TS4F01 Financial Accounting in SAP S/4HANA – Academy Part I - part I . . PARTICIPANT HANDBOOK INSTRUCTOR-LED TRAINING . Course Version: 08 Course Duration: 5 Day(s) Material Number: 50145278 Contents vii Course Overview 1 Unit 1: 3 12 17 25 Lesson: Introducing SAP HANA and SAP S/4HANA Lesson: Introducing SAP Fiori Exercise 1: Navigate in the SAP Fiori Launchpad Unit 2: 27 33 39 46 51 55 56 61 67 77 87 101 124 129 138 147 161 173 177 Core Financial Accounting (FI) Configuration Lesson: Managing Organizational Units in Financial Accounting (FI) Exercise 2: Create a Company Code Exercise 3: Create a Company ID for Your Company Code and Assign it to Your Company Code Exercise 4: Check the Assignment of a Company Code to a Controlling Area Lesson: Checking the Basic Settings in General Ledger (G/L) Accounting Exercise 5: Check the Basic Settings in G/L Accounting Lesson: Outlining the Variant Principle Lesson: Managing Fiscal Year Variants Exercise 6: Create and Maintain Fiscal Year Variants Lesson: Identifying the Basic Functionality of Currency Keys and Exchange Rate Types Lesson: Managing Currency Types 43 85 SAP S/4HANA Overview Unit 3: Master Data Lesson: Maintaining General Ledger (G/L) Accounts Exercise 7: Create Account Groups for G/L Accounts Lesson: Creating Profit Centers and Segments Exercise 8: Create Profit Centers, Cost Centers, and Segments Lesson: Managing Business Partners Exercise 9: Maintain Business Partner (Customer Accounts/ Vendor Accounts) and Check Customizing Settings Exercise 10: Maintain Field-Status Configuration Exercise 11: Create an Account Group (Customer) and Assign a Number Range Exercise 12: Define Sensitive Fields © Copyright. All rights reserved. v 193 Unit 4: 194 Lesson: Configuring the Header and Line Items of Financial Accounting (FI) Documents Exercise 13: Create a Number Range and Document Type 201 205 211 Exercise 14: Classify the Document Type for Document Splitting Exercise 15: Create a Field Status Group and Assign it to a G/L Account Lesson: Managing Posting Periods Exercise 16: Create and Maintain Posting Period Variants Lesson: Managing Posting Authorizations Exercise 17: Create a Tolerance Group and Assign It to a User Lesson: Creating Simple Documents in FI Exercise 18: Post FI Documents 216 223 228 231 237 241 261 Unit 5: 263 269 276 281 285 289 297 301 306 315 327 337 343 345 351 369 370 375 387 393 401 409 vi Document Control Posting Control Lesson: Analyzing Document Splitting Exercise 19: Post a Document with Document Splitting Lesson: Maintaining Default Values Exercise 20: Maintain Default Values Lesson: Configuring Change Control Exercise 21: Maintain the Change Control for a Field Lesson: Configuring Document Reversal Exercise 22: Post a Document Reversal Lesson: Configuring Payment Terms and Cash Discounts Exercise 23: Maintain Terms of Payment Lesson: Maintaining Taxes and Tax Codes Exercise 24: Create a Tax Code and Post a Customer Invoice Lesson: Posting Cross-Company Code Transactions Exercise 25: Configure Cross-Company Code Transactions Exercise 26: Post and Display Cross-Company Code Transactions Unit 6: Financial Document Clearing Lesson: Performing Open Item Clearing Exercise 27: Clear an Account Exercise 28: Post with Clearing Lesson: Managing Payment Differences Exercise 29: Manage Payment Differences Lesson: Managing Exchange Rate Differences © Copyright. All rights reserved. TS4F01 Financial Accounting in SAP S/4HANA – Academy Part I - part II . . PARTICIPANT HANDBOOK INSTRUCTOR-LED TRAINING . Course Version: 08 Course Duration: 5 Day(s) Material Number: 50145278 Contents ix Course Overview 1 Unit 1: Automatic Payments 3 6 11 Lesson: Executing an Automatic Payment Run Lesson: Using Bank Accounts Exercise 1: Define a House Bank 19 Lesson: Modifying Master Records and Financial Accounting Documents Exercise 2: Modify Vendor Master Records Exercise 3: Enter Invoices for Automatic Payments Lesson: Implementing SEPA Exercise 4: Create and Display a SEPA Mandate Lesson: Configuring the Payment Program Exercise 5: Configure the Payment Program Lesson: Configuring the Bank Selection Exercise 6: Configure the Bank Selection Lesson: Running the Payment Program Exercise 7: Run the Payment Proposal Lesson: Executing a Payment Run Exercise 8: Execute a Payment Run Lesson: Automating a Payment Run 23 31 37 45 50 55 62 65 71 81 88 93 103 111 113 115 119 123 129 137 145 149 167 171 181 Unit 2: The Dunning Program Lesson: Executing the Dunning Program Lesson: Updating Master Records and Financial Accounting Documents Exercise 9: Modify a Customer Master Record Exercise 10: Post and Modify Financial Accounting Documents for the Dunning Program Lesson: Configuring the Dunning Program Exercise 11: Set Up a New Dunning Procedure Lesson: Running the Dunning Program Exercise 12: Modify Dunning Program Parameters Exercise 13: Execute a Dunning Run Exercise 14: Edit a Dunning Proposal List Exercise 15: Print a Dunning Notice © Copyright. All rights reserved. v 205 Unit 3: Correspondence 207 209 213 Lesson: Explaining Correspondence Lesson: Modifying Master Records Lesson: Configuring Options for Correspondence Types 215 221 Lesson: Creating a Correspondence Exercise 16: Create a Correspondence 237 Unit 4: 238 Lesson: Managing the Application View for Special General Ledger Transactions Exercise 17: Enter a Guarantee Made 243 257 Exercise 18: Post a Down Payment Request, a Received Down Payment, and a Customer Invoice, and Perform Clearing Exercise 19: Post a Customer Invoice and Enter an Individual Value Adjustment Lesson: Maintaining Special General Ledger Transactions Exercise 20: Configure Special G/L Transactions Lesson: Understanding Purchasing (MM Integration) Exercise 21: Perform an Integrated Down Payment Process Lesson: Understanding Sales and Distribution Integration 269 275 283 290 293 301 317 Unit 5: 318 325 333 339 345 357 373 375 383 389 395 401 408 413 vi Special General Ledger Transactions Parking Documents Lesson: Managing Document Parking Basics and Document Holding Exercise 22: Hold and Park Documents Lesson: Processing Parked Documents Exercise 23: Process Parked Documents Lesson: Managing Document Parking and Workflow Exercise 24: Enter a Financial Document Using Parking and Workflow Unit 6: Validations and Substitutions Lesson: Understanding the Basics of Validation and Substitution Lesson: Maintaining and Executing Validations Exercise 25: Create and Execute a Validation for a Line Item Lesson: Maintaining and Executing Substitutions Exercise 26: Create and Execute a Substitution for a Line Item Lesson: Using Additional Techniques for Substitutions and Validations Exercise 27: Use Rules and Sets to Create a Substitution © Copyright. All rights reserved. 431 Unit 7: Data Archiving in FI 433 436 439 Lesson: Outlining the Basics and Classifications of Data Archiving Lesson: Maintaining Data Archiving Exercise 28: Maintain FI Customizing Basics for Archiving 445 449 Lesson: Executing Data Archiving for Specific FI Objects Exercise 29: Archive G/L Account Master Record 463 465 Unit 8: Data Aging in FI Lesson: Using Data Aging © Copyright. All rights reserved. vii