need for continuous development in service delivery, and financial status.
For instance, UK drug bills are rising by more than £ 600 million annually (Sittig et al., 2020). In
addition, the administration has enacted the Health and Social Welfare Act. This includes the
growth of a new NHS mission structure in collaboration with local governments. The long-term
effect of the changes on entreat nutrition in the region is significant in the training conditions of
specialists in the area, but the impact on patients is substantial. Factors lashing modify in health
and public care include increasing demand for services and treatment cost, the need for
continuous development in service delivery, and financial status. For instance, UK drug bills
increase by more than £ 600 million annually. The administration has also enacted the Health
and Social Welfare Act (Fegert et al., 2020). This includes the growth of a new NHS mission
structure in collaboration with local governments. The long-term effect of the changes on entreat
nutrition in the region is significant in the training conditions of specialists in the area, but the
impact on patients is substantial.
The researchers have already witnessed how a diseases epidemic without the means to stop and
cure it can damage the health system, financial, and vulnerable communities as COVID-19 had
swept worldwide. As a result, many countries have realized the need for epidemic preparedness.
Apart from the need for a vigorous antibiotic cylinder, COVID19 is paying attention to the
important role of partnership and admission in managing pandemics. Here people need to learn
lessons from tackling drug fighting. First of all, no industry can provide the life-saving required
antibiotics alone. The people need a public-private partnership that leverages the best skill,
knowledge and innovation gained from various stakeholders. These partnerships, in turn, should
be supported by joint funding with framework conditions that ensure equal access to new
therapies. Similarly, hospital aptitude and illness avoidance and control measures need to be
strengthened while civilizing monitoring and trying (Sharma et al., 2020).
And while the coronavirus is currently a hot topic, increasing bacterial confrontation with
antibiotics can be a slow pandemic, requiring urgent concentration. Drug resistance kills 700,000
people each year, and that number is expected to grow exponentially without further action
(Pollock et al., 2020). People caught up in the battle against drug-resistant infections need to step
up their labors to ensure that antibiotic struggle has been prioritized as a health security agenda
to deal with. This includes considerable speculation in antibiotic study and growth. It is both a
tool for controlling the outbreak of new diseases and for treating known pathogens that are
becoming opposed to presently available therapies.
Through its 5/25 target, GARDP is attempting to speak to the issue of medication resistance.
This initiative aims to develop five novel therapies for med-resistant illnesses that pretense the
biggest danger to global physical condition and monetary safety by 2025. Through
collaborations, people are creating innovative therapies in late-stage medical expansion for
sexually infected diseases, infant sepsis, and infection in hospitalized adult people and children
(Nyashanu et al., 2020). The 5/25 initiative prioritizes ensuring that everyone who requires these
innovative medicines has access to them, regardless of where they reside (Gomez-Leon et al.,
This may be accomplished through three key levers:
 Simplifying muster and ease of use in various nations, mainly less and middle earnings
 Generating adequate proof to hold up appropriate usage.
 Facilitating accessibility through joint require and procurement.
To prepare for the next epidemic, people must study the lessons of this one. The developing
worldwide disaster of drug resistance can be prevented by acting now, collaboratively and
urgently, preserving our health now and for future generations.
Further investment in escalating existing healthcare systems and speeding up vaccine production
needs to continue with the current approach (Salamzadeh and Dana, 2021). New and enhanced
strategies for controlling and monitoring possible wellbeing fear and implementing wildlife
habitat protection in the first human illness become a more anticipatory model for maintaining
human health. The dare is to justify prevention (Comas-Herrera et al., 2020). If it works, the
coercion appears to be non-threatening if people manage them more efficiently.
WHO and CDC, USA had issued an inclusive detailed public and general guideline: community,
school clearout, disinfection, and work? Instead of filling the area, Disinfectants and sprays are
an embattled loom recommended for cleaning surfaces with many contacts such as Doorknobs,
countertops, tables, payphones, etc. Soap Aqueous solution is suggested for individual use for
handwashing and surface cleaning outdoor areas. Disinfectants such as alcohol preparations can
be applied on the surface, depending on the degree of Use one with a particularly large contact
area. Requirements for the effectiveness of antiseptic use to meet certain conditions (Pimenta et
al., 2020). Active chemicals Disinfectant, concentration, exposure time, Scope of movement and
manufacturer's instructions Are a few of the important factors that make Effectiveness of
disinfectant. In those cases, the necessities were not met, the usefulness of the disinfectant
became suspicious, Waste of possessions and fake awareness of protection Among users. It's
much riskier than not using any disinfectants (Idrees et al., 2021).
In my opinion, the main drawback of the practice gives us a fake sense of cleanliness among
users (Salamzadeh and Dana, 2021). After people leave through these disinfection gates, they
may believe it is justified. Refraining from washing hands or keeping a social distance is the
recommended strategy for getting Infectious COVID 19 chains. People will be like that ignore
the suggested and effective ways to prevent infection. Further, developed country has limited
possessions and cannot have the funds for it Wasted money when installing these disinfectants
Gates (Curtis et al., 2017). These funds must be a better-proven strategy for COVID 19. By
relying on use of these walk-in disinfection gates, important resources are devoted to modality
unsatisfactory results without real scientific support are still used as decontamination and
alternative for effective hand washing. This joke was used as a cure for the case. Apply illness as
if there was a way to free a person it also escapes from viral diseases.
A critical appraisal of the response given by international coalitions regarding
the selected challenges
The researchers have selected two of the most ongoing difficulties related to health and safety
worldwide: preparing for epidemics and inadequate sanitation service.
Among hundreds of international coalitions available, the researchers have selected two of the
most reputed and well-networked coalitions globally, i.e., WHO (World Health Organization)
and UN (United Nations).
Response prepared by WHO in matters of preparing for epidemics.
Epidemics can be defined as the rapid increase or spread of a disease among human beings,
which can cause several deaths and can directly affect the economic and social stability on a
worldwide scale. At present, the researchers have seen an epidemic at its worst and lost many
precious lives in it. Also, from various sources, it is now observed that the world has a threat of a
couple more epidemics in recent time, which can be caused by influenza and a new strain of the
popular covid-19 virus named omicron.
WHO's Health Emergencies Programme (WHE) is operational with the Member States to assist
countries to prepare for upcoming epidemics and much worse. By the help of the Asian Pacific
Stratagem for Emerging Disease and Communal Health Emergency (APSED III), essential
capabilities required by the International Health Regulations (2005), or IHR, are being made.
This is accompanied by efforts to support disease-specific arrangements and capabilities,
including for vaccines, medications and other community health involvements. Countries are
also stimulated to involve society for effective epidemic readiness and response (Greenhalgh et
al., 2017).
The response prepared by UN in matters of preparing for epidemics.
As described in the previous point, certain viruses can cause serious problems to humankind in
the future.
UN or United Nations has been an intergovernmental organization working on public safety and
healthcare since 1945. The UN general secretary said to the media on 27th December 2020 that
the world must be ready for the next pandemic. He declared the day as the international day for
epidemic preparedness. Currently, the UN involves the most epidemic-prone counties into a list
of protocols they must follow to expel any chances of epidemic yet to occur. Also, they are
currently working on more effective ways to stop the rapid spread of viruses, among which
covid-19 and its different strains are the main targets. The influenza virus is to be dealt with as it
is a very difficult threat to leave unattended.
The response prepared by WHO in matters of inadequate sanitization service
Sanitization has become quite the topic in the past few years because of its importance in
defeating the coronavirus. Still, other than the covid problem, some 432000 people die from the
lack of sanitization per annum worldwide. Among this number, more than 50% are children
under 5 years who died due to inadequate sanitization.
In the past years, WHO 's response in this matter is quite impressive as they did a thorough
survey on the issue and provided the essentials in different countries that needed to be given
(Heise et al., 2019). In underdeveloped countries, the WHO has sent volunteers to improve the
sanitization processes and improve the sanitizer supply in that area. However, the rapid increase
of covid has done a great deal to shoe people the importance of sanitation. WHO has also
organized small campaigns and television ads in different countries worldwide to spread the
importance of sanitization n the local people and increase its use among themselves? Through
the esteem support of WHO, many other local NGOs have done quite well in initiating the
mottos of WHO.
Response prepared by UN in matters of inadequate sanitization service
In a survey done by the UN volunteers, it was recorded that 6 out of 10 people in the world
cannot get proper sanitation at the appropriate time and recorded in large scale amounts. It shows
that more than 2 billion people are still lacking sufficient sanitization services. After the outbreak
of the covid-19 virus in the world, there was an urgent need to spread the importance of
sanitization worldwide, and the UN did a good job in it. Still, as soon the effect of covid got a
little loose, there were loopholes in the undertaken processes, which led to an inadequate supply
of sanitization to local people. When the matters approached the UN, they launched a new
method to achieve their goals (Schenker and Costa, 2019). They reached out to local NGOs to
reach out to different local peoples in other countries, which are turning out to be a great
initiative. From the most recent interview of their president, Mr. Abdulla Shahid, the researchers
can hint that they are planning many more initiatives to improve this problem and solve it.
A critical appraisal of the response given by two nations regarding the
selected challenges
The topics selected for this project were mostly based on the current scenario of the world facing
health problems. These problems were mostly based on the outbreak of the covid 19 virus, so the
nations the researchers have selected to demonstrate are USA and India. I chose these two
particular countries because these two nations are the most affected due to the coronavirus and
are the most relatable nations regarding our selected points. The USA is so much affected in
every aspect that it is on the brink of losing its world power monopoly. India being the second
most populated nation globally, is facing a very tough time due to the covid (Woo, 2018).
Response prepared by USA in matters of preparing for epidemics.
USA or United States of America is a very popular and developed country in the world. Most of
the nation's tend to follow what they do in every aspect of national importance, so in my point of
view, the ways that USA has decided to deal with the upcoming epidemics that can happen may
enlighten other small under-developed or developing countries to deal with the matter as soon as
they can (Kar et al.,2020).
The first and foremost challenge that the USA thinks is the most important if any other virus
starts to spread rapidly is the shortage of medical requirements. So they have started to work on
that effectively to increase the number of medical necessities they have and what they might
need to overcome the disease. Also, they are managing to increase the number of campaigns
around their national area to make people understand the amount of seriousness required to
overcome any upcoming challenges that can cause an epidemic (Greenberg et al., 2020).
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The response prepared by India in matters of preparing for epidemics.
India is a developing country, and it has faced quite difficulties in coping with the pandemic of
covid 19. Still, they have not fully recovered and suppressed the virus yet they might have a new
challenge on them in the name of omicron, which is also said to be a strain of covid 19. As the
experts indicate, there might be a chance that the world might face an epidemic due to the spread
of the influenza virus. Among all the challenges, India's most important challenge is the lack of
common people's awareness and the lack of spreading the awareness.
They are working on the methods they should undertake to prevent any further chances of
epidemics. The number of campaigns is increasing and the awareness of the local people. The
nation is remodeling its medical infrastructure so that any rapid outbreaks of viruses can be
tackled effectively in a short span of time.
Response prepared by USA in matters of inadequate sanitization service
Inadequate sanitation and the lack of sanitizers in the market were a challenge for the nation
during the worldwide covid outbreak, and as the researchers can observe, the nation has dealt
with it quite properly. After the outbreak of covid, when the vaccine was impossible to invent by
the world's greatest scientists for the first many months, sanitization was the only cure. The USA
arranged their military vans to sanitize the local areas of the whole country, and that resulted in
quite a decrease in the number of active cases of covid. At present, the USA has a good plan to
maintain its sanitization procedure and is keen on improvising it.
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The response prepared by India in matters of inadequate sanitation service
India is the second most populated country globally and one of the most affected due to the covid
pandemic. The lack of a good sanitization program was one of the most important factors which
led to so much rise in the covid outbreak in India. After more than a year has passed of the covid
outbreak, India still hasn't been able to provide sanitization in every aspect of the country.
Mostly only the city areas have the privilege of having proper sanitation. About 60% of the
whole country still hasn't gotten any sanitation facilities from the government. The country has
lapsed a lot in its developing stage due to the pandemic. Some response is given from the nation
about this steaming problem. New sanitization booths have been installed in some parts of the
country as well a lot of campaigning is done to spread the awareness of the importance of using
Epidemics have been more difficult to prevent and contain from the side of India. There should
be an integrated cycle of responses and preparation for the evolution of the epidemic. Disciplines
have to be integrated for future crisis management. After this pandemic, the health field workers
have realized that considerable changes were required. The global public health community has
implemented the idea of reshaping and training new generations of researchers and practitioners
for future epidemics.
In this report, the researchers have discussed a contextual view over global challenges to social
and health care. The researchers have chosen two significant challenges such as preparing for
epidemics & inadequate sanitization service. From the health promotion perspective, social and
health care challenges have to be resolved. Health and social care face numerous important
challenge such as overhaul assimilation, service worth, Internet-linked remedial tool safety and
openly feasible pharmaceutical price. Additionally, all these researchers have addressed
international coalitions to develop the idea of social and health care.
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