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Enzyme Activity & Temperature Worksheet

4.4 Preparatory Questions – Effect of temperature on enzyme activity
1. Aim:
a) State clearly the aim of this experiment.
2. Background:
a) What is an enzyme?
b) What is the substance an enzyme works on called?
c) What are enzymes made of?
d) Where in a cell are enzymes made?
e) Draw a labelled diagram to explain how an enzyme works.
f) List the factors that affect enzyme activity.
g) What is meant by optimum temperature?
h) Do all enzymes have the same optimum temperature? Give a reason for your
Biology JH
3. Apparatus:
a) Draw a labelled diagram of the apparatus you will use in this experiment.
b) List the solutions you will use in this investigation and explain the purpose of each
4. Procedure:
a) What enzyme will you use in this experiment? ____________________________
b) What is the source of this enzyme? _____________________________________
c) What factors will you keep constant during this experiment?
d) How will you keep each factor constant?
e) How will you measure enzyme activity?
f) Name the products produced in this experiment.
Biology JH
g) In performing an investigation what is the function of a control?
h) Suggest a control for this experiment.
i) Predict the result of this experiment.
j) Name two skills you would expect to learn while carrying out this experiment.
k) State two precautions you should consider before carrying out this experiment.
4.4 Post-experiment questions – Effect of temperature on enzyme
1. (a) Name an enzyme you used during the above experiment. __________________
(b) Name the substrate you used and the product formed. _____________________
2. What was varied was varied during the experiment? __________________________
How was it varied? ____________________________________________________
4. Name three factors that were kept constant during the experiment.
(a) __________________ (b) ____________________ (c) _____________________
How were each kept constant?
(a) __________________ (b) ____________________ (c) _____________________
5. What control was used in this experiment? _________________________________
Explain why a control is used.
6. How does heat effect the activity of the enzyme?
Biology JH
7. If the temperature is raised above 60OC, what happens to the active site?
8. Give two safety precautions you observed during the experiment.
(ii) _________________________________________________________________
9. How and why was the pH controlled during the experiment?
How? _______________________________________________________________
Why? _______________________________________________________________
10. How did you measure the rate of the enzyme activity?
11. From your results state the optimum temperature for the enzyme you used. _______
12. True of false?
(i) Heat has no effect on an enzyme. ______________________________________
(ii) pH is varied during the above reaction. __________________________________
(iii) Water baths should not be used to vary the temperature. ___________________
(iv) The shape of the graph of rate of enzyme activity v temp is bell shaped. _______
(v) All enzymes are proteins _____________________________________________
(vi) The active site is on the enzyme. ______________________________________
(vii) All enzymes have the same optimum pH but different optimum temperature. ____
(viii) All enzymes have the same optimum temperature but different optimum pH. ___
(ix) All enzymes have different optimum temperatures and different optimum pH. ___
(x) Active sites vary in shape. ___________________________________________
(xi) All enzymes are specific for their substrates. _____________________________
(xii) The optimum temperature for human enzymes is 30OC. ____________________
13. Where are proteins made in the cell? _____________________________________
14. Name the enzyme to match the following substrates and give the product.
Enzyme __________________
Product _________________________
Protein: Enzyme ___________________ Product _________________________
Fat / lipid: Enzyme ___________________ Product _________________________
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Enzyme ___________________ Product _________________________
16. During the above experiment of temp v rate of enzyme activity, the following results
were obtained.
Temp. oC
Rate of reaction ml/min.
(i) Draw a graph for the above data.
(ii) What is the optimum temperature for the enzyme? _________________________
(iii) Estimate, from your graph, the rate of reaction at 26OC. _____________________
(iv) Estimate, from your graph, the temperature that yields a rate of 30ml/min of
product. __________
Biology JH