Uploaded by Nicholas Schlader

Theological & Cardinal Virtues: A Guide to Moral Living

Theological Virtues
The foundation from which
all human virtues flow are the
theological virtues. These virtues
with accepting these help us grow
closer to God and help us to have a
relationship with the Holy Trinity.
Faith- The gift from God
by which one freely accepts
God’s full revelation in
Jesus Christ.
Hope- Virtue by which we
trust in the promise of God
and expect from him both
eternal life and the grace
we need to attain it.
Love- The human longing
for God and a selfless
commitment to supporting
the dignity and humanity of
all people simply because
they are created in God’s
The helping Conscience
Knowing all of these virtues both
Cardinal and theological virtues will
help forming a well formed conscience.
Our Conscience helps us to make the
moral decision and the marl goodness
or blameworthiness of one’s own
conduct, intentions, or character
together with a feeling of obligation to
do the right thing. Further forming our
conscience we can follow the FACTS
Finding the facts
Assess the alternatives
Consider the results
Thinking about God’s teachings
Seek spiritual support
The Moral Choice
By Nicholas Schlader
Hour 1
March 27, 2017
How to live a Moral life.
Gifts from God
Cardinal Virtues
Living a Moral life is not hard
but it does take some practice and
understanding of how to. Most of
living a moral life is setting goals and
going after them. But, if you forget
the goal of Christian morality, one way
to get back on track is to study moral
theologians, papal documents, and the
Catechism of the Catholic Church. By
learning from these sources God has
given us we will find the true goal of
life. To live a holy life, one that god is
always in, away from sin and greed,
away from darkness and to the light.
These are what motivate all the saints
to be passionate about living a moral
Marking the moral and right choice
is hard. Luckily God has given us gift that
can help us along the way.
Virtues are not just given to
people who believe in God, but also to
everyone that was to live a moral life.
Every human can be grouped around the
four Cardinal Virtues. Knowing these
as your starting out your life will get
you a jump start so you don’t have to
learn them on your own.
Grace- the free and undeserved gift
of God’s loving and active presence
in the universe and in our lives,
empowering us to respond to his call
and live as his adopted sons and
daughters. Grace restores our loving
communion with the Holy Trinity,
lost through sin.
o Sanctifying Grace- God’s
gift which we are forgiven
and are made holy.
o Actual grace- God’s
interventions and support
for us in the everyday
moments of our lives.
Actual graces are important
for conversion and for
continuing to grow in
o Special graces- gifts
intended for the common
good of the church, also
called charisms.
Prudence- Virtue by which a
person is inclined towards
choosing the moral good and
avoiding evil.
Justice- Virtue concerned with
the rights and duties within a
relationship; the commitment, as
well as the actions and attitudes
that flow from the commitment.
Temperance- Virtue by which
one moderates his or her
appetites and passions to achieve
balance in the use of created
Fortitude- Virtue that enables
one to maintain sound moral
judgment and behavior in the
face of difficulties and