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Rubric - Narrative Essay

Student Name:
Course Name:
Narrative Essay Grading Rubric:
Excellent (20 Points)
Good (16 Points)
Satisfactory (12 Points)
Needs Improvement (8 Points)
Hook, &
Strong opening makes the reader
want to find out more.
Introduction provides intriguing
context for narrative. Narrative
hook is engaging, appropriate and
provides a compelling segue into
the main narrative. Conclusion
strongly clinches the narrative and
provides a compelling ending.
Thoughtfully reflects on the
significance of the writer’s
Good opening but could be
stronger. Introduction provides
good context for narrative.
Narrative hook is appropriate and
somewhat engaging. Conclusion
effectively ends the narrative and
adequately ends the narrative.
May not provide compelling
discussion of the writer’s
Opening is unremarkable or
generic and/or focuses on the
issue instead of launching into
the action. Introduction
provides some context for
narrative. Narrative hook is
general in nature and not
engaging. Conclusion ends the
narrative but may be too
simple. Limited reflection and
discussion of the writer’s
Lead is unimaginative or
unrelated to narrative.
Introduction provides little
context for the narrative.
Narrative hook is missing or
unrelated to the topic.
Conclusion provides no ending
to the narrative or is
ineffective, leaving the reader
confused. Contains little or no
reflection of the writer’s
Development &
Ideas are fully developed.
Narrative sequences are creative
and narrative flows smoothly from
one point of action to the next.
Essay is rich in sensory detail and
shows rather than tells, creating a
vivid picture without overloading
the reader.
Ideas are mostly developed.
Narrative sequences easily
followed. Essay has some clutter
or not enough elaboration, but
mostly flows evenly from one
point of action to the next. Essay
has some strong sensory details,
making it enjoyable to read, but
details tell more than show.
Ideas are somewhat
developed. Ideas may be
cluttered or unclear at times.
Narrative can be followed, but
at times choppy. Essay has too
few sensory details or specific
descriptions and tells rather
than shows. Relies on overuse
of clichés.
Essay is far too long/short and
loses focus. Narrative is boring
because of overwriting or no
elaboration. Descriptions show
little variety or imagination.
Essay is lacking in sensory
details and tells rather than
Total Points =
/ 40
Student Name:
Course Name:
Excellent (20 Points)
Essay employs excellent structure
and is well-organized. Narrative
sequence is purposefully arranged
and pulls the reader forward.
Good (16 Points)
Essay has mostly good structure
and organization, though it may
lack unity in places because of
missing or confusing details.
Reader is encouraged to read on.
Satisfactory (12 Points)
Needs Improvement (8 Points)
Essay has some structure
evident but at times is difficult
to follow. Essay is not well
organized and may skip around
or contain gaps in the narrative
sequence. Leaves unanswered
Essay structure is greatly
lacking, interfering with
reader’s ability to understand
the narrative as a whole.
Contains major gaps in
narrative sequence and leaves
the reader confused.
Total Points =
Excellent (20 Points)
Word Choice &
Essay employs rich, sophisticated
word choice and varied language
throughout. Essay is written in a
sophisticated style using a variety
of simple and complex sentence
structures, creating a smooth
rhythm. Writer’s voice comes
through clearly and strongly.
Mechanics &
Essay is free of distracting
spelling, punctuation, and
grammatical errors; absent of
fragments, and run-ons.
Sentences vary in length as well as
structure. Sentences are
constructed in a way that
enhances meaning.
Good (16 Points)
/ 20
Satisfactory (12 Points)
Needs Improvement (8 Points)
Essay employs mostly original
word choice and varies wording
where appropriate. Essay is
written in an understandable,
accessible style with sentence
variety but may lack complexity.
Voice of the writer is present
Essay employs simplistic word
choice and/or limited language
variety. Some sentences are
poorly constructed and/or
confusing. Style may be lacking
in originality and/or sentence
structure may show limited
variety. Voice of the writer
overshadowed by other
elements of the narrative.
Essay employs overly simplistic
sentence structure and
contains little or no variety.
Style and/or tone may be
inappropriate for the subject
matter. Voice of writer is not
present or is weak.
Essay has few spelling,
punctuation, and grammatical
errors allowing reader to follow
ideas clearly. Very few fragments
or run-ons. Some sentence variety
is demonstrated.
Mostly free of spelling,
punctuation, and grammar
errors, allowing reader to
progress through essay. Some
errors remain. Sentences are
generally constructed correctly
but may include fragments,
run-ons, and awkward
constructions. Little or no
sentence variety.
Spelling, punctuation, and
grammatical errors create
distraction, making reading
difficult; fragments and runons evident. Errors are
frequent. Sentences are
choppy and awkward.
Total Points =
/ 40
Student Name:
Course Name:
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