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Note: This program (not template, program kicks a ton of ass.) A lot, LOT of work
went into designing this and trying to perfect it.
The Krypteia
Great for those looking to get stronger, get bigger and lose body fat.
Can be used with many level lifters PROVIDED they have guidance and coaching.
However, if you are new to lifting, have recently posted on an online forum, look
to social media for training answers, posted a �form check video� in the last year
or use hype music, find another program.
Must have perfect form with all lifts. If you do not have perfect form, find
a perfect coach. If you don�t have either, do not do this program.
Must have basic training base AND be in reasonable shape. If you wheeze when
taking a dump, find another program.
Not a lot of variety, so if you have training A.D.D., choose something else.
Winners don�t need variety, they need results. Only losers get bored at progress.
No higher than 85% TM.
Let�s make this very clear; this training program is not for everyone. So if you
can�t do this program, do not attempt it or change it. Not everything is for
everyone; one has to discriminate. This Krypteia is ideal for anyone looking to get
stronger, get bigger and shed some body fat. I do not recommend this if you do not
have a good grasp of the basic lifts OR if your main focus is getting stronger. You
can get stronger using this, and many have, but if your focus is powerlifting then
I would not recommend this. This program is incredibly simple but it involves a lot
of work, so be sure you are ready to totally commit to the process.
Krypteia, Part One (2 cycles)
This is the preparatory phase of this program. The first part of Krypteia training
involves keeping the training as simple as possible. For the bench press and press,
we will pair every set of the main lift with the DB squat and DB straight leg
deadlift (SLDL). The SLDL is done with a shrug after completing each rep. For the
squat and deadlift, we pair the main movement with weighted dips and weighted chinups/pull-ups. For a heavier athlete that cannot do these movements, I recommend DB
incline press and DB incline row. The DB incline row is done while the chest is
supported by the incline bench. This is done in place of the traditional DB row in
order to eliminate the strain on the lower back. Every set of assistance work
should be done for no less than 10 repetitions. The only other exercise I recommend
to do during this program is 100-200 reps of face pulls or band pullaparts. These
should be done every day or at least, every training day. No other assistance work
is done with this program. Do not overthink this program. It is very simple � every
time you do a set of a main movement, you pair it with an assistance movement. This
is not complicated so don�t pretend this is splitting the atom.
The Krypteia prepatory program uses 5�s Progression and 5x5 FSL for the main
movement. Do not choose your training max until you look over the training and know
what you can handle. The goal is to finish each training day, not including the
warm-up and jumps, in 45 minutes. If you cannot finish the training in this time,
keep repeating Part One until you do.
Jumps/Throws -10
Press � 5�s PRO
Press � 5x5 @ FSL
Assistance (done with main lift)
Jumps/Throws -10
Squat� 5�s PRO
Squat� 5x5 @ FSL
Assistance (done with main lift)
Jumps/Throws -10
Bench Press� 5�s PRO
Bench Press � 5x5 @ FSL
Assistance (done with main lift)
Jumps/Throws -10
Deadlift� 5�s PRO
Deadlift � 5x5 @ FSL
Assistance (done with main lift)
Here is a sample workout for the �3x3� week of bench press. The same basic template
is used for the press.
Exercise - Weight/Reps
Bench Press 120x5 (40%)
DB Squat
10 reps
Bench Press 150x5 (50%)
10 reps
Bench Press 180x5 (60%)
DB Squat
10 reps
Bench Press 210x5 (70%)
10 reps
Bench Press 240x5 (80%)
DB Squat
10 reps
Bench Press 270x5 (90%)
10 reps
Bench Press 210x5 (70%)
DB Squat
10 reps
Bench Press 210x5 (70%)
10 reps
Bench Press 210x5 (70%)
DB Squat
10 reps
Bench Press 210x5 (70%)
10 reps
Bench Press 210x5 (70%)
DB Squat
10 reps
The first cycle I recommend not pushing the assistance work. Keep the assistance
weights moderate and let your body adapt. The second cycle, I recommend you push
the assistance work a bit. Either increase the weight or increase the reps. One of
the coaching cues of this training is to make sure you do not rush any set or any
rep. Every rep should be done with a controlled eccentric phase AND and an
explosive concentric phase. Do not just do the sets to complete them. I cannot
emphasize this enough. The goal is to finish the lifting in 45 minutes. This does
not count the mobility work or the jumps/throws. Anyone that rushes lifts, gives
half-ass effort or isn�t in complete control of each and every lift needs to find
another program.
I keep the training max (no more than 85%) the same for each cycle � the only
difference is pushing the assistance work and making sure each lifter is performing
the reps perfectly and explosively.
Part Two
Krypteia, Part Two (2 cycles)
The second part of this phase has the same basic template. I recommend beginning
the second part with same training max, yes the same training max, as you did
during the first phase.
There are three differences to the second part of this training program. First we
cut out the press. Second, we use a three day/week format � training the squat,
bench and deadlift on a three day schedule. Finally, we will change the
supplemental programming. Instead of doing five sets of five reps, we will change
it to five sets of ten reps (BBB). For younger, less experienced lifters and
athletes, you can use the First Set Last for the supplemental work. More
experienced lifters can choose a set weight, usually much lower than FSL numbers,
for the supplemental work. The assistance work remains the same; DB squat and DB
SLDL is supersetted with the bench press. For the squat and deadlift, dips, chins
or DB incline and DB incline rows are used. Again, the assistance work will be done
for sets of 10 repetitions.
Jumps/Throws -10
Squat� 5�s PRO
Squat � 5x10 @ FSL or a set weight
Assistance (done with main lift)
Jumps/Throws -10
Bench Press� 5�s PRO
Bench Press� 5x10 @ FSL or a set weight
Assistance (done with main lift)
Jumps/Throws -10
Deadlift� 5�s PRO
Deadlift � 5x10 @ FSL or a set weight
Assistance (done with main lift)
Once you reach this phase, you must push the assistance work. Be sure you are doing
face pulls or band pullaparts every day or every training day for 100 to 200 reps.
Remember that the assistance work is done between every single set of the main
lifts, including the warm-up sets.
This phase is done for two cycles; remember to increase your training max after
each cycle.
Each workout, not including the mobility warm-up and jumps, should take only 45
minutes. If you take more time, you must keep repeating this phase before moving on
to part three.
This is sample of the �3x3� week for Part Two of the training program. Notice that
the supplemental work is done for sets of 10.
Exercise - Weight/Reps
Bench Press 120x5 (40%)
DB Squat
10 reps
Bench Press 150x5 (50%)
10 reps
Bench Press 180x5 (60%)
DB Squat
10 reps
Bench Press 210x5 (70%)
10 reps
Bench Press 240x5 (80%)
DB Squat
10 reps
Bench Press 270x5 (90%)
10 reps
Bench Press 210x10(70%)
DB Squat
10 reps
Bench Press 210x10(70%)
10 reps
Bench Press 210x10(70%)
DB Squat
10 reps
Bench Press 210x10(70%)
10 reps
Bench Press 210x10(70%)
DB Squat
10 reps
Part Three
Krypteia, Part Three (one cycle)
After successfully completing the second phase, raise your training max and move
onto the final phase. The final cycle is done with the same three/day week format
as used prior. The only difference is that we will not use 5�s PRO. Rather we will
use the standard 5/3/1 program with a PR set. By this time, you should be able to
handle the work volume and a PR set, even with the additional assistance work,
should not be a problem.
Jumps/Throws -10
Squat� 5/3/1, PR set
Squat � 5x5 @ FSL
Assistance (done with main lift)
Jumps/Throws -10
Bench Press� 5/3/1, PR set
Bench Press� 5x5 @ FSL
Assistance (done with main lift)
Jumps/Throws -10
Deadlift� 5/3/1, PR set
Deadlift � 5x5 @ FSL
Assistance (done with main lift)
Once again, the assistance work is the same as the prior cycles � supersetted with
the squat, deadlift and bench press. Part three is only done for one cycle. Each
workout, save the warm-up/mobility and jumps should only take 45 minutes. Any more
than that, and you are not in good enough shape. Or you fart around too much. Here
is an example of the �3x3� week of the deadlift for the third part of Krypteia.
Exercise - Weight/Reps
160x5 (40%)
Weighted Dips
10 reps
200x5 (50%)
Weighted Chin-ups/Pull-ups
10 reps
240x5 (60%)
Weighted Dips
10 reps
280x3 (70%)
Weighted Chin-ups/Pull-ups
- 10 reps
320x3 (80%)
Weighted Dips
10 reps
360x3+ (90%)
Weighted Chin-ups/Pull-ups
10 reps
280x5 (70%)
Weighted Dips
10 reps
280x5 (70%)
Weighted Chin-ups/Pull-ups
280x5 (70%)
10 reps
Weighted Dips
10 reps
280x5 (70%)
Weighted Chin-ups/Pull-ups
10 reps
280x5 (70%)
Weighted Dips
10 reps
Krypteia, Overview
Part One � 4 days/week, 5�s PRO, 5x5 FSL: 2 cycles
Part Two � 3 days/week, 5�s PRO, 5x10 FSL (or set number): 2 cycles
Part Three � 3 days/week, 5/3/1, PR sets, 5x5 FSL, 1 cycle
Training Max, Example for the Bench Press
Part One � 300lbs (85%), done for two cycles.
Part Two � 300/305, one cycle of each
Part Three � 310
Once you go through all the phases and you wish to do Krypteia again, you can
simply leave out Part One. Make sure you choose the appropriate training max when
you begin a new program; this does not change with this program. Essentially, this
program has a preparatory program followed by two cycles of a Leader and once cycle
of an Anchor.
Once you go through this once, you can move to another program or simply repeat.
With the more aggressive lifters, I have them repeat the program with one small
change: instead of alternating the assistance work, I will have them do one set
EACH of the two assistance movements after one set of the main lift. Again, there
is a 45 minute time limit. For example:
Squat � 5 reps @ 70%
DB Incline Press � 10 reps
DB Incline Rows � 10 reps
Squat � 5 reps @ 80%
DB Incline Press � 10 reps
DB Incline Rows � 10 reps
This variation is not recommended for everyone. This option is only for those that
are willing to do the work and are in great lifting shape. Do not do this unless
you are absolutely certain you can maintain your form/technique with the main
lifts. Going over my notes, I have had three people do this out of the 75 people
I�ve used this with. So don�t be in a rush to add this wrinkle.
Finally, you must eat if you do this � this is not a time to be falling for trend
diets. If you need to lose body fat, you still must eat enough to support the work
and building muscle. I cannot stress this enough.
Krypteia, Conditioning
I only recommend doing easy conditioning and recovery work.
2-3 days of easy conditioning
I have used this with athletes and they do run; however they have a long history of
running and all of it is done similar to how I program running in this book. If you
are a strength and conditioning coach, you know your athletes and have the
background to train athletes. So use your knowledge and experience. Also, we
generally use a lot more jumps and throws for athletes. Keep in mind it took us
months to work up to increasing the contacts/throws so start light and progress
slow. Generally, most field athletes don�t need more than 20-30 contacts/throws
each training day.
If you haven�t run much or the last time you ran was to the bathroom, I recommend
getting on an AirDyne on your off days. Combined with mobility work, you will be
more than pleased with the results.
If your running volume is quite high or you are doing additional work, cut out the
5x10 work for the squat and deadlift. Everything else remains the same.
Once you get the hang of this style of programming, you can use this with BBS and
SSL. However, I warn you to not overthink this too much. DO NOT start using
different movements and assistance exercises. I spent a lot of time perfecting and
changing this program. And I will not sign off on any deviation or change. This
program works. Generally, the legs, glutes, upper back and shoulders get much
bigger. Also, even when not eating specifically for �fat loss�, people generally
get much leaner. Understand that the assistance work must be pushed for this to
work and that is your responsibility. As an example, every kid that I�ve used this
with who had a squat of 185-200 pounds did every set of DB squat with no LIGHTER
than 85lbs dumbbell. Assistance work can be done for more reps than 10, but no
You must ease into this kind of training so be sure you go through the preparatory
phase and you understand the commitment it takes to do this kind of training. Good
luck and enjoy the process and the progress. I believe that this particular program
can work for just about anyone outside of older lifters and strength athletes.