Omi & Winant, "Racial Formations" (RCGUS, pp. 14-23) (race as a social construct) socio-historical concept, socially constructed identity, where the content and importance of racial categories are determined by social, economic, and political forces. ex. Mexicans were seen as white before. Tatum, "Defining Racism: 'Can We Talk?'" (RCGUS, pp. 111-118) (definition of racism) Prejudice as an attitude while racism is with (systematic) benefits. Only whites can be racist. 2 defination of racism: 1- prejudice +power. 2- systematic advantages. WOuldn't be reverse racism. Buck, "Derailing Rebellion: Inventing White Privilege" (RCGUS, pp. 24-29) (early white privilege laws) give poor white psychological wage to distinct themselves from blacks. Thomas Jefferson (on race and slavery) "Only a suspicion" that black are different. Slavery is still messed up Brodkin, "How Jews Became White Folks" (RCGUS, pp. 30-39) PreviousNext (White affirmative action) GI Bill, highest and biggest US afffirmative action helped the Jewish (their family) out of lower class w/ education, housing, and job opportunity. Blacks faced discrimination in GI. Bonilla-Silva (color-blind racism): Abstract liberalism Naturalization Bioligization of Culture Minimization of Racism --Race: Power of an Illusion, Episode 1: The Difference Between Us (the role of science in naturalizing racial ideologies) Race is not biological --Race: Power of an Illusion, Episode 2: The Story We Tell (the expansion of American democracy tied to the expansion of racialism) Social construct of race --Race: Power of an Illusion, Episode 3: The House That Race Built (the formation and suburbanization of whiteness/ the construction of a white middle class) New American dream for all suburbia but racial inequaility rised, and black/whites separated due to relining, block busting, and white flight. Danticat, "Black Bodies in Motion and in Pain" (RCGUS, pp. 497-499) (Black migration) Blacks are labeled as immigrant, flee Black bodies became a threat, "dangerous weapon" Massey, "Immigration Enforcement as a Race-Making Institution (RCGUS, pp. 391-402) (on immigration, conditions of xenophobia) *Anti-immigrant is due to economic dislocation, ideological conflict, and political uncertainty. Increase fed budget on border, increase # of deportation. Latinos, immigrants were undermine, even below black's social status. (Black has consti. rights/ undocument has no right at all) Identity has become racialized by immigration laws Chomsky, "Undocumented: How Immigrants Became Illegal (RCGUS, pp. 224-235) (how immigration became illegal) See immigrants as exploitable workers, disposable labor. "Mexican wage". 1965 immigration reform became restrictive to Mexican. However, failed because many Latinx came. Undoc population raised b/c more staying instead more undocumented coming. More laws make it easier to deport. More consumption, higher demand of immigrant labor. Bayoumi, "How Does It Feel to Be a Problem?" (RCGUS, pp. 239-243) (racialization of Muslim and Arab Americans) Discrimination against Arab/Muslim after 9/11, what happned in Middle East. 1942 court ruled arab/muslim aren't free white-> no citizenship (Hassan case) Changed in 1944 because they wanted "friendlier" relation but it was for the oil reserve. Thrupkaew (myth of model minority) stereotype that Asian Americans are high achievement and undermine other Asian Americans' hardship and needs. Boarding School Healing Project (collective reparations) 1) Healing services 2) Language revitalization 3) Land strategies : Truth telling in some form. 2) Dismantling the icons of U.S. imperialism. 3) Reparations in the form of land return. 4) Decolonization: Alejandro Reuss , "Cause of Death: Inequality" (various factors that create health inequities for communities of color) Illness/ mortality increases as status decreases. The Worse Off in US are Not well off by World standards. Poverty, don't exercise, low ed smoke more, air pollution, communicable diseases. Greater income inequality = poorer health. Psycho-social factors. Alexander, "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness" (RCGUS, pp. 286-293) caste v. class system; her framework for the "new Jim Crow"; identify the stages of mass incarceration ( larger webs of laws, rules, instead of just justice criminal system/ noramlized not hard to justify) 1. War on Drug- take black men away from their family Reagan uses colorblind rhetoric on crime, cutting funding 2. Mandatory Sentencing: Increasing the length of prison, not increase in crime. 3. Collateral Consequences. (disenfranchisement) stages of mass incarceration 1. Roundup 2. Formal Control 3. Invisible Punishment Lockhart, "Living While Black and the Criminalization of Blackness" (RCGUS, pp. 294302) how public space is controlled by racial lines and racial profiling 1.Blacks/ brown doing innocuous thing yet get called on cops. Aka "Living while Black". 2.Blacks have to justify their existence. (burden) 3.White believes they face as much as discrimination as blacks. 4.2018 Starbuch incidents happens from time to time 5. Maintain white authority. Robin D.G. Kelley, "Thug Nation: On State Violence and Disposability" Actions. (PDF) racial tax argument -pay For the system, summoms and warrants as racial tax, pg 29,30. and Black folks as enemy combatants "Zero Tolerance" police turn to select neighborhoods for prison Thug- decriminalize, dehumanize - actual source of thuggery Broken Window policy. Neoliberal policy-privatize necessary services, Coates, "Between the World and Me" (RCGUS, pp. 119-122) definition of racism; how white privilege and power has progressed) America's progress- Looting and violence. Race is daughter racism. White think racism is natural. The White Dream is built of dead black bodies. Angela Davis issues of prison labor and abolitionist alternatives Prison Industrial Complex: profit making Color imprisonment Profitting from prisoner- CAA contracts, prison privatization Gov contract, Architecture, technology Companies: prison labor Devour social wealth No unemployment benefits etc.. Instead 1 alternative, we should look at several alternative w/ many aspects . But not fail to address racism, male dominance, class bias....Rehabilitation Asian American Feminist Collective Jail make people Sick. conditions impacting public health and safety along racial lines 1. Believe chinese carry disease, blamed for the small pox. Used as rationale for Chinese exclusion act. Yellow Peril 2. Tried to built toxic landfill near Vnese immigrant community. Hurricane Katrina. Slow in helping poor black community. 3. COVID 19- Housing , students have no place to go b/c immigration status. Socioeconomic cost, gender identity. Delay in paid leave for sick workers Invest in punishment, incarceration, not health. Blamed china after admin failure.