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Allusion Worksheet: Definition & Examples

1. In which of the following examples did the author use allusion?
The rain kept tapping on my shoulder.
She is quiet as a mouse.
He is like the Hulk when he gets angry.
The stars shivered when the wind howled.
2. In which of the following examples does the author use an allusion?
The moon smiled down on the sleepy town.
Her smile was like the Mona Lisa's.
Her smile lit up the whole room like rays of sunshine.
The book babbled to the deer as they took a drink.
3. In which of the following examples does the author use an allusion?
She felt the warm breeze caress her cheek.
I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse.
He was as fast as a cheetah.
His bellowing voice shook the walls like the roar of Zeus.
4. Which of the following examples contains an allusion?
He was a tragic hero, just like Odysseus.
The aroma of freshly cut roses drifted across the room.
I have run a million miles today.
The morning is a blank canvas, waiting for me to paint a new day.
5. When the author wrote "Bah! Humbug!" in his Christmas story, he was using
6. Allusion is a reference to a students' background knowledge and their ability to make a
connection to a particular story.
7. Allusion is defined as:
two lines working as a unit
a brief reference to a person, event or place.
a form of word play between similar sounding words
words that involve one of the five senses
8. In which of the following examples does the author use an allusion?
The aroma of grandma's chicken soup filled the room with warmth.
The stars blinked at me from above.
I'm as hungry as a horse.
That girl is so strong, I think she might be from the planet Krypton.
9. Write a sentence using literary allusion about ONE of the following:
courage beauty
10. Choose the word that best fills in the blank.
The Halloween production tried to create the _________ of a spooky, abandoned castle.