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Greek & Latin Roots Worksheet

Equi, voc, ate
Equal, voice, cause
One who uses his voice and
speeches to bring everyone
Definition: to hedge
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Super, flu, ous
Over, flow, full of
One who is very powerful.
Definition: unnecessary, especially
through being more than enough.
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Bi, Lat, er, al
Two, side, wander, related
One who is two sided and can
change sides whenever he
Definition: having or relating to two sides;
affecting both sides
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Circum, spect
Around, see
One who is very cautious about
what he does.
Definition: unable to take risks.
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Com, mens, ur, ate
Together, measure, original,
One who causes a change a
wants to bring all of us together.
Definition: corresponding in size or
degree; in proportion.
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Mal, e, vol, ence
Bad, characterized, will, quality
One who is first characterized
very bad but he is really a very
nice and quality person.
Definition: the state or condition
of being malevolent.
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Neo, phyt, e
New, plant, characterized
One who make a new plant
whenever he wants.
Definition: a person who is new to a
subject, skill, or belief.
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Mis, anthrop, ist
Bad, Man, One Who
One who hates everyone and
always hides if he sees someone.
Definition: a person who dislikes humankind and
avoids human society.
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bell, ic, ose
War, caused by, sugar
One who caused a whole entire
war over a pack of sugar.
Definition: demonstrating aggression
and willingness to fight.
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Anthropo, morph, ic
Man, shape, caused by
One who can turn into the shape
of a human.
Definition: having human characteristics.
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Capt, i, ous
Take, full of
One who who doesnt see any
good in people.
Definition: tending to find fault or raise
petty objections.
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Magn, anim, ous
Stem: Great, mind, full of
One who is very smart and
always makes the right decisions
Definition: generous or forgiving,
especially toward a rival or less
powerful person.
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Pre, pond, er, ous
before , weight, choice, full of
One who is giant and will not get
definition : Greater in weight,
amount, or number
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Mal, e, dict, ion
Bad, characterized, say, action
One who can put any curse on
anyone that if he says something
then they do it.
Definition: A magical word or phrase uttered with the
intention of bringing about evil or destruction.
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Neo, log, ism
New, word/reason, doctrine
One who can come up with any
new words.
Definition: a newly coined word or
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In, cred, ul, ous
in/not, believe, small, full of
One who who will not believe you
until he has full proof.
Definition: unwilling or unable to believe
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Omni, sci, ent
All, know, quality
One who is very intelligent.
Definition: knowing everything.
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Mono, mania
One, madness
One who loves everyone with all
they have.
Definition: exaggerated or obsessive
enthusiasm for or preoccupation with
one thing.
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Spec, i, ous
See, full of
One who has many suspicious
Definition: superficially plausible, but
actually wrong.
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Ex, cori, ate
Out, skin, cause
One who can rip any skin off.
Definition: damage or remove part of the
surface of (the skin).
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Proto, type
First, symbol
One who can come up with the
first type of anyone
Definition: a first, typical or preliminary model
of something, especially a machine, from which
other forms are developed or copied.
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Xeno, phobia
Stranger, fear of
One who if very scared of
Definition: dislike of or prejudice against
people from other countries.
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Bene, dict, ion,
Good, say, action
One who is very kind and follows
up what he says hes going to do.
Definition: the utterance or bestowing of
a blessing, especially at the end of a
religious service.
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A, morph, ous
Not, shape, full of
One who has no shape.
Definition: shape
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Uni, lat, er, al
One, side, wander, kind of
One who is very kind.
Definition: one-sided
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