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Summarizing & APA Citation Exercises: Academic Writing & More

Read the excerpt below and summarise Warner’s idea on Writing Successfully in a
University. Add an in-text citation according to the APA style.
Morley Warner
Date of publication
February 2011
Academic Writing: A Guide to Writing in a University
To write successfully in a university, students need to have a sense of what the final
product should look and sound like. If possible read model assignments, or if these
are not available, study the way in which journal articles have been written in their field
of study. These articles maybe lengthy and some may be based on research rather
than discussion issues, but from them they will get a sense of how academic writing
‘sounds’, that is, its tone and how respected writers in their field assemble information.
This will enable the students to build their writing skills.
Morley Warner (2011, February) writes about student guide for academic writing in
her article Academic Writing: A Guide to Writing in a University Context. Warner
recommends that students do a lot of reading related journal articles to help student
gain their writing skills and able to examine how to write correctly.
Read the excerpt below and write a summary on The Toxic Danger of New Cars.
Add an in-text citation according to the APA style.
Online article
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
Organisation in Australia (CSIRO)
Date of publication
January 2010
Toxic Danger of New Cars
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation in Australia
(CSIRO) warned drivers and passengers of new cars that danger lies within their brand
new vehicles. It is not the soft fabric or leather, the shining new dashboard or the
designs of the sporty steering wheel that harbour the danger. It is the reassuring smell
of the new car that spells danger. The odour actually contains high levels of toxic air
emissions that can make the driver and passengers ill.
CSIRO conducted a comprehensive research on three cars. Drivers were asked to
keep logs on how they felt and reacted to the luxurious interiors of their cars. The
researchers also carried out observations on the reactions of the drivers and at the
same time interviewed them.
Evidence was therefore carefully gathered and analysed. The results revealed that the
very smell of a new car that captivates the new owner contains high levels of toxic
emissions. What is even more alarming is the fact that these toxic emissions are
present in cars even after 6 months or longer of leaving the showroom. The study also
revealed that drivers were becoming ill when they drove their new cars. The toxic
emissions contain many chemicals such as benzene that can cause cancer and lung
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation in Australia (CSIRO)
(2010) conducted a research that discovered the danger of new cars The new cars emit
high levels of toxic air caused the people in the car ill Even more worse, the toxic air
contaminated in the new car until 6 months or more. In addition, benzene in toxic air
emission can cause cancer and lung failure.
Read the excerpt below and write a summary on The Impact of Cultural Diversity in
the Workplace. Add an in-text citation according to the APA style.
Journal Article
Gillian Coote Martin and Mary Robinson
Date of Publication
December 2014
The Effects of Cultural Diversity In The Workplace
Cultural diversity in the workplace has grown as a trend over the passage of time with
the increase of globalisation in the world. A positive effect of cultural diversity in the
workplace is that employees belonging to different cultures usually have different
ways of thinking and can thus analyse a matter at hand from a variety of perspectives.
This is hard to achieve when employees belonging to the same culture are asked to
analyse the same matter. Employees coming from different cultures have different
experiences which can be beneficial by providing the organisation with a sound and
vast knowledge base. For example, a study conducted on the impact and scope of
cultural diversity in organisations in the UAE showed that most of the workers agreed
that group work with culturally diverse people helps to overcome cultural differences
through shared experiences when working within a team.
Another positive effect of cultural diversity in the workplace is the increased tendency
of organisational personnel to overcome culture shock as the business expands in
other countries and becomes international. This is a very important benefit derived
from cultural diversity of the employees because many modern companies have
global expansion on their corporate agendas. With expansion into other countries
comes a range of obstacles including, but not limited to, gathering information about
local customs and laws in the foreign country, assessing risks and designing
strategies to overcome those risks. When an organisation has a culturally diverse
workforce, it can use the information and knowledge of the individual workers to
achieve these objectives and overcome the aforementioned obstacles. For example,
an American company trying to expand its business in India can draw information
about the Indian federal and provincial laws that apply to the business, insurances
required and applicable tax regulations from its workforce of Indian nationality.
In addition, a culturally diverse working environment in organisations can
drive business growth and improve customer service by involving a diverse
workforce. This means making use of language skills, cultural information,
knowledge of the business networks and knowledge of the business market
of the employees’ home countries. With these key assets, organisations will
have competitive advantages in marketing goods and services to a growing
migrant community as well as to the global market. The Avon Company, for
example, was able to turn around its unprofitable inner city markets in the
United States by putting African-American and Hispanic managers in charge
of marketing to these populations. Just as ethnic minorities may prefer to
work for employers who value diversity, they may also prefer to buy from
such organisations.
Martin and Robinson (2014) discussed about the impact of cultural diversity in
workplace in their article "The Effects of Cultural Diversity in Workplace". They claim
that the impact is that an organization can look over a matters from different
perspective. Moreover, an organization can control themselves from getting culture
shock if their business expand worldwide. Lastly, variation in culture can lead to
business development and improve client assistance.