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My Travel's Diary: English Project

Municipal budgetary educational institution
secondary school №11 named after Ivan Isaevich Garmash
stanitsa Staroleushkovskaya
Individual English project :
«My travel’s diary»
Student of 10A class
Reznik Viktoria
Scientific director: Kolombet
Rimma Vladimirovna
на проектную работу ученицы 10 А класса МБОУ СОШ № 11 им. И.И.
Гармаша Резник Виктории по теме «Дневник моего путешествия».
Учитывая свою личную заинтересованность английским языком и любовь к
путешествиям, Виктория выбрала проект, который позволит ей выяснить,
какую пользу дают путешествия человеку, имеются ли какие –либо
минусы в этом времяпровождении, чем являются путешествия для нее
самой. Целью проекта также является желание создать видеодневник своего
путешествия в страны Европы.
Чтобы достичь этих целей, Виктория выполнила следующие задачи:
Провела опрос среди учащихся школы;
Проанализировала результаты опроса и показала их в виде диаграмм;
Выявила преимущества и недостатки путешествий;
Изучила дополнительный лексический и грамматический материал,
т. е. расширила свой словарный запас и усовершенствовала знания
английского языка;
5. Усовершенствовала
видеоматериалом, навыки видеомонтажа.
Данная работа
индивидуальным творческим проектом с
элементами исследования, который создавался в течение учебного года.
Результат проекта: личный видеодневник путешествия Виктории в страны
Европы, а также выводы исследования, которые Вика четко сформулировала
в заключении проекта.
Данная работа имеет четкую структуру:
Введение: актуальность темы, цели и задачи работы.
Основная часть.
Видеофильм и фотогалерея путешествия.
Работа написана грамотным языком, оформление работы
соответствует предъявленным требованиям.
в целом
В результате четкого формулирования целей и задач проекта, в изложении
основной части работы присутствует логичность, четкость и
последовательность, проявляется самоорганизация и трудолюбие, личный
интерес Виктории к теме проекта, а также видна системность в работе над
языком и погруженность ученицы
в языковой и речевой материал
английского языка.
В процессе работы над проектом Виктория развила и усовершенствовала
свои универсальные учебные действия, расширила и улучшила умения и
навыки языка, развила свои коммуникативные умения четко и
последовательно излагать свои мысли, делать общее заключение по работе,
излагать свое личное отношение, усовершенствовала свои творческие
способности видеомонтажа.
В целом работа заслуживает отличной оценки.
Рецензент: уч. англ. языка Р. В. Коломбет
Table of contents :
1.1 The relevance of the theme....................................................................2
1.2 The advantages and disadvantages of
2.Main part
2.1 Targets and goals of the
2.2 Social test…………………………………………………………...…3
2.3 Results of my
2.3.1 Result of the first
2.3.2 Result of the second
2.3.3 Result of the third
2.3.4 Result of the fourth question……………………………………….5
2.4 Meaning of travelling for me and my life……………………………..5
3. My travel’s diary
3.1 Description of my
3.2 The Film about my travel and my photo
4. Conclusion
1. Introduction.
1.1 The relevance of the theme
I am a student of school №11. In my future I am going to continue my studying at
university. I would like to connect my life and my job with languages. And so I
would like to become a tourism guide or translator.
I have always been interested in travelling, other countries’ culture and history. I also
have already visited four countries. I am sure, I have some things to share. Because of
these reasons, I decided to make a project about travelling. I would like to learn more
information about countries’ features, advantages and disadvantages. Our world is
amazing and I would like (to try) to prove its beauty.
I know that travelling has a lot of benefits for people. It improves our language
skills, makes us more erudite and happy.
But some people have another point of view. They consider that we can learn our
world without leaving our home, via the Internet or even books. Their opinion also
may be the case, but...
Is it the same?
1.2 The advantages of the travel:
1. Meetings with different cultures.
2. It helps to learn and practise lots of languages.
3. It develops and widens our mind.
4. With its help we can make new friends.
5. Enjoying sites of culture and history.
1.3 Disadvantages of travelling:
1. Sometimes travels are expensive.
2. It can be dangerous in some countries.
3. It can be hard if you don’t now English at least.
2.Main part
2.1 Targets and goals of project
1. Make a research, which would help me to understand, why people enjoy travelling.
Improve my English vocabulary.
2. Compare pluses and minuses of travelling.
3. Make a presentation of the project.
4. Make a film, which will show my own experience in travelling.
5. Make other teens interested in my project and travelling.
2.2 Social test
To begin with, I decided to make a social test among students. I would like to know,
what do they think about travelling. Their opinion also would help me to understand,
if travelling has minuses too.
They were asked three questions:
1. How many times a year do you travel?
2. Who do you prefer to travel with?
3. What is the main advantage of travelling?
4. Are there any disadvantages of travelling?
2.3 Results of my test
2.3.1. Result of the first question
Result of the first question looks this way. We can see, that most of teens travel
regularly, but not very often.
2.3.2.Result of the second question
Speaking about second question, we can see, that half of respondents like to travel
with friends. Almost tenth part of students like to travel alone. Other respondents get
pleasure travelling with family.
2.3.3. Result of the third question
So, what can I tell about answers third question?
The main advantage of travelling for students is/are …
2.3.4 Result of the fourth question
So, which disadvantages travelling has?
2.4 Meaning of travelling for me and my life
As for me, the best way to break the monotony of our life and learn a lot about
different places and cultures in the world is travelling. I think that our modern life
is impossible without travelling. People get tired of their daily routine, they need to
change the surroundings. So they go to a travel agency, buy tickets to some nice
place, pack their suitcases and set off on a journey.
Travelling has a great educational value for me because it is a chance to meet new
people, visit museums and ancient sights, discover different ways of life, taste
national cuisines and practice foreign languages. It makes me more appreciative of
other cultures. The best way to study geography is to go to distant countries and
It is not a secret for anybody that travelling becomes more popular and more
available day by day. In our modern world there are a lot of ways to explore
different countries and many people just don’t can miss this opportunity. This way,
I think that this theme is relevant nowadays.
3.My travel’s diary
3.1 Description of my travel
Firstly, I bought a ticket for a plane. Many people think, that nothing can be
compared with traveling by air, because it is the most comfortable, and, of course,
the quickest way of moving. But I believe that there is no travel better than by ship.
It's wonderful to feel the deck of the ship under the feet, to see the rise and fall of
the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in the face, hear the cry of the seagulls.
My trip took 10 days. I have visited three countries, five cities and saw lots of
Our first stop was old port city in Italy. It is called Genova. Architecture in this city
is magnificent. The main attraction is central square. There are a lot of monuments
of culture and history there. Peace and quiet reign in this city. Everybody will get
The next step of our cruise was boating. Cabins on the boat were very comfortable.
There were a lot of events for people of all ages on the boat such as theatre
performances, night parties and listening live music. Also there were children’s
rooms and round-the-clock food.
The second stop was La Spezia, Italian city. We decided to go to the national park
called Cinque Terra, which is located near La Spezia. Cinque Terra is Unesco
World Heritage Site. This park is unusual and peaceful. We had good amusement
there and really enjoyed beautifulness of five old villages and nature of the park.
The next stop was Chivitaveccia. It is typical European city with excellent
architecture and fantastic promenade. Also there are a big variety of souvenirs’
shops and café’s with tasty dishes.
Food on boat was delicious too. There were fruit and vegetables, meet, pizza,
sweets and variety of garnishes.
The fourth stop was French city called Marseille. It was rainy and we had fun
spending time at the boat.
The fifth stop was sunny and warm Spanish city called Palma de Mallorka. The
weather there even in November was very pleasant. This city is extremely
atmospheric and has a big variety of cultural values.
Finally, we got to our last stop – Barcelona. It is the largest industrial and
commercial centre of Spain. More over, it is the centre of world tourism. I cannot
express by words beautifulness of this city. It is magnificent and people there are
full of kindness. The main site that I saw in this city is a church of holy family –
Sagrada Familia. It has been building since second part of 19thcenture.
This journey was amazing! I would like to repeat it again.
3.2 Film about my travel and photo gallery
Now I want to introduce you photos that were taken while my travel .
5. Conclusion
In conclusion I would share with you some insights, which I got while creating my
From my point of view:
1. Travelling doesn’t have disadvantages at all. You will never practise your language
skills as effectively, as you can do it while travelling.
2. It is a wonderful opportunity to develop our mind and find answers for lots of
3. Young generation is really interested in travelling. More over, people of all ages
can enjoy this activity.
4. Travelling makes us closer to each other. It also helps to make new contacts.
5. But not all people can afford to travel because of lack of money and financial
problems. To tell the truth, travelling is an expensive pleasure for some people in our
I think that I performed all tasks well. I had pleasure doing this work.